[RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruption.

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[RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruption.

Postby Gorbaz » Tue May 02, 2017 9:19 pm

I got inspired the other day, and so decided to go back to my old RPG VX software, and see if I could make a half-decent sexual encounter game in it. After 12 hours of work, I managed to get the opening area built, and populated with a few NPC's! What I want to be able to happen, tho, I'm a long way off figuring out if the software can handle it. So for now...


Set in the verdant grasslands of Huriss, the story follows a young nun as she is summoned to go on a very special quest. For you see, the land is getting flooded with monsters (some of which are quite dangerous) due to the blessings of their god, simply called The One, receding. So, the young Sister Constance has to set out to find the fallen shrines, and restore them to their former glory!

Of course, the corruption breaking through is not limited to the physical monster, but the spiritual and moral monster, too. So she may well find people on her quest who, while friendly on the surface, harbour a darkness within that they are only too willing to share with Constance - if she wishes it or not.


Mostly, this is using the default RPG battle system built into the engine for the combat, but the heroine isn't much of a fighter, so not every battle can be blundered into and won right away. Heck, on one test run I had her walk right out of the front door where she bumped into a zombie, and get beaten in a single round! Still, battles will not be the focus if I can help it.

As my art skills are somewhat lacklustre, I am going to be relying on text to describe everything naught that goes on. That is, unless I manage to find a crash course in animation that can be completed within a day, tie it up to the engines variables, gather the required soundbites, and then figure out how to tie it all together. Or someone else does art for me. :D This does mean that there will be lots and lots of lines for me to write, review, align and modify, each one quite probably with a couple of variables in it to accommodate the corruption system I'm putting in.

Once I have a couple of areas completed beyond that of the starting zone, I will put up a public file that can be played.

As I am in full time employment, and have a number of other things that demand my time too, it is probable that work will progress slowly.



A tester battle (with me deliberately playing poorly) involving the central character Constance, a potential companion Darnuth, and the first boss, as I have her currently built. So far, with Darnuth the battle is quite easy. Without him, well... Constance kind of gets her ass kicked at level 1, and with only starting gear.

(Sorry, I don't know how to imbed here, or even if it is possible)


As I don't feel happy with throwing what I have out there at the moment, here are a couple of screenshots of the opening area.




And yes, it took a couple of hours to edit that sprite to actually appear naked, most of which was spent trying to find a system that would allow me to apply the image over a transparent background.
Last edited by Gorbaz on Sun May 14, 2017 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby Firefall » Tue May 02, 2017 10:49 pm

Well, much as I like having art, some well written text can be just as good. I'll be keeping an eye out for when the demo comes out.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby musical74 » Wed May 03, 2017 2:11 am

Clothes on nuns is so last year, clearly Constance wants to feel at one with nature! (and maybe have lots of sex - whether she wants to or not)

I imagine you can find someone to help with the art - there are people here who are animators - but a good story can be just as exciting. Guess it depends on whether you want it to be in the mind or on the computer screen (or both!)

Hoping you can keep this up, the premise looks good!
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby Elaymidoray » Wed May 03, 2017 2:21 am

Will there be spiritual corruption (as ye so elegantly put it) in the monsters as well? And will she have a growing corruption system or something of the like?
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby MYS » Wed May 03, 2017 8:38 am

Best game title ever.
Plus I like corruption games.
Will check it out later.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby Gorbaz » Wed May 03, 2017 12:57 pm

Ta folks, I'll write as best I can. However, as Ms Protag and I are different genders, I have to write as I would expect things to do, rather than from personal experience. Not that many people have personal experience of getting attacked by monsters, or anything like that! :P

I think what I will probably do for the art side is say "hey, you want to do stuff for this, feel free". Or maybe create little characters within it as easter eggs, but that is far off in the future, so who knows, right?

As for the corruption of monsters? I hadn't planned on it. Most monsters would already be rather corrupt, but I do have a plan for a centaur companion who will offer rides. I'm sure something can be done with that... that is to say, I already have plans! I could try other things too, tho. I will need to think...
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby musical74 » Wed May 03, 2017 4:37 pm

I'd leave corruption of monsters alone... it's entirely possible for humans to be corrupted by monsters (a woman who is *pure* becomes *slut* after repeated sexual encounters with monsters for example) but corrupting monsters directly might be challenging.

Regarding corrupting the centaur, you could have the centaur wonder what it is like to have sex with a human female and that thought just won't leave, so when a human female comes along and wants a ride...
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby Gorbaz » Fri May 05, 2017 9:33 pm

Spent a couple of hours today tinkering with the first companion Constance can meet. I've set a skill on him that basically acts as fast travel to a fixed location of the player's choice. Only downside for Constance is that he tends to want "payment for services rendered", and not in gold crowns.

Testing with returning to the starting zone and some filler text, and it seems to be working fine. Once I have maps done for other locations, I can add them to the list. Once the basics are out of the way, however, I plan to stick a variable in it which counts the number of times that he has been paid, so that he might push for a little bit more. Also, skip straight to a particular level of servicing if corruption is high enough.

In terms of actually releasing a build out to be play tested... I would like to have more than the world map, two buildings, and a wandering monster done first. Probably up to the first quest location, just so I can play around with a couple of ideas I have for boss encounters.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby musical74 » Sat May 06, 2017 7:55 pm

Yeah, it's usually a good idea to have something beside *bare bones* to test out. Sometimes that's OK - like if you need to make sure X and Y will work before you do anything else - but generally you want at least a bit done to be checked. I've been beta testing games for awhile - I wish I could get paid for that! - and I have found that generally beta testers like more than the minimums when testing a piece of a given game.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby Gorbaz » Sat May 13, 2017 5:06 pm

Just a quick update:

Currently working on the first dungeon for players to go and visit - it is not specifically thrown right there in your face right away, or necessarily required to be the first dungeon, but it is the easier - especially if you have a specific companion in your party.

Once I have it done, I'll throw up the game as V0.0.1, proof of concept alpha build.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby Gorbaz » Sun May 14, 2017 8:41 am

I've just gone and recorded the test system for the first boss, so you all can see what sort of stuff to expect from her. General monsters are still quite easy - so far!
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby FallenSaint » Fri May 19, 2017 8:12 pm

Looking forward to this.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] As yet untiled adventure. With corruptio

Postby Gorbaz » Sat May 27, 2017 8:29 am

Quick update - I've gotten my hands on some better looking tilesets for the RPGMaker engine, so am busy renovating some interiors and testing others. If I can get the look that I am after with them, I may well be able to get away with just a palette swap, but if not, then extensive image redesign may be required. Either way, it will push back the v0.0.1 by a little ways.

(I'll not change everything from the start, but most of my time with this is being taken up with writing upwards of 10 scenes per interaction, dependant on clothing status, and corruption levels)
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