The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:25 am

Fortilicious Wrote:I'm frequently failing on stat rolls that show a 'normal' chance and rarely succeeding on rolls that have a 'good' chance of success. And this is on 'Easy'.

Sounds like a bug. I almost always succeed at Good chance and it's pretty random whether or not I succeed with Normal.(implying 50/50)
That's my entire history with the game, both when I played on the easier difficulty and on the harder one.
As for the difference, I think you need higher stats to get a Good chance, and I think the drain on mood/hygeine for your girls is more significant.

control Hair colors during character creation?

Probably when all hair styles can be recoloured. As far as I know, some of them can't change. You could save-hack to change it though. The player has all the same variables as an NPC in the save files, including hair_color

Also Also, can we has a way to get the "Nympho, tsundere, etc" traits for the main Female character?

You kind of are a nympho, really. What problem does low mood have? Any? As for the other traits.. Why? Variation in dialog? English clearly isn't the maker's first language, and he's pushing it enough by have two different stories for either gender.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

But hey, SimBro creator, if you need a writer to clean things up and add new dialog I'd love to lend a hand!

why does the "character" slider at the bottom of the character creator for female gameplay never work anymore?

Maybe you need a savefile that has unlocked Kora and the other girl. Whatever her name is, from that one anime about robots and drills.
It still works for me, but I have a male character savefile with those girls unlocked.
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby porne » Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:20 pm

Yes, you need a save file with a male character that's unlocked Korra and Yoko to use them. I highly recommend using Yoko and then tweaking because her clothes give +3 on two stats.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Evangelion-01 » Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:09 pm

Low mood i.e. 20 or lower prevent a char from working for example
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:24 pm

Even the player character? I've never had myself unwilling to work if I have stamina
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Lucky777 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:36 am

Pretty sure it used to include the player character, though I haven't checked recently.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby KingRad » Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:39 pm

Is this a forum I can post suggestions in?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:27 pm

If it's about the thread's topic, then yes..
Meaning you can suggest something about SimBro in the SimBro thread.
If you want to suggest an entirely separate game idea, I think there's another place for that
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby wahnsinn » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:35 pm

IxFa Wrote:
Maybe you need a savefile that has unlocked Kora and the other girl. Whatever her name is, from that one anime about robots and drills.
It still works for me, but I have a male character savefile with those girls unlocked.

I thought I had played this game a fair bit .. but who is Kora? :o

Also, can anyone explain how the Bar Floor customers chose private room girls? I usually end up having only ONE of several girls receiving *cough* patronage, all day long!

Here's stats for reference (L = Level, M = Muscle, F = Flexibility, etc. etc.)
  • Priv. Room 1: L12, M4, F4, W5, B25, C10, S19
  • Priv. Room 2: L12, M5, F5, W4, B25, C10, S12
  • Priv. Room 3: L12, M6, F7, W5, B27, C10, S11
  • Priv. Room 4: L12, M6, F7, W3, B27, C10, S16
As I recall, they were all 100/100 on Hygiene and Mood at the start of the day.

:arrow: ALL customers that day went to #3.

I could sort of see how they would go with the most beauty or the most charm maybe, but then why does #3 beat #4 who has the same B+C? A little wits makes the difference? I doubt that. *Lower* skill wins? That sounds even less likely.
Even if #3 were somehow the most popular, I'm sure there were times where several bar customers were around - surely if #3 is busy, another girl should be picked instead of waiting? Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:08 am

wahnsinn Wrote:I thought I had played this game a fair bit .. but who is Kora? :o
She's a dark-skinned chick from a kid's cartoon about karate. Both special girls can be found if you go to the basement to the [?] room. It's part of your "legacy". If you have full stamina you can start the quest to get Kora. After her is the redhead. Both are "adventurer" class as I recall. Rather than being Whore class.
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:37 am

Ah, I still wish there were more classes and ways to hire more maids. Would be so nice if women could also be the fighter/thug class, I dig strong chicks.

Nice to come back to this and see all the progress btw. Quite a lot of additional stuff since I've been away. Happy the combat improvements are coming along. The events were pretty entertaining too, though staying green after the New Year/Christmas event was a little strange.

Oh damn, just noticed the new grapple/sex system, it's fucking amazing. Female x female animations too.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby parjoala » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:38 am

Dumb question that I can't for the life of me find the answer to: how do you hire thugs as a male MC?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby napala » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:27 pm

parjoala Wrote:Dumb question that I can't for the life of me find the answer to: how do you hire thugs as a male MC?

