PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:07 pm

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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Hunden » Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:27 pm

I have a question about one of your Pokémon. May I use this pokemon?
Abra F.png



Cubone F.png
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Jun 18, 2017 10:08 pm

Abra and Cubone are the only ones we have that are purely shined as they were special requests from me to White. That is considered part of his set. Because of that I will have to say no.

Oh, and special morphs are no go as well, shined or not. All of the special morphs were created for our game, much like the hentai scenes. They each have their own place in the game. Cosplay Pikachu, Bondage Sandshrew and the other special morphs coming in this chapter should not be used.

Edit 3: If you want to use that Zubat then I will send you my versions. That one is from White.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Hunden » Sun Jun 18, 2017 10:49 pm

Dapper Gent Wrote:Abra and Cubone are the only ones we have that are purely shined as they were special requests from me to White. That is considered part of his set. Because of that I will have to say no.

Oh, and special morphs are no go as well, shined or not. All of the special morphs were created for our game, much like the hentai scenes. They each have their own place in the game. Cosplay Pikachu, Bondage Sandshrew and the other special morphs coming in this chapter should not be used.

Edit 3: If you want to use that Zubat then I will send you my versions. That one is from White.

Damn. I do not care so much about sandshrew_bondage and Zubat, but Abra and Cubone. These are my two favorites. :( Are you sure that White vine do not want me to use them? :cry:

I really would like to use the two, and I would prefer not to use the law. I will not make anyone sad.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby arrammos » Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:13 am


Glad to hear that you're all making progress, really looking forward to the update!
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby PlayerXXX » Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:56 pm

Congratz to you and your team Dapper.Hope you guys have a smooth sailing in your team recruitment and following updates for this game.Good luck guys!! :D
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:44 am

Thanks for the support everyone! It does mean a lot to us. :D

@Hunden: Yes, I'm sure. White has seconded the notion that we'll keep the shined, finished versions for our game. My work is only fillers as he slowly finishes them up. Cubone and Abra are his and will be in the final product of the game.

Several more hours, guys. No definite eta but it will be today!
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Hunden » Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:54 am

Last edited by Hunden on Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby PlayerXXX » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:16 am

What!!!Is that even morally right to do that??Cant you just take another picture from other sources?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Hunden » Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:51 pm

PlayerXXX Wrote:What!!!Is that even morally right to do that??Cant you just take another picture from other sources?

I do not say you have to use them, I say you can use them. But a little while ago I was banned from use everything. But I figure something out. I already have three solutions.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Shardoom » Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:42 pm

Hunden, that's not fucking cool man.

They said no, use something else for fuck sake.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Hunden » Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:12 pm

Shardoom Wrote:Hunden, that's not fucking cool man.

They said no, use something else for fuck sake.

It's no longer about the two pictures, it's about I can not use anything from them.
Then I have to remove the game. I will believe 80% of all the pokemon I have is from this game. 90% of my programming has things from this game.
That means pretty much 100% of my game must be gone and my game is bigger and longer than theirs. It will be years right out of the window.
And then again. It is just a game. They threaten to get me in court because of a game. It is ridiculous and I do not want to fight. Not for something as stupid as this.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Akhera » Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:49 pm

Hunden Wrote:It's no longer about the two pictures, it's about I can not use anything from them.
Then I have to remove the game. I will believe 80% of all the pokemon I have is from this game. 90% of my programming has things from this game.
That means pretty much 100% of my game must be gone and my game is bigger and longer than theirs. It will be years right out of the window.
And then again. It is just a game. They threaten to get me in court because of a game. It is ridiculous and I do not want to fight. Not for something as stupid as this.

Although Shardoom did say it rather rudely, I gotta agree with him. It's literally just now allowed to take stuff from people without their permission, and it's their choice not to give you that. Also, you said you didn't want to fight for something as stupid as this, but you complain about years of work right out the window, and I wonder what's taking years if you use 80% of the pokemorphs and 90% of the programming from this game. Btw, length of a game isn't everything. (That's what she s-... no? okay.)
So despite not wanting to say it; It's getting quite irritating.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:47 pm

The matter has been dealt with. I hate that it had to be this way but the moral of the story here is to not bite the hand that feeds. It may stop giving you food altogether.

In lighter news.....drum roll please!

The newest release is here!

Game Download v1.6 6/20/17

Val will be going over the changes to the game, just to showcase what we've done to it.

Turns out he already did so!

