Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.34 (May 17/17)

Postby Biles » Fri May 19, 2017 10:11 pm

Bug report:
1. Apparently, enemies seem to pop out of nowhere at random. In 8-2 a boo popped out when Peach was getting banged by Chargin' Chuck.
Screen shot 2017-05-19 at 12.45.43 PM.png
Screen shot 2017-05-19 at 12.45.43 PM.png (57.55 KiB) Viewed 3271 times

2. When getting impaled by Duck's banana, Peach shows her incredible contortion ability as you can see both feet are pointed backwards! Ouch... And I thought wearing high heels were bad enough :(
Screen shot 2017-05-19 at 1.50.54 PM.png
Screen shot 2017-05-19 at 1.50.54 PM.png (14.51 KiB) Viewed 3271 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.34 (May 17/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat May 20, 2017 2:08 am

So, today is Friday night! Finally, I have more time to work in the game.

shemsu Wrote:Not sure if anyone else is having this issue since the latest update, but with any pregnancy chance turned on, everytime the pregnancy would trigger, peach just disappears, and have to force back to world map. Started a fresh game with recent version, downloaded. Using standard peach have played halfway through the game, and have not gotten pregnant once, yet after random vaginal scenes peaches character disappears. It seems stuck in the scene without peach or the creature all that can be seen is the little crosshairs that moves around.

EDIT: FIXED in 3.35!

Biles Wrote:Bug report: 1. Apparently, enemies seem to pop out of nowhere at random. In 8-2 a boo popped out when Peach was getting banged by Chargin' Chuck.

Are you saying that Peach was getting fucked, and then suddenly, a Boo interrupted her and his scene started up? This level only have montys and chucks. Boos should appear only in a HARD GAME MODE and in a given area (sometimes in the ground, because he was replaced by a ground enemy), then he starts following the princess.

Biles Wrote:2. When getting impaled by Duck's banana, Peach shows her incredible contortion ability as you can see both feet are pointed backwards! Ouch... And I thought wearing high heels were bad enough :(
Screen shot 2017-05-19 at 1.50.54 PM.png

Not a bug (even a glitch). I call it just an effect of using basic bodyparts. I did so much creating new poses reusing objects. In general, those came along very well (you can see that, as a whole, it did wonders, like when checking all of her possible poses in the OUTFIT ROOM screen).

Actually, there are bodyparts and outfit poses that's much more priority: the ponytail (that right now just reuses her back hari) and her skirt in 'squatting backside poses' (squatting when showing up her butt to us), that shows up a glitch (part of her butt cheeks trespasses her skirt or dress).
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun May 21, 2017 6:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.34 (May 17/17)

Postby Biles » Sat May 20, 2017 6:14 am

Yeah, Chuck got interrupted and reverted to his running patrol. Even in the early part of 8-2 I would encounter a dry bones literally out of nowhere when climbing up those stone steps. However, 8-2 isn't the only place. Just in the beginning of the haunted mansion in World 3 I think where you have all those bricks, a ninji literally popped out of nowhere and started raping Peach. A ninja-style Supplies Buttsecks!!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.34 (May 17/17)

Postby HugelDude » Sat May 20, 2017 8:44 pm

Biles Wrote:Yeah, Chuck got interrupted and reverted to his running patrol. Even in the early part of 8-2 I would encounter a dry bones literally out of nowhere when climbing up those stone steps. However, 8-2 isn't the only place. Just in the beginning of the haunted mansion in World 3 I think where you have all those bricks, a ninji literally popped out of nowhere and started raping Peach. A ninja-style Supplies Buttsecks!!

Is the timer running out? I think enemies will appear when the timer runs out.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.34 (May 17/17)

Postby Dongman » Sat May 20, 2017 11:09 pm

wait, so is there anything past world 1, or are there secret areas that I just cant find or something?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun May 21, 2017 2:35 am

Update 3.35 (21th May 2017)
- Please reload an external XML (english or other) to refresh the language of the game! Use the ones in my GITHUB (https://github.com/ivanaedler/MIMPUT/). Or you can just click RESET SAVES in the first screen if you dont have saved games and you dont want to mess around the XML files (English only!)
- Feature: Now you can use one of the sewer pipes to go to a given world you visited at least once with the cannon. If not, the princess will just go outside (Red Pipe).
- RULE CHANGE: in HARD GAME mode, if she has 80% or more (horniness), the princess will be dizzy for a while.
- BUG FIX: when the princess threw a given object, like shells or a pow block in levels like 5-6, she was freezing up!
- Glitch Fix: if 'ALWAYS A NYMPH' Personality option is set, she was still 'shaking herself with her hand in her head' when she stops walking.
- Glitch Fix: when time is up, a creature was appearing all of a sudden during another creature action on the princess. Actually, the creature should only appear if the princess is 'available'.
- Glitch Fix: when you set a custom DRESS Powerup in the OUTFIT screen, then you restart the game, the princess was in her bed with that outfit. Actually, the princess should be with her dress, as she returned from the train like this.