Having high enough Charm (I think), go to the slums, find a thug, and go with the "talk" option (I don't remember the name).
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby parjoala » Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:00 pm

Yep, found it right after I posted here, lol.

For future reference, to recruit/hire thugs, go to the slums until you bump into one, choose "Talk", then "Peace" and "Hire". As Apalapan said, if your charm is high enough, they should offer to join you if you pay a hiring fee + daily salary. The higher the salary, the better their skills are, afaik - 50 credits/day is a lvl 1 thug, 100 is lvl 5 (or 4, can't remember).
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:03 pm

With thugs and most girls, it's usually better to get the lower level ones so you can raise their stats properly. When you get high level ones, their points are randomly distributed. It's not as much a problem for whores since they need a little of everything (30+ stamina is important though) to meet client requirements, but most the male guards really only need stamina (For breaking jailed girls) or muscle to raise security rating. Well if you use them in combat, some health and flex helps too. If you hire level 3 male guards, sometimes they start out with like 8-12 stamina when they could have nearly 30, really sucks.

4 Male guards with at least 30 stamina and 5 skill (Lower skill means they lose more stamina each sex event) can break any girl you capture I think, make sure you double team them though. Makes it much easier to hire slaves. I usually pick up the extra 3 once I unlock the bar so I have space for 4 security rooms. They'll gain 3 exp every night if they're in rooms instead of your inactive roster window.

Finally hired the bank chick and realized she's a maid too, yay! Now I have too many girls to decide who to take with me in my fighting group though. I still haven't been able to pass the charm check at the hospital though, that must have stupid requirements.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby porne » Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:48 am

I think it's like 15 or so.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby WonderGamer » Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:54 am

I must be missing something... I keep seeing the capture option after beating down an enemy on the streets, but I haven't seen an option to build a dungeon & don't know when I'm suppose to gain access to other floors in the brothel even when I've filled all slots with rooms. Is there some requirement that you need to meet before you can gain access to other floors or rooms not available in the beginning?

And I apologize if this has already been answered, but you can't really expect me to read through 42 pages of posts...
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby porne » Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:17 am

After the cops show up for the first time, summon Alice and 'talk' about 'business'. She'll ask if you want to expand become a different kind of business, and give you some requirements (shower room, maid room, and relaxation room and some cash iirc). Completing will make you a 'salon' or some other excuse and open the basement. Prison cells can only be built in the basement.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby terminal0 » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:09 am

Is there a .fla file for this game available? I'd love to change the interface, it looks rather weird.

Sorry for that, I'm an idiot.
Last edited by terminal0 on Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby WonderGamer » Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:31 pm

I noticed the game is now using music from Cosmonautica in certain areas at home. I'm just making sure that you're aware you might get sued by the copyright holder for using it, especially since you're gaining funds through Patreon on the game; this isn't a threat, I just want to let you know what could happen when you use content without the permission of the original developer/artist so you're ready for it should it come down to it actually happening.

porne Wrote:After the cops show up for the first time, summon Alice and 'talk' about 'business'. She'll ask if you want to expand become a different kind of business, and give you some requirements (shower room, maid room, and relaxation room and some cash iirc). Completing will make you a 'salon' or some other excuse and open the basement. Prison cells can only be built in the basement.

Thanks for the heads up. I haven't spoken to her about that first option since the first day when I'm trying to lower her moral, so I'll keep that in mind that I should speak to her about it at the end of the day when I'm wrapping up final actions for the day.

terminal0 Wrote:Is there a .fla file for this game avaliable? I'd love to change the interface, it looks rather weird.

This is your first post on the forums & you're asking for the FLA??? The developers are a lot of the time good at giving that opening, particularly when a project has bombed (so others can pick it up), but considering this a Patreon project now, giving that up to somebody making their first post is just asking for the game to get stolen & resold under a different label... :!:
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Ungawa » Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:00 am

WonderGamer Wrote:I noticed the game is now using music from Cosmonautica in certain areas at home. I'm just making sure that you're aware you might get sued by the copyright holder for using it, especially since you're gaining funds through Patreon on the game; this isn't a threat, I just want to let you know what could happen when you use content without the permission of the original developer/artist so you're ready for it should it come down to it actually happening.

I HIGHLY doubt someone is going to go through the process of legal procedures for a sex game whereupon the returns on such pedantry and negative feedback won't do more than promote more people to the use of the music...
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