PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:30 pm

*Super Friends narrator voice over* Meanwhile, in another part of the internets, Dapper Gent is getting his art on....

Updated the list with a touched up and completed Oddish, a redid and completed Gloom and a finished set for Vileplume. I also completely overhauled the Zubat art, touched up Golbat and finished its set as well.
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Dapper Gent
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:10 pm

Dapper Gent Wrote:*Super Friends narrator voice over* Meanwhile, in another part of the internets, Dapper Gent is getting his art on....

Updated the list with a touched up and completed Oddish, a redid and completed Gloom and a finished set for Vileplume. I also completely overhauled the Zubat art, touched up Golbat and finished its set as well.

I like the pictures, but I have some problems with Zubat Front. I liked better the orginal. It looks like it is not the wings it use to fly with. Or that she jumps.
Vileplume look ... evil ... just evil ... as a plant in hell. Dont get close, she will drain your life ... Where is scared smiley when you need one? ;)
There is another thing that has annoyed me a bit. The white stuff from their ... gates of heaven. I think it seems a little too thick. I think it would create a much better effect if it were transparent. Is that word right? :?: I do not know the English word for it but I hope Google is right. Det er selvfølgelig jeres billeder og jeres beslutning.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:17 am


The thickness of the body fluids was intentional and will likely change when White cleans the pictures up.

I hated the Zubat picture. I felt it was too plain or basic, which is why I updated it. Unless I make Vileplume overly cartoony, it's going to appear like a darker pokemorph.
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Dapper Gent
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:46 am

Dapper Gent Wrote:Gesundheit.

The thickness of the body fluids was intentional and will likely change when White cleans the pictures up.

I hated the Zubat picture. I felt it was too plain or basic, which is why I updated it. Unless I make Vileplume overly cartoony, it's going to appear like a darker pokemorph.

Have Zubat not always been a very plain Pokemon? If you do not take matters of that and the evolution is completely anatomically incorrect. A bat wings goes all the way down to the legs, and you can not fly without a tail. But it's Pokemon in a nutshell. They do not advocate the laws of nature, so why should we? ;)

And about Vileplume. I am considering making a demon Chapter in Evil, just a shame it's so hard to find a good picture of Houndour and Houndoom. What can really more go into the demon types? Yveltal? Giratina?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dead2112man » Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:59 pm

Once again Hunden, not your game. While do accept others opinions, We do want to stray some away from the art that is already in Humbird0's game.

Also please don't go Fin or Den on us (don't know which you just typed, leaning on Den)

As for anatomy goes, you are correct this is pokemon, pretty much all the first stage bat pokemon should not fly, but as far as anatomy goes, neither should bumblebee's.

I know what your thinking, don't go try snatching up are vileplume art for your game. speaking of which, have you seen the orginal art from the first two gens, she is really dark, not this light purple she is now.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:31 pm

Dead2112man Wrote:Once again Hunden, not your game. While do accept others opinions, We do want to stray some away from the art that is already in Humbird0's game.

Also please don't go Fin or Den on us (don't know which you just typed, leaning on Den)

As for anatomy goes, you are correct this is pokemon, pretty much all the first stage bat pokemon should not fly, but as far as anatomy goes, neither should bumblebee's.

I know what your thinking, don't go try snatching up are vileplume art for your game. speaking of which, have you seen the orginal art from the first two gens, she is really dark, not this light purple she is now.

Sorry Sorry. I'm just trying to provide feedback on your Pokémons. This is not to criticize you or say something bad. Sorry if this sounds a little hard. If you do not want me to say something about your Pokémons I'll stop.

Sorry to ask, but what does Fin or Den mean? I come from Denmark. I do not understand what you mean by it. It is not an expression we have in Denmark.

Golbat is not much better. It need for a tail to fly, but do not have one.

