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It is said that all life on the Mortal plane is supported by a network of trees brimming with divine energy. One such Divine Tree was located on the continent of Luxaria. Under the tree’s glow, all manner of flora and fauna thrived. Many different gods and spirits were attracted to the land by the tree’s wonderful glow. But the glow also attracted those that wished to take the power for themselves. A group of demons known as the Hellion Crusade descended upon the land seeking to claim the tree’s power.
To protect itself from the demon’s onslaught, the tree gave birth to the Dryads.Other gods also came to the aid of the Divine Tree. The Four Heavenly Beasts leant their aid to protecting the Tree as well. They came together to gift some of the animals who roamed the continent the strength and intelligence to stand and use weapons. These blessed warriors became the first Beastfolk. The war raged on for a century until finally the demons were pushed back. When the battle was over, the Dryad and Beastfolk were granted free will by their deities and left to live life on their own terms. The two groups separated and formed their own societies.
One day, a group of human settlers landed on the continent. They had fled their home country of Altair after the land was overrun by vampires. The Dryad and Beastfolk welcomed the settlers with open arms and helped them become accustom to the land. In return the humans shared their newest innovations. However, the humans brought with them something else. On one of the first ships to land on Luxaria were a group called the Dhampir. They were half vampires who also sought out a new land to escape from their pure-blooded overseers. Unlike the humans who built the large castle city of Luxburg, the Dhampir scattered throughout the southern swamplands.
The Dhampir soon joined with the beastfolk exiles who made the swamp their home. They became organized and formed their own capital. Soon they started to expand northward claiming more and more land. While they didn’t possess the same powers as pure blooded vampires, the Dhampir did adopt some of their mannerisms.Threatened by the Dhampir’s growing influence on the continent, the human settlers began to expand their own military might.
In desperation, a group of summoners attempted to reach into the Heavenly Realm and call forth the power of the angels to smite the Dhampir. However, one summoner instead reached into the Devil Plane and called forth the leaders of the Hellion Crusade. In no time their demonic army swept through the human capital of Luxburg. While most residents managed to escape, many were captured.
With no home of their own, the humans scattered across the continent of Luxaria. Many formed new settlements among the Dryad, the Beastfolk and even the Dhampir. But most still wander as nomads or worst, bandits. Meanwhile the Hellion Crusade has turned Luxburg into their home base and have launched attack after attack on the Divine Tree.
It is said that all life on the Mortal plane is supported by a network of trees brimming with divine energy. One such Divine Tree was located on the continent of Luxaria. Under the tree’s glow, all manner of flora and fauna thrived. Many different gods and spirits were attracted to the land by the tree’s wonderful glow. But the glow also attracted those that wished to take the power for themselves. A group of demons known as the Hellion Crusade descended upon the land seeking to claim the tree’s power.
To protect itself from the demon’s onslaught, the tree gave birth to the Dryads.Other gods also came to the aid of the Divine Tree. The Four Heavenly Beasts leant their aid to protecting the Tree as well. They came together to gift some of the animals who roamed the continent the strength and intelligence to stand and use weapons. These blessed warriors became the first Beastfolk. The war raged on for a century until finally the demons were pushed back. When the battle was over, the Dryad and Beastfolk were granted free will by their deities and left to live life on their own terms. The two groups separated and formed their own societies.
One day, a group of human settlers landed on the continent. They had fled their home country of Altair after the land was overrun by vampires. The Dryad and Beastfolk welcomed the settlers with open arms and helped them become accustom to the land. In return the humans shared their newest innovations. However, the humans brought with them something else. On one of the first ships to land on Luxaria were a group called the Dhampir. They were half vampires who also sought out a new land to escape from their pure-blooded overseers. Unlike the humans who built the large castle city of Luxburg, the Dhampir scattered throughout the southern swamplands.
The Dhampir soon joined with the beastfolk exiles who made the swamp their home. They became organized and formed their own capital. Soon they started to expand northward claiming more and more land. While they didn’t possess the same powers as pure blooded vampires, the Dhampir did adopt some of their mannerisms.Threatened by the Dhampir’s growing influence on the continent, the human settlers began to expand their own military might.
In desperation, a group of summoners attempted to reach into the Heavenly Realm and call forth the power of the angels to smite the Dhampir. However, one summoner instead reached into the Devil Plane and called forth the leaders of the Hellion Crusade. In no time their demonic army swept through the human capital of Luxburg. While most residents managed to escape, many were captured.
With no home of their own, the humans scattered across the continent of Luxaria. Many formed new settlements among the Dryad, the Beastfolk and even the Dhampir. But most still wander as nomads or worst, bandits. Meanwhile the Hellion Crusade has turned Luxburg into their home base and have launched attack after attack on the Divine Tree.
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The fall of the human capital of Luxburg and the reappearance of the Hellion Crusade has thrown the once peaceful continent of Luxaria into disarray. In the midst of all this chaos, two guilds have formed, each with different goals. The Starlight Knights were formed with the help of the Luma Sanctuary. Together they work to aid the people of Luxaria. Meanwhile the Crimson Marauders formed with survival as their only goal. Located in the Thundersnow Mountain, they raid and pillage locate villages while taking shady jobs from any party. Time and again these two groups have come into conflict. But ultimately, only one can come out on top. And the guild that does may eventually determine the fate of Luxaria.
The Starlight Knights and the Crimson Marauders have each moved to their new headquarters. From here they can take on new jobs and build up their headquarters. If you so choose, you can attack the opposing guild’s fort. But the game is meant to go as long as players want it to.
