Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Sat May 13, 2017 10:06 pm

With that thought in mind, you shutdown your computer and take care of your cold meal and wet clothes, another yawn escaping your lips as you finish your self-given chores. With that done as well, you make your way back to bed, plop down, and before you know it you’re sound asleep…

”...-od morning, miss Courtney. It is exactly.. 7:15 AM right now. Will you be heading out today?”

...You’re woken up by the robotic voice of AIA. Ugh, you can still hear the rain ticking against the window, but it does sound like it has calmed down since yesterday, fortunately. A large yawn escapes your lips as you stretch your arms, your back slightly arched as you awake on a new day,

Current Time of Day
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7:15 PM, Tuesday, September 22th, 2075
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Sat May 13, 2017 10:27 pm

"Ye-yes computer. Double check my missions.. And give me a time frame on that tailing mission.. That's tonight right?" Liliana gets up and heads to the bathroom to get washed up and get ready for the day. Stripping out of her panties and her bra she then gets in her cat-suit then putting some normal clothes over the form fitting armor so she can head out into the public. With that she straps her revolver to one thigh and her sword to her waist.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Sun May 14, 2017 2:47 pm

”Yes, miss Courtney. According to your files, the vehicle is scheduled to leave at 10:55 PM from a AG Chemie Laboratory in the Falkensee district in West Berlin, with an estimated travel time of 31 minutes to it’s possible destination. The transfer will take place somewhere at Tegel Airport in the Reinickendorf district at 11:30. A map for further direction is disclosed in the file. Do you want me to download the file to your commlink?”, AIA replies as you get out of bed, rub the sleep out of your eyes and make your way to the bathroom.

You quickly get undressed and under the shower, the initial cold blast of water helping you to wake up, and get yourself scrubbed and clean. After that, you dry off, brush your hair and go through your daily morning routine.

You start putting on your armor suit, which has along with the other clothes dried overnight, over your naked body. You feel the familiar feeling of the sturdy but soft and supple fabric of your armor rubbing against your bare slit and breasts as you struggle to get on, but eventually everything is on, and you close the mechanical zip on your back and activate your armor. The armor automatically begins reshaping itself slightly to optimally fit your body, clinging tightly to your skin. Within seconds the armor is on, and your body is enveloped by the high-tech suit, with visible cameltoe.

You put your normal attire on over the suit to disguise it, strap your gun and sword in place, making sure they’re not too visible for prying eyes, and you’re ready to leave.

”Where will you be going, miss Courtney? Would you require me to provide you with directions?”
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Sun May 14, 2017 5:41 pm

"Yes computer download the mission details to my commlink. And give me directions to the nearest clothing store in the western district time to go shopping for once..." Just as she says that Liliana looks down at her gun and sword and blinks a couple of times.

"Ah shoot.." Quickly unstrapping her weapons she remembers that while she's allowed to carry weapons, she's no longer a soldier but a civilian. A frown comes across her face as she blinks from her memories as a soldier and leaves the guns at home. At least when she gets that hand bag she can conceal her handgun. But with that she moves out into the streets her feet gracefully tip-toeing down the stairs and through the halls as she puts a bit of an extra swing in her hips.

Once at the front desk she'd see if she could find her landlord and ask him how much she owed in rent next week so she could prepare for the worst. Even deciding to speak in German to hopefully stay on his good side
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Mon May 15, 2017 8:05 pm

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Performance Roll: Liliana vs. Landlord
Lorielle rolls d20+3 = 16
Vhexo rolls d20-2 = 18

”As you wish, miss Courtney. I will send you the coordinates when you're on your way.”, AIA replies as you remember it’s not the best idea to go and carry weapons in broad daylight, unless you’d want to get into trouble that is, and so you leave your weapons behind.

You travel down the stairs, putting some extra sway in your gait to hopefully put your grumpy landlord in a somewhat better mood than he normally is, and while your attire you put over your armour isn’t the most enticing, any normal male would admire your form at least.

When you reach the ground floor however, you seem to have hit some bad luck. Normally your aging landlord would be sitting in his chair, watching whatever was on his television, but that isn’t the case this time.

Just as the sole of your boot hits the ground, the landlord angrily slams the door shut behind someone you vaguely recognize as another resident, or seemingly former resident. You hear him mutter some german curse words as he turns around to return to his desk, but then he sees you standing there.

