Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.37 (June 8/17)

Postby xellos49698 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:52 am

Just want to say WOW, you come back here after a long time and this has really grown up. Ivan-Aedler I take my hat off to you. Great job.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.37 (June 8/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:32 pm

Finally i have 2 new bugs

Luigi have invisible pants

other bug is when Rosalina Die during the act you can see she has invisible hands the same happen in the last sex scene of the little fish Big bass when they are sucking by everywhere


Ivan-Aedler Wrote:

Samus85aran Wrote:
And this one is only a doubt, if peach, rosalina or daisy, left to have anal sex for a while it's possibly that her ass hole closed again ?

Hmm it supposed to work when she loses a life or gets a new powerup.

Thank you for this but i think that if she gets a new powerup no have sense to close her ass hole, it's better only if she loses a life
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.37 (June 8/17)

Postby Tovi » Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:16 pm

Hello again!

Thanks for the advice last time. Saving to clipboard actually worked! it was a bit wonky considering I save after every single level (because I don't trust your game one bit :P ), but it got the job done! Now that I've actually played through all that's available in all 8 worlds I feel like it's finally time to put together my thoughts on your game so far, Ivan! Brace for impact, this will be a MASSIVE post, detailing everything I took notes of as I played through the whole game for the first time in years upon years.

It really is absurdly big. Never seen an adult game like this one. The amount of animations and dialogue and areas, just wow. But on the other hand: Those same animations often glitch out. Pretty much every single finished scene loops awkwardly, bobbing between two frames in a hilarious, but unnatural way. I also notice a distinct bump in general quality between the first two worlds' encounters and the following 6. Hard to specify details due to the sheer amount of scenes. But in summary: Stiff lifeless 'in and out' without any real life to it, and oddly drawn angles not really portraying the scenes properly.

My second biggest concern is the dialogue. Not gonna lie, as someone who even prefers written erotica over animated, I felt forced to skip pretty much all dialogue thanks to all the strange formulations and grammatical errors. If words are your turn on, you won't find any of it in this game I'm afraid. The exception to this feedback is again the first two worlds. Those worlds' encounters are in general better written, and line up with the scenes in a far more immersive way. One of the quickest fixes I can come up with off the top of my head would actually be to remove the nymph commentary. It clashes at least 70% of the time with the scene that's actually occuring, and if you reach nymphhood early you'll be condemned to read the same 5 lines throughout the REST OF THE GAME. It grew exceedingly boring after a while I'm afraid.

Now on to the biggest issue if you ask me: Movement.

To put it quite bluntly: you're gonna have to make a choice between gameplay and scenes at some point, Ivan. I'm talking primarily about the farts. First of all they are an extremely odd addition in the sense that they're an awfully specific thing to have permanent, no? Like, as fun as farts are, they are kind of a turn off. So having no way to get rid of them grew infuriating after a while. And that's just the kink-aspect. Then comes the fact that they cancel the player's movements. That simply won't do. You can't make a platformer and expect the player to be ok with completely random dead halts. That animation has gotten me killed and bubbling with anger more times than I can count on two hands. Seriously, it's not funny. At all.

Your game plays extremely stiffly in general and I'll continue to list trouble areas and potential fixes.

The farts are easy. Just remove them, or change them so they never impede the player in any way. They can not be allowed to cancel your movement, that simply won't do at all. Have her fart on the go if you really must keep them.

Then there's the odd pause whenever you land after a jump. For a split second you'll be locked in place and break momentum, something that plays extremely wonkily in platforming scenarios. And it also gets in the way when you try to run and jump repeatedly. It's a strange hickup in the plameplay that only confuses player timing. I presume this is just a bug, so no real need for further feedback here I guess.

I've noticed another discrepancy with your engine. Peach can't seem to keep her feet planted on the ground. Whenever there's a slope, or those dreaded waterfall logs in Subcon, she will repeatedly get stuck in the air and land over and over. This is a big issue, because as soon as Peach is considered in the air, her jump won't work. The log sections of the game almost had me quit the game entirely. They played ridiculously poorly. You would just get stuck on them, bouncing up and down slightly as you're lowered to your doom. Not sure how to do it code-wise, but seeing how this has been an issue haunting me from the very start of this whole project back when Subcon was still new I urge you to find some way to make her stick to the ground until she actually jumps. Either that or make the jump more forgiving: letting Peach do her jump even when slightly off the ground. Because the game is next to unplayable as is.