The fall of the human capital of Luxburg and the reappearance of the Hellion Crusade has thrown the once peaceful continent of Luxaria into disarray. In the midst of all this chaos, two guilds have formed, each with different goals. The Starlight Knights were formed with the help of the Luma Sanctuary. Together they work to aid the people of Luxaria. Meanwhile the Crimson Marauders formed with survival as their only goal. Located in the Thundersnow Mountain, they raid and pillage locate villages while taking shady jobs from any party. Time and again these two groups have come into conflict. But ultimately, only one can come out on top. And the guild that does may eventually determine the fate of Luxaria.
The Starlight Knights and the Crimson Marauders have each moved to their new headquarters. From here they can take on new jobs and build up their headquarters. If you so choose, you can attack the opposing guild’s fort. But the game is meant to go as long as players want it to.
Playable Races
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When the Country of Altair fell, the Alta royal family lead a great exodus to the sea in search of a new land. The humans travelled for years from land to land. Eventually the humans settled on Luxaria and prospered thanks to the land’s natural resources and their own ingenuity. They brought with them their knowledge of agriculture, mining and crafting.
However, their fear of the Dhampir drove them to make a terrible mistake and summoned the Hellion Crusade into their capital, Luxburg. When the capital fell, humans scattered to all corners of the continent.
Stat Boost: Plus 1 to all Stats
Racial Ability: Resourcefulness
Start the game with one extra class ability and one additional skill at Rank 2
The human's closest to the incident found they couldn’t set up meaningful roots anywhere else. Instead these humans chose to continue wandering the continent. They move from land to land working as performers, mercenaries or herders. Some wanderers have decided to live as bandits and raiders.
Some humans have settled down in new lands to form new towns on different parts of the continent. These small cities are only a shadow of human’s former glory but they allow them to live a quiet life as farmers or traders. These settlements are small and can only summon a small militia force. This puts them at the mercy of larger forces.
The Dryad race of humanoid plants that were originally born from a Divine Tree. After the first Hellion War, the Dryad chose to remain with the Divine Tree, but a few chose to explore the continent and become caretakers of nature. The Dryads and the Beastfolk have been allies and friends since the Hellion War. Though their relationship with the Humans is strained as they began to encroach on their land. The Dryad take on a female form and treasure honesty and empathy. They can live on average for 40 years. When a Dryad dies, a tree grows in it’s place that eventually becomes a new Dryad. The Dryad can have either two legged or four legged form (Similar to a centaur)
Stat Bonus:+3 to Dexterity and +2 to Intelligence or Wisdom
Racial Ability: Overgrowth (All Dryad have the ability to grow several different items from their body (Choose one, all abilities cost 5 Stamina in Battle):
Thorn Whip: Do 1d6 Damage with a 25% Bleed chance. +3 to grapple rolls, 80% Accuracy
Barkskin: Grow a bark shielding around your body. CON Increases by 2, Health Points increase by 5 & gain +3 to rolls to resist status effects
Engrained Roots: Implant roots into the ground. Can’t Move or be Knocked Down, Gain 1d4 HP per turn and + 10 to True Accuracy when using ranged weapons.
Like the Humans, Beastfolk can be found on all corners of the continent. They were originally just simple animals that lived on Luxaria. When the Hellion Crusade first attacked, a group of demonic sorcerers tried to capture the Four Heavenly Beasts and bend them to their will. Seeing their plight, a few animals intercepted the sorcerers and freed the heavenly beasts. Grateful, they granted these beasts intelligence and the ability to use tools. Those became the first Beastfolk. When the war was finally over, the Beastfolk built large temple cities to honour their deities.
High Borne:
Unlike most Beastfolk, the High Borne are the direct descendants of The Four Heavenly Beasts. High Borne families are held in high esteem. From a young age High Borne are raised in the temple cities to be leaders or temple keepers. The High Borne are the only Beastfolk that take after the Four Heavenly Beasts (Dragon, Fox, Tiger, Snake) and that are allowed in close proximity to the Divine Tree.
When the temples to the Four Heavenly Beasts were being built, some beastfolk showed displeasure with the High Borne who had assumed command of the beastfolk. Others turned away from their original creators to worship darker forces. When word of a rebellion began to spread, the High Borne cast the malcontents from their temple cities. Some traveled south to live in the marshlands, While others traveled as far north as the Thundersnow Mountains.
Stat Bonus: +3 to Constitution and + 2 to Strength or Dexterity
Racial Ability: Natural Instances
Your beastial nature gives you an advantage in battle. Gain a natural weapon and a natural defense.
Natural Weapons:
Stamina Cost: 5 | Damage: 6 | Accuracy: 12 | Critical Rate: 2| Effects: Inflict Bleed on hit
Stamina Cost: 5 | Damage: 8 | Accuracy: 8 | Critical Rate: 1 | Effects: Use STR Modifier (Player STR Roll vs. Enemy CON Roll), If you succeed, inflict Knockdown
Tendrils, Tail
Stamina Cost: 5 | Damage: 6 | Accuracy: 10| Critical Rate: 1 | Effects: Use DEX and STR modifier for grapple roll. +2 to Grapple Rolls
Natural Defense:
Tough Hide: +1 Defense & +1 Resistance to Status Effects
Nimble Reflexes: +1 Evasion & +1 to Reflex based rolls
Sharp Eyes: +1 to True Accuracy & +1 to Knowledge and Spot Checks
After the first Hellion War, there were many Beast Folk that seemed to lose their intelligence and revert to their more bestial nature. The cause and cure for this feralization are still unknown. The most alarming fact is that feralization can struck commoner and High borne alike. Some Feral Beastfolk are taken care of by their kin. Others are kept as pets by the Dhampir or the Hellion Crusade. But the most power roam the land searching for prey.