Biles Wrote:Yeah, Chuck got interrupted and reverted to his running patrol. Even in the early part of 8-2 I would encounter a dry bones literally out of nowhere when climbing up those stone steps. However, 8-2 isn't the only place. Just in the beginning of the haunted mansion in World 3 I think where you have all those bricks, a ninji literally popped out of nowhere and started raping Peach. A ninja-style Supplies Buttsecks!!

You should check if the time is out. If so, it's a feature, but at least the current creature should be fucking her until the end, then, after she stands up, Boo would catch her up.
So the bug might be the case of 'immediate fuck' , ignoring the current one.
I think its now fixed! (above!)
If the timer was not out, then we have yet another problem.

Dongman Wrote:wait, so is there anything past world 1, or are there secret areas that I just cant find or something?

We have 8 worlds so far. You need to knock down the koopaling of airship1 , then you will fall back to the palace. Then you should go to the bunker to activate the cannon. You can go to other worlds when using the cannon.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby HugelDude » Sun May 21, 2017 6:45 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:

Dongman Wrote:wait, so is there anything past world 1, or are there secret areas that I just cant find or something?

We have 8 worlds so far. You need to knock down the koopaling of airship1 , then you will fall back to the palace. Then you should go to the bunker to activate the cannon. You can go to other worlds when using the cannon.

I think what they're referring to is the "IN PROGRESS" level in world 1 after level 6.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby envyuria » Sun May 21, 2017 2:10 pm

The artwork in World 6 for the boss has the first option in spanish i assume? even though the rest of the game is in english
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun May 21, 2017 7:09 pm

HugelDude Wrote:I think what they're referring to is the "IN PROGRESS" level in world 1 after level 6.

Oh, right! This supposed to be a new level, as there is no 'palace' level anymore in worldmap1 since Update 2.3.7 (JAN 2015):
- CHANGED: Now, in World1, Osama wont be in the palace anymore (there won't be any palace!), as the ruler there is Peach! The airship will now attack her castle instead! So, when the princess finishes up level 1-6, a toad will be in the worldmap, saying to the princess she needs to go to her castle quickly! I will think what the '1-7' will be (Toad Forest might be transferred there, with more features and side quests).

But I prefer to put PetalsBurg level there, so the princess can talk to some creatures of Paper Mario 2.
As for the desert world (worldmap 2), I plan creating yet another extra level, with the flying carpet.

envyuria Wrote:The artwork in World 6 for the boss has the first option in spanish i assume? even though the rest of the game is in english

It's working here! Did you load the English XML file (the latest one in GITHUB site)? Or did you just clicked 'RESET SAVES' in the loader screen?
The reset saves make the game defaulted to 'pure english'. The loading of 'XMLLanguage_en.xml' makes it use the 'same' english XML (in the case you loaded another XML before and you want to revert to English). Both are fine here!

koopaling art for worldmap 6 (iggy) working fine here (english).jpg
koopaling art for worldmap 6 (iggy) working fine here (english).jpg (54.13 KiB) Viewed 3212 times

If you refer to INCOMPLETE Xml files, like French, German and Spanish ones, that is true. People are still translating them.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Mon May 22, 2017 8:08 pm

Woow Ivan Great fixing you do, all the glitches and bugs that Me and other reports are fine now, even the problem with the suits xD

And you are a little devil xD you did it ... now princess peach get dizzy when her horny bar it's is 80% for a while and not only that but also you did that if you stay above that percentage you can go back to dizzy is great xD makes us take even more care, well so is a little problem some times when she is dizzy appear in the game a message of " error xml "

and a have a ni bug here

and other one.... when you try to change to a new xml spanish the game doens't change so a think it is a problem code of the XML in spanish.

So the new XML in english appear a lot of error in XML by everywhere even is you compare this has 428 KB and the last one it is 452 KB, it's like the new version of XML, lost a lot of lines in menu, in dialogues, in options....
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby envyuria » Mon May 22, 2017 10:07 pm

about the artwork in world 6 could it have been because i used Flash player 12? I didn't change any XML file or anything.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Tue May 23, 2017 5:25 pm

Other Bug when Peach have anal sex with koopa she get pregnant in this scene and you can lose the virginity too


Other bug that i found when you take the massage of the nymph she open your asshole

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Kalessis » Wed May 24, 2017 1:16 am


As I have no means of direct contact i'm gonna drop this topic here.

