Brothel Sim Game

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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Sismicious » Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:30 am

Hi everyone! Long time no see here, huh? But I still look the topic from time to time, thanks for everyone reporting bugs, suggesting ideas, and of course : playing the game!
Meismike indeed sent me a message so here I am.

About bodies :
Yes, I like them with that "petite" touch, and they sure aren't shaped like Jessica Rabbit. But what matter the most to me is the proportions, and here is a quick pic so you better see how I worked :

As you can see, the body itself has quite right proportions. However, there are some things influencing the way it looks overall :
- waist size : much thinner
- hips height : a bit higher
- belly button : a bit too high (mostly due to the way the body is cut for animation)
- finally, the most important : head size. To achieve a more cartoony look, I made the head bigger, and that's what could lead to a younger look, as the ratio between head & body is what changes the most from a baby to an adult.

However, I'll give IxFa a point : more faces styles would be good.
I know my style isn't appealing for everyone, as I'm not comfortable with bimbo looks or over-exageration of body proportions (like playshapes), but I definitely will try to add more variety to the bodies. Maybe it's just a matter or small things!

Aside from that, quick remark on the hair : long hair is something I'm very relucant with, because it would look absolutely ugly when animated. Nice long hair flow means several assets to achieve the right wave effect. Currently, each time I create a hairstyle I cut it in 3 parts, which are swapped in the game to display one or another. If I do a long haircut, and a girl tilt her head down, the hair will just float in the air while being rigid.

Final word : I hope the new build Meismike released for Valentines will please you! We added pushup bras, to make those nice chests pop out, and a new skin color!
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:30 am

Yes, I think your overall proportions are mostly fine, it's a matter of little details and how things are shaped. Notice the length of the arm, the thickness of the thighs, width of the hips and size of the feet. The arrangement of the face should also be considered. And to some extent, I think it's the men that look more babyish, and when I notice it in a male character, I realize that the females are cut from the same block and it all feels weird.

And I mean, it's art. There's not a right way to do things and you're not bad at drawing, it's just that they're not sexy. Art reference models are often very plain looking, and art references poses are either very stiff or very strange. And realism is not necessarily desirable, porn is generally supposed to be fantasy, an escape from reality. If you're making porn, it's better to use pornstars, pro models, actresses, etc. And when making cartoons, I would suggest analyzing other cartoons as well. I know that a lot of serious art teachers frown on that, but it can be very helpful as long as you have enough knowledge of reality. And I get not wanting to make "bimbos". There are many body shapes and they can all be sexy.

Another thing to consider is the idea of drawing emotions instead of drawing things. Not necessarily human emotion, but a sense of drama or action or history in the subject, something you can emotionally respond to. Like, consider the difference between these two images:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Relying on orthographic art references can give people the same problem with drawing humans, you end up with a human diagram instead of human spirit. Playshapes was great at capturing this, and that is why people like it despite the obvious anatomical errors. In the comparison you posted, you can see the difference in the way Playshape's model is angled and curved and the pose of the leftmost model compared to the others. In more advanced poses, you are looking at things the angle of the shoulders and hips, the gaze, angle of facial lines, arms, legs, hands, curve of spine, line of action, etc. It's tempting to want to make a neutral pose to start out with so you can add emotionality on top of it, but a human is never really completely neutral. You never stand up completely straight and gaze dead ahead naturally. Even if a human is asleep or dead, they are not completely neutral. So it's not necessarily "correct" to make the human's baseline state a neutral one. At rest, they probably still look slightly smiley or annoyed or curious or aroused, etc, depending on their character. You have done some good work here, but there could be more.

For improving the animations, let me suggest this video series: ... i92U_l6ZJd This is absolutely something I wish I had been studying decades ago.