”AND YOU TOO, MISSY! IF YOU DON’T PAY YOUR RENT SOON, I’LL THROW YOU OUT TOO!”, the aging troll barks to you in German with an agitated manner, at the moment to furious to notice your little performance sadly. "A thousand Nuyen, and not a penny less!", he scoffs afterward, already a little less angry but all the more grumpy right now.
Last edited by Vhexo on Tue May 16, 2017 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 15, 2017 8:09 pm

Liliana stops dead in her tracks when she sees her landlord exit the room of another resident and takes a moment to scream at her. "I understand~" Liliana replies back in german as she tries to put on her performance again, feeling in a somewhat upbeat mood and even wanting to avoid any conflict with her landlord. As she walks past him she puts extra effort into coming off as sexy, even borderline slutty as she walks out of the building.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Mon May 15, 2017 8:25 pm

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Performance Roll: Liliana vs. Landlord
Lorielle rolls d20+2 = 12
Vhexo rolls d20-2 = 6

Your landlord huffs at you as he takes his usual seat again behind his desk, but as you leave the apartment building, trying your best to put on a little bit of a show for the troll guy as you leave, you can definitely feel his eyes fixated on your swaying butt as you pass him, a faint feeling of naughtiness getting its grip on you as you can see the troll actually slightly bending over his desk to keep looking at your curves from the corner of your eye. He’s definitely going to remember that image for the remainder of the day.

Once you’re outside though, you’re once again met with the rain falling down on you, although it’s a lot less than last night. Maybe it’s finally going to stop soon?

”I have downloaded the coordinates of the nearest clothing shop in West Berlin to your current location. The route will pass through the Mauer Checkpoint and have an estimated length of 1 hour and 12 minutes. Would you like me to proceed with directions?”, you hear AIA say through your commlink.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 15, 2017 8:33 pm

Happy with her performance Liliana steps out into the wider city curious as to what she would be met with today. The rain certainly put a damper on things but its a drizzle compared to what it was yesterday night. "We can check out the dresses later, right now i just lets look around for any traders in the market of military hardware. I doubt you have anything legal in your database for places in Eastern Berlin."

Liliana takes a long look up and down the street then begins her walk around the city looking for both legal and illegal sources of military hardware she could buy, a night vision scope is gonna be paramount to a good result, if she couldnt secure one then she'd need to take a more dangerous approach to her scouting mission.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Mon May 15, 2017 9:18 pm

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Street Knowledge Roll & Perception Roll
Lorielle rolls d20-1 = 8, Failure
Lorielle rolls d20-1 = 13, Success

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Danger Roll (Higher is Better)
Vhexo rolls d20 = 4

”As you wish, miss Courtney. You may call on my services when I’m needed again.”, AIA replies as she ends the call.

You let your gaze wander over the street you’re currently in. While it’s still raining, it is a whole lot brighter than last night, and funnily enough also a whole lot emptier. While even though it was raining pretty hard yesterday, it was still fairly packed with people, but at the moment you can see two or three people walking down the street. The citizens of East Berlin seem to be more active the darker it gets, which comes as no surprise due to its shady reputation.

But anyway, after your check, you begin your hunt for a military hardware trader, or anyone actually selling the parts you’re looking for.

A quick snoop of your surroundings yield no fruit, and you realize it might be not such an easy task to find what you’re searching for. You know your way around these parts well enough but you’ve never seen any illegal shops, and after a search of approximately an hour with no success, you know that you’ll have to try a bit harder.

Luckily, you do notice that some people seem to be heading into a certain direction towards the east, further into shady territory, and following the directions they’re taking, you’re surprised to find yourself suddenly on a small marketplace.
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There is actually quite a number of people around, looking at wares and walking around, while a number of small ramshackle stands display their contents with merchants busily trying to get people to buy their wares.

However, a sweep of the marketplace doesn’t reward you with what you’re looking for, and you’re about to leave again when you suddenly overhear a conversation in German between two random people passing by. ”...Did you see that rifle Claus had? Looked like army stuff. Wonder where he gets all his wares…”

Following your ears, you locate the source of the voice and see two Orks coming out of a simple, inconspicuous door located behind one of the stands nearby.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 15, 2017 9:24 pm

Liliana wanders around for a good part of the day seemingly coming up with nothing as she dives in and out of various alleys in Eastern Berlin. Upon ending up in the small market place though she feels hope well up inside of her, only to be dashed when she notices it has nothing she needed.

"Sigh..damn.." She whispers to herself, but then catches a conversation that causes her ears to flutter with excitment. Seeing the two orks step out of the door she nonchalantly tip-toes up to them her hip swing from her modifications definitely doing their work even if she's not doing it on purpose.

"Hey boys~ I heard you discussing something involving some military gear. Think you can show a girl around?" Liliana says with a smile, hoping to play up a bit of ditz tourist vibe to get what she needed.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Mon May 15, 2017 10:09 pm

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Performance Roll: Liliana
Lorielle rolls d20+3 = 17

The Orks stop talking as they notice you walking up to them, your hips sensually swaying from side to side, your heels softly clicking on the ground as your tip-toeing adds something sexy and irresistible to your gait. You can see the two Orks openly eyeing you up with lusty eyes as you approach, a small smile of approval on their faces as they check out your curves, one of them gazing at your breast and the other fixated on your lower half.

