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mrblah Wrote:She turned around just as Light had laid on the ground and she looked down at her, once more taking a moment to drink in the sight. Her eyes drifted to the girl's purple and black striped panties... she looked down at her own few articles of clothing left. She quickly stripped out of them, throwing her miniskirt and her panties to the side before she moved closer to Light, getting down to her level and positioning her face over said hacker's redder face. She was pushing what little she had on her chest against the other girl's, a smile on her face as she stared into her eyes. She moved to the side, her left hand moving to caress Light's breast, flicking her thumb over her nipple repeatedly. A little bit of teasing was fine, right?
She thought so, at least. Still, there was more to do. She moved said left hand down lower on the other girl's body, sliding over her cold skin until she touched the fabric of her panties, her hand moving over to the middle of them slowly, until she made indirect contact with her target. She gently rubbed it a little, sliding her index and middle finger up and down in a vertical motion, still wishing to tease the cute hacker next to her.
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Amane Fujiwara
As Amane flicked Light's nipple, the girl gasped softly, and she could feel that it was already hard, either from excitement or from the cold. She moaned softly and squirmed from pleasure as she felt Amane rubbing her through her panties, which were already soaking wet from the rain and anticipation.
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Firehead Wrote:Heather squirmed and groaned at the attention paid to her tits. The rain made everything feel so sensitive to the touch and she shivered making her tits jiggle in front of the other girl. Her mouth continued to lap at the cunt presented to her hoping the girl would give her more pleasure. The enlarged clit was just sitting there inches from her nose, and in her lust filled state she was growing less hesitant. Pulling her tongue free from the woman's canal, Heather locked her lips around the little clit lashing at it with her tongue and sucking on it with all the force she could muster. Between her legs, Heather's own cunny sat untouched. The purple liquid that dripped from it was noticeably less deep purple than the water dripping from the rest of her body as if it was mixed with another liquid.
Falcomon gasped at how moist the woman's slit was. She wanted this as much as he did. He was torn between a few desires about what to do with the girl. A part of him wanted to taste the sweet flavor that came from beneath the girl's creamy thighs, but his cock throbbed in protest at the thought of being further ignored, and he simply couldn't wait any longer. Kneeling between her legs, Falcomon touched his cock against the slit rubbing it back and forth. He gasped, and his body locked up a moment at the delicious mixture of warmth and wet he got just from rubbing the underside of his shaft along the slit. Panting heavily, Falcomon realized he needed more. Pulling back again he lined up his tip and thrust his member deep into her soft moist insides that held him in such a satisfying manner.
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Heather Shunks
The other girl gasped and moaned from Heather's attention, nearly hyperventilating from the constant pleasure. She played with Heather's breasts for several more moments, before moving her hands beneath Heather's pants, before pleasuring her slit through her panties, as her other hand continued pleasuring one of her breasts. As the pleasure mounted, she began bucking her hips against Heather's face, screaming as she orgasmed, her lady-cum streaming into Heather's face and mouth. After her orgasm, she continued to pleasure Heather's breast and slit.
The Hacker Girl screamed as Falcomon penetrated her, though still didn't come back to full consciousness. As he thrust himself into her, he felt something block his path, but it broke away due to the force of his thrust.
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Littlemankitten Wrote:Irma continued gasping and moaning, at this point it was almost hyperventilation as she struggled to control her breathing. She continued grasping at Heather's breasts as she watched the scene in front of her, which only made her lust even stronger. She took her eyes off it for a little though as she looked at Heather's crotch, she could easily tell is was very wet with more than just the rain. So she leaned down a bit and slid her hands under heathers pants, quickly finding her slit and toying with it wither hand, using the other hand to continue to grope heathers breast. It was only a few seconds after that that she managed to orgasm, the sensation making her buck her hips against heathers face and she practically screamed with pleasure, she shook a little as the sensation rippled through her body and girl cum streamed from her slit into heathers mouth and face. She wasn't done though, the rain left her still feeling unsatisfied and she didn't move from her location as she began to pleasure Heather. Looking at the falcon as she did this.
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Irma Jaeger II
As Irma was being pleasured by Heather, and was pleasuring her back, she couldn't help but watch Falcomon thrust his throbbing cock into her, feeling herself getting even more turned on as she watched him rape her.
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Fally-Senpai Wrote:Not much can be made of the situation at hand, in fact, Yagato and Terriermon together really didn't know what they were seeing. They knew what it was, but it seemed very out of place. It just doesn't seem right that someone would be conveniently fighting a goblin off in the distance. The blank expression that had been painted over their faces showed their disinterest in helping this person. While that may be cruel, it was quite honest, especially since they already have a straggler with them that is still unconscious.
"Uh... master?"
"No worries Terriermon. I know exactly what I need to do."