What do you mean with snatching? I borrow only. :lol: And I have been allowed.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby ValturNaa » Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:26 am

Actually tails are not essential for flying, they are simply a common way to navigate in flight. And, with bats, the tail flaps reduce the wingspan necessary to sustain flight. But I do understand what you mean; pokemon is not known for anatomical accuracy, only for cartoonized approximations.

As far as which pokemon would fit under the demon category, a great number of pokemon are based on mythological demons, and pokemon may become demonic in nature or appearance even if that wasn't their origin. Take Mawile, both named and designed after a legendary demon woman with a mouth on the back of her head. Or Zoroark which, though not based on demon myths to my knowledge, strikes an uncanny resemblance to a werewolf as well as being noted for trickery and illusion, both of which are traits classically associated with demons. If you just start searching bulbapedia I bet you'll find at least a dozen pokemon who could be classed as demonic. Start with the "dark" type and "ghost" type if that's your intention, because most of the ones I've seen have been one of the two. But even a few psychic types could be demons with a little tweaking.

I'm not really sure where you think vileplume is a dangerous demon, based on these designs, unless you're just looking at colors and expression, both of which could easily change in shining. But I do feel like the back poses of golbat and zubat could be more interesting...they kind of look like they're trying to go unnoticed, which is exactly the opposite of the interestingly complex wing-spread poses of the front.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dongman » Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:23 am

I can't seem to get the game to work. I am not shure what version of the game I should try to use, or if any of them will work at all, but from the art I've seen so far, this game looks really good.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Lola&Max » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:14 pm

I can't play, it shows a black screen when I click start
The exe version does not even show the main screen, is all black no menus nor anything

I am using windows, chrome, and I have adobe flash player updated, help
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:34 am

Use the one linked. Also, if you haven't done so, rename the downloaded folder to 'Game' or 'Pokemorph', without the special 'e'. That should fix that particular issue.


As far as the back arts go, it's really difficult to draw winged morph back art because if their arms are open then it covers most of the body, leaving just a wing and head. I agree that they'really dull and bland compared to the front art but it'seems the price to pay for showing off their bodies.

Also, Hunden. I meant to say this earlier but I wasn't referring to Zubat being plain and bland, it is a plain and bland pokemon. I was referring to the pose of the original art as opposed to more recent stuff. It was dull, uninteresting.
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Random Pokémorph question

Postby Akhera » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:48 pm

First of, I wanna tell y'all what amazing work you're doing, and I really look forward to whatever you guys have planned next.

Now comes the 'bad' part: Sorry if this question has been answered before, but I didn't see it.
Since the route between Viridian forest and viridian city, the trainers won't fight me. I walk up to them but they just don't initiate a battle. Only the first trainer on that rooute says 'aha' but then I can't move, hear intro-battle music but no actual fight. The others also just see me but then I can't move nor freeze. I noticed I can still talk to non-trainers (except Willow in the forest, she doesnt say anything either.) Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Furman12 » Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:31 pm

Dead2112man Wrote:hmmm, well that is interresting, are you saving via clip board or flash cookie.

both I try to make shore my saves are safe

((stuped edit: I found my clip board save and its ok for now.....))
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Re: Random Pokémorph question

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:17 pm

Akhera Wrote:First of, I wanna tell y'all what amazing work you're doing, and I really look forward to whatever you guys have planned next.

Now comes the 'bad' part: Sorry if this question has been answered before, but I didn't see it.
Since the route between Viridian forest and viridian city, the trainers won't fight me. I walk up to them but they just don't initiate a battle. Only the first trainer on that rooute says 'aha' but then I can't move, hear intro-battle music but no actual fight. The others also just see me but then I can't move nor freeze. I noticed I can still talk to non-trainers (except Willow in the forest, she doesnt say anything either.) Any help would be appreciated.

This is the first I'm hearing about this particular error. Which version did you download? Did you try restarting the game?
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Dapper Gent
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Re: Random Pokémorph question

Postby Akhera » Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:59 pm

Dapper Gent Wrote:This is the first I'm hearing about this particular error. Which version did you download? Did you try restarting the game?

