Hunting School (OOC)

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby porne » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:04 am

Okay, nobody is burly. From the pic, I can tell that Heotasy is stacked, but I can't tell on Vanessa. Anybody swinging a third leg around or reasonably sized fun bits all around? Any other preferred descriptors for your characters:slim, athletic, curvy? Also, virginity status? I'm assuming Heotasy's not. I don't have anything planned immediately, but I want to know ahead of time.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Crestchan » Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:44 pm

I would say that Ren has average fun bits. I would also say he has a very lithe figure, he is a bit shorter then the average male.. He hasn't put his dick in anything but he has put stuff up his sexy butt, so I don't know if I would say he is a virgin.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby exalted » Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:47 pm

Would describe Vanessa as lithe/atheletic, 5'8", b-c cup breasts. Due to the backstory I say she was probably a virgin.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Badger324 » Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:19 am

Well Heotasy is definitely stacked in her parts, and when her dick is hard, it's... Would 14 inches be a good size for an elf?
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby porne » Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:35 am

Sounds good to me.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Badger324 » Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:38 am

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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:49 pm

I put some of it in my bio but I'll also post it here:

Bailey is 5'4" with a slim build and a Moderately sized penis. Based on his background, He's a virgin.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby porne » Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:53 am

I will note with some amusement that the women are the tall ones, which tickles me a bit. Anyway, Vanessa or Ren are the likely candidates for party tank, although if either Heotasy or Bailey want to try, that's cool too. If nobody wants to though, I can bring in a GM warrior, or we can recruit a fifth person if desired. Or we can go without, I haven't ever done this as a group, so I don't know how well that will pan out.

Do we want to steer toward a welcome orgy to christen the new room, or do we want to head to the magical hologram chamber to get everyone familiar with each others abilities in game? Orgy is optional afterwards, with the added bonus of holodeck characters if desired.

Crestchan, does Ren prefer to receive over giving? Also, any sex with another person, or purely toys?
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Crestchan » Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:38 pm

I don't know if Ren would be a good tank, since tanks are meant to take all the damage. Ren is probably far to agile and doesn't have the life or defense to be a tank.

I am usually fine with GM characters, as long as they can keep the two roles separate. I do find games to be more interesting without all the "needed" classes. Helps us think up creative ideas.

I am not sure how I feel about a "welcoming orgy." I just don't really seeing something like that happen, at least not without it feeling forced, to me. I think the danger room would be a good idea, that way we can have a bit more interaction between our characters, before any sexy time fun happens.

Ren is more of a bottom. He likes taking stuff up his cute butt. Ren has never had sex with another person before, just a couple sex toys.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby porne » Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:30 am

The level of tension seemed a little high to me too, but I wanted to make the offer. To the holodeck then.

By tank, I'm more referring to the job of keeping the squishies safe by distracting if necessary.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Crestchan » Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:50 am

That does sound like something Ren would do, but sadly tank is a term used in MMO's for classes or characters that can take a lot of damage. They are usually the meat shields for the group.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby porne » Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:34 am

In the other one I ran, the apartment they got was a two shared bedroom suite by request of player for shenanigan purposes. We can do the same here, or we can do a four bedroom suite with the shared common area. Of course, if desired two of those rooms can be converted to other functions such as a small potions lab or armory, creating the same shenanigan pressure if desired. I'll lead toward the holodeck while decisions are being made.

Also, I'm going to try and use 'you' only when I'm referring to the group as a whole, and use names or specific pronouns/descriptors when talking about individuals. I can use y'all if that's preferable?

Has everyone read Huntress Lina and vaguely familiar with the verse? If not, the pills Heostasy refers to are a common set of devices I make use of. An after sex pregnancy canceler, and a pregnancy accelerator. The canceller needs to be taken within a day after sex, not before. The accelerator can be taken at any point, and will act even if the pregnancy occurs several days after the pill is taken. Booster takes the pregnancy time from ~9 months to a week (although that can be adjusted if desired). The two also stack, if the accelerator is in effect, she only has a few minutes to get the canceler before it stops working. Exalted, are you cool with that, or do you want to avoid that sort of thing? I suppose Crestchan and Mark should be cool with it if they want genderbender shenanigans? Any children will be whisked away to the school sponsored orphanage, or can be sent back home if desired depending on character desire.

I'm going to borrow some characters for some data dump as well.

Urf, I'm not sure I'm happy with how I wrote that. Feel free to correct me on your characters, I'm so sorry I botched that.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Crestchan » Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:19 pm

I think it would be best for the group if it was a four bedroom apartment. Vanessa doesn't seem like she would want to share a room with any of them. If there were only two rooms, Ren would insist that Bailey and he share a room. So it wouldn't really work out. What we do with the rooms later on, is just something we have to figure out.