When the vampires first started conquering human territory, they would keep the human nobles as sex slaves. In a few rare cases, these unions gave birth to half vampires called the Dhampir. They didn’t possess the same powers as a true vampire but they were stronger than the average human. The sun didn’t burn them but it did drain their strength extremely fast. They are long lived, being able to live up to 300 years. But stop aging after 18 to 30 years. Though once they began to reach the end of their lifespan, they hair turns a glimmering white.
Because of their elegant appearance, Pure-Bloods would treat the Dhampir they give birth to as dolls to be dressed up and put on display for other vampires. After a few decades, the surviving Dhampir couldn’t take these indignities anymore. So a small group left on a human ship to find a new home.
The ship containing the Dhampir drifted south and landed on Luxaria’s swampland. Having spent most of their lives with their Vampire parents, most Dhampir adopted their prideful, decadent nature. One day a relatively young (50 years old) woman by the name of Valerie DeCosta offered the Dhampirs something they never had before, the ability to procreate. With Valerie’s blessing, new Dhampirs could be born. But with the extremely low fertility rate, the Dhampir population remained small.
Stat Bonus: +3 to Wisdom and + 2 to Dexterity or Intelligence
Racial Ability: Draining Bite (Usable on Grappled or Immobilized Enemies. Stamina cost chosen by player. Deal (Stamina(d2) + Level) Damage. Recover half that damage in HP, Can only used once a turn)
When the Country of Altair fell, the Alta royal family lead a great exodus to the sea in search of a new land. The humans travelled for years from land to land. Eventually the humans settled on Luxaria and prospered thanks to the land’s natural resources and their own ingenuity. They brought with them their knowledge of agriculture, mining and crafting.
However, their fear of the Dhampir drove them to make a terrible mistake and summoned the Hellion Crusade into their capital, Luxburg. When the capital fell, humans scattered to all corners of the continent.
Stat Boost: Plus 1 to all Stats
Racial Ability: Resourcefulness
Start the game with one extra class ability and one additional skill at Rank 2
The human's closest to the incident found they couldn’t set up meaningful roots anywhere else. Instead these humans chose to continue wandering the continent. They move from land to land working as performers, mercenaries or herders. Some wanderers have decided to live as bandits and raiders.
Some humans have settled down in new lands to form new towns on different parts of the continent. These small cities are only a shadow of human’s former glory but they allow them to live a quiet life as farmers or traders. These settlements are small and can only summon a small militia force. This puts them at the mercy of larger forces.
The Dryad race of humanoid plants that were originally born from a Divine Tree. After the first Hellion War, the Dryad chose to remain with the Divine Tree, but a few chose to explore the continent and become caretakers of nature. The Dryads and the Beastfolk have been allies and friends since the Hellion War. Though their relationship with the Humans is strained as they began to encroach on their land. The Dryad take on a female form and treasure honesty and empathy. They can live on average for 40 years. When a Dryad dies, a tree grows in it’s place that eventually becomes a new Dryad. The Dryad can have either two legged or four legged form (Similar to a centaur)
Stat Bonus:+3 to Dexterity and +2 to Intelligence or Wisdom
Racial Ability: Overgrowth (All Dryad have the ability to grow several different items from their body (Choose one, all abilities cost 5 Stamina in Battle):
Thorn Whip: Do 1d6 Damage with a 25% Bleed chance. +3 to grapple rolls, 80% Accuracy
Barkskin: Grow a bark shielding around your body. CON Increases by 2, Health Points increase by 5 & gain +3 to rolls to resist status effects
Engrained Roots: Implant roots into the ground. Can’t Move or be Knocked Down, Gain 1d4 HP per turn and + 10 to True Accuracy when using ranged weapons.
Like the Humans, Beastfolk can be found on all corners of the continent. They were originally just simple animals that lived on Luxaria. When the Hellion Crusade first attacked, a group of demonic sorcerers tried to capture the Four Heavenly Beasts and bend them to their will. Seeing their plight, a few animals intercepted the sorcerers and freed the heavenly beasts. Grateful, they granted these beasts intelligence and the ability to use tools. Those became the first Beastfolk. When the war was finally over, the Beastfolk built large temple cities to honour their deities.
High Borne:
Unlike most Beastfolk, the High Borne are the direct descendants of The Four Heavenly Beasts. High Borne families are held in high esteem. From a young age High Borne are raised in the temple cities to be leaders or temple keepers. The High Borne are the only Beastfolk that take after the Four Heavenly Beasts (Dragon, Fox, Tiger, Snake) and that are allowed in close proximity to the Divine Tree.
When the temples to the Four Heavenly Beasts were being built, some beastfolk showed displeasure with the High Borne who had assumed command of the beastfolk. Others turned away from their original creators to worship darker forces. When word of a rebellion began to spread, the High Borne cast the malcontents from their temple cities. Some traveled south to live in the marshlands, While others traveled as far north as the Thundersnow Mountains.
Stat Bonus: +3 to Constitution and + 2 to Strength or Dexterity
Racial Ability: Natural Instances
Your beastial nature gives you an advantage in battle. Gain a natural weapon and a natural defense.
