Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Shardoom » Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:03 pm

Great, the text thing isn't an enormous deal, just thought I'd mention it.

What is the % chance that the required number of toads will be at the table in her castle to do the eating scene? I've been in the castle dozens upon dozens (probably hundreds tbh) and have never been able to actually see that one yet...

Will you ever do anything with her wand/sceptre thing that sometimes shows up in her bedroom?

I never usually play with the pregnancy mode enabled but I've recently been trying it out and I'm pretty impressed! The art on the splash screen telling you she's preggo is really nice. and I was surprised to see a little baby Goomba pop out haha! The last time I played with the preg on only koopa's ever popped out regardless of the 'daddy' so that's awesome.

You should make a little creche room in her castle where all her 'kids' go to when she pops them out. Then have an achievement for getting knocked up / having a large family etc.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby DoubleONiner » Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:24 am

Anyone know where the blueprint on world 3 level 4 is?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Passerby » Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:39 am

First off, wanted to say I'm really amazed by all the work you've put into this. I've been keeping up with this project since it started out and it's among the only reasons I even check into the forums anymore, watching the evolution of the project and seeing the hard work put in is...inspiring, really. Keep up the good work.

Secondly, a change made pretty early on was the loss of burnt peach tinging when picking up the fire flower. I was a big fan of that specific powerup for that reason and had always expected the choice to select and assign a peach skin along with each costume, but I get why that just became too complicated to deal with so I've made my peace with it. That being said, I've really missed PS Fire Peach. You mentioned sometime in 2013 that you wanted to bring back PS Fire Peach at some point, curious if that's still on the table. I don't mind at all if it's low priority under more critical mechanical or content stuff, just making sure it's still on the list somewhere I guess?

(Also, as a side note, anyone know if there have been any changes in flash projectors since version 12 that would make the game run less optimally? Tracking down old standalone flash players has always been a huge pain and the closest I could find was a version 12 debug player which...isn't ideal.)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Shardoom » Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:21 pm

Passerby Wrote:(Also, as a side note, anyone know if there have been any changes in flash projectors since version 12 that would make the game run less optimally? Tracking down old standalone flash players has always been a huge pain and the closest I could find was a version 12 debug player which...isn't ideal.)

Check the first post, Ivan updated the links to earlier projectors.
(after a little nudging)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Peterpeterpeter » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:04 pm

The blueprint at 3-4 is
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

when you enter the cave area. climb up the plant, go left and the next possible plant down. then jump over the edge. if you look down, you can see it before you jump

Peach loosing her clothes at 7-6 is a little bit random. if it appears, it is inside and low lower areas. Last time it was directly behind the first door, but sometimes it was during climbing at the fence.
the flickering error shows while climbing at the fence
I can't break the first roch at the first airship level (If I remember right, there should be a fire plant in it)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby jordan74360 » Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:56 pm

why did i can't go to the second level? is this normal?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby tinnman94 » Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:56 am

The animations that were bugged were the ones after you damage a pokey like knock off a ball on them.

Also if mini bloopers are going we need a boss blooper and a few more water stages heck add more water foes think outside the box skellies with goggles and snorkel walking the bottom of the ocean uhm gombas on ring peach the cock shark other unique animations holy water stage mayhem.

Also tablet control would be like a SNES controller except way less responsive so maybe combine the mastrubate and lactate keys in a press and a hold style on same key.
run setting so after so long held on left or right it auto toggles to run or do a double tap for running .
The action key could be combined with the space key so we can pickup with space or advance anim with it when in anim.
Attack key can be also added to action key to spin or fireball (may make it more difficult on stages with more gabables but a price worth paying.)
Now the three button cheat code is hell on a hotstick to activate but shoupd be kept as such(still kinda miffed takes 400 tries to get it but that is tablets fault maybe hidden button in options to hit if you even do want to change it)

Again awesome game oh could add a list of what can currently impregnate her and what if any other that are planned and re add the old you are pregnant picture for once in nympho state just for a show of character change due to that.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:26 pm

So my vacation started. I hope I can do more (or much more) until day 20th of March, where I'll work less in the game.

Shardoom Wrote:Great, the text thing isn't an enormous deal, just thought I'd mention it. What is the % chance that the required number of toads will be at the table in her castle to do the eating scene? I've been in the castle dozens upon dozens (probably hundreds tbh) and have never been able to actually see that one yet...