Sadly, I was hoping to have Ren be smug to Vanessa as more of a defense. I was planning on having him to it when ever Vanessa acted like she has before. I'm not saying you should edit the whole thing he says, but I think removing the "even if it's someone that likes to fuck everything with a hole" bit, would be good. Even if it is true, Ren wouldn't have any reason to say that about someone. So far, like I said before, Ren has said what he has said in reaction to what Vanessa has done.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby exalted » Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:45 am

Have to agree with Crest about putting words in our characters mouths. I don't mind actions required for the plot but forcing specific dialogue is bit awkward. I'm still working out exactly what Vanessa's character and personality is, but I don't see it as overtly racist/speciest, (snobbish and elitist, yes, but not racist.

But as for Bailey, NO! He's mine you can't have him :lol:
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:10 pm

Am I correct in guess this RP is full?
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby porne » Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:07 pm

Sorry, next time I need to drop plot that's background knowledge, I'll either mention here or simply provide summaries, fair? I can take a few moments and clear out all of the direct dialogue if desired.

Anyway, what I was trying to hint at: strong magic became very rare for a couple of centuries, and the various monsters that took advantage as well. The elves used a stasis spell which phased them out of our dimension, but effectively halted all biological process, no aging, no reproducing, no sickness, and they got bored and became really kinky while they waited for magic to come back. ~40 years ago, there was a massive reawakening and magic and monsters exploded back into the mainstream consciousness again. At this point, the elves and other 'benevolent' demi/non humans detected all this new magic and reemerged. Hunters and magic still existed, but were much more subdued, and their secretive nature resulted in very wide splintering of techniques. That's why there's so many different ways of fighting monsters and clans and such and the individual 'schools' of combat.

Edit for Fantastic Fanatic:

I'm okay adding more, but I'd like to let everyone else have a say. If you have some friends that are ready to play, I can start a second game for you as another option. If you fill out a character sheet, I'll look and see if there's an easy way to insert your PC, assuming everyone is cool with it.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:45 pm

I'm here solo. If no-one objects, I'll make a character and post the Bio here right now so there is minimal time wasted.

Name: Erica Fauwalfs
Species: Half Human/Elf
Gender: Female
Appearance: (No idea where this character is actually from, but I liked the appearance and chose it for this character.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Civilian clothing.
Alternate clothes more suited for work.

Class: Healer
Back Story: Born from a human and an Elf, her nature growing up was uncertain. However, she soon became taking after her father who was a human. She did however still learn a lot from her mother, including cooking and magic. While growing up, she took an interest in animals and creatures of all kinds, learning a lot from the local library and the internet. With time, this led her to become quite the intellectual and she chose to turn her talents of understanding biological life to help others. She began studying to become a doctor, but eventually realized how much of an advantage her knowledge granted her in a fight when she was cornered by bullies. Having barely managed to take 5 people her age group out, she decided to change her goals and instead help the world by becoming a Huntress instead. Learning to wield a weapon and hand to hand combat specialized on non-lethal take downs, learnt mostly from her father who worked as a cop. Her weapon of choice became a rapier with a small shield that she was given by her parents when she brought up her intentions of becoming a Huntress.

Kinks: Bondage, tentacle, orgy, stroking, tickling, voyeurism.
Anti-Kinks: Rape, gang bang, vore, scat, guro, watersports, gore etc.

STR: -2
DEX: 2
CON: 0
INT: 6
WIS: 2
CHA: 2

Special Skills:
Biologist's eye: With a good eye and knowledge of how the bodies of many creatures works, she is able to easily identify and compare people, animals or any other with her knowledge. This allows her to map out most muscle groups and bones just from seeing the outwards appearance of someone. This skill is hindered by things such as armor or clothes. (She can still figure out muscle structures for creatures without a skeleton based on their natural armor (carapace)). This insight into their biology gives her a fairly accurate insight as to where she'd find things like sensitive spots to tickle, or vital areas to hit. And while this skill allows her an insight into the biology of a creature, it paints far from the full picture, only giving her a vague, educated guess as to where organs would be located based on where she can't see any muscles taking up space. What organs would be located there are however a mystery unless obvious from context or shape, such as a spinal cord being connected to the skull and such.
Amazing cook: Erica is simply put a prodigy in the kitchen and can turn even the poorest selection of ingredients into an sufficient meal, even with inferior cooking utensils. She herself however sees it as nothing special. Despite being a good cook, she has a very low set standard for food when eating it despite it being very high when cooking it.
Last edited by Fantasy Fanatic on Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Crestchan » Wed Mar 08, 2017 4:05 pm

I am fine with letting Fantasy Fanatic join.
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Badger324 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:31 am

I'm fine with it, the more the merrier right?
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Re: Hunting School (OOC)

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:44 am

Oh, wait. Are we allowed to go negative with our stats? Let me edit it a little.
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