Natural Weapons:
Stamina Cost: 5 | Damage: 6 | Accuracy: 12 | Critical Rate: 2| Effects: Inflict Bleed on hit
Stamina Cost: 5 | Damage: 8 | Accuracy: 8 | Critical Rate: 1 | Effects: Use STR Modifier (Player STR Roll vs. Enemy CON Roll), If you succeed, inflict Knockdown
Tendrils, Tail
Stamina Cost: 5 | Damage: 6 | Accuracy: 10| Critical Rate: 1 | Effects: Use DEX and STR modifier for grapple roll. +2 to Grapple Rolls
Natural Defense:
Tough Hide: +1 Defense & +1 Resistance to Status Effects
Nimble Reflexes: +1 Evasion & +1 to Reflex based rolls
Sharp Eyes: +1 to True Accuracy & +1 to Knowledge and Spot Checks
After the first Hellion War, there were many Beast Folk that seemed to lose their intelligence and revert to their more bestial nature. The cause and cure for this feralization are still unknown. The most alarming fact is that feralization can struck commoner and High borne alike. Some Feral Beastfolk are taken care of by their kin. Others are kept as pets by the Dhampir or the Hellion Crusade. But the most power roam the land searching for prey.
When the vampires first started conquering human territory, they would keep the human nobles as sex slaves. In a few rare cases, these unions gave birth to half vampires called the Dhampir. They didn’t possess the same powers as a true vampire but they were stronger than the average human. The sun didn’t burn them but it did drain their strength extremely fast. They are long lived, being able to live up to 300 years. But stop aging after 18 to 30 years. Though once they began to reach the end of their lifespan, they hair turns a glimmering white.
Because of their elegant appearance, Pure-Bloods would treat the Dhampir they give birth to as dolls to be dressed up and put on display for other vampires. After a few decades, the surviving Dhampir couldn’t take these indignities anymore. So a small group left on a human ship to find a new home.
The ship containing the Dhampir drifted south and landed on Luxaria’s swampland. Having spent most of their lives with their Vampire parents, most Dhampir adopted their prideful, decadent nature. One day a relatively young (50 years old) woman by the name of Valerie DeCosta offered the Dhampirs something they never had before, the ability to procreate. With Valerie’s blessing, new Dhampirs could be born. But with the extremely low fertility rate, the Dhampir population remained small.
Stat Bonus: +3 to Wisdom and + 2 to Dexterity or Intelligence
Racial Ability: Draining Bite (Usable on Grappled or Immobilized Enemies. Stamina cost chosen by player. Deal (Stamina(d2) + Level) Damage. Recover half that damage in HP, Can only used once a turn)

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Formally a loose collection of Dhampir and Beastfolk exile settlements in the southern part of Luxaria. This area was filled with thick swamp and marshland and an oppressive fog. The low concentration of sunlight made it an ideal home for the Dhampir. When Valerie Valentina gave the Dhampir the ability to procreate, they rallied around her as their leader.
This southland had also been inhabited by Beastfolks who had been exiled from Faunaflora. When the Dhampir finally united behind Valerie, her people confronted these exiles led by the Raven King Elixir. Stories say to avoid war, Valerie and Elixir met in private. When the meeting was over, observers could see bite marks on Elixir’s neck and Valerie’s blouse open exposing her ample chest. The two were wed and the state of Nightvale was formed. Valerie’s estate, Nightingale became its capital.
Nightvale is rich in gold, coal and unique herbs and metals. Despite the reputation of the Dhampir and Exiles, the Western Isles were more than willing to trade with Nightvale. This wealth allowed the people of Nightvale to live in comfort, even employing indentured servant who double as meals for the Dhampir.
The Bloody Swamp
The Parris Company and Gold Mine
Yellowtail Port
Exile’s Point
After gaining the trust of the Luxaria natives, the human settler set up roots on the continent. The Alta Royal Family founded Luxburg which became a hub for commerce, art and innovation. They made uses of the plentiful forests, rolling hills and farmlands. But no matter how much their presence grew, they could not shake their fear of the Dhampir. In a moment of fear, a mage managed to summon the Hellon Crusade to Luxburg. Their forces managed to sweep through the capital with ease.
Now it and the surrounding area are occupied by the Hellion Crusade. The closer you get to the capital, the thicker the demonic presence becomes. They are still a few human villages scattered through the land but they have to fend for themselves.
Luxburg/Hellion Fortress
White Swallow Port
Luma Sanctuary
Dark Thorn Fortress
Vestalia: The Dryad land that surrounds the Divine Tree. The country consists of thick forests of all kinds. Unlike Luxburg, the Dryad have no large capitals but instead multiple small villages. Since the soil is so fertile, many Dryad grow fruits and vegetables that they trade with other races. They have come into conflict with Artoria and Faunaflora who wanted to use their fertile land.
The largest village is situated at the base of the Divine Tree. There houses a shrine that allows visitors to commune with the Goddess of the Tree. To avoid any other corrupting influences, the only other beings permitted this close to the tree are Dryads and High Borne Beastfolk.
Divine Tree
Lake of the Fairy Queen
Forest of Reflection
Syvlan Village
After the first Hellion War, the Beastfolk began to build homes for themselves along with monuments to the Four Heavenly Beasts that gave them form. They built large pyramid temples and made offering to them and other animal gods. However, conflict arose between the four major temples when the Beastfolk began to disagree on which deity deserved to be worshiped. Fighting broke out and a civil war was on the horizon. However, a group of High Borne Beastfolk calmed the rising anger and proposed a multi-theistic solution. Appeased, the separated temples joined together to form the nation of Faunaflora. The four families of the High Borne Beastfolk that brokered the peace continued to lead the people through a group called the Council of Fangs.