Yagato reaches into his pocket, pulling his Digivice from right out of it almost immediately. He swipes through the options until he's able to view his inventory and decides to summon the Hacker Sunglasses since it was labeled as such. As they materialize in his hand, he's already motioning to extend them outward, bringing them close to his face as he places them directly over his eyes.
He does notice that the person off to the distance can see him. He does know that they are trying to mask their voice, as it sounded quite off, but that can always be due to the cold weather, they may have a sore throat, at least that's the assumption that should be made but Yagato doesn't quite trust that.
Looking directly to his left, Yagato takes in the sight of the train tracks, thinking of where the tower might be located. It wasn't that far away, despite him not being able to make it out within this deep fog, he's quite sure that it's to the right. The train tracks he was near before when he had come to the island were a fair distance away from the lighthouse, so it should be the same for the tower, most likely for convenience, but that is something unknown in this world for what it's worth.
Having a slight kick in his step to knock off any snow that had coated his shoes, he started heading in the direction to his right, trying to keep the view of the hacker behind him. The air feels a bit different in the snowy field as he heads East, kind of like the wind is heading in a set direction, but it's irregular. It doesn't have a cold feel to it, rather if anything, it's coming off as kind of dry and unrefreshing.
It could be dangerous, but Yagato is assuming that it has to do with how the tower is structured. It could be in this general area, but since he's walking a slight distance around to avoid confrontation with the hacker and it's giant enemy, he wouldn't actually know.
He can hear the battle going on in the background, but he's now a distance away from it, continuing to walk on a path he's created from pure memory, making out some slight structures from where he's at, but it's unknown to him as to whether or not that may be the tower, since his luck doesn't work like that.
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Yagato Kirayuno
The fog felt thicker as Yagato drew closer to the town, feeling as though it was clinging to his skin, the purple liquid feeling just like water, as though he were walking through clouds. The town around the tower came into view as he passed rickety-looking sign to his right. Without even glancing at the sign, Yagato could tell he couldn't read the thing, it looked to be in another language. Within the town, the houses all looked to be made of clay, and were situated in a large, circular pattern. They all looked roughly the same. Continuing to walk forward through the town, passing rows of houses, the occupants were nowhere to be seen. One could assume they had taken shelter in the houses to get away from the odd rain.
Off in the distance, Yagato could see the silhouette of the massive tower, in a clearing, with the train tracks leading right passed it, through a gap in the placement of the houses. As Yagato looked down the train tracks, suddenly his Sunglasses formed a targeting reticle, then formed a second. One was moving quickly towards his left, and the other was moving significantly faster, following the first, and listening carefully, he could also hear the sounds of a motor revving up... like an absurdly powerful motorcycle engine. The first reticle suddenly stopped, and a girl's scream could be heard, like a scream of intense pain, as the reticle awkwardly moved forward and droppped to the ground, the second reticle then began moving towards the first very slowly, the low growl of the assumed Morotcycle growing fainter, likely due to moving at a lower speed.
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A183Z Wrote:With a sigh of frustration, Drancia ducked behind a grave marker, pulling out his Digivice. He looked for the illegal application, searching to learn how he could call upon the Digimon at his service. "Come on, if you're going to be my partner you need to show up. Preferably soon." He growled quietly as he debated whether or not to make a break for it. 'Could I make it?'
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Drancia Alexander
The Digivice projected a wireframe directly in front of Drancia, before quickly projecting a texture over it. Before him stood a small blue creature with a horn and a V on its forehead.

The blood-curdling howling continued, this time closer, as the creature seemed to be just roaming the graveyard slowly. Looking into the fog, the creature's silhouette was starting to pass Drancia. It looked like a horrifying wolf creature, with razor sharp fangs. It looked long and gangly, walking on all fours, prowling around each distant grave stone, individually.
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PlayerXXX Wrote:When Pearce checks on the girl, she is still unconscious, the excitement must have knocked the girl out cold. Purple snow can be seen falling from the sky as the scenery changes into a snowy plain, a cold breeze blow past Pearce, he shivers as it is chilly compared to the climate that they were previously in. The train soon tilts as it climbs up the mountain and soon starts to spiral downward. The route that the train took piques Pearce's curiosity, why would it go through all of the trouble to climb the mountain when its destination is at ground level? While deep in thought, they soon entered a tunnel. Shortly thereafter, three loud thumps can be heard as three blue creatures drop down from the ceiling, onto the train. Renamon's ears twitch and she immediately jumps and lands beside of Pearce.
"Looks like we have some company... three of them, in fact. Let's deal with them."
"Agreed master."she replies while nodding her head.
While both of them were distracted by the creatures in front of them, another silhouette snatches the hacker girl and leaps off the train, then grabs onto the side of the tunnel.
"Dammit,she was kidnapped now we have next to no intel about this server."
The creatures in front of them grunt as they slowly approach Pearce and Renamon.
"It looks like they do not intend to leave us alone. Cover me, Renamon, while I attack from a distance."