Well, I'm using the version that was linked a week ago, also I used flashplayer 17 (debug content so it's manual) I downloaded flashplayer 24, still not. I think it actually has to do with my save. Restarting does not help. I don't mind making a new game, but it's still a possible bug.

My (corrupted?) Save: (also, don't mind the extra balls/revives/fanart, I'm a completionist)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

<data gameId="str_humbird0_rpg" timeOfDay="str_none" money="num_115" winBorder="num_0" diveDuration="num_2" viridianCityState="num_1" playingAs="str_bay" cheap_photo="num_20" good_photo="num_50" cutscene_photo="num_100" karma="num_0" karma_total="num_0" girlfriend="str_none" bay="str_Bay" oak="str_Oak" reed="str_Reed" willow="str_Willow" result="str_caught" intro_state="num_9" outside="bol_false" EeveeLeftAt="str_/delete" haveEevee="bol_true" woodenSword="bol_false" levels\Pink\Pallet\Palletlvlitem_potion="bol_true" undefined="undefined" reply="str_yes" lastSong="str_music\wilderness.mp3" camp_lastMood="str_none" isCamping="bol_false" paidRoom="bol_false" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\Southlvlitem_antidote="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\Southlvlitem_potion="bol_true" rt1BridgeTalk="bol_true" ashSpearow="num_3" rt01BridgeClear="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\UndergroundlvlspearowEvent_2="bol_true" bestRod="num_1" mistyRod="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\Northlvlitem_revive="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\Northlvlitem_angerBerry="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\Northlvlitem_potion="bol_true" viridianCenterRaid="bol_true" phoneCalls="num_1" levels\Pink\Viridian\Viridian1lvlitem_1="bol_true" levels\Pink\Viridian\Viridian1lvlitem_2="bol_true" levels\Pink\Viridian\Viridian1lvlOfficer_Jenny_0="bol_true" levels\Pink\Pallet\Palletlvlitem_revive="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\SouthlvlTrainer_1="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\SouthlvlTrainer_2="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\SouthlvlTrainer_0="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\SouthlvlTrainer_3="bol_true" pokeballs="num_3" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\Southlvlitem_money="bol_true" rt1campSecret="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\NorthlvlTrainer_1="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\NorthlvlTrainer_0="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\NorthlvlTrainer_2="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\Northlvlitem_money="bol_true" viridianHouse1shelf="bol_false" levels\Pink\Viridian\Viridian1lvlitem_3="bol_true" drMagnusQuestioned="bol_true" levels\Pink\Viridian\Viridian1lvlitem_0="bol_true" battleGuide="bol_true" humbirdTreasure="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_02\southlvlTrainer_0="bol_false" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_02\southlvlTrainer_2="bol_false" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_02\southlvlTrainer_1="bol_false" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_02\southlvlitem_fanart="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route_02\southlvlitem_money="bol_true" xmlType="object"><saveSettings level="str_levels\Pink\Routes\Route_02\south.lvl" xmlType="object"><sound volume="num_100" xmlType="object" /><music songVolume="num_100" volume="num_100" isPlaying="bol_true" songName="str_music\wilderness.mp3" xmlType="object" /><playerPosition y="num_545.55" x="num_152" xmlType="object" /></saveSettings><mapCoords y="num_5" x="num_4" xmlType="object" /><sold_photo xmlType="object" /><keys ask="num_65" run="num_16" talk="num_32" menu="num_27" cancel="num_27" ok="num_32" up="num_38" down="num_40" left="num_37" right="num_39" xmlType="object" /><party xmlType="object"><eevee charset="str_charset\Eevee.png" direction="num_3" directions="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_3" rows="num_2" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_-1" delay="num_4" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /></party><ask bed="bol_true" phone="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><shops xmlType="object"><blank potion="num_0" antidote="num_0" pokeball="num_0" super_potion="num_0" parlz_heal="num_0" revive="num_0" canRestock="bol_true" xmlType="object" /></shops><pokemonLost xmlType="array" /><storage xmlType="array"><2 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_1" power="num_8.4375" maxHp="num_40.5" hp="num_21.225" level="num_4" nickname="undefined" trainerId="num_0.568583122454584" id="str_Weedle" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_drain" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_sting" xmlType="variable" /></moves></2><1 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_8.4375" maxHp="num_40.5" hp="num_40.5" level="num_4" nickname="str_Pikachu" trainerId="num_0.175160469021648" id="str_Rattata" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_pebble" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></1><0 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_8.4375" maxHp="num_40.5" hp="num_40.5" level="num_4" nickname="undefined" trainerId="num_0.480410599615425" id="str_Spearow" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_pebble" xmlType="variable" /></moves></0></storage><pokemon xmlType="array"><5 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_3" power="num_5.625" hp="num_10.021875" level="num_3" trainerId="num_0.931064828298986" id="str_Cosplay_Pikachu" maxHp="num_27" nickname="undefined" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_harden" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_thunder" xmlType="variable" /></moves></5><4 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_3" power="num_8.4375" maxHp="num_40.5" hp="num_20.25" level="num_4" nickname="str_Floppy" trainerId="num_0.635110364295542" id="str_Magikarp" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><0 value="str_scratch" xmlType="variable" /></moves></4><3 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_1" power="num_8.4375" maxHp="num_40.5" hp="num_20.25" level="num_4" nickname="undefined" trainerId="num_0.284289266914129" id="str_Caterpie" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_spark" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_scratch" xmlType="variable" /></moves></3><2 