evildumdum Wrote:Look, i get you are trying to stroke hundens ego and make him feel better. Motivation is good, but calling dark impulses greedy is horrific libel. Hunden used assets that were not his to use and he was told expressly that they would not like him to use them. He was leeching off another projects work, they let him to some extent and that was fine but he overstepped and lost the privilege of thier permission. Let me repeat, being allowed to use someone else's assets is a PRIVILEGE and NOT a right.
I do not want hunden to stop work on this game any more than you guys do, but a degree of respect for those you take from is expected and hunden has shown a huge amount of disrespect. He did nothing for dark impulses and expected everything. I find that unacceptable. If i ever found my own projects assets being taken by someone else who was similarly disrespectful, trust me i would not be as measured and mature as Dapper and his team have been.
TLDR, do not badmouth a hard working team for a asset leech being disrespectful to them and removing his privileges. If you want to support hunden, find ways he can replace his assets, building up his own projects art rather than expecting to be entitled to that which others have worked hard to make.
If that was pointed at me, I just want to say I never said he should use the assets to continue, nor do I condone misuse of the help offered him. I understand the issue, he caused trouble, got a bit fussy and uncooperative, etc. All I'm saying with my posts is that I'm sorry to see it go. If it wasn't pointed directly(or at all) at me, sorry for being slightly defensive.
I have no artistic skills, and, aside from going to porn sites like rule36.xxx or e621, both of which are mainly drawn/cartoon-y porn, with the latter being nearly exclusively furry (which is what these games are for the most part) to grab images, I have no way to help with the assets. So, I give support to the person. If I had a way to help beyond this, I'd offer it.
P.S. A few grammatical errors in your post: You didn't capitalize I when using it in reference to yourself, missed the ' in hunden's and project's (twice), used 'a' when it should have been 'an', and misspelled 'their'. Sorry for this, but working over hunden's google-translated English has made me a bit sensitive to that kind of thing >.>...Oh, almost forgot TLDR. There's supposed to be a ';' between TL and DR. Too long; Didn't read.