The chance is really slow, like 5%. I noticed that it was 3 before (and it worked), but then ReconLegend said: 'Maybe the Invite Toads to eat the pizza (and YOU) Scene Should Require 4 Toads because during the scene, 4 Toads are 'using' Princess Peach'.
I'll also make a way for all of them appear at each a day that finished with '5'. (e.g: on Day 25, Day 85, Day 125...)

Shardoom Wrote:Will you ever do anything with her wand/sceptre thing that sometimes shows up in her bedroom?

Its really low priority, but her wand and other 'put in the butt' items can be 'grabbed' during the game levels sooner or later. I planned making her use it (as an attack mode) but I prefer to 'throw' it towards the future.

Shardoom Wrote:I never usually play with the pregnancy mode enabled but I've recently been trying it out and I'm pretty impressed! The art on the splash screen telling you she's preggo is really nice. and I was surprised to see a little baby Goomba pop out haha! The last time I played with the preg on only koopa's ever popped out regardless of the 'daddy' so that's awesome. You should make a little creche room in her castle where all her 'kids' go to when she pops them out. Then have an achievement for getting knocked up / having a large family etc.

Glad you like it ;) I prefer making more babies (like goomba and koopas) with their own animations/scenes instead of that creche. My plan / concepts regarding pregnancy was to make her bent down or be in embarrassed positions (ENF theme), then the baby runs away. Others also asked for a creche/nurse area for them, but I'm afraid I cant focus too much in things I know it will block me from progressing towards a complete game.

Passerby Wrote:First off, wanted to say I'm really amazed by all the work you've put into this. I've been keeping up with this project since it started out and it's among the only reasons I even check into the forums anymore, watching the evolution of the project and seeing the hard work put in is...inspiring, really. Keep up the good work.

Thank you ;) It was hard (no pun intended) to get that far, but it was worth the wait (and my restless nights).

Passerby Wrote:Secondly, a change made pretty early on was the loss of burnt peach tinging when picking up the fire flower. I was a big fan of that specific powerup for that reason and had always expected the choice to select and assign a peach skin along with each costume, but I get why that just became too complicated to deal with so I've made my peace with it. That being said, I've really missed PS Fire Peach. You mentioned sometime in 2013 that you wanted to bring back PS Fire Peach at some point, curious if that's still on the table. I don't mind at all if it's low priority under more critical mechanical or content stuff, just making sure it's still on the list somewhere I guess?

Hmm actually its not that hard. This feature is in my TODO list, but in low priority. It seems that almost 4 years has passed by and this feature is still 'in the middle' of the pile. I'll pull it up and we will have a PS Fire Peach. Also, I'll add an option: 'Fire Peach if burned, back to Peach if lost', and in the description: 'Only works for Peach like characters'.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Peach loosing her clothes at 7-6 is a little bit random. if it appears, it is inside and low lower areas. Last time it was directly behind the first door, but sometimes it was during climbing at the fence. The flickering error shows while climbing at the fence

EDIT: CANT REPRODUCE anymore in version 3.29

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:I can't break the first roch at the first airship level (If I remember right, there should be a fire plant in it)

Roch? You say Rock? Or a breaking block? The first airship level is 1-7.
EDIT: CANT REPRODUCE.Please check below.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

ROCH in Airship 1.jpg
ROCH in Airship 1.jpg (26.43 KiB) Viewed 3006 times

jordan74360 Wrote:why did i can't go to the second level? is this normal?

Please elaborate. Is the problem when you leave the door/castle of level 1-1? Or when you press SPACE (or SHIFT) in the 'blue circle' in the Worldmap? Or a black screen? Remember to update the game and clear all the cache before playing. You might be playing an older version.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby LMJD » Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:34 am

Hey Ivan, I've been having a issue with the clipboard save, i recently re-downloaded the game and the save to clipboard isn't working. Manual saving is working, just clip board. When I started playing the game again i decided to try it out, at first it seemed to work, it saved externally how ever it seemed to be corrupted. So I deleted the file and attempted it again but this time its not working at all. When i press the save to clip board button in the menu, it says its saved how ever i cant find the file. I deleted the game and re-downloaded it, restarted Flashplayer 22, went through its settings (didnt notice anything, and i've allowed it to save information on my laptop) and turned off Auto-Save to try too resolve it but no luck, can you help me out?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby AnnaKimly » Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:40 am

still a fun... and perverse little game
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Anonynn » Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:51 am

Hey Ivan! Apocamorphosis Dev checking in again!