Temple of Raijin in the Dragoneye Mountains
Temple of Inari in the Shinto Forest
Temple of Hu Jiang Jun In the Blazing Plains
Temple of Jörmungandr in the Land of Four Rivers
The Northern Range:
This land was the stage for the final battle between the Hellion Crusade and the forces of the Divine Tree in the first Hellion War. The land was left scarred and rogue demons still roam the land. The Dryad have been working to rehabilitate the land but those that call the Range home are a rough and tumble bunch. Hidden within the mountain range is a crater that crackles with negative energy.
Obsidian Scar
Thundersnow Mountains
Broken Angel Retreat
The Caverns
Svylan Outpost
The Western isles:
When the human settlers first came to Luxaria, they settled on this small set of islands first. While most moved to the mainland, a single ship remained on the islands. This small outcropping became a trading port which connected Luxaria to the rest of the world. However, the Western Isles retained their independence from the kingdom of Luxburg. While the two fiefdoms were on friendly terms, The Western isles have always valued their independence.
Northern Island:
Tower of Purity
Southern Island:
Tower of Corruption
Central Island:
Settler’s Bay
Formally a loose collection of Dhampir and Beastfolk exile settlements in the southern part of Luxaria. This area was filled with thick swamp and marshland and an oppressive fog. The low concentration of sunlight made it an ideal home for the Dhampir. When Valerie Valentina gave the Dhampir the ability to procreate, they rallied around her as their leader.
This southland had also been inhabited by Beastfolks who had been exiled from Faunaflora. When the Dhampir finally united behind Valerie, her people confronted these exiles led by the Raven King Elixir. Stories say to avoid war, Valerie and Elixir met in private. When the meeting was over, observers could see bite marks on Elixir’s neck and Valerie’s blouse open exposing her ample chest. The two were wed and the state of Nightvale was formed. Valerie’s estate, Nightingale became its capital.
Nightvale is rich in gold, coal and unique herbs and metals. Despite the reputation of the Dhampir and Exiles, the Western Isles were more than willing to trade with Nightvale. This wealth allowed the people of Nightvale to live in comfort, even employing indentured servant who double as meals for the Dhampir.
The Bloody Swamp
The Parris Company and Gold Mine
Yellowtail Port
Exile’s Point
After gaining the trust of the Luxaria natives, the human settler set up roots on the continent. The Alta Royal Family founded Luxburg which became a hub for commerce, art and innovation. They made uses of the plentiful forests, rolling hills and farmlands. But no matter how much their presence grew, they could not shake their fear of the Dhampir. In a moment of fear, a mage managed to summon the Hellon Crusade to Luxburg. Their forces managed to sweep through the capital with ease.
Now it and the surrounding area are occupied by the Hellion Crusade. The closer you get to the capital, the thicker the demonic presence becomes. They are still a few human villages scattered through the land but they have to fend for themselves.
Luxburg/Hellion Fortress
White Swallow Port
Luma Sanctuary
Dark Thorn Fortress
Vestalia: The Dryad land that surrounds the Divine Tree. The country consists of thick forests of all kinds. Unlike Luxburg, the Dryad have no large capitals but instead multiple small villages. Since the soil is so fertile, many Dryad grow fruits and vegetables that they trade with other races. They have come into conflict with Artoria and Faunaflora who wanted to use their fertile land.
The largest village is situated at the base of the Divine Tree. There houses a shrine that allows visitors to commune with the Goddess of the Tree. To avoid any other corrupting influences, the only other beings permitted this close to the tree are Dryads and High Borne Beastfolk.
Divine Tree
Lake of the Fairy Queen
Forest of Reflection
Syvlan Village
After the first Hellion War, the Beastfolk began to build homes for themselves along with monuments to the Four Heavenly Beasts that gave them form. They built large pyramid temples and made offering to them and other animal gods. However, conflict arose between the four major temples when the Beastfolk began to disagree on which deity deserved to be worshiped. Fighting broke out and a civil war was on the horizon. However, a group of High Borne Beastfolk calmed the rising anger and proposed a multi-theistic solution. Appeased, the separated temples joined together to form the nation of Faunaflora. The four families of the High Borne Beastfolk that brokered the peace continued to lead the people through a group called the Council of Fangs.
Temple of Raijin in the Dragoneye Mountains
Temple of Inari in the Shinto Forest
Temple of Hu Jiang Jun In the Blazing Plains
Temple of Jörmungandr in the Land of Four Rivers
The Northern Range:
This land was the stage for the final battle between the Hellion Crusade and the forces of the Divine Tree in the first Hellion War. The land was left scarred and rogue demons still roam the land. The Dryad have been working to rehabilitate the land but those that call the Range home are a rough and tumble bunch. Hidden within the mountain range is a crater that crackles with negative energy.
Obsidian Scar
Thundersnow Mountains
Broken Angel Retreat
The Caverns
Svylan Outpost
The Western isles:
When the human settlers first came to Luxaria, they settled on this small set of islands first. While most moved to the mainland, a single ship remained on the islands. This small outcropping became a trading port which connected Luxaria to the rest of the world. However, the Western Isles retained their independence from the kingdom of Luxburg. While the two fiefdoms were on friendly terms, The Western isles have always valued their independence.
