Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun May 07, 2017 2:59 am

Samus85aran Wrote:Hi Ivan first of all, Lot of congratulations for your five Years creating this awesome game, i am very grateful for your effort AND dedication.

Thank you really!

Samus85aran Wrote:And I didn't forget about chompette, I tell you that I recorder all the bugs in a long video, you can find this nearly at the minute 4, here is the vídeo again

Oh sorry, it's in the same video you sent before! Okay, I'll advance it and check it slowly. Hmm it happens with normal Fire Peach (not Fire Peach PS).

AdanPery Wrote:Minor Glitch 2. This one is just a detail. The image for Peach dialogs is not the same style as Peach portrait and the lovely image in pause screen, this looks a little weird. XDDD
Still, that image is very good, but we need to make a stardard for PEACH.
different peaches.jpg
different peaches.jpg (59.28 KiB) Viewed 3186 times

I dont call this a Glitch, this is due to many different contributors. I will ask TripFlip if its possible to standalize all of them.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon May 08, 2017 12:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Samus85aran » Sun May 07, 2017 3:23 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Samus85aran Wrote:Hi Ivan first of all, Lot of congratulations for your five Years creating this awesome game, i am very grateful for your effort AND dedication.

Thank you really!

Samus85aran Wrote:And I didn't forget about chompette, I tell you that I recorder all the bugs in a long video, you can find this nearly at the minute 4, here is the vídeo again

Oh sorry, it's in the same video you sent before! Okay, I'll advance it and check it slowly. Hmm it happens with normal Fire Peach (not Fire Peach PS).

Lol Haha no, this it is a diferent video xD There also Is the checkpoint shower Bug around the minute 3, if you want you to see too.

Also i Will try with Flash player 24 and 25 but in monday to see What happen in this Versions with the problem of the slots
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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun May 07, 2017 5:03 pm

Samus85aran Wrote:Lol Haha no, this it is a diferent video xD There also Is the checkpoint shower Bug around the minute 3, if you want you to see too.

That one (double crown) was already fixed, but not uploaded.
I am right now treating one of the most merciless bugs: the one that warps you from the sewers back to the worldmap without your consent (after finishing an airship level and using those worldmap pipes to return to the sewers).
You know understand why I kind of have delays (of weeks or even a month) to make new features lately :/
The bugs are 'controllable' right now (that is, I can track them and fix them), but the problem is the time spent to fix them.

Samus85aran Wrote:Also i Will try with Flash player 24 and 25 but in monday to see What happen in this Versions with the problem of the slots

Thank you! This is very important for PUT (and the future games) as Flash is not always nice to us. Some bugs are not really due to our errors, but how the player interprets the game code.
So, once the slot problem doesnt have A-N-Y-M-O-R-E on, say Flash Player 23 and beyound, I'll make a check that locks the game with a message if the player tries to run it with a flash player less than 23.
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Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon May 08, 2017 3:12 am