ValturNaa Wrote:Underwhelming, perhaps, but significant. So, what's new in this version? Firstly, we've been pushing hard to get pictures for every hentai scene included in the release. As cute as Eevee's ass is, I'm sure you were all getting tired of seeing the "Image Pending" message: well, that's done with. Every hentai scene, including those we missed before, has its own art, and many of the scenes have a lot more images than we planned or than appeared in earlier completed scenes. That said, we sadly had to cut a few scenes we had intended for this release, but lacked the resources to draw the images for. We intend to do a smaller update as soon as we finish those. We've also done more extensive bug testing for this release, so hopefully we've caught everything that's within our power to fix.

So, what's the new content? In addition to a few tweaks in Pewter and Mount Moon, we have finished Cerulean City, Bill's Lighthouse, and route 5 going south toward Saffron. In addition, we have an introductory event at the Pokemon Technical Institute, which will be enlarged and improved further down the road. Between all of these areas, you'll be able to find up to 3 special pokemon and a lot of new morphs, including Abra, Venonat, Tentacool, Meowth, and Oddish, and a new traveling companion. In addition, you'll now encounter the first of the events where your decisions in game will affect your journey, so try some roleplaying to see how things turn out. These changes are subtle for now, but we intend to expand on this system in the future.

To add to this, Route 5 is the official ending marker for Chapter 2. However, we'll be adding at least one more event in before we move on to Chapter 3. It was cut for release due to lack of resources. However, you do get a sneak peek if you find Val on rt 5. Chapter 3 will include Vermillion, Diglett's Cave and a return to Pallet. Sadly it will be a fairly short chapter but chapter 4 will definitely be making up for it in both content and quality!
Last edited by Dapper Gent on Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby ValturNaa » Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:50 pm

Hunden Wrote:It's no longer about the two pictures, it's about I can not use anything from them.
Then I have to remove the game. I will believe 80% of all the pokemon I have is from this game. 90% of my programming has things from this game.
That means pretty much 100% of my game must be gone and my game is bigger and longer than theirs.

Let me just be clear about something here. If you using function examples from my code, that is fine. Most of the functions I use have been copied or modified from Humbird's own. As he produced the engine and concealed the function parameters inside .swf files, that is the only way I know of to make things work. In the rare occasions I have modified his work, it took some experimentation to find the mechanisms, and you're welcome to learn from my experience. However, if you are borrowing larger pieces of code, such as copy/pasting events, or using my trainer battle and fishing scripts, that is not okay. You can study them to build your own, but not use them as-is. That said, many common room items in our game are also borrowed from humbird, with slight modifications, so I suggest checking his thread for an editable copy to see which is what.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby zombieskull13 » Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:03 pm

Can i use my old save in the new version of it? If so, how do i do it?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby revenant281 » Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:43 pm

I'm suffering from the sprite stack glitch here's the save (don't trust the clipboard enough to post it as is due to it maxing out the limit of text)
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby ValturNaa » Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:20 am

zombieskull13 Wrote:Can i use my old save in the new version of it? If so, how do i do it?

If you're using the flash cookie save, I don't think you can. This system is not built to use transferable saves except via clipboard. Frankly the save system is one of many design flaws, relying on what seems to be a flash-embedded save system, which is not that great for the type of game it is.

revenant281 Wrote:I'm suffering from the sprite stack glitch here's the save (don't trust the clipboard enough to post it as is due to it maxing out the limit of text)

There's probably a one-letter error somewhere in the save text that causes this. Actually, if you look up a few pages I think someone reported finding it. Unfortunately, we don't have control over the save mechanics to fix them and keep this from happening, but I believe deadman has a save or a room or something he can give you to fix it. For the next update, I'm going to push to have a deadman sprite in the viridian pokemon center to fix this. Hopefully I can find some way to detect this bug and make him respond accordingly. But if not, a little generic text and re-cutting the sprites ought to do the trick.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:30 am

*explicit deleted*

And here we were hoping we'd gotten rid of the sprite stacking glitch. ::sighs::

Can you provide a screenshot and description of where it happened at?

I'd recommend starting from the beginning, Zombie. We added all of the missing artwork and tweaked a few things in the early game. Nothing significant but definitely noticeable.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: 6/20/17!)

Postby revenant281 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:36 am

Sure it happened in Pewter city after i saved and game crashed as i clicked save http://imgur.com/a/inJTa
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