The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby ijustwantedtoreply » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:08 pm

Is there any way to trigger the mfm scenes other than the shower? The doorway sort of blocks most of the scene.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby KingRad » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:58 pm

Ok guys to start off-- fun game! Found it in it's early stages years ago when just Main Floor was available and enjoyed it!

Downloaded 2.0b and WOW! ;D good job! The events are fun but I think I went bonko restarting the game over a dozen times trying to get into Alice's panties the "Official" way.. I originally used the Cheat Engine to lower her dignity and was able to start pimping her out. Took her out shopping and knocked her up in the Dressing Room! Seeing her round tummy was delicious! But cheating kinda cheapens the victory and so I read up bout lowering her dignity the right way and have since played the game more or less the way it was intended.. SPONGEBOB to change hair/face/skin color/build/outfits but other than that I've not cheated.

lol I know that the designers have not implemented any story line past after Alice's GH sex date where I can kiss her panties goes.. but I thought I'd found a loophole! I'd found the guides 5 steps to lowering Alice's dignity to 45 and have done so a dozen times.. but then I saw a 6th possible step and went all out to try for all 6 steps and ended with epic fail! I guess w/o reading up on it for ever that there's an optional 5th step allowed by designer to get Alice's dignity to 45. I'd seen during play on one game that at the end of the Helloween Event that Alice's dignity dropped 5 points! It's my belief after many restarts that that Helloween 5 point drop only goes into effect if I'd failed the Charm Check during the First Police Raid. Sadly Alice must remain virginal! (for the moment at least) Here's to looking forward-- cheers!

My original post here I had went all out gangta and suggested a huge reconstruct or slash-add on for extending property to include such ideas as Tennis Court sex, Parked Car sex, Pool sex, Hot Tub sex and Private Suite orgies.. for build ver 6.0b but fortunately it took so long to write post it had timed out and all was gone so I went with the simple question if it was alright to make suggestions here.. lol yes.. about SIMBRO! xD

I won't be so grandiose this time and I will copy this post before Submit! My limited suggestion post..

1. Emperor's New Clothes -- Just high heels and/or boots so girl can go nude or if preferred panties/bra & stockings!
2. Elf Ears (Accessory) -- Just using the Eye Accessory in game already instead of the limited hair styles available that have the ears.
3. Shower Use up to +20 Hygiene -- Getting only +10 seems too low for everybody!
4. Drag Girl To Shower -- Not sex, just clean that girl up some!
5. Shower Sex + Hygiene -- If as suggested standard clean is +20, a Shower Sex should still get +10 is reasonable.
6. No Condom Needed Now that you're Pregnant -- Why waste money on one now that the point is no longer moot!

Extra Credit Suggestions

7. Cusomer's Condom Broke! -- Boss! I'm worried! Can you get me a "Day After Pill" please?
8. That's Not My Baby! -- I guess I should have gotten her that "Day After Pill"

Harder Extra Credit Suggestion

There's a large empty space in room during sex.. a place that empty could have dialog bubbles for customer and girl comments during sex scene!
Dialog During Sex -- Different girls can say things that are particular to them or their attributes.

Tsundere can growl things like.. "Is that the best you can do?", "You're pathetic!", "I hope you can do better next time!", "Are you done yet?"
Empathic can sooth things like.. "I know just what you want Sugar Britches!", "Mmm.. I like your style!", "Oh! You know exactly how to treat a girl!"
Naive can gush things like.. "Wow! I've never seen one that big before!", "I don't think that is going to fit!", "I thought Paris was a country?!"
Lazy can sleepily moan things like.. "Can you wake me up when we're done Honey?", "Phew! You're really wearing me out!", "Can we just rest a bit?"
Kleptoman can sneakily suggest things like.. "Nice wrist watch. (Evelyn just stole money from customer!)", "Can you grab me my hair brush? (Jasmine just stole..)"

Oyko, Orra, and Traker could have their own things to say of course.

Finally I have to possibly suggest my help with new hair styles. I don't know if you are taking any contributions of work but to me it looks like a lot more styles could be easily added and if I knew the format or size of art needed could make dozens of new styles quickly! I made several new hair styles for the SDT game which look is similar to SIMBRO. I can also generate similar backgrounds keeping style/color to match existing art. Just need to know if you have the need and what you want. Can give personal info if asked. Not applying for a job, just a hobby enthusiast!

Can hardly wait for more to cum.. cough.. come! Keep up the good work! I have other suggestions but not sure if any are really wanted or even looked at by development team. Feed back a plus guys!
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:10 am

Thugs come to collect debt, seduce them, invite the second thug to join in while the first one is going at it.
You have to pass a couple charm checks I think, and you need enough stamina.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby KingRad » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:19 am

ok 3rd post.. 2.0b ver

seeing posts here leaves me with questions

i've grabbed the nurse from the hospital.. charm+whit a must! but someone posted they couldn't get her BUT they got the bank girl? :O

hey i want that bank girl too! what did you have to do? i paid off the loan thinking i'd get the honey at the end of the rainbow but can't pay off the last 1k and girl didn't seem impressed..

lol i've got plans for that sexy cop bitch too if story line ever permits!
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Lucky777 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:59 am

NavigatorNami Wrote:What the hell is going on right now? I just went down to the last pages and it looks like the British government in here.