I have to say the changes you've made since the last time I played are amazing!!! The game seems to run 100% faster and smoother, and I love the new medium avatar too! Kudos for all your hard work, it's really impressive! Looking forward to more updates!

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Peterpeterpeter » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:35 pm

The Problem with the Rock at 1-7 is strange. Every time I try to break it, peach jumps through it
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1-7 rock.jpg

but I hab the door-bug with 2-5 again. last time I thought it was solved...
Lakitu fishing rod scene lets peach disappear (the gallery still locked, maybe the problem is related to the unlocking procedure??)

But I like this game so much and I can't wait to see the new level.

Personal opinion:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I would like to see more Peach- and Mario-Universum-Stuff instead of Pokemon contend or Krystal. Maybe later as a bonus, but the focus should be on Peach. What gets into the game is up to you!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby nobynoby » Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:45 am

I was just wondering about the progress on the "ass size" feature? seems like forever that that text has been added, but not implemented...
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:39 pm

Hello Ivan first of all I want to congratulate you for this amazing game that you have created you and your collaborators, everything is great and amazing, imagine that I liked it so much that even before playing this, I was playing Skyrim Special Edition and I left it to dedicate time to your game lol.

As I told you the game I liked it a lot and I have been playing it for almost a month since the update 3.26,and I would like to help you like everyone else in the forum to detect bugs and make suggestions to improve it

1-I do not know what others think but I think the time of invulnerability after being attacked by an enemy I think is too long, I would like to see if it could be shortened or even better create an option to determine the time we want from 0, 0.5, 1 until 3 seconds I do not know, Because this made the game very easy even in hard mode

2- When you realize a save when Peach is innocent or virgin and then by chance of fate you have sex with the enemies, if you load the game again, you are no longer innocent or virgin or even if you fell pregnant you still are pregnant

3- When you make 2 o more saves, you lost the other saves and only stay the slot 1

4-In outfit Room if you selec the Striker mushroom to random, the others Mushroom become random, and don´t respect your options Talking about options if you make a custmize option in Slot X for example, doesn't repect too.

5- I do not know if this is a bug or a lack of programming, but I have noticed that peach is not trapped by certain enemies like Boo, Shyguy or the Monty Mole for example

6-There are a error in the castle in the last floor where theres a Giant Duck, next to it there are some chains, if you put him to interact, Peach stays locked and an error message comes out

Here is the image:


Well I'll start the game from the beginning again because I do not remember the other mistakes that are there and how they appear on the go I'll post them
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.29 (Mar 3/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:34 pm

Update 3.29 (3rd March 2017) - IN PROGRESS
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Please reload an external XML (english or other) to refresh the language of the game! Use the ones in my GITHUB (https://github.com/ivanaedler/MIMPUT/). Or you can just click RESET SAVES in the first screen if you dont have saved games and you dont want to mess around the XML files (English only!)
- NEW: Fire Peach PS character (due to some requests)!
- NEW: OPTION: "Fire Peach if burned, back to Peach if lost". It will be ON as default. If Peach takes a Fire Flower powerup or if she is touched by a fire hazard/creature, she will be with a dark skin. She will be normal if you lose a life. It will only work if you're using a 'Peach' character. You can disable this feature in the options screen (it will be saved in the cache for new games as well).
- IMPROVED protection modes! Protection is the 'invulnerability time after being hit or a scene'. Now you can choose between 3,2,1 or 0 seconds! Beware that HARD GAME mode ignores this (Its always '0'!) Default: 3 seconds.
- IMPROVED code of Character Select Screen (tech info: target button instead of older 'a listener for each button').
- IMPROVED intro/prologue screens with NEW screens! Now, the first screen tells us that everything was in peace in the princess's castle, then it will show us that the current character (be it Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, etc) was playing with the toads (some in a lewd way), explaining why the innocent princess is already experiencing lascivous actions, then the train scene, and finally the drama of airships invading. Morever, even if you're playing as Daisy or Krystal, for example, the story will tell you were in castle with the toads, etc, as its supposed that each princess know Peach's castle already.
- RULE CHANGED: now, all 4 toads will be seated in her royal table (in her castle level) in certain days (Day 5, Day 15...), alongside the current probability to appear in any other day (you can still see them seated there on day 2 and day 8, for example, although much rarer). Before this update, it was hard to get them all seated (probability < 5%).
- RULE CHANGED: the princess wont be taken by a creature right after using the blue info/sound boxes. Some invulnerability will be applied for enough time to run away.
- RULE CHANGED: When restarting the game, the train and bed scenes in the prologue will now make the princess wear (or not) the garter/stockings/gloves, etc, that was configured in her outfit screen for new powerups.
- BUG FIX: Peach's Bath scenes (like in her castle) are now DISABLED until I fix it.
- BUG FIX: Lakitu pole scene (when the princess touches the dildo) made her disappear. Tech Info: Argument error (this,0)
- Glitch Fix: In the train scenes (like in the prologue and when you walk around in this level with Mario), the mountain were only moving once (then we werent seeing any mountain again). Also, the upper are of the train was blue instead of black (it was like the roof was absent or destroyed).
- Glitch Fix: Certain powerups set with 'random outfit' (like Striker) was making other powerups like Fire Flower also be random.
- Glitch Fix: wrong balloon text in the cumming action of 'curious restrain' scene (next to Leslie the swan) in her castle.

