Dapper Gent Wrote:Tell me about it. I plan on morphing all ppkemon at some point. There are some that I'm really not looking forward to. Like Klefki and the Vanillux or whatever its name is and the flower circlet from Sun and Moon, just to name a few.
Dongman Wrote:Im curious what pokemon you're looking forward to morphing
ValturNaa Wrote:Tantrum t-rex? LMAO jk. For me, personally, I can't wait for Umbreon, Mightyena, Herdier et al, and Axew et al. Those are some of my favorite pokemon in the entire franchise. At least past the first gen. Most of my favorites are already morphed
ValturNaa Wrote:Ah yes, I forgot zorua and fennekin. Those are adorable pokemon and I can't wait to see how they morph.
But to be honest I'm surprised you didn't say Lucario, considering it's your avatar.
Dapper Gent Wrote:Missingno isn't an actual pokemon.
Dapper Gent Wrote:Added in the finished sets for Doduo, Dodrio, Farfetch'd, Ponyta, Rapidash, Slowbro (with new front picture), Magnemite and Magneton.
Also updated the Machop...again.
Well, happy birthday to your mums and happy Denmark Independence Day! May 4th is the proclaimed National Nerd Day and Star Wars Day. May the Fourth (Force) be with you.
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