Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Sat May 27, 2017 10:37 am

Gunar replies with a simple ”Don’t worry baby, you can stay close to me!” in English as you descend down the stairs. You can notice that your act has definitely an effect on both Gunar and Gutram, Gunar smiling while he walks down while Gutram, although he was told not to mess with you, ‘accidentaly’ gets a bit closer to you, so close in fact that you can feel his hard cock through his pants pressed against your buttcrack.

Once you’ve gotten down the stairs, you find yourself in another small hallway with another door at the end, with muffled noises coming from behind it. Gunar, seemingly familiar here, calmly walks up to the door and opens it, revealing a much bigger room behind.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


What you see when you enter is a big nightclub, and although at the moment it is empty and closed, you can see that it would probably be quite popular around here, it looks relatively new and much nicer than what you would’ve expected from the outside. There are podiums around the place, probably for ‘entertainment’, and there is a upper and lower level. You’re currently standing on the upper level, looking down at all the tables and the entertainment area.

”Wait here. I will inform Claus.”, the big troll called Arnaud says as he appears behind you, and he continues to walk away and down some stairs towards the bar, disappearing behind a door located behind the bar.

Once Arnaud is out of sight, you suddenly feel Gunar’s suddenly pulling you to his side and his hand going down and cupping your crotch, his finger running between your pussy lips through your clothes, sending a jolt of pleasure into your body you were unprepared for because of the sudden move. ”I felt your nipples, Ashley. Are you so horny already?”, Gunar whispers to you with a grin as he continues to massage your pussy through your clothes, Gutram meanwhile visibly aroused but not coming any closer due to a quick glance of Gunar.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Sat May 27, 2017 10:46 am

Everything that was going on was wearing down on Liliana's mind, she was getting incredibly hot in her armor and at any rate she might just give herself to these two, but upon entering the night club red flags swung into full motion for the former solider. Even if she was here for weapons and these orks were telling the truth, she didnt want to be deal with more than she could handle. Just as she was about to say something though Gunar breaks her train of thought and assaults her outer folds with his hands.

"Nnng..its.. a little chilly~ thats all.." It was an obvious lie, though it was more for her sake, she didnt want to admit that what these two were doing felt good. she wasnt that easy a girl. Right? Liliana bit her lip resisting the urge to moan and give Gunar the satisfaction.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Sat May 27, 2017 11:11 am

Gunar lets out a short laugh at your blatant lie and continues his assault, seemingly enjoying watching you squirm in his hands.

It only lasts for about twenty more seconds or so before he suddenly stops, and when he does, you see him looking at the door Arnaud went in. Looking in that direction as well, you see that Arnaud has returned and is gesturing towards you to come down and follow him. ”We’ll continue this later, sweety.”, Gunar softly says to you with a very lustful and slightly annoyed undertone, but he starts making his way down the stairs towards the big troll, still holding on to your waist as you follow him down.

Once you’ve reached the lower level and made your way to the bar, Arnaud gives the three of you a stern look before saying in German: ”Claus is able to see you now. Go on in.”, after which he opens the door and gestures you to go in, but before you and Gunar & Gutram are able to enter, he puts a hand on Gunar’s chest, blocking him from entering, and adds: ”No funny business.”, look at Gunar first and then at you, probably having seen a glimpse of the fun time you two were having.

”She’ll behave, don’t worry. Right, Ashley?”, Gunar answers in English as he turns to look at you, grinning slightly.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Sat May 27, 2017 11:17 am

The former soldier could only grit her teeth harder as she tried her best to Gunar as he played with her, letting out a sigh of relief when Arnaud finally came back, though the imposing troll only made her more nervous. She was entering the lion's den and who knew what was going to await her. For now though she had to maintain her act as Gunar leaned in and made his promise. It only worked to make her knees weaker.

When they finally got on the move she meekly nodded her head and looked at Arnaud. "Oh dont worry, i know how to stay quiet." She says in her girly and submissive tone.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Sat May 27, 2017 11:41 am

The troll gives you one last look before he lets the three of you enter, after which he enters himself as well and closes the door, guarding it with his massive torso.

Inside the new room behind the bar, you find yourself in a small lounge with the same interior decorations as the night club. Neon signs on the wall and floor, some couches at the wall and an elevator across the room.