I love this comment.

Still, a new update SHOULD be scheduled to drop pretty soon, so I expect we'll be back to discussing good old porn soon enough.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Ungawa » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:58 pm

Case in point: The next one dropping is on the 7th and now, Alice seems likely to be kidnapped.

So yeah... This could be interesting...

Countdown timer - ... t=sanserif
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby st13498 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:14 pm

anyone has eva save game ? pls help me . I've lost my save game when my pc broke
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Hruma » Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:39 pm

Bug rep

On char create frame, button "change body type (left)".
Switched only between fat bod & muscle bot. Without skinny.

Ure welcome :-)
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Hruma » Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:57 pm

New slums back ground is pretty, but sluts standing (un this environment) looks strange.
Ure welcome
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby BongoMonkey » Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:17 pm

I may have found a big error in the new content... I read that you need to be under $200k in debt to trigger the new Alice events. But if you have Eva, you can't pay back anything... am I missing something or is the new content unavailable if you hire Eva?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:11 pm

Once a week your debt-collectors come to take ever-increasing amounts of money.

But if you don't want to wait, you can probably use cheats as that version is patron-only. You could also hack the savefile and change BigDebt to 150K.
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby BongoMonkey » Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:22 pm

They just made 2.0b public. I don't have access to cheat codes. I've only just started playing this and am not a patron (what a great game though!.. maybe I will become one in the future).

I also do not know how to hack the savefile, but I will look in the folders.. I may be able to figure it out. Thank you for that tip.

The most I ever recall a debt-collector asking for was like $5000, and I've been about 80 days into the game before I realized I'd seen all the content.. so I don't think that's an option. It may be because I always fight them for the reputation + money bonus.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:49 pm

The new kidnapping sequence that requires 200K debt or lower is on the patron-only version(2.1)
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Shades » Thu Mar 09, 2017 1:56 am

I've got two suggestions for a future update.

1. A new fetish that could be added to the game for cum amount. I'm not saying it has to be a comedic amount, but just increased volume. For instance, when ever your character ejaculates, sperm spurts out of the hole (i.e. mouth, pussy, ass). Whenever you cum outside, the cum would cover a larger area and simply look thicker (probably just making it whiter might do that)

2. In dialogue/action choices it would be nice to know which actions will further the scene and which will simply loop the dialogue back to the original choice. I know the general rule is that the 3rd option will do this, but sometimes that isn't the case. Changing the text color might work, but there are already a few of those for other instances. So, maybe something with the selection box on the right?

Just some thoughts
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby ElPresidente » Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:42 am

- female customers (why not?)
- ability to try and break captives as as female (after you get a strap-on/double-dildo) - heck, upgrading it with a vibrator/electric discharge could increase breaking effectiveness

And if you ask "But muh balance?"
Who gives a fuck? It's a single-player game, I'm not competing with anyone. I couldn't care less about "difficulty" playing as male or female.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Seriathus » Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:47 pm

ElPresidente Wrote:ADD:
- female customers (why not?)
- ability to try and break captives as as female (after you get a strap-on/double-dildo) - heck, upgrading it with a vibrator/electric discharge could increase breaking effectiveness

And if you ask "But muh balance?"
Who gives a fuck? It's a single-player game, I'm not competing with anyone. I couldn't care less about "difficulty" playing as male or female.

Seconded. Besides, if you get female customers you'll be able to offer yourself as a male too, so that won't change much in the end.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby henata11 » Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:46 pm

how do you use the debug code ?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Tuzaer » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:50 pm

Man there is a bug in the 2.0 version in the bar. I have multiple women in Private Rooms but only one of them only ever escorts people to them, EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE NO STAMINA LEFT. Like what the heck how could something like that be easily missed??? That needs a fix ASAP.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby napala » Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:07 pm

Jeez, man, if you're gonna share the debug codes, at least have the decency of doing it in some page where you can be sure the creator won't find them.

This is how debug codes get changed and screw those that already had them.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby VintageBass » Sat Mar 11, 2017 12:37 am

I'm just going to jump in here and say this very quickly: Let's not get too far off from the actual game discussion here and turn this into a name-calling match here.

King, it's not a good idea to do it anyway as people paid to get access to that code to begin with and are actually helping out to test the game and make sure that everything is working to ensure that everyone can play the game in a functional state. It's not fair to everyone that someone like you comes along and place a code for everyone to use, along with a download to the version of the game that the public shouldn't have access to. You can try to spin it however you want, but in the end there's a system in place and the creators of the game will like to keep that system in place so everything runs smoothly.

Let's leave the stuff that the patrons are paying for to them. They don't need someone like you ruining everything.
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