This issue is also relevant in slopes, because Peach will end up "in the air" repeatedly rather than running down them. This also cancels out jump, and makes you bounce helplessly straight into the arms of enemies.

Another stiff gameplay aspect is attacks with Leaf or Racoon. It freezes the player in place, and leaves them open for ambushes from behind for waaay too long. I remember mentioning this back in the day, but that's a really poor design choice for so many reasons. It feels less like an attack and more like just another animation like the fart that for some reason actually affects gameplay. Letting her move while spinning, even at a slower speed, would mimmick actual Mario games much better, and play a lot smoother. Balance-wise tail whips would still be really underpowered compared to spamming fireflower even with this change.

The reason why I think fluid gameplay is so important is that this is supposed to be a Mario parody. A series with very well defined controls and mechanics. If it's your intent to make something similar, you really MUST cut back on all the movement hindrance. I don't expect any flash game to come close to real engines, but all these pointless brakes and pauses are in the end more or less intentional yet they serve no purpose other than to throw off the player's timing and patience.

Other miscellaneous issues:

Masturbation. The second animation, the one that barely arouses Peach at all, needs to change. The punishment for being semi-aroused is far too big to just have active in the background. But you can't also expect players to first press 'masturbate', then realize they got the dysfunctional scene, make them cancel the animation, and press 'masturbate' again. I like the idea of alternative animations, but for it to work as a game mechanic you need to make them equally effective at getting the job done and reset her arousal.

Enemies without clear indication will remove peach's outfits. I don't like being randomly hurt by enemies that don't display spikes or other hurt-inducing things. Jumping into enemies that would normally just initiate a scene, will in the air just damage Peach, something that I find a bit strange and kind of out of place, considering you'd never get hurt by them on the ground. It's hard enough to hold onto your clothes as it is, and in this latest version I've found it even harder to the point that it can barely even be done.

The entrance to the sky section of Cuddly Skies seems to be broken. I reached a cloudy room with a pipe in the ceiling, and what I presume is a '!' block that spawns a vine. Problem was that I couldn't seem to find a way to trigger the vineblock. So instead I just bypassed the puzzle with Leaf.

Similar trouble with the opening to the pirate cave on Flavio's Island. I couldn't quite figure out how to get the skull door to open and let me into the cave itself. Instead I found a glitch! Turns out that if you masturbate peach when you stand as close to the skull door as you can, once you're done and stand up, you'll clip through the skull and end up inside! Neat huh? Super helpful, but probably not intended right? xD

Accumulating lag. No seriously. After about 3-5 stages or so there's a noticeable frame decay that only keeps on growing. I got around this by simply making a save, and refreshing the webpage. Running Chrome on windows if that's of any help!

Edit: On a similar note, in the current version I'm unable to reload the game. Once I refresh the webpage, and click play once the loading is done, I'll get a blackscreen. It can be avoided by pressing 'reset saves' first. So far this bug seems constant, so unless there's something wrong with my computer this one should be easy to replicate.

Forgive me if all of this seems harsh. In the end I'm just passionate about seeing this game becoming properly playable! I think it says a lot when this was the first time in at least 2 years that I could play all the way through. In the past I've always been blocked mid-playthrough by either a game-breaking glitch, or randomly reset saves, or both. For the record, I reckon this playthrough took me about 7 hours. A lot of time was spent saving and reloading I'm afraid. And yelling at farts. Because honestly Ivan. They suuuuuuuuuck.

That's enough nagging I think. Now on to praise!

As I said last time, the game is impressively big. But I feel like that might've spread out attention to detail and general smoothness a bit too thinly. Regardless of that however it's still a very fun game! You've struck an interesting balance between punishing the player and rewarding them. And as an aspiring game dev myself I've always been fascinated by adult games, and yours stands out in a number of ways! If I had more time I would volunteer to help rewrite the dialogue, because it's in dire need of it. But I hope you'll find someone who can better help you! Much of the humor in this game is really well done. It's such a nice and light-hearted adult game, I love the tone! This is sadly also something that would be better pronounced with proper dialogue but what you have is enough to convey the intent. I think one of the highlights is how Peach had changed by the time she reached Roy. Don't know if this had anything to do with my early nymphhood, but the way her personality had grown and changed over the course of the game really stood out to me. I hope that this gradual transformation will be better illustrated in time, because I think it is one of this game's strong sides.