There is no one in the room right now except for you, the two Orks and Arnaud, but just as that thought comes up in your mind the elevator makes a soft beep and the doors slide open, revealing a man who walks out of the elevator and into the room while the doors close behind him.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


The black human male is intimidating, and also ripped. His black dreads and beard give him an exotic look, but that’s not all you see about him. Instead of normal arms, he has two cybernetic, titanium arm replacements, and in his chest, bare because of the short jacket he’s wearing without a shirt, you can see he has two relatively old model lung enhancers engineered in them. You can also see a multitude of gunshot scars on his torso, as well as a big scar in the middle of his chest.

The guy, shorter than Arnaud but taller than the three of you, gives you all an assessing look, before his very deep but surprisingly gentle voice addresses Gunar in German, but with a noticeable American accent. ”Made up your mind that quick, huh? And who is this new girl? She doesn’t strike me as a whore, but I guess when you pay someone enough all girls suck dick sooner or later.”

”She’s not a hooker, Arnaud.”, Gunar responds in German with a slightly more humble tone in his voice than normal, before he turns to you and says in English: ”Ashley, sweety, introduce yourself to Claus. Tell him about you and me.”
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Sat May 27, 2017 11:50 am

Liliana's first thought as she saw the man was 'This man is dangerous.' Liliana stood a little taller and blinked some sense back into herself as she saw the intimidating man wanting to especially not get on his bad side. When he spoke it gave a bit more away, he wasnt a native, obviously, but he was a major foreigner if he was an American.

She took a deep breath before searching for the right words to describe her fake relationship to the ork. 'H-hello Claus." Liliana puts out a hand to be shook. "Im Gunar's girlfriend, we've been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now he's been a Big] help since i've moved in nearby." She says in her ditzy bimbo tone.

"He's been a great boyfriend though not much else a girl could ask for." She says as she leans into him continuing to examine the man, she'd need him to a weapons dealer for her, though she may need to continue to work with Gunar at this rate if she wanted a contact in this end of Berlin.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Sun May 28, 2017 12:29 pm

The man named Claus gives you a calm look, raising his eyebrow a little and faintly smiling as well when he hears from your speech you’re not German, as you introduce yourself. When you walk up to him to shake his hand he even cracks a real smile, either surprised by your directness or amused by your naivety, and calmly gives you the courtesy of accepting the handshake, although you feel a little put off by the cold metal of his cybernetic hand, the hand feeling like it has more strength than humanly possible.

”You moved into East Berlin voluntarily? This shithole? You either have trouble you’re running away from or you’re bringing trouble. Both are dangerous, especially if it concerns a pretty Elven lady like yourself.”, Claus responds in his deep voice in perfect English as he tilts his head slightly down to look you in the eyes. Now that you’re standing so close to him, his presence is even more intimidating and commanding, and his eyes glisten with an intelligence and cunning that would impress even the smartest.

A couple of tense seconds go by as you stand in front of him in silence, his eyes locked with yours, trying to pierce into your soul, before he lets out a loud laugh and gives you a pat on the back, ‘incidentally’ bringing his mouth close to your ear and whispering: ”We’ll have a private talk after this.”, before stepping back and turning his attention towards Gunar and Gutram again, now completely ignoring you, but you can see that he’s making some strange hand gestures towards Arnaud as well, although Gunar and Gutram don’t seem to notice that.

”Well, you’re not just here to show off your catch, have you? Arnaud told me you’ve agreed to my terms? You and your brother there will deliver the cargo like we agreed?”, he says, now speaking in German again.

Gunar gives you an approving grin as you seemingly passed the test, and responds: ”I’ve decided to agree to your deal, with a little convincing from my girl here.”

Claus gives you another glance as Gunar says that, and you can see in his eyes that he knows there’s something more about you, but he doesn’t let anyone else catch onto that. ”Very well then! Let’s discuss the final arrangements, shall we? Why don’t you two come with me, your lady friend can wait here with Arnaud.”, he says back, and as if on cue, the elevator doors open up behind him as he turns around and steps in.

Gunar gives him a nod and gestures to Gutram to come with him, after which he turns to you and says in English: ”Wait here, sweety. We’ll be right back.”, before you can object, and the two of them enter the elevator with Claus. The doors shut behind them signaled by another soft beep, and you and Arnaud are left alone in the small backdoor lounge.