Update 3.33 (7th May 2017) - SERVICE FIXES II (Flash Player 25 or later recommended!)
- Please reload an external XML (english or other) to refresh the language of the game! Use the ones in my GITHUB (https://github.com/ivanaedler/MIMPUT/). Or you can just click RESET SAVES in the first screen if you dont have saved games and you dont want to mess around the XML files (English only!)
- WARNING! Please use Flash Player 25 or later, due to SAVE/LOAD game bug, where you lose princess states if you save in slot 2, or 3, or 4 or 5, then try to load slot 1 (or the opposite!) This is a Flash Player BUG that can occur in former versions like Flash 21, 20 and 17! You can find it in my site (currently https://ivanaedler.github.io/MIMPUT/). If it's offline, please check in the first post of my PUT thread in Legend of Krystal sites. I always put a message there.
- Rule Change: when the princess is with the slave outfit, she wont lose it part by part. It's a fixed outfit until she finds another powerup or loses a life!
- Improvement: 'tail' bodypart is now a reference to memory. No more enterframes on it.
- Readjusted princess size in Monty Mole scenes (she was a bit bigger).
- Glitch Fix: 'Toads in her table' to eat a pizza' scene: scene not happening when all toads are there due to Type Coercion error.
- Glitch Fix: Luigi was not reading his book anymore
- Glitch Fix: The princess (as a Fire princess) was jumping herself up when hitting a X-naut or a Chomp with a fireball.
- Glitch Fix: When the princess is a raccoon and falling, she only animate her tail once.
- Glitch Fix: The princess was able to 'lose a life' (DEL KEY) in the worldmap.
- Glitch Fix: When using the cannon, the world name was still 'Mushroom Kingdom' in the MENU screen, when reaching a new worldmap, like Bumpy Forest. The player needed to enter a given level, then exit it to return to the current worldmap in order to fix the world name.
- Glitch Fix: The Fire Princess (Frontside dialogue model) was not with red eyes.
- Glitch Fix: Princess' earrings and crown not being removed when she undresses to take a shower. Also, she was leaving the bath stark naked, without her crown (those blue bath she can lay into (marble ones), like in Daisy palace level). Tech Info: 'noPile' returning without executing important functions.
- Glitch Fix: Daisy Palace: Princess' scene with another princess (like Peach and Daisy) showing wrong hands (e.g. Daisy with a wrong Fire Peach hand).
- Glitch Fix: Daisy Palace: Princess' scene with another princess (like Peach and Daisy) making the other princess with the same eye color/style as the main character
- Glitch Fix: Daisy Palace: When Daisy was masturbating, the playable princess' horny bar was going up without the player consent.
- Glitch Fix: Peach Castle level (sewers): strange 'green pipe inside another pipe' in the big upside down pipe in the sewers area of Peach's castle. (Tech info: pipe.init() happens after _level config, so we moved to pos-init).
- Glitch Fix: Peach Castle level (sewers): when the princess used one of the 8 pipes in the bottom, we couldnt use CTRL do go to the menu (strange message: "Can't go to the pause screen while entering doors or objects!") (Tech Info: wrong 'destination="pipe_out1" which is non existant)
- Glitch Fix: Peach Castle level (sewers): when we pressed LEFT or RIGHT right after the princess returned from the sewer level (a pipe from a given worldmap, like SubCon), the level ends unexpectelly (Tech Info: Fallingpalacemaneuver_4104/frame66()[MarioisMissingPUT_fla.PZz_fallingpalacemaneuver_4104::frame66:4] still being called! Its like when finishing another airship, when returning to the sewers, the airship1 over Peach castle was making her fall that way - message Level 1-1: Config.finishedWorld is true, this happens when Peach beaten the airship some seconds before!). But THIS CAN HAPPEN when Peach returned to worldmap 3, then returned to the sewers much later!)
- Glitch Fix: Princess' Castle level: XML Error when 'talking' with the chains in her tower, and when trying to use the teleporter in 9-1 level
- Glitch Fix: 9-1 level: XML Error when trying to use the teleporter
- Glitch Fix: 4-4 level (Boggly Tree): XML Error when talking to the Puny Elder
- Glitch Fix: In Toad Town, when asking Charlieton to buy something, if you do it, the coins decreases for the HUD, but slowly enough to make Charlieton say 'You dont have enough coins'. Now, you will only be able to press a given number in the dialogue if all coins were removed from the princess 'purse' (her asshole). Also, the 'coin number' animation will be smoother.
- Glitch Fix: XML Error when trying to get 'YourCumWasCleaned' message.
- Glitch Fix: Princess' Castle level: The princess butt is appearing in certain short skirts in the 'side throne' scene (next to her royal table)
- Glitch Fix: The 'Train' ocurrence that the princess wrote in her diary is being kept in the diary BEFORE the Toadsworth event.
- Glitch Fix: The princess' eyes (Frontside dialogue model) was not red when the princess is a fire princess.
- Glitch Fix: The female princesses that are friend of Peach (like Daisy and the Shygirl) is with red eyes when you are playing a Fire Peach character.
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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Samus85aran » Mon May 08, 2017 3:04 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Samus85aran Wrote:Lol Haha no, this it is a diferent video xD There also Is the checkpoint shower Bug around the minute 3, if you want you to see too.

That one (double crown) was already fixed, but not uploaded.
I am right now treating one of the most merciless bugs: the one that warps you from the sewers back to the worldmap without your consent (after finishing an airship level and using those worldmap pipes to return to the sewers).
You know understand why I kind of have delays (of weeks or even a month) to make new features lately :/
The bugs are 'controllable' right now (that is, I can track them and fix them), but the problem is the time spent to fix them.

Samus85aran Wrote:Also i Will try with Flash player 24 and 25 but in monday to see What happen in this Versions with the problem of the slots

Thank you! This is very important for PUT (and the future games) as Flash is not always nice to us. Some bugs are not really due to our errors, but how the player interprets the game code.
So, once the slot problem doesnt have A-N-Y-M-O-R-E on, say Flash Player 23 and beyound, I'll make a check that locks the game with a message if the player tries to run it with a flash player less than 23.