As for hair, in 3D animation, there are tools like latice deformers or spline IK that you can use to handle something like hair that doesn't bend rigidly. As a vector program, maybe Flash has some of those you could use to bend long hair without chopping it up? Unfortunately, I don't know my way around that side of Flash very well, I never much cared for 2D vector graphics.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby FruitSmoothie » Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:03 pm

You're still claiming that your idea of "sexy" and what porn should be is what everybody believes (It isn't). Hard for me to take any of your critiques and advice seriously when you're claiming a lot of your opinions are facts. If you actually want to help, there are better ways to go phrase things. Sad part is that there is some good information in your post, just doesn't seem like you know how to present it well to me. Is your first language not English? I can tell you that the way you're wording things can be seen as rude/offensive.

I remember when I started with art I spoke the same way. Might have some good advice but if you're an ass about it, it doesn't matter. Eventually I just chilled out and realized I didn't know as much as I thought I did. Anyways, glad the dev/artist seem to be good sports :p

I'd love more face styles btw, lol.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:44 pm

There's not a lot of point in trying to make "I don't like your characters" sound polite. It'll either be too wordy or sound insincere. Making the effort to articulate why is as polite as I'm going to get.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby FruitSmoothie » Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:57 am

Tried playing again, the female outfits aren't showing up properly in the shop. You arrow over and the cost shown changes but the girl's don't wear the outfit like the men do in the shop preview. A lot of the back/left arrows are still bugged too, actually I think about all of them. Another thing I noticed is that the clicking is still pretty absurd in this game. I can play Marune's Brothel Sim game for hours with no issues, but I play this for half an hour and feel like I need to take a break for my wrist health :p Think the UI/hotkeys could still use some work, or add some more automation. There's just so much repetitive clicking in this game.

That futa animation with the futa riding a girl's face still shows up with futa unchecked too, lol. It's actually the only "female" x female animation that appears for me, so it shows up constantly. Dunno/can't remember if there are any others.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:55 am

new post. Big update this time.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:25 pm

New update! If you like your ladies strong, this one is for you!
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Biles » Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:39 am

It's been ages since I've visited the game, and what a dramatic change. My only pet peeve for the time being is that there are no options to buy footwear separately. (i.e. boots, slippers, loafers, high heels, etc.)
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Sun Apr 16, 2017 4:17 am

Just posted an update.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby MrVSHK » Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:28 am

I'm liking the game so far, the only issue I can find is that the filters don't seem to be working: m/f scenes come up almost exclusively despite the male box being unticked.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Dongman » Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:35 am

also, will we get the ability to give traits to the main character?
Last edited by Dongman on Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Dongman » Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:35 am

will bea get a full model soon, or is her body being pure white just a glitch?
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:35 am

Yeah bea should be red, The glitch should be fixed now.
As for filters, they only filter out which of your own strumpets you can see while looking through the menu's. They don't effect the animations.

also, just posted an update.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby FruitSmoothie » Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:09 pm

Hope combat works out, be nice if there was more to talk about than just bug reports over and over lol. It's mostly just been graphic updates or stat/trait type stuff for a while. Kinda hard to add much without making the game a lot more complicated I guess. Pretty simple premise as is.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Thu May 04, 2017 5:06 am

This is the progress we have made on the combat so far. Let us know what you think.

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combatdemo.swf [ 1.19 MiB | Viewed 2943 times ]

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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby someonenoone11 » Fri May 05, 2017 1:35 pm

Fantastic art and animations. Seriously. Great Work. Hope you work on it for decades.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Dongman » Sun May 07, 2017 4:40 am

What is the event that happens if you only have 1 strumpet?
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Wed May 31, 2017 3:46 am

Updated combat demo!

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combatdemo.swf [ 1.91 MiB | Viewed 2844 times ]

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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Dead2112man » Wed May 31, 2017 4:15 am

can't get the new demo to work
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby gearsky » Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:32 am

So, I've encountered a bug.

When prostituting a pregnant strumpet, there's a chance she'll get knocked up again. Her stomach becomes flat, and the "days pregnant" counter in the infirmary resets to 1.

I've also noticed that most outfits (and clothing options in general) get rid of the pregnant belly, and prevent it from showing up at all if a girl gets knocked-up while wearing them. The "days pregnant" counter still increments normally, though.
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