First of all, a big thank you for all the praise. That sure makes me more happy and hopeful about this whole "let's do a game" thing.
Now the responses.
crash087 Wrote:I noticed a few different faces for krystal, do they change as the game progresses and she gets more, corrupted or whatever you want to call it, or is it just random which face she has during sex?
Mmm... neither actually.
She will start with her 'default' face, yes, but as she gets more excited the more 'ahegao' her expression will be. This is of particular interest in the first chapter, as the Lust Demoness will cover the village with her pheromones and K's 'lust bar' will fill up more or less quickly according with her own level.
So in short, she will not change faces according with her level of 'sexperience'/corruption/etc, but she will if she's dripping her juices all over the place.
Moreover, each expression is a static animation that can be mixed/blended with the main one playing, so we have full flexibility about which face each character put on at any time, anywhere. E.g.: Krys could laugh her lungs out while being anally raped by a two-foot dick, with a single line of code.
crash087 Wrote:One suggestion I have is make some of the sex going on in the back at different paces, slow is fine but if they are all at the same speed it gets kind of boring (IMO)
Yup, I agree with you. However, it must be noted that to do that the right way you need to make separate animations. If you simply quicken the playing speed... well, it doesn't look bad up to a point (70% - 130% of the original speed), but things with secondary motion (hair, boobs, clothes) doesn't look right if you double or half the speed directly. In fact, you may have observed that all characters in the teaser vary their speed by little increments/decrements every 3-4 seconds. It's subtle, but it contributes to them looking less robotic, although is not enough.
That said, I definitely need to experiment at animating a more energetic movement, like when you go berserk with your girlfriend/wife's ass in doggy, if you know what I mean...

But I'm almost sure I won't do that before we launch the first demo due to time constraints.
VladimirRomanov Wrote:Are you planning on making the game somewhat challenging? Like platformer/fighting? Would be interesting.
Nope. I'm with you that maybe some combat mechanic would be cool in some instances, but we'll stay clear from those for the time being, mostly due to (again) the initial scope of the project. This will be more like an adventure game, although most of the 'items' Krys will be using will not be, ahem... inanimate.

Anyway, Spartacus is the coder here and he has the final word on how much he wants to fuck up his real life. For me and Kuja it's not hard to implement combat mechanics being our only work to draw weapons and making more animations, but putting together collision logic and controls is a total different thing. In my case I'd look for a plugin at the Asset Store, but I'm sure he would code all of that by himself, just because.
VladimirRomanov Wrote:Although, I do have one small gripe, her breathing just looks like her breasts are growing/shrinking O-o
But I don't know if that is even possible to change or fix.
Gizmo1206 Wrote:it looks great what you have so far but im going to have to agree with VladimirRomanov,rather than breathing it just kinda looks like the shrinking and growing
Hehe ok, I'll take care of that. You're not the only people that mentioned it and if I'm to be honest I'm also not really satisfied by the whole effect.
Thing is, the idle animations were the first ones I made some months ago and I was a little more clueless then than now. So yeah, it needs some serious readjustment. Thank you for your honesty!
Aestral Wrote:There's just one thing that's been seriously fucking with my mind, so I gotta ask: Is the game 2D or 3D? Because everything's 2D in theory, but I could swear that 'dis booty be 3D! I'm pretty sure there's some black magic at work here.
Yeah, that magic it's called 'FFD' aka 'Free Form Deformation'. It's an advanced feature that comes with the "pro" versions of any serious animation software. Sounds fancy, huh? But their inner workings are not really very complex...: you mesh an image with strategically positioned vertices (that leg/butt let's say), and then move them around, on every key frame, as your own understanding of human anatomy tells you. Like this...

Krys' walk animation was the one which most time and love I've spent on, for sure. But if you really want to see an impressive example of that 'fake 3D' effect at its best, check out
this video.Those boobs were the second most important reason because I decided to buy Spine Pro.