LMJD Wrote:Hey Ivan, I've been having a issue with the clipboard save, i recently re-downloaded the game and the save to clipboard isn't working. Manual saving is working, just clip board. When I started playing the game again i decided to try it out, at first it seemed to work, it saved externally how ever it seemed to be corrupted. So I deleted the file and attempted it again but this time its not working at all.

You might made something else in the options screen, or you saved it already in corrupted form (there is a very small probabiliy of 1 in each 1 billion bits that can get corrupted). Or you pasted it in a text editor that's not UTF8 or something that might included strange characters on it. Or you are using an older version/cache. You can try to click 'RESET SAVES', then try loading the clipboard file again.

LMJD Wrote:When i press the save to clip board button in the menu, it says its saved how ever i cant find the file.

The file is saved in the clipboard. You need to open a file editor (e.g. notepad) and press CTRL+V. Then save it with any name you prefer (like SAVED_GAME.txt).

AnnaKimly Wrote:still a fun... and perverse little game

Glad you like it :oops: :mrgreen:

Anonynn Wrote:Hey Ivan! Apocamorphosis Dev checking in again! I have to say the changes you've made since the last time I played are amazing!!! The game seems to run 100% faster and smoother, and I love the new medium avatar too! Kudos for all your hard work, it's really impressive! Looking forward to more updates!

Thank you, Apocamorphosis! Be welcome! More to come ;)

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:The Problem with the Rock at 1-7 is strange. Every time I try to break it, peach jumps through it

I am still trying to reproduce. Perhaps it happens only when Peach is with certain clothes? Could you please take a screenshot of your OPTIONS screen?
Which Flash player are you using? I noticed people are having strange problems with Flash 17!
I might create a check to AVOID the game starting if it detects Flash 17 (the same I already do with the buggy Flash 20!)

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:I had the door-bug with 2-5 again. last time I thought it was solved...

I havent touched that code after I fixed it. But I can recheck!

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Lakitu fishing rod scene lets peach disappear (the gallery still locked, maybe the problem is related to the unlocking procedure??)


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:I would like to see more Peach- and Mario-Universum-Stuff instead of Pokemon content or Krystal. Maybe later as a bonus, but the focus should be on Peach. What gets into the game is up to you!

Yes, we will have more Mario universe stuff for sure. For example, there will be a scene with Cherbil ('butt-like creature'), Geno, shadow queen and others. As for 'pokemon content', there wont be any in the game.

nobynoby Wrote:I was just wondering about the progress on the "ass size" feature? seems like forever that that text has been added, but not implemented...

I already talked about this in former posts. You can just search the forum. But I'll tell here one of the reasons: TripFlip is making a revamped version of Peach character and I prefer to wait him finish it (perhaps it can last 2, 3, or 4 months, I am sorry about that), so the ass sizes can be implemented okay.

Samus85aran Wrote:Hello Ivan first of all I want to congratulate you for this amazing game that you have created you and your collaborators, everything is great and amazing, imagine that I liked it so much that even before playing this, I was playing Skyrim Special Edition and I left it to dedicate time to your game lol.

Thank you! I am happy you loved the game.
I was researching about Skyrim lately, it's so great we can have a XXX game using MODs, with the quality of Skyrim, with animations and all. But I just dont like war/kills/gore/attacks, so if I ever play it, it will be only to enjoy XXX like the Naked Dungeon Mod hehe.