”Hello there, missy! What is a beautiful lady doing in a place like this?”, they ask in German before you speak to them. As they notice you speak English to them and not German, the two of them share a knowing look and a big smile as they walk up to you, one of them wrapping his arm around you and pulling you a bit closer to him as the other one rests his hand on your back, just above your ass.

”Are you new here, pretty girl? We haven’t seen you here before, but we will gladly show pretty girl around if she wants!”, one of them, the taller one, taller than yourself, of the two with short blond hair, replies in bad English with a heavy accent, both of them probably thinking you can’t understand German, while you see the other, the shorter one,- although only a couple of centimetres shorter than you -, with black hair and a darker skin, taking a firm look at your ass, his hand slowly sliding down a little bit.

”You want to see weapons, yes? We can show you weapons! If pretty girl is kind to us, we are kind to her!”, the tall one says again as his hand slightly rubs against your belly to see how you’ll react, but the shorter one doesn’t beat around the bush, sliding his hand down onto your ass and grabbing himself a handful, not treating you too rough but definitely kneading your ass flesh.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 15, 2017 10:32 pm

Liliana's ploy seems to work as she had them in the palm of her hand, or the other way around really, as she smiled cutely for her temporary tour guides. "Oh yess, I just moved in down the street~ weapons would be nice, any sort of Hard ware would be great as well, a girl's gotta protect herself, but with big guys like you protecting me I'm sure it'll be fine..." She lets them look at her, she knew full her figure was perfect and didn't mind showing it off to those who appreciated the effort she put into maintaining it. The tipping point was when they touched her though. Liliana's always had a thing for stronger men, and it was hard to to resist two Orks as they touch and played with her especially the one feeling up her ass, liking the directness of this exchange.

"Well~ I don't see the harm in having some fun." She says in her ditz tone once again sticking out her ass as she walked with the two of them. "Why don't you show me around first though~ then we can have some fun, wouldn't want you boys taking advantage me for free~" she winks at the taller Ork as he seemed to be a bit more in charge.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Fri May 19, 2017 8:23 pm

The short one, after seeing you voluntarily sticking out your ass, gladly accepts the invitation and start kneading your ass cheek in earnest, his strong grip molding your flesh in his hand. The taller one and responds with a lusty smirk at your wink and turns to the short one, saying in German: ”We got ourselves a free fuck tonight, Gutram!”, still under the impression you can’t understand them, and the two Orks share a knowing look and a perverted smile.

The tall one then turns back to you with a grin and says: ”Of course, of course! We will gladly show you around, pretty girl. You wanted to see weapons, yes? We will show you weapo-...”, he begins to say before a spark lights up his eyes, his smile growing a bit wider as he seems to suddenly realize something.

”...We will show you weapons, but you need to pretend to be my girl, OK? Shady business and shady people, you know, don’t take kind to strangers. Me and Gutram know them, they will talk to us, but not to strangers. If they see you my girl, they will think you with me, and talk to you too and not try funny things and harm you, yes?”, the tall one says with a sly look and smile, which leads to a irritated ”Hey, and what about m-..” in German from the short one called Gutram, but the tall one quickly cuts him off in German as well, snarling: ”Shut up, Gutram, you’ll get your piece of her pussy tonight when we take her! Just play along for now.”
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Fri May 19, 2017 9:06 pm

The way Gutram kneaded her ass elicited a genuine moan from Liliana's mouth, but she couldnt enjoy it for long when the Orks began discussing what they were going to do to her. She'd be lying if it wasnt turning her own, but she knew she'd need to keep her guard up around these two if she wanted to proceed with the mission after. Winning in a straight fight wouldnt be likely so when the opportunity arises she'll need to sneak away. Or...if they meant no harm she could always have a quickie before the mission actually began. Liliana bit her lip at the thought of being taken by these two rather brutish orks, it has been quite a while since she's had a lover of any kind.

"Oh okay~ Im sure you boys will keep me safe, then we can have lots of fun~" She says using her bubbly accent as leaning into the larger ork to show that she was "his girl."
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Sat May 20, 2017 9:00 pm

The larger ork smiles triumphantly when you accept his proposal and get a little closer to him while Gutram visibly annoyed lets go of your ass and takes a step backwards, but you can still feel his eyes roving over your backside as he creates a little distance between him and you two.

However, the tall one quickly continues where Gutram stopped, give your ass a cheeky slap, the force behind it sending vibrations through your flesh and making your butt jiggle a little, and grabs ahold of it, starting to knead more roughly and dominantly than Gutram did.

”Yes, good. You Gunar’s girl now, yes? Stay with me and we will have no trouble!”, the tall one who calls himself Gunar says as his hand lets go of your ass and wraps around your waist, his hand just below your breast.

