PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby arrammos » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:42 am

Is there a place in the game to buy fan art items? Or can you only get fan art from a limited number of NPC's in the game?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Avian07 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:02 am

Akhera Wrote:So... I wanted some paint.net practice, and I decided to draw Willow when you first meet her in the forest.
You could say it's pretty much fanart. Heh, heheh, no? Okay. (Yes, I totally didn't think about that joke a long time in advance.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Fans are always welcome and fanarts are always a delight. Thank you Akhera! You did a lovely work. Love her expression. :D
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:02 am

Yessss. Our first fan art! And yes, I found that joke hilarious. Mind if we add it to our collection? I plan on having an open fan art gallery once we get the site going.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Akhera » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:43 am

Dapper Gent Wrote:Yessss. Our first fan art! And yes, I found that joke hilarious. Mind if we add it to our collection? I plan on having an open fan art gallery once we get the site going.

Wooo! That'd be awesome, thank you! (And wow, I just realised how messed up her arm is.) Also, I know this might not be the place to ask, but how do you shade to get that particular style, cause I'm only use kinda blurs/distortion effects but it just doesn't seem right. (I'm trying to think of a joke to end this, but I can't...)
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:47 pm

Like our styles? I'm not sure how Avian and White do it but I'll be releasing a video to showcase my personal methods at some point. I just have to remember to hit the record button next time.

But in short, I make three copies of the initial outline. One is the color in, one is to keep the...cleanish lines, and the last is hidden just in case I mess up something. Then I copy the color, darken in a few shades and then put it on the opposite side of where the lighting is. For battle art I usually put the lighting in the top left corner. Then I lighten the color until near white and use that to give the morph's skin/fur/bark/whatever a bit of a shine.

I've only recently started applying that to backgrounds to help with scene art but we clear the black lines for that.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Avian07 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:52 pm

Akhera Wrote:
Dapper Gent Wrote:Yessss. Our first fan art! And yes, I found that joke hilarious. Mind if we add it to our collection? I plan on having an open fan art gallery once we get the site going.

Wooo! That'd be awesome, thank you! (And wow, I just realised how messed up her arm is.) Also, I know this might not be the place to ask, but how do you shade to get that particular style, cause I'm only use kinda blurs/distortion effects but it just doesn't seem right. (I'm trying to think of a joke to end this, but I can't...)

Its alright ill answer that for you. The kind youre doing is soft shading, blurring the edges to blend with the primary color. So Im assuming youre referening to the counter part of that, Hard shading or Cell shading. The kind that looks like the ones when youre watching an Anime. You can achieve that style by using image editors with vector options like Adobe Illustrator. I dont know many applications that uses this kinds of style cause im a mouse user. And I only use one. The easiest for a mouse user like me to my opinion is MSPaint. I know its a very low tech app, almost nobody uses this anymore but when it comes to Hard/Cell shading with a mouse almost nothing compares to it. Well thats just my opinion. Hope that helps.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:07 pm

Avian07 Wrote:
Akhera Wrote:
Dapper Gent Wrote:Yessss. Our first fan art! And yes, I found that joke hilarious. Mind if we add it to our collection? I plan on having an open fan art gallery once we get the site going.

Wooo! That'd be awesome, thank you! (And wow, I just realised how messed up her arm is.) Also, I know this might not be the place to ask, but how do you shade to get that particular style, cause I'm only use kinda blurs/distortion effects but it just doesn't seem right. (I'm trying to think of a joke to end this, but I can't...)

Its alright ill answer that for you. The kind youre doing is soft shading, blurring the edges to blend with the primary color. So Im assuming youre referening to the counter part of that, Hard shading or Cell shading. The kind that looks like the ones when youre watching an Anime. You can achieve that style by using image editors with vector options like Adobe Illustrator. I dont know many applications that uses this kinds of style cause im a mouse user. And I only use one. The easiest for a mouse user like me to my opinion is MSPaint. I know its a very low tech app, almost nobody uses this anymore but when it comes to Hard/Cell shading with a mouse almost nothing compares to it. Well thats just my opinion. Hope that helps.

Oh, I forgot to mention my hardware. I use a Galaxy Note 10.1 myself. So stylus and tablet. I also use Sketchbook Pro and admittedly I wish I could use something better. It serves its purpose for our game but I feel it's very limiting.

Edit: Here's the video I mentioned. I went ahead and knocked it out. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ztbngsd02dsr ... c.mp4?dl=0
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Master_x » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:24 pm

is there a way i can play pokemorph on android?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:39 am

Not that I know. I think our next program will have the option to do so through gamemaker but don't quote me on that.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Nightmare » Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:59 am

So when I leave Cerulean the Clumsy Charmander scene keeps repeating and the Team Rocket chick behind the tree won't respond when I press space. Also, I can only find the first bulbasaur event. I'm trying to progress in the game, but I simply can't. Please someone help.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:08 am

Well, you'really not supposed to be able to get that far. Apparently we unblocked Cerulean before the release and forgot to plug it again. So everything past entering Cerulean is incomplete and buggy.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby PM_ME__STUFF » Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:55 am

Help. I want to play the game but I cant get anything other than a black screen after the title screen. What am I doing wrong?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby TyrelJerome » Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:43 pm

How many posts until you can dm someone
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:39 am

10 posts to message.

Read the last couple of pages. I mention how to fix the initial black screen a few times.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Funposter » Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:04 am

Sup nerds. Still waitin on that art? Regardless, how are the events and all that going? How far ahead do you guys work without art?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:27 pm

Not as far as we used to. I had most of the coding for chapter two completed before I had any scene art for it. But from here on out, we're going to try and get the scene arts out before I even write the porn scenes. That's really how it should have been done all along, but the art team wasn't up for the challenge at that point. Now, hopefully, the new artist and new techniques will be enough to keep up.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Lola&Max » Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:38 am

Dapper Gent Wrote:Use the one linked. Also, if you haven't done so, rename the downloaded folder to 'Game' or 'Pokemorph', without the special 'e'. That should fix that particular issue.

Thanks it worked :D
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Kid death » Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:47 pm

what do you do after beating the second gym? the game keeps crashing every time I enter battle with another trainer.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby [Blank] » Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:26 pm

Kid death Wrote:what do you do after beating the second gym? the game keeps crashing every time I enter battle with another trainer.

Everything in Cerulean is unfinished and full of bugs. Cerulean was not meant to be open but they left it open on accident.
You guys should really post this fact on the front page in my opinion.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:06 am

Good point. We initially didn't do that because we estimated the rest of the chapter would be finished shortly after the sneak peek.....which was almost 2 months go now. I'll add that, as well as the folder name change to the main post.

Also, there's still a couple of things to do between Pewter and Cerulean in game but yes, Cerulean is essentially a game killer right now due to the bugs.

I added Vulpix, Ninetails (new concept, full set), Growlithe, Mankey (full update), Persian, Venomoth and Wigglytuff to the pokemorph list. That marks 88 sets completed! Not counting special morphs.
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