by enkephalin07 » Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:57 pm
* In the anal sex animation the breasts' rotation exceeds the shoulders' forward momentum, so it looks like she's being pulled by her nipples rather than swinging forward from the rear impact. There are other anims that do this, but that's the one that caught my eye atm.
* Considering the steep requirements to find them, then some tomfuckery with random chance and multiple choice, shouldn't these 'adventurer' girls have better abilities than you can pick out of the gutter? I've had newbie gear with better stats than them. It would make interesting gameplay if they could only be developed by playing them in separate character slots. They're supposed to be protagonists, after all.
* NPCs have a lopsided stat progression, which makes the males more immune to females and the females more vulnerable to the males. It also leads to females never meeting the absurd stat requests that johns of their level come to the brothel with. Where have they ever met the kind of women they think a brothel should have?
* Why does the MC necessarily need to be in the party? Not every general is a field commander, so couldn't trusted lieutenants lead, in combat, in recruitment, in shopping visits? You're already playing a puppet master character and developing other characters to perform your tasks, why not make it possible to take it to its logical conclusion and touch nothing directly? You shouldn't even need to fuck anyone yourself, except Hitomi, and for the romcom happy ending, Alice. By keeping your own hands clean, you'd have a lot more plausible deniability when the cops come around.
* How could it take hours of 45 minute showers to get clean (and 15 minutes to shave your vagina since you're obviously a girl) when you could just stay until the job is done? I understand the gameplay purpose for the time cost, but couldn't that time be compacted? You could omit the 15 minutes of fapping to save the time, and the repetitive tedium of clicking to enter the shower over and over.