Thanks so much for the game, Ivan! Hopefully at least some of all of this will be of help! I tried being as thorough with my feedback as I could, seeing as I haven't given any for a loooooooong time! ^^
Last edited by Tovi on Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.37 (June 8/17)

Postby CaptainFalcon9000 » Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:03 am

Oh man, what a read, i agree with pretty much everything, specially about the farts, those should of been optional since long ago, and they shouldn't hinder the player's movements.

Also, regarding the increase in lag, it doesn't necesarily happen after getting to a specific world, if you enter to the same world constantly and leave, then each time the frames will keep dropping more and more, i've tested it on Peach's castle when trying to make the table toads scene to happen.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.37 (June 8/17)

Postby Foolishguy » Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:30 am

I asked this before but.. There used to be an amazing history and origin of the word 'mathematics' in this game. I was hoping to find it again but the game is too laggy for me to play on my laptop (it's pretty basic), could maybe somebody screenshot it for me? I know before you found it in the closet, I made it to the first closet and all there is is a gremlin in there lol. If somebody could get it for me or remind me of the button press that opens it up (if that's still a feature).. it was like how mathematics meant "to learn" in Greek and was derived from the words astronomy and astrology I believe.. It was a goldmine and I would like to see/hear of it again. Thanks
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.37 (June 8/17)

Postby HugelDude » Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:13 am

Foolishguy Wrote:I asked this before but.. There used to be an amazing history and origin of the word 'mathematics' in this game. I was hoping to find it again but the game is too laggy for me to play on my laptop (it's pretty basic), could maybe somebody screenshot it for me? I know before you found it in the closet, I made it to the first closet and all there is is a gremlin in there lol. If somebody could get it for me or remind me of the button press that opens it up (if that's still a feature).. it was like how mathematics meant "to learn" in Greek and was derived from the words astronomy and astrology I believe.. It was a goldmine and I would like to see/hear of it again. Thanks

When you get into the game, just press enter.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17) - New Peac

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:02 am

PHEW! Back from the cave!
I needed to literally 'disconnect' from the world for some days in order to.... FINALLY include the New Peach from TripFlip (named: Peachy!)
A new scene is also in the oven: "Luma scene by Blargh" (it will be in this current update, 3.38, but later)

Update 3.38 (28th June 2017)
- NEW! The so awaited NEW PEACH MODEL from TripFlip! Her name is Peachy and she is the default character from now on. If you want the playshapes or aedler Peach versions, they are (and will) still be available. Just change her character when playing a new game (or use the cheat code to change her character in the OUTFIT screen)! Well, I cant guarantee she is 100% free of glitches for now, but I tested her a lot before releasing her. No Fire Peachy available (and I may not make her until finishing all the worlds and other features first).
- IMPROVED princess character models in the character select screen (they were 'faded' due to some problems vectorizing from GIMP).
- Glitch Fix: the princess was being able to masturbate in hard mode.
- Glitch Fix: In the cataquack scene, a new action/loop where the princess goes up and down, facing us when fucked, was not appearing anymore. Also, her boob nipples were still appearing when se cums.
- Small fixes like a typo in the gallery for Ninjis: the 'ASS STAR ATTACK' can also be vaginal, depending on her state, so the name is now just 'STAR ATTACK'.


www.porncritique.lol Wrote:Man, it's been a while since I checked this game out and there's just so much content. I have to applaud your dedication to this project.

Thank you!

www.porncritique.lol Wrote:Just a little question that will have some actual bearing, since I haven't really gotten too far into the game. At some point will Daisy, Rosalina and Krystal have their dialogue? I think it would be cool if the different characters acted differently rather than just being visual differences. Getting different voices would also be nice, and probably a lot less work than new dialogue.

Rosalina is expected to appear in certain levels (Daisy too), not only in Daisy Palace. Peach (or the other character you choose) will be also able to fuck other princesses along the game.
If you mean sounds, we need a female voicer. For now, we only have a couple of Daisy sounds and I think 20 Krystal sounds.

xellos49698 Wrote:Just want to say WOW, you come back here after a long time and this has really grown up. Ivan-Aedler I take my hat off to you. Great job.

Thank you! Here we try to keep on with this mamooth game, hehe. (but really, I DO need to focus in the rest of world 8 levels now).

