by Unradical Dude » Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:25 pm
Tamiko woke up with a lot of questions on her mind.
Did she really go to a weird sex dimension last night? Did she really hire a magic samurai? And did she really return home to frantically stuff herself with the biggest dildo in her collection afterwards? Because they all seemed crazy, especially the last one. She almost never used the Limit Breaker.
But one quick look around her flat revealed said implement on the floor, and the magic box on her bedside table. Damn.
She mulled over the problem in the shower, letting the hot water wash the mess away, Well, what did heroes do with this kind of stuff? In the shows she watched, the enemies were usually pretty up-front about appearing in public and taking over the world. But this seemed like a much trickier problem. It wasn't exactly one she could use in public, either. If those kinds of enemies were the norm.
She managed to prevent her hands from wandering down at the idea of that happening to her in public. Nope, not the time. She needed to figure out a few things. Step one - find the owner of the portal to the sex dimension. Ask them what the hell they gave it her for, or why they had it. Step two... uhm, maybe make some forays into said sex dimension? That'd mean supplies. The time wasn't the problem, as Tamiko could make excuses on occasion and didn't have many close friends in her usual groups anyway. But if she was going to end up in dicktopia, then she needed something to help her get through that.
Step three would be maybe to learn about Musashi, to see if anything about him would be useful when using her new magic samurai powers.
She got dressed, carefully put everything away, and took the box with her as she set out back to where she'd bumped into the mysterious woman earlier. If nothing came from that...
Well, the encounter with her shadow had been enlightening. Perhaps some lifetyle changes needed to be made.