”Come with us, pretty gi-… what is your name, pretty?”, Gunar says as he starts to lead you towards the door you’ve seen them come out of, but then turns his head towards you, raising an eyebrow.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Sat May 20, 2017 9:08 pm

Liliana lets out a yelp and a muffled moan when Gunar starts man handling her, god its been way too long. But that cant distract her right now she just needed some equipment for the mission later tonight.

"Yep~ Im all yours." She says as she leans into him a bit more, though she turns around and winks at Gutram to let him know she hasnt forgotten him. Maybe if she was lucky she could pit them against each other to distract them so she could slip away.

"Oh, im sorry. Im..uhh Ashley, I moved here from America." She says with a giggle as she acts all playful and innocent.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Sat May 20, 2017 9:31 pm

”Ashley! Good. Now, come with me Ashley!”, Gunar replies as he leads you towards the door, Gutram following behind, a faint smile on his face from when you winked at him.

The door is very plain-looking and has no signs or whatever signaling it’s there, it looks very much like some backdoor that nobody would investigate. The only thing that’s out of place though, which you notice as you get closer, is that there’s a small camera attached above the door, looking down at anyone who might enter.

You, staying close to your new ‘man’, and Gunar approach the door with Gutram behind you guys, and Gunar looks up at the camera, raising his other hand not wrapped around your waist to slightly wave at the camera.

A couple of seconds go by, but then you hear a sound from behind the door, and a muffled, very low-pitched voice talking to you and Gunar from behind the door. ”Why are you back already, Gunar? And who’s that with you? You know we don’t want strangers with us.”

Gunar gives you a quick glance from the corner of his eye but keeps looking at the camera and smiles. ”I made up my mind about the offer, Arnaud. I think I will accept after all. And this is not a stranger, this is Ashley, she’s my girl! She was waiting outside for me. We’ve been fucking for a while, and you better be glad she’s here, she convinced me to accept!”, Gunar replies back in German, but once he’s done speaking he whispers ”Give me a kiss, girl.” towards you, turning his face towards you to receive his kiss.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Sat May 20, 2017 9:50 pm

Liliana takes scope of the place seeing and taking in all of what's going on especially the security. But is more distracted by the two men speaking to each other. It seems like they knew each other better and buying supplies may be a problem.

"Oh no problem Gunar~" She says to him before giving him a convincing kiss, though avoiding anything too affectionate. "I hope this deal works out~ It seemed like a good deal." Liliana says before going back to coying and fawning over her "boyfriend"
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Vhexo » Tue May 23, 2017 9:46 pm

Gunar pushes you a little closer to him as you kiss him with the arm around your waist, squashing your breasts against his chest as his other arm darts behind your back and his hand grabs another handful of your ass, squeezing the flesh with his fingers.

Then he lets go of you and looks back up at the camera with a smile on his face.”See? She’s fine! Now open the door and let us in, Arnaud!”, he says in German, and you hear a some grumpy murmur from behind the door, after which you hear a couple of soft beeps and then the door opens.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


In the doorframe stands a big troll, way taller than both the Orks and you, and big even for troll standards, with brown horns, brown skin, all bald with only a black circle beard and dressed in all black like a bouncer. Even his eyes have a very dark colour, and all of that stand in sharp contrast with his white fangs protruding from his lower lip. He looks at you with a mixture of curiosity and caution, obviously not really a fan of new faces. ”Go on, then. Claus will be waiting.”, he grunts with his low voice in German as he steps to the side to let the three of you pass.

Gunar grabs you by the waist again and presses you close to him as you two enter through the door, clearly wanting to state that you’re his property.

When you enter, you see that what you would think was a backdoor is actually an entrance to a small hallway with at the end of it a staircase leading downwards. Next to the door you see a small screen that show the camera feed from the camera you saw outside.

Once you’re all in, the big troll named Arnaud closes the door and gestures you, Gunar and Gutram to move along down the stairs as he follows closely behind.

”Down you go.”, he says in German, and Gunar sneakily gestures to you to stay behind him and follow him as he goes down the stairs.
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Re: Shadowrun: Blackgate [Lorielle]

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 24, 2017 9:49 am

The rough handling of her body was starting to wear down Liliana senses as she practically gives herself over for the kiss. Her smashed breasts and kneaded ass causing her to huff and moan gently when Gunar finally pulls away. Looking up she gives a small smile for the camera.

There wasn't much to see but she knew getting out at this point was going to be Impossible if she messed up, her only chance would be if Gunar and Gutram got into a fight and that doesn't guarantee anything. For now she just kept playing along acting like a scared tourist as she followed behind Gunar pressing her breasts into his back while sticking out her ass got Gutram to play with.

"Ohhh it's so spooky." She comments in her ditz tone again pressing hard enough into Gunar's back that her can begin to feel her hardening nipples even through her cat suit.
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