Samus85aran Wrote:Finally i have 2 new bugs. Luigi have invisible pants

I fixed this one BEFORE you posted hehe (day 19) but I was 'off internet' because of the huge new Peach character process.

Samus85aran Wrote:other bug is when Rosalina Die during the act you can see she has invisible hands the same happen in the last sex scene of the little fish Big bass when they are sucking by everywhere

EDIT: FIXED in 3.39 version!

Samus85aran Wrote:Thank you for this but i think that if she gets a new powerup no have sense to close her ass hole, it's better only if she loses a life

Okay, I'll remove the effect on powerups!
EDIT: FIXED in 3.39 version!

I'll answer Tovi and others later. Thank you for the wait.
I'll also check if any bugs later.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 38/17)

Postby WonderGamer » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:49 am

FYI: I think you screwed up on the update notification in the title... I'm pretty certain you meant June 28/17 not 38... :|
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 38/17)

Postby palmer_aif » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:25 am

Wow this has developed so nicely! Well done!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 38/17)

Postby flamelord786 » Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:49 pm

I've been getting a minor problem for a few versions now and, unfortunately, I can't remember when it started. When the princess' belly size increases, it doesn't show the change until after a sex scene has finished (if it happens during a scene) or until you take a step (if you use the cheat to increase it). I don't know if it's an issue with the game itself or something on my end because it used to work just fine. Either way, I miss it. I'm using the standalone flashplayer version 26 if that makes any sort of difference.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 38/17)

Postby HugelDude » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:03 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

hmm.PNG (45.59 KiB) Viewed 3138 times
I've noticed that with the new model while facing forward somethings seem to be a little..off like her stomach being a different color than her legs, boobs and arms. It's almost as if the old model is overlapping the new one. Maybe it's just me.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 38/17)

Postby WonderGamer » Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:28 pm

HugelDude Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I've noticed that with the new model while facing forward somethings seem to be a little..off like her stomach being a different color than her legs, boobs and arms. It's almost as if the old model is overlapping the new one. Maybe it's just me.

Your screenshot makes it look like the arms & breasts are a slightly different color than the rest of her body, just my 2 cents. However you're only looking at one model here, what about the others?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:06 am

WonderGamer Wrote:FYI: I think you screwed up on the update notification in the title... I'm pretty certain you meant June 28/17 not 38... :|

FIXED! Now please edit your post and fix it as well, hehe

palmer_aif Wrote:Wow this has developed so nicely! Well done!

Thank you ;)

flamelord786 Wrote:I've been getting a minor problem for a few versions now and, unfortunately, I can't remember when it started. When the princess' belly size increases, it doesn't show the change until after a sex scene has finished (if it happens during a scene) or until you take a step (if you use the cheat to increase it). I don't know if it's an issue with the game itself or something on my end because it used to work just fine. Either way, I miss it. I'm using the standalone flashplayer version 26 if that makes any sort of difference.

Not really a problem. Since update 3.32, the code is faster.
Update 3.32 (29th April 2017) - SERVICE FIXES
- IMPROVED Princess pose code. Less CPU usage!

The problem is that in certain scenes, I need to 'spark' the princess state in order to show her belly being changed.
Actually, there are situations we still need 'an enterframe', like her belly.

I have taken note on that, and I'll fix it!
EDIT: FIXED in 3.39 version!

HugelDude Wrote:I've noticed that with the new model while facing forward somethings seem to be a little..off like her stomach being a different color than her legs, boobs and arms. It's almost as if the old model is overlapping the new one. Maybe it's just me.

Hmmmmmmmmm its really hard to notice, but you might be correct, due to the vectorization of TripFlip art.
I'll check the hex code again!
EDIT: FIXED in 3.39 version!

PS: I havent forgotten Tovi post. I'll read it up later.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby Litty » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:48 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
WonderGamer Wrote:FYI: I think you screwed up on the update notification in the title... I'm pretty certain you meant June 28/17 not 38... :|

FIXED! Now please edit your post and fix it as well, hehe

palmer_aif Wrote:Wow this has developed so nicely! Well done!

Thank you ;)

flamelord786 Wrote:I've been getting a minor problem for a few versions now and, unfortunately, I can't remember when it started. When the princess' belly size increases, it doesn't show the change until after a sex scene has finished (if it happens during a scene) or until you take a step (if you use the cheat to increase it). I don't know if it's an issue with the game itself or something on my end because it used to work just fine. Either way, I miss it. I'm using the standalone flashplayer version 26 if that makes any sort of difference.