I wanted to show You something that popped up on ehtracker.org / search: Reform Project of Peach irisaz
It's a very interesting art that contains what one could call a great game idea and even an inlook into a possible game mechanic.
As one can tell it's a "Peach game" and I thought it would be something just for You (Your Team?) as You have made extensive animations in P.U.T. and kinda domminate the whole "Peach topic"
The art creator himself was sorry, that those are only "his artwork" and I do believe that it would be a great shame to just leave it to rot.
If permission would be granted I would really like to see art being brought to life.

As for P.U.T. itself, it's a great game but sometimes it kinda "bleeds" at me. The frame rate drops as hell if there is to much movement on screen but it might be some kind of memory leak at my end. I think I was keeping an eye on this game from the time World 3 was fully implemented and even now i'm full of ave, and all that comes to my mind is "damn" but in the good kinda way.

- Kalessis
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Kelsanator » Wed May 24, 2017 2:37 am

hey what level are those jellyfish girls on
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed May 24, 2017 3:41 am

I'll answer you tonight as I have a little time. Too much work around here.

Samus85aran Wrote:Woow Ivan Great fixing you do, all the glitches and bugs that Me and other reports are fine now, even the problem with the suits xD And you are a little devil xD you did it ... now princess peach get dizzy when her horny bar it's is 80% for a while and not only that but also you did that if you stay above that percentage you can go back to dizzy is great xD makes us take even more care

Glad you liked ;)

Samus85aran Wrote:Well so is a little problem some times when she is dizzy appear in the game a message of " error xml "

Hmmm when she gets Dizzy? Which language did you use? Spanish?
EDIT: PROBABLY FIXED NOW in 3.36 version!

Samus85aran Wrote:And a have another bug here (when talking to toad)

EDIT: FIXED in 3.36 version! Please dont forget to reload the XML by using the latest one in my GITHUB site.

Samus85aran Wrote:and other one.... when you try to change to a new xml spanish the game doens't change so a think it is a problem code of the XML in spanish.

Oh I found the problem!
Code: Select All Code
<text name="ScreenOptions_Header_DuringScenes">Durante la Escena...</text4>

It must be </text> in the end!
FIXED! You can redownload it in my github site or just edit your xml and fix above.

envyuria Wrote:about the artwork in world 6 could it have been because i used Flash player 12? I didn't change any XML file or anything.

I dunno. Flash 12 wont change languages like that. Perhaps its an old XML. You can try loading another XML, or taking a screenshot then sending it here.

Samus85aran Wrote:Other Bug when Peach have anal sex with koopa she get pregnant in this scene and you can lose the virginity too

EDIT: Not a bug! You might be playing in HARD game mode, where the scenes can happen RAMDOMLY! This might be the DoggyStyle scene, which WILL take her virginity as its a pussy penetration scene!

Samus85aran Wrote:Other bug that i found when you take the massage of the nymph she open your asshole

EDIT: FIXED in 3.36 version!
Thanks for your reports!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon May 29, 2017 8:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Thu May 25, 2017 10:08 pm

New bug in area 7-6 near of the second door some enemys are invisible and make you invisible during the sex


Edith: some times are invisible enemies where is the blue switch in this same level

Second bug once again now in this scene Koopa when finish give to you a part of lingierie and it's supposed to be an anal scene but it can also get pregnant or lost the virginity, like the other one I told you

Other bug it is when you are in jail and appear Bowser well you know He take your virginity and then appear the Art of Flip trip bug then if you see your Status you still are pure or virgin xD doens'nt count like a bad scene but in the her Diary it is regristred that she lost her virginity xD
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat May 27, 2017 5:39 am

LOK was out since yesterday.
Finally, Jabbi scene 3 is DONE (a gangbang one!) and it will be uploaded tomorrow.

Kalessis Wrote:@Ivan-Aedler As I have no means of direct contact i'm gonna drop this topic here. I wanted to show You something that popped up on ehtracker.org / search: Reform Project of Peach irisaz
It's a very interesting art that contains what one could call a great game idea and even an inlook into a possible game mechanic.

Wow! :shock: Man, I loved that conceptual art! I really appreciated it, thank you! Her face is adorable! Those big eyes... Its interesting the way he painted it, like a demo game. It appear to be so simple, but its nice to see the princess getting hornier and 'nymphy' over time. Her belly and boobs also increases up due to the Bowser pherormones. I just missed her backside view :oops: :mrgreen: . It would be so nice to click on her, then check her ....back!