Once the three of them are gone, you hear Arnaud suddenly starting to talk in good English with a slight German accent behind you. ”The boss doesn't trust you and wants to know why you’re here, miss. He wants a private discussion with you after he finishes his business.”, the big troll says as you hear him move, and when you turn around, he’s standing right behind you. He doesn’t seem to move to attack you, or expect you to attack him should you want to, but he’s definitely not going to let you leave for now.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Sun May 28, 2017 9:06 pm

The way Claus examined her was incredibly worrying, one wrong move and he would clearly see through her thinly veiled facade, something tells her that he already did though. Shaking his hand though she felt the cold metal move as she watched him with a sharp eye, deciding to stay quiet for the most part.'

"O-oh well, a girl's gotta start somewhere.. Life back in the states..well it wasnt the best.." Liliana trails her voice off as she looks up at him trying to counter his gaze. Just as she finishes speaking though she gets a pat on her back that throws her off and hearing him speak almost confirms that he knows more than hes letting on.

With nothing else to say though she just stands back next to Gunar the heat in her thighs almost vanishing as she feels her fight or flight screaming at her to be careful of Claus. Though once they all move away and she's left in the room with Aranud alone she doesnt try anything, not that she could realistically. An ork maybe, but a troll? It'd be suicide to tangle with him in hand to hand.

"Oh well, mother always said dont talk to strangers." Liliana tries the flash the troll a smile before finding a place to sit patiently.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Mon May 29, 2017 10:09 am

Arnaud doesn’t respond and takes his place back in front of the door, staying quiet but never letting his eye wander too far away from you. You sit down on one of the couches provided and simply wait, a silence enveloping the room as both of you don’t speak.

A good while goes by as you quietly wait in the backdoor lounge. It’s probably already somewhere close to ten in the morning when you hear the soft beep of the elevator signaling the opening of the doors, and out of the elevator step Gunar and Gutram lead by Claus, the two Orks visibly a bit irritated but wise enough to keep their mouths shut.

As you go to stand up, Claus gestures you to keep sitting, after which he turns to Gunar and Gutram, saying in German: ”Then everything’s arranged! You’ve made a good choice, Gunar. Now that we’re done, you’ll uphold your end of our other little bargain, yes? Your girl stays here with me, and in exchange you’ll get premium access to the club as well.”.

”Bah. I was looking forward to enjoying her body, but it is as you wish, Claus.”, Gunar responds in a slightly more annoyed manner than when he entered the elevator, gives you a glance over, seemingly not that interested in upholding his promise to you anymore after his chat with Claus, gestures to Gutram to follow him, and they leave the room, Arnaud stepping aside to let them pass and follows behind to see them out.

You’re now alone with Claus in the lounge, and the man gives you a curt nod and gestures towards the elevator.

”Please, come with me, young lady. We’re going to have a little chat, you and I.”
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 29, 2017 11:55 am

The silence was deafening for Liliana, especially as a soldier, there was always something there to occupy her senses, the whine of an engine, her sarge barking orders, anything, but this was getting a bit much as she sat alone in the room for 10 minutes. The moments pass and she thought about striking up a conversation with the troll but, it seemed useless given his attitude. But just as boredom was setting in the men return and she gets a bit of fire back into her heart.

Hearing though that some sort of deal had concluded especially this idea about the club threw her off there was much going on here and she was now stuck in the middle of it. She looked on as the two Orks had to leave though seeing Claus now wanted something from her. Taking a few steps forward to follow him before she completely drops her "tourist" facade and puts on her professional face.

"And what would this chat happen to include?" She says in a cold German; signaling to Claus that the games were over now.
Last edited by Lorielle on Mon May 29, 2017 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Mon May 29, 2017 3:10 pm

Claus gives you a broad smile, like the smile of a shark, as you drop the act and start talking to him in German. He doesn’t seem phased by the sudden change of attitude in the slightest, he actually seems more interested in you now than before, and responds to your question in German as well. ”Don’t worry, ‘Ashley’. I just want to have a talk, that’s all. Anything else that happens will be entirely up to you, depending on what you decide to do.”

Surprisingly, after he finishes his sentence, he speaks again, but now in English instead of German. ”I must say that I’m impressed. You had those two idiots completely wrapped around your finger, but I’ve been in business too long to get fooled by superficial appearances. And I never trust strangers.”

He turns around and walks into the elevator, where he turns around again and looks at you with that shark smile still on his face.