Not really a problem. Since update 3.32, the code is faster.
Update 3.32 (29th April 2017) - SERVICE FIXES
- IMPROVED Princess pose code. Less CPU usage!

The problem is that in certain scenes, I need to 'spark' the princess state in order to show her belly being changed.
Actually, there are situations we still need 'an enterframe', like her belly.

I have taken note on that, and I'll fix it!

HugelDude Wrote:I've noticed that with the new model while facing forward somethings seem to be a little..off like her stomach being a different color than her legs, boobs and arms. It's almost as if the old model is overlapping the new one. Maybe it's just me.

Hmmmmmmmmm its really hard to notice, but you might be correct, due to the vectorization of TripFlip art.
I'll check the hex code again.

WonderGamer Wrote:Your screenshot makes it look like the arms & breasts are a slightly different color than the rest of her body, just my 2 cents. However you're only looking at one model here, what about the others?

The other models were untouched. This is a new model from scratch.
Hmm but I am noticing she is using the older breast. The new one is like the below.

new peach boobs.jpg

PS: I havent forgotten Tovi post. I'll read it up later.

So......ass size is coming? ;)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby Tovi » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:50 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:PS: I havent forgotten Tovi post. I'll read it up later.

Haha, it's fine take your time with it. Sorry for dumping a small essay on you like that xD
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby Kelsanator » Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:25 am

which level are the jellyfish girls in
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby branw3n » Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:49 am

Ivan, Peachy doesn't show the "You're Pregnant" screen anymore! It's just a border, as with the other princesses.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby NWLCJonSnow » Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:47 am

Kelsanator Wrote:which level are the jellyfish girls in

6.2 or 6.3 I think
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby Gengu » Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:10 am

Peachy model...
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


her pussy on the front side look like she have another new layer of pussy cover the old one.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

peachy2.jpg (160.42 KiB) Viewed 3039 times

front side sex scene with toadsworth and toads her pussy color change to grey and her another pussy showing up and double pube XD .

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

peachy3.jpg (177.79 KiB) Viewed 3039 times

and this pose her pussy look like upside down.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

peachy4.jpg (25.28 KiB) Viewed 3039 times

the last one is her lip when speaking look weird it look like scarry puppet mouth XD .

But i really like her new face and expression keep it up Ivan.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Jul 04, 2017 5:56 am

So, version 3.39 already in the oven! I'll add those!
- NEW: Luma scene 3 by Blargh!
- NEW: You can change other princesses' NPC belly and boobs in the Options (below Boobies/Belly header)! Daisy, Rosalina, Shygirl, Mona and Pauline are there (only Daisy and Shygirl is available so far).
- Added the three Lumas scenes to 'Friends' Gallery.
- Rule Change: when taking a new powerup, the princess wont have her (erhm..) little perverted asshole back to normal anymore (if swollen due to sex). You have to lose a life to get it back.
- Glitch FIX: a bit of wrong color tone in the new Peach character (Peachy)
- Glitch FIX: the princess was not 'changing her belly' in certain scenes anymore. Strangely, the belly only 'updated' itself later.
- Glitch FIX: Rosalina without a 'front hand' in certain scenes, like when she falls down (when losing a life)
- Fixes and improvements I talked below!

Litty Wrote:So......ass size is coming? ;)

It's surely getting near!

Tovi Wrote:Hello again! Thanks for the advice last time. Saving to clipboard actually worked! it was a bit wonky considering I save after every single level (because I don't trust your game one bit :P ), but it got the job done! Now that I've actually played through all that's available in all 8 worlds I feel like it's finally time to put together my thoughts on your game so far, Ivan! Brace for impact, this will be a MASSIVE post, detailing everything I took notes of as I played through the whole game for the first time in years upon years.

Hello there! Thank you for enjoying the game ;) Now I have time to listen to you fully! Sorry for the delay.

Tovi Wrote:It really is absurdly big. Never seen an adult game like this one. The amount of animations and dialogue and areas, just wow. But on the other hand: Those same animations often glitch out. Pretty much every single finished scene loops awkwardly, bobbing between two frames in a hilarious, but unnatural way.