I may continue it, I dunno. If I get permission to reuse his art for a game using the Flash engine, I can surely make it happen (with animations too!), like being ashamed, or moving her arm, etc. But if he doesnt want me to reuse this art, I can just reinvent the wheel and make a game like that, using the current model we already have in PUT. So we can also change to Daisy, Rosalina, etc ;) The only thing that wont be so easy to do is the 'getting fat' overall (that is, her torso), as it will require new outfits of different sizes. Its not only enlarging them, I would need to remake them, put more fabric, etc. So if its made someday here in LOK, the princess will have 'just' her boobs, belly, pussy, asshole and PERHAPS her ass/thigh would be bigger. Just like the current PUT game (ass sizes still being made, though).

Do you have any link to his site/contact info? I haven't found any.

I also remember of another demo (If I remember, it was made in RPGMaker), but I cant find about it anymore. It was in DevianArt (IIRC). It showed the princess Peach standing up, starked naked (pixelated chibi model), in a forest full of grass, and a Boo next to her. I would LOVE to get my hands on it and make a RPG game. Although it wont have pristine graphics like using vectors in Flash, those engines allow us to use hentai images (or 3d rendered images) in dialogues/scenes, so just imagine a game with hundreds of high quality FULL HD H-scenes with a meaning, that is, if you do certain things in the game). I like RPGgames like this lately, like 'The New Path' and 'Officer Chloe'.

Kalessis Wrote:As for P.U.T. itself, it's a great game but sometimes it kinda "bleeds" at me. The frame rate drops as hell if there is to much movement on screen but it might be some kind of memory leak at my end. I think I was keeping an eye on this game from the time World 3 was fully implemented and even now i'm full of ave, and all that comes to my mind is "damn" but in the good kinda way.

You can try to improve the speed by following those tips in my faq. Just find 'slow' (CTRL+F) and click in the header.
I use a Intel Core i5 and I already tested it on a Intel Core i7. I can play it even in full screen on a 1920x1080 (full hd) monitor! In my site, I explain more about the requirements (CPU etc).
Thank you and I hope I can improve the current game engine to be even better.

Samus85aran Wrote:New bug in area 7-6 near of the second door some enemys are invisible and make you invisible during the sex.
Edit: sometimes are invisible enemies where is the blue switch in this same level

EDIT: FIXED in 3.36 version!

Samus85aran Wrote:Second bug once again now in this scene Koopa when finish give to you a part of lingerie and it's supposed to be an anal scene but it can also get pregnant or lost the virginity, like the other one I told you.

Damn! The lingerie problems on him this time? I'll also check if this is not the case the Koopa can fuck her asshole OR her pussy, as it was on purpose. Perhaps I am wrong.
Do you remember which scene? Did you touch a koopa for the fourth time?
Remember that, IN HARD GAME mode, RANDOM scenes will happen, so the first one can be a vaginal one directly!
This one is the scene 9: DoggyStyle. The first time she is on him, she says: 'Oh...That's Disgust...maybe...maybe not that much! Ahhhh!', then 'Nooo, it 's gushing out! Hot cum is streaming down my thighs!'
This IS a vaginal scene.

As for the lingerie reappearing, EDIT: FIXED in 3.36 version!

Samus85aran Wrote:Other bug it is when you are in jail and appear Bowser well you know He take your virginity and then appear the Art of Flip trip bug then if you see your Status you still are pure or virgin xD doens'nt count like a bad scene but in the her Diary it is regristred that she lost her virginity xD

EDIT: FIXED in 3.36 version!
Thanks for the reports so far!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon May 29, 2017 8:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby JJPG » Sat May 27, 2017 7:02 am

clipboard save not working
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby lunasmeow » Sat May 27, 2017 7:34 am

Will the various "characters" eventually have different responses? Playing as a different character but being called "Peach" is... weird.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.35 (May 21/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun May 28, 2017 2:20 am

JJPG Wrote:clipboard save not working

I'll check, but I hope its not a new bug doing tricks here!


lunasmeow Wrote:Will the various "characters" eventually have different responses? Playing as a different character but being called "Peach" is... weird.

Could you please tell me where she is called 'Peach'? In general, they have called by her current princess name: e.g 'Daisy is my bitch', and the Boo saying to Rosalina character: 'Oh yeah, Princess Rosalina! Rub my balls! Watch me cum all over your face!'
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