”So, will you accompany me to my office, miss Ashley?”
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 29, 2017 9:31 pm

"Its Frost.. and deception has always been a specialty of mine, Elf stereotypes and all, think we're all push overs." She speaks with a careful choice of tone wanting to seem indifferent while trying to give an air of professionalism. She was still scared that this may turn of the worse and Claus was definitely dangerous given how easily he saw through her. But regardless she follows him into the elevator.

"Let me start off, i need some military hardware if this chat of your isnt about that im not interested." She hisses at him as she leans against one of the elevator walls
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Tue May 30, 2017 4:22 pm

”No need for such hostility, miss Frost, we’re all friends here! And you are in luck, because my chat does involve such matters. And if you’re looking to buy, you’re certainly in the right place. If you have the money to spend, that is.”, Claus replies with the smile still on his face, but with his eyes very serious.

The elevator goes down, and Claus doesn’t seem to see the need for any further conversation with you. Within a minute, the elevator beeps again, and the doors slide open, revealing a new room, very different to the club above.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Aside from a very different colour scheme, the room seems very much like some sort of mancave. You see a nice looking motorbike with parts and tools lying all around it, numerous computer servers standing against the wall, and in the corner of the room a big desk with a lot of computer screens all showing different things, some couches around a coffee table filled with crap, and a lot of random stuff scattered everywhere around the room.

The thing that grabs your attention the most though is a section of the room that has been walled off with thick, opaque glass, only accessible through a door with two different biometric scanner. You can’t see clearly through the glass, but you can vaguely make out the shapes of crates and tables, and the shapes of a lot of guns spread across said tables.

Claus gestures you to sit down on of the benches as he cleans the table and puts the stuff in a trashcan in the corner, before moving over to sit on a couch himself whether you sat down or not.

”I have a proposition for you, missy. A lucrative one, for the both of us, and something that shouldn’t be too hard seeing as you know how to use that body of yours. We’ll see if I’m in the mood for selling afterwards.”
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Tue May 30, 2017 4:45 pm

The scenery of Claus' personal office was very much to her personal liking; taking in everything as she was rather impressed with the whole base of operations going on here. She kept a close eye on Claus though as he sat down. Not entirely in the mood for pleasantries Liliana remained standing only a few feet away from him as she examined the rest of the room.

"Impressive, but I suppose I'll need to hear what this deal is." She fires a glance at Claus as she lets out a sigh having a certain feeling that she knew what he was about to ask, though she'd be lying if she wasn't a little turned on by the man.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Tue May 30, 2017 6:06 pm

”A nice body and a sharp mind, exactly my type of girl! Let’s cut straight to it then, shall we?”

”You see, I’m having a slight problem with one of my patrons. He pays for the drinks and the girls, and he pays very nicely for the guns I provide him with, but I’ve recently noticed he has starting to behave a bit… erratically. I’ve done some research, and found out that the officials have had some contact with him. Now, I don’t exactly know what he has told them already, but my gut feeling tells me the man has switched sides and is working as a mole for the government, trying to expose my little operation here.”

”Now, I can’t just outright kill him since that would bring trouble, and I’m not a hundred percent sure he is actually what I think he is. It would be a shame to lose a well paying client, wouldn’t it? So I need someone to find out if he’s actually a turncoat, and if he is, find what information he has and destroy it and kill him so it seems like an accident or suicide.”

”I know that the guy has a weakness for pussy, and he comes here often to satisfy that need. Now, my girls aren’t killers, more the opposite if you know what I mean, and my boys won’t be able to get the information I need without drawing suspicion on me, which I don’t want. So, I want you to work here for me, as one of the girls, and get the information for me. I won’t be a one-night thing since the guy’s not stupid, quite the opposite, so you’ll probably be working here for at least a couple of weeks, but I’ll give you a damn good reward for the job, and you’ll get legally paid for working here as well. Besides, you’ll have a legal job here to show on government papers, which would be nice, wouldn’t it?”

"Now, you don't have to say yes right now, but it would definitely help if you still want to buy something from me. Tit for tat, isn't it?'
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Tue May 30, 2017 9:58 pm

Liliana listens intently to Claus' offer considering what needed to be done. It's been a while since she's done any assassination of any type and never before has she done it on someone who didn't having it coming to them, but this would be a valuable opportunity for her as it secured a secure route of hardware, a route she'd need to guarantee...