Could you please remember which scenes or describe it better? Perhaps with screenshots? It might be a bug regarding to the 'DURING SCENES...' Loop 1x, 2x, 3x, or a given setup you're playing, as I dont recall any problems when each scene ends.

Tovi Wrote:I also notice a distinct bump in general quality between the first two worlds' encounters and the following 6. Hard to specify details due to the sheer amount of scenes. But in summary: Stiff lifeless 'in and out' without any real life to it, and oddly drawn angles not really portraying the scenes properly.

The idea was to give more imagination and diversity, instead of perfectly drawn angles. But yes, there are scenes we could put more life to it, that is, make the princess feel it more, accelerate (or diminish tenderly) during penetration, swing her body, and other tender details.

I would appreciate a lot if you can kind of catalog the scenes which you feel its lifeless. You can use the gallery (with the cheat keys) for that. In page 1, you can find all the cheat codes.

Tovi Wrote:My second biggest concern is the dialogue. Not gonna lie, as someone who even prefers written erotica over animated, I felt forced to skip pretty much all dialogue thanks to all the strange formulations and grammatical errors. If words are your turn on, you won't find any of it in this game I'm afraid. The exception to this feedback is again the first two worlds. Those worlds' encounters are in general better written, and line up with the scenes in a far more immersive way.

English is not my motherlanguage. I improved it over time, but I am still on the go. The game is now i18n (that is, you can edit all the dialogue in XML format) since the beginning of 2017. Generally in games outside there, the language is craved inside the game (hard coded) in a way we cant edit it. Not in this game. If someone could be kind enough to improve / remake the dialogue there, just go to my github site and edit them. People are already translating to other languages as well.

I made this hard step (externalization in XML) in order to make us free to improve the dialogue ;)

Tovi Wrote:One of the quickest fixes I can come up with off the top of my head would actually be to remove the nymph commentary. It clashes at least 70% of the time with the scene that's actually occuring, and if you reach nymphhood early you'll be condemned to read the same 5 lines throughout the REST OF THE GAME. It grew exceedingly boring after a while I'm afraid.

You can use 'Same Dialogues if the scene is replayed' option for that. I dont recall whether she stills 'say the same phrase' if she is a nymph. If so, great! If not, I can change this behavior, like adding:
- Allow Nymph dialogues during scenes: YES/NO.

You also can increase the amount of nymph dialogues in the XML (tag "generalSceneSlut", "climaxSlut" and others), when it says <!--YOU CAN ADD MORE ITEMS!-->
As its random, the more words the XML have, more diversity and less repetition when she is a nymph.

Tovi Wrote:Now on to the biggest issue if you ask me: Movement. To put it quite bluntly: you're gonna have to make a choice between gameplay and scenes at some point, Ivan. I'm talking primarily about the farts. First of all they are an extremely odd addition in the sense that they're an awfully specific thing to have permanent, no? Like, as fun as farts are, they are kind of a turn off. So having no way to get rid of them grew infuriating after a while. And that's just the kink-aspect. Then comes the fact that they cancel the player's movements. That simply won't do. You can't make a platformer and expect the player to be ok with completely random dead halts. That animation has gotten me killed and bubbling with anger more times than I can count on two hands. Seriously, it's not funny. At all. Your game plays extremely stiffly in general and I'll continue to list trouble areas and potential fixes. The farts are easy. Just remove them, or change them so they never impede the player in any way. They can not be allowed to cancel your movement, that simply won't do at all. Have her fart on the go if you really must keep them.

You're right. I am sorry about that. Well, no one complained...... until today.
There is an option: 'Fart sounds' (in FX MUSIC header in the options screen). Farts are regarded as 'cum farts' in the game. The sound is what depicts them (as its hard to notice if she is cum farting without the sounds active).
But yes, they're still there, interrupting the walk. I will rename 'Fart sounds' as 'Allow Farting' ON/OFF. If OFF, neither the sound nor the 'cum fart during walk' will occur anymore. OFF as default. EDIT: DONE!
If the player wants more challenge (like eating poisons and such to make she fart and interrupt her walking), he can enable it. Also, it wont interrupt her movement anymore. She will cum fart only if she is not moving (like just standing up), provided the option is ON.