I am so sorry Ivan i have download the Flash player project 25 and the problem still there :cry: ....... I think is a genereal problem with Flash player, maybe works diferent in its counterpart with browser versions, well I suppose not everything is lost, at least we can do the saved in a .txt so that our games remain
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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon May 08, 2017 5:38 pm

Samus85aran Wrote:I am so sorry Ivan i have download the Flash player project 25 and the problem still there :cry: ....... I think is a genereal problem with Flash player, maybe works diferent in its counterpart with browser versions, well I suppose not everything is lost, at least we can do the saved in a .txt so that our games remain

So it seems we will end up with ONE save/load slot only.
Tut Mir Leid, but I just dont want people to keep getting those annoying problems.

EDIT: Hmmm I'll try something different. Multiple MIMPUTSAVE2 files for each slot! (Multiple Save File Approach - 'MUSAFIA').
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue May 09, 2017 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Samus85aran » Mon May 08, 2017 10:15 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Samus85aran Wrote:I am so sorry Ivan i have download the Flash player project 25 and the problem still there :cry: ....... I think is a genereal problem with Flash player, maybe works diferent in its counterpart with browser versions, well I suppose not everything is lost, at least we can do the saved in a .txt so that our games remain

So it seems we will end up with ONE save/load slot only.
Tut Mir Leid, but I just dont want people to keep getting those annoying problems.

Hi Again Ivan i have 3 new Glitch

1- When peach is innocent a becomen in a raccon with the Leaf powerup, she walk like have a Dress

2- Other Glitch is when the Goomba appear from the floor and get out one with a pike in his head, He tranform in a normal Goomba but it's only the aspect because is you try to kill him jumping in his head, you hurt

3- The animation when you select a level and go to there, is some weird, it is like she become more little
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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue May 09, 2017 12:04 am

Samus85aran Wrote:Hi Again Ivan i have 3 new Glitches. 1- When peach is innocent a becomen in a raccon with the Leaf powerup, she walk like have a Dress

1 - is it the default raccoon powerup you've found, or did you set a given powerup with a custom raccoon outfit?
2 - Are you playing the normal or hard game mode? I'll consider you are playing in the hard game mode.
EDIT: CANT REPRODUCE YET. She walks covering herself if innocent, or walks normally if a nymph.
cant reproduce walk.jpg
cant reproduce walk.jpg (10.02 KiB) Viewed 3173 times

Samus85aran Wrote:2- Other Glitch is when the Goomba appear from the floor and get out one with a pike in his head, He tranform in a normal Goomba but it's only the aspect because is you try to kill him jumping in his head, you hurt

In which level and area? Is it in hard game mode?

Samus85aran Wrote:3- The animation when you select a level and go to there, is some weird, it is like she become more little

Not a glitch. Its actually a limitation due to the perspective.

just perspective.jpg
just perspective.jpg (34.09 KiB) Viewed 3174 times

Also, the princess and the hole is the same composite object, so if that hole is far away in the background, the princess going inside it will be also smaller. Thats because its not the same princess (well, its a bit hard to explain now).

The walking princess (the one you control) doesnt get smaller because I havent coded the dynamic simulated-Z (homomorphism) perspective. Actually its not that hard to make it work.
If I have a free time to improve the current princess size when using smaller or bigger holes, I will do it.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Wed May 10, 2017 11:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue May 09, 2017 2:46 am

I changed the code that deals with save/load game slots. Game reuploaded!
I ask people to test if a given slot is 'eating up/corrupting' the others yet, or not.
I may have found a cure.

Only the first slot is compliant with the last game versions, so you need to resave in slot 2,3,4,5 in order to test.
You can keep your first saved slot and any saved text (clipboard saved to txt files), as they will work in this version.
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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Samus85aran » Tue May 09, 2017 3:22 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Samus85aran Wrote:Hi Again Ivan i have 3 new Glitches. 1- When peach is innocent a becomen in a raccon with the Leaf powerup, she walk like have a Dress

1 - is it the default raccoon powerup you've found, or did you set a given powerup with a custom raccoon outfit?
2 - Are you playing the normal or hard game mode? I'll consider you are playing in the hard game mode.
CHECKING! EDIT: CANT REPRODUCE. She walks covering herself if innocent, or walks normally if a nymph.
cant reproduce walk.jpg

1- It's a Default Leaft Power up
2- Yes it's hard Mode

And for last no Ivan, That's is the Full Raccon Suit xD, Maybe I did not give up to understand but is this one :


Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Samus85aran Wrote:2- Other Glitch is when the Goomba appear from the floor and get out one with a pike in his head, He tranform in a normal Goomba but it's only the aspect because is you try to kill him jumping in his head, you hurt

In which level and area? Is it in hard game mode?

yes It's is hard mode, well to me happen in Boggly Three area because appear a lot of goomba when peach's bar is full, but i think it could be in any area where appear Goomba, don't you ?