"Ok master" she then creates an image of herself with her paws engulfed in ghostly flames and launches an attack against one of the creatures.
While Renamon was fighting, Pearce shoots a poison needle at the same creature that Renamon targets.
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Renamon Basic Attacks SnowGoblimon A
Step 1: Dexterity(11)+1d20(3)=Attack(14)
Step 2: Speed(5)+1d20(5)=Defense(10)
Step 3: Strength(5)+1d4(2)-Toughness(5)=Damage(2)
SnowGoblimon A HP 5->3
Renamon's clone bitch-slaps the SnowGoblimon, who stumbles backwards and falls over.
Pearce uses Poison Needle against SnowGoblimon A
Pearce MP 12->7
Step 1: Mentality(5)+1d20(2)=Attack(7)
Step 2: Mentality(1)+Speed(5)=Defense(6)
Step 3: Roll 1d6(6) for poison, 1-2=Success, Poison failed, roll 1d4(4) for damage
SnowGoblimon A HP 3->0
The SnowGoblimon, while stunned, is struck by Pearce's Poison Needle. It fails to poison, but after striking the creature, he falls flat on his back and ceases moving.
After their comrade falls, the two others move in, each of them taking a swing at Renamon with their clubs.
SnowGoblimon B basic attacks Renamon
Step 1: Dexterity(5)+1d20(1)=Attack(6)
Step 2: Speed(12)+1d20(8)=Defense(20)
Step 3: Attack fails, defense roll is higher
The first of the two remaining creatures swings at Renamon, but she ducks the strike and rolls past him, sweeping his legs out from under him and causing him to fall flat on his back.
SnowGoblimon C basic attacks Renamon
Step 1: Dexterity(5)+1d20(15)=Attack(20)
Step 2: Speed(12)+1d20(12)=Defense(24)
Step 3: Attack fails, defense roll is higher
The other creature attempts to strike Renamon with his club, but Renamon leaps over his head, causing his strike to miss completely.
The train exits the tunnel mid battle, and exits the snowy mountains, passing a train track intersection. As the train exits the snowy mountains, the purple snow becomes purple rain once more. Looking off in the distance, the tower can be seen again, but it will still be quite some time before the train reaches it.
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starwacher Wrote:Isamu sighs with relief as Elecmon hits the SnowGoblimon, she then gets ready and throws her Chakram, then calls out to Elecmon. "Elecmon get ready to use the Nine Tails attacks." She looks back, seeing someone nearby, and deepens her voice, trying to make herself sound male. "Sir, please stay back, this monster dangerous." she throws her Chakram at the monster.
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Isamu Yurameshi
The boy gives her a blank stare of disinterest, before walking off towards the village in the distance.
Elecmon Basic Attacks the SnowGoblimon
Step 1: Dexterity(8)+1d20(11)=Attack(19)
Step 2: Speed(5)+1d20(7)=Defense(12)
Step 3: Strength(7)+1d4(3)-Toughness(5)=5
(I made changes to the status effect wheel, while electricity is still strong against water, SnowGoblimon is now Ice, thus electricity is no longer strong against him.)
SnowGoblimon HP 14->9
The SnowGoblimon is struck in the face by Elecmon's electrically charged tails, and stumbles backwards, growling in pain and frustration.
Isamu Basic Attacks SnowGoblimon
Step 1: Dexterity(3)+1d20(20)=Attack(23)
Step 2: Speed(5)+1d20(8)=Defense(13)
Step 3: Strength(1)+1d4(3)-Toughness(5)=0
The attack hits the creature, but it bounces off his helmet, causing it to inflict no damage.
The creature recovers from Elecmon's attack and lurches forward, swinging its club at Elecmon
SnowGoblimon basic attacks Elecmon
Step 1: Dexterity(5)+1d20(2)=Attack(7)
Step 2: Speed(10)+1d20(6)=Defense(16)
Step 3: Defense roll is higher, attack fails
The creature swings its club at Elecmon, but Elecmon is too quick, and leaps aside, causing the blow to collide with the ground.
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Jonathan Karr
Jonathan woke up, leaning against a nearby fence. Looking behind him, there was nothing but blackness on the other side. Looking before him, there were stone slabs sticking up out of the ground, spaced evenly apart, and a thick mist hanging over the area. Off in the distance, barely audibly, he could hear horrifying-sounding howling.
His mind racing, he ran through what he knew.
He had an illegal application planted on his Digivice, and with it comes access to a Digimon, which is also illegal, a weapon, and some skills.
He also has this pair of sunglasses in his inventory.
An old man put him here, it's his server. There may be other people. He needs to find the floor gate and leave. The old man will tell him where the floor gate is, and give him prizes, if he finds this girl, Idalia Jenkins, who is also the sister of a Data Squad member who is also somewhere in this server, and brings her to a tower in the desert.
The sound of howling broke his concentration again, it seemed to be moving away from him, however.