Erroticx Wrote:I'm quite confused. I just downloaded the latest version and it feels the same as a couple months ago... There's no bosses, no new levels, no new enemies... I feel like I'm missing something... As I seen a swf file with a plethora of enemies. From the changelogs I've seen, most bosses are in I think and I'm still only able to go up to world 1-6 as the next says "in progress"
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:JJPG Wrote:clipboard save not working
I'll check, but I hope its not a new bug doing tricks here!
Samus85aran Wrote:Clipboard it Is fine, but only work when you have the save in slot 1
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Samus85aran Wrote:Second bug once again now in this scene Koopa when finish give to you a part of lingerie and it's supposed to be an anal scene but it can also get pregnant or lost the virginity, like the other one I told you.
Damn! The lingerie problems on him this time? I'll also check if this is not the case the Koopa can fuck her asshole OR her pussy, as it was on purpose. Perhaps I am wrong.
Do you remember which scene? Did you touch a koopa for the fourth time?
Remember that, IN HARD GAME mode, RANDOM scenes will happen, so the first one can be a vaginal one directly!
This one is the scene 9: DoggyStyle. The first time she is on him, she says: 'Oh...That's Disgust...maybe...maybe not that much! Ahhhh!', then 'Nooo, it 's gushing out! Hot cum is streaming down my thighs!'
This IS a vaginal scene.
As for the lingerie reappearing, EDIT: FIXED in 3.36 version!
Samus85aran Wrote:Ah that's ok xD but in gallery the scene is called Doggy AnalStyle xD so that's I confuse
Samus85aran Wrote:But the problem of the lingierie persist and now you got pink stockings xD so the scene of the blow job with shy guy give you Black Garter
Samus85aran Wrote:And the problem of the invisible enemies in 7-6 well is more or less fix it xD, now are invisible enemies inside of the first vase
Samus85aran Wrote:And one more and the last for todaywhen you get the Cat Suit to the inventory, and want to get it, well this is invisible and also you can't take the power up, first i think that this doens't could get in inventory but i' am sure it is there because my capacity reduced from 5 to 4
Samus85aran Wrote:And talking about the Cat Suit power up, it could it better to put this in the game:
Samus85aran Wrote:.......... Now a little suggestion......... most of a lot of enemy there are in a high plataform and then they jump or walk out of the plataform during the journey that fall and are in the air if they touch you nothing happen, yeah i suppose that it's because you can't have sex in the air xD except boo, lady boo and lakitu, but you think if they maybe could make some of hurt like a hazzard. This will be more dificult the game even in hard mode becouse most of they appear in waters zone, but is like they are in only for fill spaces
Samus85aran Wrote:Yeah i know but i found another bug some big........... when you go to the 8-1, inmedaitly the game become in dark screen and only see the display
branw3n Wrote:Thank you for all the pregnancy options! Still haven't been able to induce it from ShyGuys, but the more the better.
branw3n Wrote:I also I haven't seen any random instances of "Don't get me pregnant" or "Please knock me up/get me pregnant" in dialogue yet, but I hope that's forthcoming.
branw3n Wrote:Also still pushing for the Bowser's breeding whore outcome where Peach gets knocked up by Bowser at the end, maybe if every boss knocks her up too. The game ends on a darker note, with Bowser ruling with an iron fist and Peach birthing his minions.
Samus85aran Wrote:
Other bug it is when you are in jail and appear Bowser well you know He take your virginity and then appear the Art of Flip trip bug then if you see your Status you still are pure or virgin xD doens'nt count like a bad scene but in the her Diary it is regristred that she lost her virginity xD
Samus85aran Wrote:Great Ivan, you work fast now all is fix it!! i just play the level 8-2 and it is awesome xD a die a lot of times and now more with the now implement that the enemy hurt you if you or they are in the air xD now really feels like a super mario Game xD
Samus85aran Wrote:The only bug that i found today it is the Nymph countdown go again to 10 and to 80 again in hard.......WHOPS, so there's no bug
Samus85aran Wrote:Well so it is 1 less bug but..... i have 3 more.... This is the same i reporting with Bowser but now with the Mushroom Dickies tentacles
Samus85aran Wrote:The second one it when using the complete lingierie only appear the right heel or using the nurse dress
Samus85aran Wrote:Third this scene is anal but you can get pregnant
HappyGoomba Wrote:I'm still seeing the bug in Lakitu scene 1 "Push her up"
TV2101 Wrote:So... no more bugs? Had the game became perfect? Now Ivan is a god and will rule the world???
Samus85aran Wrote:Hi ivan, here reporting 3 bugs1-We have back the reverse boobs
Samus85aran Wrote:2- in Bonus Toad house if you talk with lumas and choice any option, inmediatly go out of the level
Samus85aran Wrote:3- i have noticed that the last sex scene of almost all the enemy never happen in hard mode, except chomp, lady buu, and piranha plant, curiously these last three always pass the sex scenes in order
Samus85aran Wrote:And this one is only a doubt, if peach, rosalina or daisy, left to have anal sex for a while it's possibly that her ass hole closed again ?
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Samus85aran Wrote:And this one is only a doubt, if peach, rosalina or daisy, left to have anal sex for a while it's possibly that her ass hole closed again ?
Hmm it supposed to work when she loses a life or gets a new powerup.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Samus85aran Wrote:
2- in Bonus Toad house if you talk with lumas and choice any option, inmediatly go out of the level
CANT REPRODUCE so far! I tested with normal game and hard game, but with default window (not maximized). Perhaps you can record this one there?
Matniz Wrote:What does the timeout option do? (Extras - she will punished)
Matniz Wrote:Could there possibly be a buttslut/anal sex lover type of title/classification? Or maybe an ending? Like if you go 80 sex scenes without losing your virginity or somethingWould be pretty cool!
Matniz Wrote:Also it's amazing how long this project has been going on for, thanks for all the hard work Aedler and team! :3
Matniz Wrote:When i play Hard mode the octopus guys wont spawn at all, they get replaced by other enemies
Samus85aran Wrote:So Was a bug this ?
Samus85aran Wrote:Yes it fix it
Samus85aran Wrote:Well now Clipboard doen't work again =( only work the saves with slot 1, 2,3,4 ,5 but you can't do the save of any slot in clipboard
AttackOnWhore Wrote:Hey! Just FYI, for Linux you don't need Wine for the standalone player, there's a native one by Adobe here: ... loads.html
Ivan Aedler wrote:
Actually, I've made the clipboard feature more than an year ago to SAVE the current game situation, not all the slots. That was wrong, because depending on the case, you dont want the clipboard file to OVERWRITE your saved slots.
The clipboard SHOULD NOT save any slot. It actually 'saves' to its hidden slot. When you load it back, if you dont have any saved slot, it will be still empty. This is expected. So just SAVE it after loading from the TXT file.
I've put this in the changelog for clarification:
- Rule Change: when saving to Clipboard, you can copy to an external TXT file as before, but now, it wont overwrite to ANY SAVED SLOT in the game. It will load it back but the game wont have a new saved slot. If you have 2 saved slots before, it will be still be 2 (untouched). If you dont have any saved game, it will still be empty. Just SAVE the loaded game in a given slot you want.
Thank you
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