Soooo this week was INTENSIVELY used to convert to the new Peach model!
Currently, I am still doing something to finish her nicely. Two poses made!

- new peach model - two poses.jpg (59.49 KiB) Viewed 2900 times
Reiii Wrote:Dude, can't you stop? Everytime I got time to play this I visit this topic and see there has been another new update! My pc is clogging up with all the old versions.. I should probably just play online instead of downloading each new version.. but still, don't you have any job? xD
I am trying my most to keep going! 2012 and 2014 were the best years so far, where I made like 3 scenes A DAY for some time. Lately, my problems are two: Work (Job) and the complexity of the game itself.
But nothing is impeding/blocking the development, like object limits in the Flash engine or anything else.
Hopefully, I'll finish 8-3 level still this month!
sy7777 Wrote:i miss content updates

We did have some new content updates, according to the changelog. Remember you can check the changelog in PASTEBIN site (link in the first topic of this thread), and my new Aedler site (with changelog and latest versions) also in the first topic.
Although not so intense updates, we have since last month (30 days ago):
- NEW scene: Jabbi 3 (gangbang)! It's also in the gallery ('Other Enemies' button). If during the scene an 'error in XML' shows up, or the balloons act strangely, please remember to reload an updated XML in my github site or click in RESET SAVES in the loader screen.
- Improved CatSuit powerup model (based on Mario games): a golden bell instead of the icon of a pink catsuit in Peach character.
- NEW: Level 8-2 (underground level). It's a new themed level (it's not a level based on another). Some new textures. There are also interesting features like the rotate platforms and the crushing trunks.
- NEW cheat codes: 'HOLD 1, then left or right' to change outfits, and 'HOLD Y, then press 3' to be pregnant. You need to activate the master cheat first (1 and 0).
- NEW: 'Load Game' and 'Options' buttons in the intro screen!
- ADDED Waluigi in some levels (tip: where he is, Wario might be with him or not), and if you are continuing the game (if you finished it at least once), they will appear all the time in the toad town bar. Waluigi can be in 'Smoothie Depot level too' (with Mona!) She's not a playable character yet. No Waluigi scenes yet.
branw3n Wrote:I mean, I miss content updates too, but no need to bash. Really appreciate all that Ivan's worked on, and I just play the last stable build....once the save issues were fixed I stuck with that build and will stay with it till the breeding whore bad ending is added, and more impreg stuff in general.
Those save game bugs were really one of the most annoying bugs of all time. Now we are, let's say, in a RELEASE CANDIDATE state of the game

Yes, I would also keep the current version you have, until more features later.
Samus85aran Wrote:Hi ivan !!! woow the game almost is perfect, it's rarely found bugs but i have three. 1- Is this a vaginal scene ??? because the text it's about anal
Both! That is, depending on her status (an innocent or a nymph), he can penetrater either her pussy or asshole! The problem is just a typo in the gallery. I'll remove the 'Anal' text later (so it should be called just STAR ATTACK).
Samus85aran Wrote:Princess now can masturbate in hard mode
Whoops! CHECKING!Samus85aran Wrote:There is still reverse boobs with the last guy i reported the duck can impale you of mario sushine, you can see it when her boobs are big
Hmmmmm.....I SURELY fixed that TWICE. If its still not working, something very annoying is happening inside the boobs code!
CHECKING!LMJD Wrote:I might have a idea for the game. What do you think of a dungeon in Peach's castle for defeated bosses and Peach being able to talk/have sex with them anytime the player wants, like a prisoner or personal sex slave with a bonus sex scene/dialogue, one that's different from the first encounter.
Hmmmmm nice idea! I can surelly do that. But, in order not to put many plates on my TODO list, perhaps I could just create varieties of the current sex scenes of the Koopalings, and I can put some outfits in a wall (lets say 'endless outfits'), something Peach can take them and use them only for the scenes in the prison. Those outfits wont be POWERUPS.
In order to access that dungeon area, perhaps after the first boss is defeated, a given Toad can be in a given door (next to the kitchen area?) that was locked and now its unlocked.
Matniz Wrote:Is there an option for daisy to have bigger tits?
Unfortunatelly no, because of the way of the code engine. It was far complex to make Daisy based on Peach character 'under the hood of the game engine'. But I can surely think about creating an ON/OFF option (in the OPTIONS SCREEN) to change that size anytime you want. I'll think about it!