Tovi Wrote:Then there's the odd pause whenever you land after a jump. For a split second you'll be locked in place and break momentum, something that plays extremely wonkily in platforming scenarios. And it also gets in the way when you try to run and jump repeatedly. It's a strange hickup in the plameplay that only confuses player timing. I presume this is just a bug, so no real need for further feedback here I guess.

Since the entire engine remake (to improve CPU speed), where we now uses a state machine, this half-a-second timer is there, to organize code speed. I may return to this code in order to try to remove this odd pause. EDIT: DONE!

Tovi Wrote:I've noticed another discrepancy with your engine. Peach can't seem to keep her feet planted on the ground. Whenever there's a slope, or those dreaded waterfall logs in Subcon, she will repeatedly get stuck in the air and land over and over. This is a big issue, because as soon as Peach is considered in the air, her jump won't work. The log sections of the game almost had me quit the game entirely. They played ridiculously poorly. You would just get stuck on them, bouncing up and down slightly as you're lowered to your doom. Not sure how to do it code-wise, but seeing how this has been an issue haunting me from the very start of this whole project back when Subcon was still new I urge you to find some way to make her stick to the ground until she actually jumps. Either that or make the jump more forgiving: letting Peach do her jump even when slightly off the ground. Because the game is next to unplayable as is.

Thank you for your sincerity and your insistence on this matter (again, no one complained about this as detailed as you). If no one complains, I assume its working.
I'll work on it! (at least for log sections first). Then I'll check the slopes.
EDIT: CAN'T REPRODUCE! I can jump normally! Perhaps you're using a slower computer.

Tovi Wrote:Another stiff gameplay aspect is attacks with Leaf or Racoon. It freezes the player in place, and leaves them open for ambushes from behind for waaay too long. I remember mentioning this back in the day, but that's a really poor design choice for so many reasons. It feels less like an attack and more like just another animation like the fart that for some reason actually affects gameplay. Letting her move while spinning, even at a slower speed, would mimmick actual Mario games much better, and play a lot smoother. Balance-wise tail whips would still be really underpowered compared to spamming fireflower even with this change.

During a tail attack? Actually, I made it lock the player just for her to fully swing her tail. Ok, I can just unlock her, so during a tail attack, you can press any key to cancel it. DONE!

Tovi Wrote:Other miscellaneous issues: Masturbation. The second animation, the one that barely arouses Peach at all, needs to change. The punishment for being semi-aroused is far too big to just have active in the background. But you can't also expect players to first press 'masturbate', then realize they got the dysfunctional scene, make them cancel the animation, and press 'masturbate' again. I like the idea of alternative animations, but for it to work as a game mechanic you need to make them equally effective at getting the job done and reset her arousal.

Okay, I decided to just join this scene to the 'growing masturbation scene', that one she increases her urges while accelerating her urges. So instead of two mastubation scenes, we will have just one, that will increase her urge with the same speed as the classical masturbation.

Tovi Wrote:Enemies without clear indication will remove peach's outfits. I don't like being randomly hurt by enemies that don't display spikes or other hurt-inducing things. Jumping into enemies that would normally just initiate a scene, will in the air just damage Peach, something that I find a bit strange and kind of out of place, considering you'd never get hurt by them on the ground. It's hard enough to hold onto your clothes as it is, and in this latest version I've found it even harder to the point that it can barely even be done.

You can tell this to some players that wanted this feature.

CHANGELOG (31th May 2017):
- Rule Change: If the princess touches a grounded creature that is jumping or falling (e.g. goomba), she will be hurt. Just beware when you walk around areas where creatures might fall from platforms above you.

This was made because when she was touching a creature while falling, she was being locked up and falling right in a scene.
What I can do is: in normal game, not damage Peach (and not initiate a scene) while in the air.
In hard game, damage Peach. Or another idea.

Tovi Wrote:The entrance to the sky section of Cuddly Skies seems to be broken. I reached a cloudy room with a pipe in the ceiling, and what I presume is a '!' block that spawns a vine. Problem was that I couldn't seem to find a way to trigger the vineblock. So instead I just bypassed the puzzle with Leaf.

I'll check that vineblock.
EDIT: I've put a new cloud between the other two, so the princess can touch it.
I TESTED it here (pic in the next page of this thread) and it worked so far!

