OOC Thread has character sheets:
viewtopic.php?f=31&t=7727As Ren enters the dark room, he can't make out anything going on at first, but his training helps him adapt to what's present before anything else goes on. He immediately lets his stealth practice take over, clinging to shadows and climbing a wall to look and see what's going on for this entrance exam. (Luck:14) Spotting a pedestal, there appears to be a small talisman of some kind sitting on it. Around it are groups of shambling creatures, likely some kind of undead. They will not be fooled by any kind of disguise, but their slow movements provide an alternate way of dealing with them.
The tall elf herm enters the room, her staff on her back and her smile bright and cheerful as she prepares to enjoy her chance to join the prestigious school and gain access to all that knowledge. And all of those attractive hunters and huntresses of course. Neither should be over looked as Heotasy's grin broadens. A small raised area is visible, (luck:6) a large golem visible. It looks like it's made of rocks and looks pretty sturdy. It doesn't seem to be moving yet, but the exit seems to be locked shut until something is done.
Before the door opens, Vanessa racks her rifle, letting the bolt slam forward as a fresh round enters the chamber. Holding it down in a safe position, she begins to edge around the now open door, slicing the pie to figure out where she is. The scene is different, (luck:18) resembling something like an old abandoned area. A large scuffling sound can be heard 'outside' of the building, which she presume to be a training simulation. Approaching the edge, the young woman spots a very large wolf snuffling at the building she's in.
The door opens to a well lit inside ballroom as Bailey exits the prep room. (Luck:19) Glancing around, he spots what is likely a challenger. Except, there's a large group of people, something feeling odd about them. His holy magic seems to tingle, indicating some kind of demon or other undead is present. Glancing around, he doesn't see anything that looks out of place, and sees no incongruity, meaning it's likely a vampire. Fortunately, he just needs to figure out a way to spot him, and a quick blast of healing magic should put the vampire on their ass.