Heath0069 Wrote:(testing /Humadragon2016/) nice game guys
KrtnAn Wrote:Have you considered using Pokemon Essentials?
ValturNaa Wrote:Honestly, working with someone else's engine in general feels restrictive to me, and I'd rather work with something I can edit at the base level (or have someone edit for me, as the case may be) as I feel necessary.
KrtnAn Wrote:Have you considered using Pokemon Essentials?
Dapper Gent Wrote:There are some key features that may not be present or programmable into Pokemon Essentials. These include the touch points and changing battle arts, the in-game camera feature and the player party settings, just to name a few.
Dapper Gent Wrote:Having our own program means being able to add in what we need, when we need it and how we need it to work.
KrtnAn Wrote:Dapper Gent Wrote:There are some key features that may not be present or programmable into Pokemon Essentials. These include the touch points and changing battle arts, the in-game camera feature and the player party settings, just to name a few.
The camera should be possible through scripting, and I'm not sure what "player party settings" means. If you're talking about the fact that the player can fight, that should be as simple as adding him as a custom pokemon with custom moves.Dapper Gent Wrote:Having our own program means being able to add in what we need, when we need it and how we need it to work.
True and an important point to consider, but it also means that you have to recreate an entire pokemon game system from scratch. PE would give you a solid baseline to customize.
Just read the Essentials FAQ, and this could be a problem:
"Pokémon Essentials was/is created with the sole intent of being absolutely free to use. This means that developers do not have to "buy" Essentials in order to use it, nor should anyone have to pay money to play any game created with Essentials (either at all or to purchase "perks" or other premium content that would be unavailable to non-payers; this includes paying for server costs or subscriptions, etc.). Optional payments also fall into this category, as they would still be a source of income even if they were voluntary. To charge people in any way for playing a game made with Essentials is unacceptable."
KrtnAn Wrote:Did the mod accidentally include somebody else's post when merging mine? Everything from "Visit my Deviant Art page" and below (including the drawing) wasn't written by me.
It also didn't include any of the images I attached.
Heath0069 Wrote:That Hunter in your Halloween picture look like she gonna such Ash's dick once she gets him
I love it
Dapper Gent Wrote:I have no idea what you're talking about.
Dapper Gent Wrote:KrtnAn Wrote:...
Just read the Essentials FAQ, and this could be a problem:
"Pokémon Essentials was/is created with the sole intent of being absolutely free to use. This means that developers do not have to "buy" Essentials in order to use it, nor should anyone have to pay money to play any game created with Essentials (either at all or to purchase "perks" or other premium content that would be unavailable to non-payers; this includes paying for server costs or subscriptions, etc.). Optional payments also fall into this category, as they would still be a source of income even if they were voluntary. To charge people in any way for playing a game made with Essentials is unacceptable."
Val will be looking into the program to see if we can edit it as needed. If we can then it might be viable to scrap what we have now and use Pokemon Essentials but I'll leave that verdict to Val once he plays around with it.
Fortunately the payment policy wouldn't really be an issue as we technically don't charge or have a payment system to purchase premium content. Our payments are strictly voluntary and only add to the game, not keep content away from players. In other words, if someone opts in and purchases a quest line then everyone gets to experience it in the following update after it's completed. Any trainer art purchased will also be seen by everyone at one point or another. The only thing that could technically be "premium content" is if someone purchases a new battle art set for a morph or purchases a non-gen 1 morph. But the art purchased will be used in later games.
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