Northern Island:
Tower of Purity
Southern Island:
Tower of Corruption
Central Island:
Settler’s Bay
Spirits/Gods/Deities (For Worship, Magic users)
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Heavenly Watchers
The creation of the world is shrouded in mystery. Birthed by a nameless god, the only evidence of its existence are a group of heavenly bodies left behind
Saint of Luminous Light: Luma
The first light in the universe came from Saint Luma and it’s heavenly realm. This light eventually became the sun and was worshipped by early mortals. However, Luma was too powerful to interact with them. So instead he set angels to visit the mortals. These angels would offer humans the power to perform divine miracles and salvation if they worshipped Luma. Not as a Deity but the one true creator.
Saint of Devouring Darkness: Zoth
In the places where Luma’s holiness didn’t shine, Zoth and it’s Void Horrors were born. These monsters could touch the very souls of mortals. Some describe Zoth’s touch as freeing while others describe it as maddening. The mortals touched by these early void horrors eventually became the first demons and began to invade Luma’s territory. In a millennia long battle, Luma and his angels cast Zoth and it’s cohorts into a separate plane of existence called the Devil Plane. Despite this banishment, Zoth’s demons and influence still leaches out into the mortal realm.
The Divine Tree
All life on the planet is managed by a network of trees called Divine Trees. The life essence of the world flows into these trees and through the ground to touch all life. Within each tree resides a spirit that looks over this immense power. Mortals who make a pact with these spirits will gain the ability to tap into the Divine Tree’s energy to control the earth itself.
The Four Heavenly Beasts
When the divine trees were first formed, one didn’t fully grow to into maturity. The tree eventually hollowed out due to the harsh conditions of the newly formed world. Through storms and heavy weather, four beasts took shelter in the decimated divine tree. A fox, a snake, a tiger and a dragon whelp. Together in this tree, the animals absorbed the energy of the tree and became godly beasts. With their new power, these four heavenly beasts watched over the new world.
Thunder Dragon, Raijin.
Master of Lightning. Raijin is said to travel the skies causing thunderstorms in his wake. Wrathful and Authoritative, Raijin is a symbol of justice and retribution. Watching from the skies, Raijin strikes down the wicked.
Illusionary Fox Inari
Mistress of the Winds. Inari hids in the forest in wait for anyone to enter her domain. Inari lays tricks for the mortals, punishing the ones who reveal their dark hearts. A playful and mysterious god, Inari is a symbol of truth and purity.
Blazing Tiger: Hu Jiang Jun
Master of Flames. Hu Jaing Jun marches through the plains with pride like a general. This heavenly beast is a symbol of protection and military power. The god’s presence is said to spur on warriors to redouble their efforts.
Snake of the Four Rivers: Jörmungandr
Mistress of the Seas. Jörmungandr keeps her presence concealed in the waters. When the time calls for it she whispers sage advice to those who would listen. The cunning serpent is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.
The Three Demon Lord
The Devil Planes were meant to house demons, void horrors and other sinful beings created by Zoth. However, overtime their influence had begun to leak into the mortal realm. Seeing this, Luma became worried and sent his three strongest angels to contain this chaotic energy. The saint gifted each of them a portion of it’s power and dispatched them to the Devil Plane. But one after another, they meet an unexpected fate.
Lillion of Endless Delights
Lillion was once the most beautiful of Luma’s angels. She had a trusting heart and hoped to redeem the demons.
When Lillion entered the Devil Plane, she was beset by the succubus queen and her follows. While Lillion was powerful, she could not resist the demon’s seductive magic and was made a prisoner within the Succubus Queen’s Cathedral. There, the heavenly beings body and mind were ravaged by all manner of succubus, incubus and other foul creature. Near a millennia passed and Lillion’s soul was on the verge of breaking.
At her weakest moment, a dark voice reached out to her. “Accept my power and be free.” It said. Lillion accepted the offer without hesitation. Her wings grow dark as her aura became twisted. She was no longer an angel but a powerful demon. With little effort, she turned the demon’s seductive magic against them and claimed the Succubus Queen’s Cathedral for herself.
Bellion of Endless Pestilence
Bellion prided wisdom and knowledge above all else. This curiosity lead him to a specific area within the devil plane said to be ruled by necromancers and disease riddled demons.
It didn’t take long for the heavenly being to became ill with some ethereal virus. This pain and weakness was an unfamiliar feeling for Bellion and almost drove him to madness. All the while, the powerful angel fought off demons trying to claim his diseased soul for their own purposes. Cornered and on the brink of death, Bellion cried out for anyone to help him. Just as the heavenly being felt it’s soul begin to dissipate, something dark stitched it back together. However he recovered, his once divine body was marred by welts and scars. With a new understanding of pain and death, Bellion spread his influence over the devil plane.
Hellion of Endless Conquest
Hellion was said to be the most noble of the three angels. The powerful angel thought to subdue the demons with force.
However, Hellion wasn’t prepared for the lawless nature of the demons he encountered. Alone, Hellion began his crusade to quell the orcs, orges and other monstrous demons that roamed this part of the Devil Plane. He bathed in the blood of his enemies until it was absorbed into his body. The blood granted Hellion power but he became crueler and more violent. He recruited demons to his crusade and continued to subjugate the Devil Plane. As Hellion consumed more of the demon’s blood, his body transformed until Hellion became more than a demon. The orcs he had subjected had begun to worship him as a god.