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_8.4375" maxHp="num_40.5" hp="num_12.15" level="num_4" nickname="undefined" trainerId="num_0.478839123155922" id="str_Pidgey" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_sand_attack" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_scratch" xmlType="variable" /></moves></2><1 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_1" power="num_8.4375" hp="num_18.8625" level="num_4" trainerId="num_0.563343940768391" id="str_Eevee" maxHp="num_40.5" nickname="str_Eevee" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_sand_attack" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></1><0 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_8.4375" hp="num_40.5" level="num_4" trainerId="num_0.123616056051105" id="str_Bay" maxHp="num_40.5" nickname="str_Bay" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_pebble" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></0></pokemon><equipment xmlType="object" /><items potion="num_14" antidote="num_11" old_rod="num_1" revive="num_59" anger_berry="num_1" fan_art="num_43" camera="num_1" pokedax="num_1" pokeball="num_311" super_potion="num_10" parlz_heal="num_10" xmlType="object" /><pokedex xmlType="object"><Weedle lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\weedle\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><Cosplay_Pikachu lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\pikachu_cosplay\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><JuniorGirl lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\junior_girl.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><SchoolBoy lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Magikarp lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\magikarp\front.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><Fisherman lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\fisherman.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Caterpie lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\caterpie\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><Lass lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\lass.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><JuniorTrainer lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\junior_boy.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Pidgey lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\Pidgey\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><Spearow lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\spearow\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><Rattata lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\rattata\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><Eevee lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\Eevee\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><BanditWoman lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\cloak_f.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Bandit lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\cloak_m.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Bay lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\Bay_f.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /></pokedex><photos Rattata_front="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\rattata\front.png" Rattata_horny="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\rattata\horny.png" Spearow_front="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\spearow\front.png" Spearow_horny="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\spearow\horny.png" Pidgey_front="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\Pidgey\front.png" Pidgey_horny="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\Pidgey\horny.png" Lass_lass="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\lass.png" JuniorTrainer_junior_boy="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\junior_boy.png" Caterpie_front="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\caterpie\front.png" Caterpie_horny="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\caterpie\horny.png" Magikarp_front="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\magikarp\front.png" Fisherman_fisherman="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\fisherman.png" JuniorGirl_junior_girl="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\junior_girl.png" girl_loli_boobjob_blowjob="str_swf\pictures\girl1_loli_boobjob_blowjob.png" pikachu_flash_undressing="str_swf\pictures\scenes\pikachu1_flash_undressing.png" pikachu_sex_behind_doggy="str_swf\pictures\scenes\pikachu1_sex_behind_doggy.png" pikachu_sex_missionary="str_swf\pictures\scenes\pikachu1_sex_missionary.png" pikachu_sex_creampie="str_swf\pictures\scenes\pikachu1_sex_creampie.png" pikachu_afterglow_creampie="str_swf\pictures\scenes\pikachu1_afterglow_cumshot.png" Weedle_front="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\weedle\front.png" Weedle_horny="str_swf\pokemon\Pokemorphs\weedle\horny.png" xmlType="object" /><trainers xmlType="object"><levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\NorthlvlTrainer_1 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\NorthlvlTrainer_0 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\NorthlvlTrainer_2 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\SouthlvlTrainer_3 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\SouthlvlTrainer_0 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><eager_may defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><levels\Pink\Routes\Route_01\SouthlvlTrainer_1 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /></trainers><playerSprite charset="str_charset\bay.png" direction="num_0" directions="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_3" rows="num_2" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_1" delay="num_5" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /><swfLoader xmlType="object"><tempSwf xmlType="array" /><permSwf xmlType="array" /></swfLoader></data>
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dongman » Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:58 am