I envision a great future, full of XXX content, in a way we may not get them all even with 100 years old.

Samus85aran Wrote:As I told you the game I liked it a lot and I have been playing it for almost a month since the update 3.26,and I would like to help you like everyone else in the forum to detect bugs and make suggestions to improve it

Thank you for the help! I'll surely pay attention to any bug found, in order to fix it immediatelly, and suggestions are being put in my todo list.

Samus85aran Wrote:1-I do not know what others think but I think the time of invulnerability after being attacked by an enemy I think is too long, I would like to see if it could be shortened or even better create an option to determine the time we want from 0, 0.5, 1 until 3 seconds I do not know, Because this made the game very easy even in hard mode

Well, actually, in hard mode, the invulnerability is shorter. If not, ITS A BUG.
The idea of selecting the 'protection' timeout is nice, it should work IN A NON HARD GAME mode (hard game mode has 0 or almost 0 timer). I say 'almost 0' because if I put 0, the princess will never get free if she is touching endless enermies (like those who appear from a vase or hole nearby).
EDIT: I Added the feature in the game! 0,1,2 or 3 seconds! Cant be 0.5 due to certain restraints inside the code.

Samus85aran Wrote:2- When you realize a save when Peach is innocent or virgin and then by chance of fate you have sex with the enemies, if you load the game again, you are no longer innocent or virgin or even if you fell pregnant you still are pregnant

EDIT: PROBABLY FIXED NOW! You need to reset your cache!

Samus85aran Wrote:3- When you make 2 or more saves, you lost the other saves and only stay the slot 1

CANT REPRODUCE! Are you using Flash 17? Here it works with Flash 22. I have up to 5 slots full.

Samus85aran Wrote:4-In outfit Room if you select the Striker mushroom to random, the others Mushroom become random, and don´t respect your options.


Samus85aran Wrote:Talking about options, if you make a customize option in Slot X for example, doesn't repect too.

CANT REPRODUCE! Perhaps you are not understanding the concepts. The customize clothing option (as well as garter/stockings colors, etc) are 'game wise', not 'slot wise', so those changes will affect all slots. If people really want their saved slots to have unicque customized colors/styles, etc, then I'll change the logic.

Samus85aran Wrote:5- I do not know if this is a bug or a lack of programming, but I have noticed that peach is not trapped by certain enemies like Boo, Shyguy or the Monty Mole for example

Well, when I walk with the princess along the levels, each Boo, Shyguy and Monty Moles takes her normally (a sex scene). Perhaps you got a bug where the princess had 'on_action' TRUE (a variable that says she is into an action). So you walked through boos, shyguys and monty moles later in that level and they did nothing. If you can reproduce it again, please press PAGE DOWN (debug mode), then take a screenshot and send to here. If the problem happens early in any level, this is might a new bug.

Samus85aran Wrote:6-There are a error in the castle in the last floor where theres a Giant Duck, next to it there are some chains, if you put him to interact, Peach stays locked and an error message comes out

Ohh, the Giant Duck is Leslie, the swan. The error message is generally a problem with the XML.
I CANT REPRODUCE, so it seems you might have an older XML file (you can say: 'what? I havent used an external one').
I explain. Newer game updates wont touch your cache, so the newer XML inside the game (default language:english) isnt overriding your cache. Your cache has an old XML. You can do one of those to fix it:
1 - In the intro screen, press CHANGE LANGUAGE button, and put the XML you want in my GITHUB link in page 1.
2 - Just click 'RESET SAVES' in the loader screen.

Samus85aran Wrote:Well I'll start the game from the beginning again because I do not remember the other mistakes that are there and how they appear on the go I'll post them

Thank you for the reports!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.28 (Feb 22/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:44 pm

Samus85aran Wrote:
5- I do not know if this is a bug or a lack of programming, but I have noticed that peach is not trapped by certain enemies like Boo, Shyguy or the Monty Mole for example

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Well, when I walk with the princess along the levels, each Boo, Shyguy and Monty Moles takes her normally (a sex scene). Perhaps you got a bug where the princess had 'on_action' TRUE (a variable that says she is into an action). So you walked through boos, shyguys and monty moles later in that level and they did nothing. If you can reproduce it again, please press PAGE DOWN (debug mode), then take a screenshot and send to here. If the problem happens early in any level, this is might a new bug