Tovi Wrote:Similar trouble with the opening to the pirate cave on Flavio's Island. I couldn't quite figure out how to get the skull door to open and let me into the cave itself. Instead I found a glitch! Turns out that if you masturbate peach when you stand as close to the skull door as you can, once you're done and stand up, you'll clip through the skull and end up inside! Neat huh? Super helpful, but probably not intended right? xD

You have to initiate a lasvicous scenes to each rock until they cum (blue bars filled up), then jump many times to the rocks until a click is heard and its eyes changes, then you 'talk' to the main skull door.
What? I'll remove that masturbation glitch! :evil: Hehe
EDIT: I did something and I already updated 3.39 version.
I CANT REPRODUCE the masturbation glitch. If you can, please make a snapshot!

Tovi Wrote:Accumulating lag. No seriously. After about 3-5 stages or so there's a noticeable frame decay that only keeps on growing. I got around this by simply making a save, and refreshing the webpage. Running Chrome on windows if that's of any help!

You can help me by pressing PAGE DOWN (to activate the debug screen) then checking the listener count (the last white words). They must be low, like 400 and 100. Not 1000 and 2000. Here, I usually get between 0 and 300 each.

Tovi Wrote:Edit: On a similar note, in the current version I'm unable to reload the game. Once I refresh the webpage, and click play once the loading is done, I'll get a blackscreen. It can be avoided by pressing 'reset saves' first. So far this bug seems constant, so unless there's something wrong with my computer this one should be easy to replicate.

I'll check page 1 just in case
EDIT: I coudlnt reproduce it so far. I use Flash 12 and Flash 17 in different browsers. Perhaps your browser is using an incompatible flash player?

Tovi Wrote: Forgive me if all of this seems harsh. In the end I'm just passionate about seeing this game becoming properly playable! I think it says a lot when this was the first time in at least 2 years that I could play all the way through. In the past I've always been blocked mid-playthrough by either a game-breaking glitch, or randomly reset saves, or both. For the record, I reckon this playthrough took me about 7 hours. A lot of time was spent saving and reloading I'm afraid. And yelling at farts. Because honestly Ivan. They suuuuuuuuuck.

I am happy that at least the save glitch was fixed up.
Okay, no more farts (as default).

Tovi Wrote:That's enough nagging I think. Now on to praise! As I said last time, the game is impressively big. But I feel like that might've spread out attention to detail and general smoothness a bit too thinly. Regardless of that however it's still a very fun game! You've struck an interesting balance between punishing the player and rewarding them. And as an aspiring game dev myself I've always been fascinated by adult games, and yours stands out in a number of ways! If I had more time I would volunteer to help rewrite the dialogue, because it's in dire need of it. But I hope you'll find someone who can better help you! Much of the humor in this game is really well done. It's such a nice and light-hearted adult game, I love the tone! This is sadly also something that would be better pronounced with proper dialogue but what you have is enough to convey the intent. I think one of the highlights is how Peach had changed by the time she reached Roy. Don't know if this had anything to do with my early nymphhood, but the way her personality had grown and changed over the course of the game really stood out to me. I hope that this gradual transformation will be better illustrated in time, because I think it is one of this game's strong sides.

Thank you for your kindly words and your sincere opinion. Yes, the intention is the princess finding herself relaxed with her urges over time ;)

Tovi Wrote:Thanks so much for the game, Ivan! Hopefully at least some of all of this will be of help! I tried being as thorough with my feedback as I could, seeing as I haven't given any for a loooooooong time! ^^

Nevermind ;) I am really happy for your feedback! I gotta work with the detected issues so far! But please dont forget people can already help directly in the XML (in my github site). When we have a newer english XML version, I can then put inside the game as a default language (instead of the current one).

branw3n Wrote:Ivan, Peachy doesn't show the "You're Pregnant" screen anymore! It's just a border, as with the other princesses.

FIXED in 3.39 version!

Gengu Wrote:Peachy model...her pussy on the front side look like she have another new layer of pussy cover the old one.

FIXED in 3.39 version!

Gengu Wrote:front side sex scene with toadsworth and toads her pussy color change to grey and her another pussy showing up and double pube XD .

FIXED in 3.39 version!

Gengu Wrote:and this pose her pussy look like upside down.

FIXED in 3.39 version!

Gengu Wrote:The last one is her lip when speaking look weird it look like scarry puppet mouth XD

Oh, Darn, oh my!
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
FIXED in 3.39 version!

Gengu Wrote:But i really like her new face and expression keep it up Ivan.

Thank you!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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