I got the game working, and I was wondering if there is a way to change the pokemon that follows you around. I was hopeing I could do that with a beedrill or a tentacrule.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:01 am

.......................... you tried messing with either the database code or your save code didn't you .......................................

Most likely when you where doing that you deleted some part of the code needed form either your save or you database to work properly, Look, I understand wanting to be a completionist, but it is already possible to be a do every thing to complete in this game .......... Basically, you just created a home made bug. At this point, reset every thing you had done back to normal, and the game will work fine.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:31 am

That's pretty clearly a save file, not the database. Look, Akhera, I don't pretend to understand humbird's save codes, but if you messed with them, you brought this bug on yourself and the only solution is to start again from scratch, and this time don't edit the save. If you *must* cheat our game, at least use the editor to do it. Just pick up any of the pokeball and fan art sprites I scattered around the maps and duplicate those. Or duplicate the command inside them to get more items. Don't modify the saves and then report a bug because you did it slightly wrong.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Akhera » Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:11 pm

ValturNaa Wrote:That's pretty clearly a save file, not the database. Look, Akhera, I don't pretend to understand humbird's save codes, but if you messed with them, you brought this bug on yourself and the only solution is to start again from scratch, and this time don't edit the save. If you *must* cheat our game, at least use the editor to do it. Just pick up any of the pokeball and fan art sprites I scattered around the maps and duplicate those. Or duplicate the command inside them to get more items. Don't modify the saves and then report a bug because you did it slightly wrong.

I seem to have find the problem. You see, I blamed my edited save file because I didn't know what else it could be. Even that was unusual, because I have a pretty good understanding of the save system (hell, I can make a save file from scratch, been doing it since humbirds first release.) I tried a new unedited game, but it got stuck again, which is when I knew it wasn't my save. So I tried fixing it myself. I traced the problem back to flash, (I'll spare you the details.) I recently got a virus which must've influenced flash, but I thought I cleaned it with anti-malware (goddamn IT guys!) but it probably forgot to fix flash's settings. It even affected manual flash, only after completely uninstalling all flash components and reinstalling, I checked again, then it worked.

Once again, thanks for the help and sorry for the inconvenience, (and I wish you whatever-upcoming-holidays-you-got-but-I-dont-know-because-I-got-a-different-culture stuff.)
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:24 pm

... just wow ...
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby blazerocket89 » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:38 pm

When eevee goes in the pokeball it fixed the sprite glitch for me
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