Heavenly Watchers
The creation of the world is shrouded in mystery. Birthed by a nameless god, the only evidence of its existence are a group of heavenly bodies left behind
Saint of Luminous Light: Luma
The first light in the universe came from Saint Luma and it’s heavenly realm. This light eventually became the sun and was worshipped by early mortals. However, Luma was too powerful to interact with them. So instead he set angels to visit the mortals. These angels would offer humans the power to perform divine miracles and salvation if they worshipped Luma. Not as a Deity but the one true creator.
Saint of Devouring Darkness: Zoth
In the places where Luma’s holiness didn’t shine, Zoth and it’s Void Horrors were born. These monsters could touch the very souls of mortals. Some describe Zoth’s touch as freeing while others describe it as maddening. The mortals touched by these early void horrors eventually became the first demons and began to invade Luma’s territory. In a millennia long battle, Luma and his angels cast Zoth and it’s cohorts into a separate plane of existence called the Devil Plane. Despite this banishment, Zoth’s demons and influence still leaches out into the mortal realm.
The Divine Tree
All life on the planet is managed by a network of trees called Divine Trees. The life essence of the world flows into these trees and through the ground to touch all life. Within each tree resides a spirit that looks over this immense power. Mortals who make a pact with these spirits will gain the ability to tap into the Divine Tree’s energy to control the earth itself.
The Four Heavenly Beasts
When the divine trees were first formed, one didn’t fully grow to into maturity. The tree eventually hollowed out due to the harsh conditions of the newly formed world. Through storms and heavy weather, four beasts took shelter in the decimated divine tree. A fox, a snake, a tiger and a dragon whelp. Together in this tree, the animals absorbed the energy of the tree and became godly beasts. With their new power, these four heavenly beasts watched over the new world.
Thunder Dragon, Raijin.
Master of Lightning. Raijin is said to travel the skies causing thunderstorms in his wake. Wrathful and Authoritative, Raijin is a symbol of justice and retribution. Watching from the skies, Raijin strikes down the wicked.
Illusionary Fox Inari
Mistress of the Winds. Inari hids in the forest in wait for anyone to enter her domain. Inari lays tricks for the mortals, punishing the ones who reveal their dark hearts. A playful and mysterious god, Inari is a symbol of truth and purity.
Blazing Tiger: Hu Jiang Jun
Master of Flames. Hu Jaing Jun marches through the plains with pride like a general. This heavenly beast is a symbol of protection and military power. The god’s presence is said to spur on warriors to redouble their efforts.
Snake of the Four Rivers: Jörmungandr
Mistress of the Seas. Jörmungandr keeps her presence concealed in the waters. When the time calls for it she whispers sage advice to those who would listen. The cunning serpent is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.
The Three Demon Lord
The Devil Planes were meant to house demons, void horrors and other sinful beings created by Zoth. However, overtime their influence had begun to leak into the mortal realm. Seeing this, Luma became worried and sent his three strongest angels to contain this chaotic energy. The saint gifted each of them a portion of it’s power and dispatched them to the Devil Plane. But one after another, they meet an unexpected fate.
Lillion of Endless Delights
Lillion was once the most beautiful of Luma’s angels. She had a trusting heart and hoped to redeem the demons.
When Lillion entered the Devil Plane, she was beset by the succubus queen and her follows. While Lillion was powerful, she could not resist the demon’s seductive magic and was made a prisoner within the Succubus Queen’s Cathedral. There, the heavenly beings body and mind were ravaged by all manner of succubus, incubus and other foul creature. Near a millennia passed and Lillion’s soul was on the verge of breaking.
At her weakest moment, a dark voice reached out to her. “Accept my power and be free.” It said. Lillion accepted the offer without hesitation. Her wings grow dark as her aura became twisted. She was no longer an angel but a powerful demon. With little effort, she turned the demon’s seductive magic against them and claimed the Succubus Queen’s Cathedral for herself.
Bellion of Endless Pestilence
Bellion prided wisdom and knowledge above all else. This curiosity lead him to a specific area within the devil plane said to be ruled by necromancers and disease riddled demons.
It didn’t take long for the heavenly being to became ill with some ethereal virus. This pain and weakness was an unfamiliar feeling for Bellion and almost drove him to madness. All the while, the powerful angel fought off demons trying to claim his diseased soul for their own purposes. Cornered and on the brink of death, Bellion cried out for anyone to help him. Just as the heavenly being felt it’s soul begin to dissipate, something dark stitched it back together. However he recovered, his once divine body was marred by welts and scars. With a new understanding of pain and death, Bellion spread his influence over the devil plane.
Hellion of Endless Conquest
Hellion was said to be the most noble of the three angels. The powerful angel thought to subdue the demons with force.
However, Hellion wasn’t prepared for the lawless nature of the demons he encountered. Alone, Hellion began his crusade to quell the orcs, orges and other monstrous demons that roamed this part of the Devil Plane. He bathed in the blood of his enemies until it was absorbed into his body. The blood granted Hellion power but he became crueler and more violent. He recruited demons to his crusade and continued to subjugate the Devil Plane. As Hellion consumed more of the demon’s blood, his body transformed until Hellion became more than a demon. The orcs he had subjected had begun to worship him as a god.
Magic and Magic Users
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
While the world is filled with mystical forces, there are only a few way mortals can access these mystical power:
Source Magic:
Source magic users tap into the cosmic energy that moves throughout the universe. This type of magic can only be used if the user has some affinity for it. Even then, harnessing this power requires intense training under a Grandmaster. As such Source magic users are particularly rare. But those who learn how to use source magic can control natural phenomena like Magnetism, Gravity, Light, Sound. The most powerful Source Magic users can control time and space.