Sorry Ivan is my bad english, i don't tell you well this point

What i wanted to tell you it is, that Peach can´t get pregnant with a lot of enemies like Boo, Shyguys, Monty Mole, the thing like Stone sun that follow you, the anubbis, the x-nauts, Drybones and others

i only could make Peach get Pregnant with Gombas, the Tentacles dickies Murshroom, Piranha plant, the Koopas, the little snowman, and Bloopers that i remember

For the other things thank you for answering and considering me. I will try the XML

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Well, actually, in hard mode, the invulnerability is shorter. If not, ITS A BUG.
The idea of selecting the 'protection' timeout is nice, it should work IN A NON HARD GAME mode (hard game mode has 0 or almost 0 timer). I say 'almost 0' because if I put 0, the princess will never get free if she is touching endless enermies (like those who appear from a vase or hole nearby).

Maybe in hard mode is a Bug, I just checked it and it's like 4 seconds in both normal and hard mode.

And yeah you are right if become 0 princess never get free maybe the ideal where .05 seconds or 1 second but i will be great nearly to 0 because if you fail Peach must pay the punishment
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.29 (Mar 3/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:43 pm

Code: Select All Code
Samus85aran Wrote:
Talking about options, if you make a customize option in Slot X for example, doesn't repect too.

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
CANT REPRODUCE! Are you using Flash 17? Here it works with Flash 22.

I am using WINDOWS VERSION 21 where i can get Flash 22 ?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.29 (Mar 3/17)

Postby Samus85aran » Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:11 pm

Ohh i see the origin of the problem it is because you a using a internet bowser if i used Google chrome o internet explorer i have Flash version 24 and the problem there doen't exist but if i wanna play of line with the flash proyector 12 or 21 that are in your firts post of the fist page, the problem is when appear and i'am playing in flash proyector 12, there are a Flash proyect 22 or 24 for windows ?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.29 (Mar 3/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:00 am

I am having some connection problems to upload the 3.29 update to LOK.
You can download it in my Aedler site (link in the first post of this thread). Or HERE! (right click on it, and SAVE AS)

Samus85aran Wrote:Sorry Ivan is my bad english, i don't tell you well this point. What i wanted to tell you it is, that Peach can´t get pregnant with a lot of enemies like Boo, Shyguys, Monty Mole, the thing like Stone sun that follow you, the anubbis, the x-nauts, Drybones and others

Thats because pregnancy was not complete yet. It only supports some creatures like Goombas, Koopas, snowman, bloopers, mushroom dicks and the piranhas.

Samus85aran Wrote:Maybe in hard mode is a Bug, I just checked it and it's like 4 seconds in both normal and hard mode.

I updated the game some hours ago, but I've had problems to upload the SWF here. You can try with the link above.

Samus85aran Wrote:And yeah you are right if become 0 princess never get free maybe the ideal where .05 seconds or 1 second but i will be great nearly to 0 because if you fail Peach must pay the punishment

If you select '0' in the options (with this update 3.29), it already puts some millisseconds in order not to be exactly 0. ;)

Samus85aran Wrote:I am using WINDOWS VERSION 21 where i can get Flash 22 ?

Please check my answer again above. I updated it with different info. For example, the 'customizable stockings, gloves, etc', are for the GENERAL game, not per slot.
I am pasting it here: 'CANT REPRODUCE! Perhaps you are not understanding the concepts. The customize clothing option (as well as garter/stockings colors, etc) are 'game wise', not 'slot wise', so those changes will affect all slots. If people really want their saved slots to have unicque customized colors/styles, etc, then I'll change the logic.'

Samus85aran Wrote:Ohh i see the origin of the problem it is because you a using a internet bowser if i used Google chrome o internet explorer i have Flash version 24 and the problem there doen't exist but if i wanna play offline with the flash projector 12 or 21 that are in your firts post of the fist page, the problem is when appear and i'am playing in flash proyector 12, there are a Flash proyect 22 or 24 for windows ?

Yes there is, but I am sorry I dont have a direct link in the first post. You dont need Flash 24. Actually I compile this game with Flash 12. So it works with 13, 14, 15, 16, 17... But sometimes bugs may appear with certain versions like 17 and 20. You can just try other versions. But its strange that version 24 doesnt have this bug. You should consider clearing your flash cache (each flash version keeps its own cache that gets old over time).
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.29 (Mar 3/17)

Postby Enkide » Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:20 am

Having trouble scrolling down to see all of it.
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