Well in the image appear the Spike Goomba but before he go out of the floor and start to walk, change to other Goomba, but if yoy want to kill him jumping in the head, he still are a Spike Goomba.

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Samus85aran Wrote:3- The animation when you select a level and go to there, is some weird, it is like she become more little

Not a glitch. Its actually a limitation due to the perspective.

just perspective.jpg

Also, the princess and the hole is the same composite object, so if that hole is far away in the background, the princess going inside it will be also smaller. Thats because its not the same princess (well, its a bit hard to explain now).

The walking princess (the one you control) doesnt get smaller because I havent coded the dynamic simulated-Z (homomorphism) perspective. Actually its not that hard to make it work.
If I have a free time to improve the current princess size when using smaller or bigger holes, I will do it.

Yeah i think i understand you, it's depend of the circule right ? if this is bigger princees will become more bigger and if the circule is small she become more small right ?

="Ivan-Aedler"I changed the code that deals with save/load game slots. Game reuploaded!
I ask people to test if a given slot is 'eating up/corrupting' the others yet, or not.
I may have found a cure.

Only the first slot is compliant with the last game versions, so you need to resave in slot 2,3,4,5 in order to test.
You can keep your first saved slot and any saved text (clipboard saved to txt files), as they will work in this version.

So that's why i can´t load my old .TXT here, so a need to start again ?
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Re: Peach's Untold Tale (FIVE YEARS!)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue May 09, 2017 6:00 pm

Samus85aran Wrote:Asnwers: 1- It's a Default Leaft Power up 2- Yes it's hard Mode. And for last no Ivan, That's is the Full Raccon Suit xD, Maybe I did not give up to understand but is this one :

Ok then, CHECKING!

Samus85aran Wrote:yes It's is hard mode, well to me happen in Boggly Three area because appear a lot of goomba when peach's bar is full, but i think it could be in any area where appear Goomba, don't you ?

Ok now I undestand, CHECKING!
EDIT: But the 'hurt' when jumping is NOT a bug, because the UNCLE GOOMBA is not 'stompable', as he is a friend. Actually its a CLOTH SHREDDING effect that he does (He's a dirty uncle) :mrgreen:

Samus85aran Wrote:Yeah i think i understand you, it's depend of the circule right ? if this is bigger princees will become more bigger and if the circule is small she become more small right ?

That's it!

Samus85aran Wrote:So that's why i can´t load my old .TXT here, so a need to start again ?

Actually here it worked. Well, kind of.
Thats because the save to clipboard will now save the current slot you're into (e.g. if you loaded a given slot) to an external slot (in a text file). It wont overwrite the current slot. Then if you load it, it will show you in the saved state, but it wont recover all your slots (neither replace anything). So you can just save it again in order for it to be in one of your slots.
HOWEVER, please wait until I come from work late tonight, as I have a new feature to be uploaded, and a little fix to that clipboard feature and your glitch findings.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun May 28, 2017 10:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Tue May 09, 2017 10:29 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I changed the code that deals with save/load game slots. Game reuploaded!
I ask people to test if a given slot is 'eating up/corrupting' the others yet, or not.
I may have found a cure.

Only the first slot is compliant with the last game versions, so you need to resave in slot 2,3,4,5 in order to test.
You can keep your first saved slot and any saved text (clipboard saved to txt files), as they will work in this version.

Ivan have downloaded the new 3.33 that is that I quote you, and......... you are right you fix it slot 2, 3,4 and 5 are repaired only the slot 1 is corrupted by the slot 2 and copy them
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed May 10, 2017 11:27 am

I also added the PREGNANT screen as an achievement! (but you need to get pregnant 5 or more times)!
The fixes that were done in the game are in the changelog and with 'BLUE TEXT' above this post over the pages.

Samus85aran Wrote:Ivan have downloaded the new 3.33 that is that I quote you, and......... you are right you fix it slot 2, 3,4 and 5 are repaired only the slot 1 is corrupted by the slot 2 and copy them

I've not updated when you tested 3.33 again.
Now I did it, please check it out, and dont forget to reload the XML!
All game slots should be working now (at least when you save it from today) and the princess will be walking covering herself (or in a nymph gait) instead of 'dress walking' when in a naked leaf powerup.
Please check if the chompette bug is still hapenning with the Fire Peach.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Wed May 10, 2017 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Wed May 10, 2017 8:59 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:GAME UPDATED!
I also added the PREGNANT screen as an achievement! (but you need to get pregnant 5 or more times)!
The fixes that was done in the game was in the changelog and with 'BLUE TEXT' above this post over the pages.

