With The Gifted aiding mankind they began to strike back, taking out bases and HQs of operations in lead precision strikes, all across the world the call to join the fight came for these gifted but like regularly people their responses differed. Some deciding they weren’t cut out for war, others taking to it readily, whatever they chose the Gifted were many and it led to many battles and defeats, mankind using them in their armies to fight back, troops rallied to them as they became beacons of hope and strength.
It was five years into the war when a particular member of The Gifted came to be known, she was powerful despite her rather outlandish and near alien appearance. Her name is Jessica White. Jessica’s power was the ability to break down and absorb anything she was able to wrap her body around taking the minerals and nutrients from it and add it to her biomass. Jessica also had the ability to clone herself should she absorb enough biomass. Effectively dividing like a cell would to create a duplicate. Jessica used this technique many times in the defense of humanity, allowing her to go on suicide missions without the risk of permanently dying. Every battle she was in added to her strength and as her powers grew so did her hunger. She was no longer content with simply fighting off the invasion and her hunger for more grew until she turned on her friends, her comrades and those she fought with. Killing them and claiming their lives and adding their biomass for her own desires while simultaneously robbing the world of those strong enough to fight her off. With her unrivaled strength she turned on humanity and fought against them, battling armies and destroying their weapons, converting those that had once defended their countries to her side, preaching of the world she would build if they joined her, one of worldwide peace, how governments and Politicians couldn’t be trusted to stay united after the threat had been dealt with.
It has been 5 years since she took over as ruler of earth and during her rise she killed so many that every home or place of work is able house their own mini version of her. Fashioned from her as a pocket sized version that people are to feed and look after as well as play with, an interactive pet slime girl in a controllable and easy to manage size. Each able to look and report back to the main Jessica should they not be fed be treated poorly, or see anything resembling betrayal of her reign as the ruler of earth; A planet wide network of agents that could never be convinced to betray her. Alongside her agents she made sure that almost all military has been dismantled and taken away restoring gun control across the planet. Jessica makes sure that on every 16th birthday since her reign she has given the birthday boy or girl their own pet Jessica, shipped to their home in a glass jar for them to open. Establishing her network of agents with every generation and maintaining control in an iron grip.
For the most part the world obeys, and accepts Jessica’s rule, having had time to adjust and come accustom to the mini Jessicas flooding and invading their homes as pets/guests because for once there was peace and stability, she couldn’t be over thrown and any acts of terrorism were met and stopped, punished harshly and that made the world free for all to safely travel, visit exotic places and wander the world she had protected by overthrowing the old world in her rise to power. Jessica was fair and didn’t crush down anyone’s thoughts or feelings, she didn’t demand worship or routine praise just that her law was obeyed, she was Queen of the world and she didn’t have to answer to anyone. Willing to listen to any that sort to advise or suggest new ideas to her, she let humanity build and prosper under her rule but every now and then a family would mourn the loss of a loved one, purely because of their gifts.
Any human that was shown to have powers and caught was quickly imprisoned and taken out of society, no one knows what happens to them but since they are never heard from again not even by guards of prisons it’s rumored she in fact absorbs them like she did with her comrades during the war, preventing anyone with the ability to fight her to rise in power in secret and come after her rule. With a worldwide police state the world goes on as normal, only that any acts of aggression against her law are met with swift unyielding punishment as criminals sentenced to death were fed to her directly to feed her ever present appetite.
All hail the mighty Queen Goddess for she is one and many and she is now everywhere.
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Interacting In The World
Jessica The ruler of Earth:
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