She mulled over leaning lightly onto one foot. "How much of a scumbag is this official, I can kill but I won't put a bullet in the asshole if he's free of any real charge." She squint at Claus to gauge his reaction before continuing.

"You also don't expect me to just say yes to this deal without some sort of advance. Especially if I need to 'work' here. If we're being frank I need a monocular NVG scope. I have a recon job I have to take care of first. You give me the scope I'll do your job. " The elf folds her arms over her bountiful chest squeezing them a bit for Claus, though subtly. He'd want to see the goods eventually so why not tease their possibility. "If not we'll I'm sure my services could be used elsewhere." She gives him a sly smirk her hip swinging to the other side as she hums and haws.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Wed May 31, 2017 9:49 am

Claus sighs and folds his hands together at your comment. ”First of all, he’s not an official, but a criminal like you and me, a black market contact. I just think he’s working for the feds. Secondly, I don’t need you to kill him, yet. I want to know what he knows, and for that I need someone to spy on the spy. If you find out he’s really a mole, then I’ll tell you if you can kill him, but only then.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Performance Roll
Lorielle rolls d20+3 = 20

Claus seems to think about your proposal, his eyes unconsciously locked on your curves as you try to sway him with it. You don’t know if he noticed, by after a couple of seconds he grins, shakes his head and casually shrugs his shoulders. ”If that’s what you want to accept the job, fine, I’ll make that deal. You’ll have your scope. Heck, you can pick one yourself! Come with me.”

He stands up from the couch and walks over towards the door of the walled off section, waiting there for you to join him. Once you do, he steps in front of the door, and the scanners activate, making a full body scan of the man. They’re silent for a second, but quickly light up with a green light and a beep, signaling the door has been unlocked. Claus opens the door, and the two of you step in.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


There are guns, gunparts, ammo and addons everywhere. The walls, tables, everything is filled with them, and the room is a lot bigger inside than you had imagined from the outside, the room itself extending much further back than Claus’ office. ”Find what you want and take it. I’ll be waiting here by the door. And don’t get any funny ideas, I know you’re too smart for that. The guns are currently not operational for safety purposes.”
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 31, 2017 10:25 am

Liliana smiles slightly at his comment about the target, a weight lifting off her shoulders as she can set aside ethics. "Sounds good to me then." She shrugs her shoulders when she sees that she even managed to capture Claus with her body, thankfully there wasnt going to be anything else as she followed him to the...armory he seemed to posses in this basement no less.

"Quite the selection, wonder how long you've been keeping at this." She grins at him genuinely admiring his stock as she looks through scopes, but stops at a sleek carbon-fiber scope with a simple and easy to conceal. "I'll be taking this one here." She says as she hooks it to her utility belt on the form-fitting armor under her shirt. As she walks back to him she notices a selection of katanas and notices a 2-handed katana sitting in a scabbard.

"Oh, this is a beauty..What would i need to do for this one." Liliana whistles at it as she looks back at Claus standing in the doorway.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Wed May 31, 2017 10:43 am

”It’s all for sale if you want it, but it’d cost you a pretty penny.”, Claus responds as he replies your grin with a slight grin of his own, happy someone can appreciate his collection.

His grin gets wider as you notice the beautiful masterpiece of a blade, sitting in its scabbard engraved with a complex pattern laid in with what looks like gold. ”She is, she is indeed. Found it in the cache of a Japanese swindler. He said it was actually forged in the fire of one of the Great Dragons, but then again, the guy was a swindler. It’s a damn fine blade though. Could slice through any armor with ease, if in the hands of someone skilled enough.”

”If you’re looking to buy this you’ll have to hand over a pretty sum though, one which I’m certain you can’t afford. It’s a work of art, not just any blade. And if you want to work for it, you’ll have to work a long time, but I can be persuaded to lease it to you if you do enough for me and if you’re… eager enough.”, Claus responds as he stands behind you, and you can feel his metal hands lightly resting on your hips as he says the words eager enough.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 31, 2017 10:52 am

The elf looks up and down the blade examining it before touching it gently wondering how fine a blade it really was. She had no reason not to believe Claus, and if collection was anything to go by he certainly would have come across this eventually. When she felt Claus touch her she let out a deep sigh. "How..eager are we talking?" She says as she moves a hand down to her crotch and tries to playfully touch his junk before leaning into him.
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