Samus85aran Wrote:Ivan have downloaded the new 3.33 that is that I quote you, and......... you are right you fix it slot 2, 3,4 and 5 are repaired only the slot 1 is corrupted by the slot 2 and copy them

I've not updated when you tested 3.33 again.
Now I did it, please check it out, and dont forget to reload the XML!
All game slots should be working now (at least when you save it from today) and the princess will be walking covering herself (or in a nymph gait) instead of 'dress walking' when in a naked leaf powerup.
Please check if the chompette bug is still hapenning with the Fire Peach.

1- Princess Walking is fixed
2-Save withs slots (2,3,4,5) are fixed and the .txt archive too, now i can load it =), But the slot 1 still failure and....
3-chompette bug it's still there


4- I have new Glitch and is.......... Reverse Boobs xD yeahhh haha here is the Scene:

Last edited by Samus85aran on Wed May 10, 2017 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 10/17)

Postby Shadows » Wed May 10, 2017 9:06 pm

Hello PUT team,
Sorry for asking on this forum, I didn't know where else to ask. But, I was wondering if the ass size progress is up to date and if you were planning on making a playable shemale character?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu May 11, 2017 2:19 am

Samus85aran Wrote:3-chompette bug it's still there

Cant reproduce. I reseted everything (RESET SAVES in the first screen). I used Flash Player 21.
I also cant reproduce the save / load slot 1 bug.

Samus85aran Wrote:4- I have new Glitch and is.......... Reverse Boobs xD yeahhh haha here is the Scene:



Shadows Wrote:Hello PUT team,
Sorry for asking on this forum, I didn't know where else to ask. But, I was wondering if the ass size progress is up to date and if you were planning on making a playable shemale character?

The shemale feature will be actually a futa feature. I dont plan extending it too much due to the fact I have to rush myself to finish the other levels.
As for the Ass Sizes, it's on hold due to many service updates and the amount of features like achievement screens and new creatures being made (like WaLuigi). And the new Princess Peach by TripFlip (this is the top priority). I can't promise it will be done before july 2017 but I can try! I am sorry for that and glad you understand.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Wed May 17, 2017 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Thu May 11, 2017 11:37 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Samus85aran Wrote:3-chompette bug it's still there

Cant reproduce. I reseted everything (RESET SAVES in the first screen). I used Flash Player 21.
I also cant reproduce the save / load slot 1 bug.


You can't reproduce the chompette bug's ? or you can't reproduce the fail with slot 1 ( that's can copy slot 2, 3 ,4 or 5) ?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu May 11, 2017 11:49 pm

Waluigi is alive!

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

waluigi.swf [ 17.29 KiB | Viewed 3060 times ]

Samus85aran Wrote:You can't reproduce the chompette bug's ? or you can't reproduce the fail with slot 1 ( that's can copy slot 2, 3 ,4 or 5) ?

I can reproduce neither of them. For me, both are working here!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.33 (May 7/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Fri May 12, 2017 3:15 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Waluigi is alive!


Samus85aran Wrote:You can't reproduce the chompette bug's ? or you can't reproduce the fail with slot 1 ( that's can copy slot 2, 3 ,4 or 5) ?

I can reproduce neither of them. For me, both are working here!

What ??? why you can't reproduce it :? Even in the browser Flash version happen


I think this be afraid of you xD :mrgreen: :mrgreen:, Well it's very strange even you can see during the scene she slowly get lost part of the flower power first the eyes change to blue


And then when chompeatte close her mouth you can see her face become white but her hair still purple


And the problem with the Slot 1 in browser Flash version you are right doensn't happen all it's fine there , At least the other slots were already fixed in the version of Flash player so I do not worry so much anymore
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Re: Arms Bug

Postby Maou5 » Sat May 13, 2017 7:11 am

abcder733 Wrote:In a recent update, it seems Rosalina has lost her arms. I'm playing on Flash Projector 25 and on the most recent version of the game. It seemed to only be a problem with powerups without gloves, such as the regular dress and the frog. It persisted over both saved games and completely new ones.

Like in this screenshot, Rosalina still has no arousal expression showing up besides default/empty meter. Hasn't been showing up in 3.31-3.33. Last version I have downloaded where it shows up is 3.16. I've tried the standalone player, and latest Flash update 25 in firefox. Works fine for peach.
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