Pact Magic:
Clerics, Warlocks, Shaman and other magic users can gain their power by forming a contract with a deity. In exchange for their devotion or for a certain price, a deity will grant mortals access to some of the powers they control. A Magic User can form multiple pacts with different deities. However, the more pacts you form the less devout each deity will see you and you’ll be able to draw less power from each pact. Also some Deities wouldn’t make a pact with you if you work with an opposing god.
Saint of Luminous Light: Luma
Magic users who make a pact with one of Luma’s angels can use light and holy fire to damage, heal or empower. They can also summon angels to their aid.
Saint of Devouring Darkness: Zoth
Magic users touched by Zoth and who don’t go insane can borrow power from the Devil Realm. They gain the ability to cast curses and hexes that eventually erode the victim's mind and body. They can also summon minor void horrors from the plain to drain your targets.
The Divine Tree
Magic users who have made a pact with the Divine Tree gain the power to commune with nature. They can control plants, small animals and even the earth. They can also borrow power from the sun and the moon.
Thunder Dragon, Raijin
Magic Users who make a pact with Raijin gain the ability to control lighting and the power to control the weather. They also gain the ability to summon lesser thunder dragons to their aid.
Illusionary Fox Inari
Magic Users who make a pact with Inari gain the ability to control the winds and create illusions. Inari magic users can also perform enchantments. If in need of assistance, these magic users can call upon fox spirits.
Blazing Tiger: Hu Jiang Jun
Magic users who make a pact with Hu Jiang Jun gain the ability to control fire and perform protective spells. They can also summon tigers made completely of fire.
Snake of the Four Rivers: Jörmungandr
Magic users who make a pact with Jörmungandr gain the ability to control water and create poison. They can also gain divination, scrying and dowsing spells. If needed, the user can call upon an army of snakes.
Lillion of Endless Delights
Magic Users who worship Lillion gain the ability to charm their foes with magic. They also gain the ability to drain another being’s life essence and summon certain demons. These users also have an affinity for fire magic.
Bellion of Endless Pestilence
Magic Users gain power over the undead and the ability to craft deadly diseases. Bellion also grants users dominion over insects and other demons. These users also have an affinity for ice magic.
Hellion of Endless Conquest
Magic Users who make a pact with Hellion gain access to blood magic. Blood magic focuses on drawing or corrupting your enemy’s blood or using it to enhance their allies. They can also summon orcs, trolls and other such demons.
While the world is filled with mystical forces, there are only a few way mortals can access these mystical power:
Source Magic:
Source magic users tap into the cosmic energy that moves throughout the universe. This type of magic can only be used if the user has some affinity for it. Even then, harnessing this power requires intense training under a Grandmaster. As such Source magic users are particularly rare. But those who learn how to use source magic can control natural phenomena like Magnetism, Gravity, Light, Sound. The most powerful Source Magic users can control time and space.
Pact Magic:
Clerics, Warlocks, Shaman and other magic users can gain their power by forming a contract with a deity. In exchange for their devotion or for a certain price, a deity will grant mortals access to some of the powers they control. A Magic User can form multiple pacts with different deities. However, the more pacts you form the less devout each deity will see you and you’ll be able to draw less power from each pact. Also some Deities wouldn’t make a pact with you if you work with an opposing god.
Saint of Luminous Light: Luma
Magic users who make a pact with one of Luma’s angels can use light and holy fire to damage, heal or empower. They can also summon angels to their aid.
Saint of Devouring Darkness: Zoth
Magic users touched by Zoth and who don’t go insane can borrow power from the Devil Realm. They gain the ability to cast curses and hexes that eventually erode the victim's mind and body. They can also summon minor void horrors from the plain to drain your targets.
The Divine Tree
Magic users who have made a pact with the Divine Tree gain the power to commune with nature. They can control plants, small animals and even the earth. They can also borrow power from the sun and the moon.
Thunder Dragon, Raijin
Magic Users who make a pact with Raijin gain the ability to control lighting and the power to control the weather. They also gain the ability to summon lesser thunder dragons to their aid.
Illusionary Fox Inari
Magic Users who make a pact with Inari gain the ability to control the winds and create illusions. Inari magic users can also perform enchantments. If in need of assistance, these magic users can call upon fox spirits.
Blazing Tiger: Hu Jiang Jun
Magic users who make a pact with Hu Jiang Jun gain the ability to control fire and perform protective spells. They can also summon tigers made completely of fire.
Snake of the Four Rivers: Jörmungandr
Magic users who make a pact with Jörmungandr gain the ability to control water and create poison. They can also gain divination, scrying and dowsing spells. If needed, the user can call upon an army of snakes.
Lillion of Endless Delights
Magic Users who worship Lillion gain the ability to charm their foes with magic. They also gain the ability to drain another being’s life essence and summon certain demons. These users also have an affinity for fire magic.
Bellion of Endless Pestilence
Magic Users gain power over the undead and the ability to craft deadly diseases. Bellion also grants users dominion over insects and other demons. These users also have an affinity for ice magic.
Hellion of Endless Conquest
Magic Users who make a pact with Hellion gain access to blood magic. Blood magic focuses on drawing or corrupting your enemy’s blood or using it to enhance their allies. They can also summon orcs, trolls and other such demons.