Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated 11/27]

Postby KissandraKerticana » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:02 am

I created an account just to give feed back I love this game!
Anyway I wish there was a better lust system in enemies I mean youd think once they start to fuck you the battles over heres some suggestions ive been thinking of!
1) Having a willpower system (Lives) you have a willpower bar that starts with 5 blocks and each time you lose combat or get fucked by a trap at 100 LP you lost one bar (Life)
After losing all 5 bars you get the game over as you become the dungeons whore.
2) In combat enemies lust attacks go in stages on a percent of their lust first stripping you then teasing you then finally fucking you and if they fuck you the battle ends and you lose a willpower bar losing all your hp = auto fuck and restore 20% hp after battle (only when you lose by hp).
3) Also for battles having the stances like combat stances will always take hp damage as you try to block all tease attempts. Normal stance takes both types. and lust stance you dont try blocking any invasion attempt. allowing them to strip you tease you then fuck you (there could be 2 stages of strip and 3 stages of tease before getting the fucked stage so your not instantly losing battles after 3 rounds)
4) Traps and moving monsters dont instantly rape you they tease like the jelly fish and goo traps. but if you get caught while at 75% up you get raped and lose a willpower.
5) Water bowl refreshers only have 1 charge but restore one willpower (having full willpower does not grant another willpower)
Thats all for my willpower system im suggesting now onto ITEMS!
1) I saw you hint at armor so how about a shroud of invisibility putting it on lets you walk unhindered for 10 (or 5 if thats to op) rounds except bosses traps and monsters gauge cant get you and resets monster gauge
2) Wand of Randomness (Weapon with 2 charges) Either damages enemy for twice damage, damages you for half damage, Raise Monster Lust by 25, or Raise your lust by 25.
3) Pure Panties (Well panties slot) In combat one enemy lust action is blocked and destroys panties.
4) Wooden Shield (for 3 rounds block an additional 5 hp points)
5) Scroll of teleport ( This uses the new map system which im not sure is possible) Select a revealed square and teleport there instantly. 1 charge
And now finally some enemy ideas because no offense but 70% of the game feels like tentacles... just saying...
1) Well demons imps succubuses are always a good thing in hentai games XD
2) Goblins or corrupted dwarfs
3) Previous Broken Women (Idk not to sure what the story is)
4) Oh Oh Statues (Immobile traps where some are actual statues but others turn to life if you stand next to them or maybe half the real statues hold items you can take)
5) Mimics (Chest monsters that initiate combat if you try to open them)
6) Wandering Lust Ghosts (Mobile traps of ghosts filled with lust that transfer lp to you if you pass through them.
Anyway those are my thoughts for now hope you find something of interest!
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated 11/27]

Postby KissandraKerticana » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:45 am

Oh had a bug where inside the new dungeon the sound just stopped
and if you ever feel up to it maybe adding a sand box mode where every level is random generated useing pre generated rooms where the level selects 6-10 rooms and puts them together to make a level and levels 5 - 10 the last room is always bosses while you can seed certain enemies for floors 1-3 2-5 6-10 etc. It sounds easy but I expect this would be very difficult to achieve so probably an idea for down the road.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated 11/27]

Postby mminit » Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:02 am

kvier Wrote:Tiny little wishlist item:
Reverse the order of the stances. So that when you press left/right it moves the blue "this stat is improved" symbol the same direction as the key

No problem, I can do that.

musical74 Wrote:Went through the latest build and here are my thoughts

I'll agree that the dullahan is overpowered, especially since soul splitter halves whatever your current HP is. Tackle helps, but without defensive stance plus regeneration, it's HARD.

Personal things: when the slime catches you (or you are chasing it!) have the pose turn to her front so we can see if the slime is enjoying her tits too! Think for the flower-plant trap in addition to enjoying her pussy/ass there should be a flower sucking on her tits too - but then, I like it when tentacles are ravishing all parts of a woman, not just her pussy. Think when the spider-gal embraces the heroine, have her kissing the heroine in addition to fondling her! Take these ideas with a grain of salt since it is preference, I like seeing a woman's tits get abused with tentacles in addition to her pussy/ass, and it is, after all, YOUR game!

The map makes it SOOOOOOOOOOO much easier, don't have the *have I been here yet?* problem!

I didn't notice a lewd attack for the stone golem, does he have one outside of the *boring monologue*? (That makes me think you have played Final fantasy tactics at some point!)

I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but for the lamia, have a special lewd attack to follow glare if it works, so that the heroine wakes up being ravished by a lamia!

Are you intending for the bosses to not have lewd attacks? It's fine if you aren't, it just means making sure to have some lewdness in reserve!

I do like where this is going, my main gripe is the OP dullahan, the rest are just suggestions!

Yea, I'll nerf the Dullahan a bit, I can see that she's annoying but I'm glad it's manageable.

For the enemies that don't have lewd attacks, I'll probably put them in in the next version (Like how I did with the spider girl). The bosses may get some in the end, haven't decided yet. Glad you like the map and found it useful!

Mithril001 Wrote:Yo.

Love the game. I've got a couple thoughts.

-Does raising my enemies LP even do much? Taunt feels more like an LP dump than a skill.
-Speaking of LP dumps a higher level skill that basically just burns like 50 LP for a cool effect would be nice.
-On a purely aesthetic level enemies feel like enemies are divided into two categories. Pure combat(Stone tablet and Dullahan) and Tease(pretty much everything else.) It'd be nice if there were enemies that gave the impression of "Yeah I'm just here crank your LP up and plow your brains out."
-Soul splitter is annoying, manageable but annoying.
-A gallery would be nice.

Overall great job and thank you.

Raising enemy LP does increase the damage you do to them, it's a pretty big boost if you do it a lot and a trade off if you want to keep your LP for skills or not.

Yeah, next version I'll focus on adding more LP skills. Enemies that focus on just doing lewd things to you are a good idea, I can see that being fun/annoying lol. They would also give lewd stance more usage since being in it reduces the lewd damage you take.

Noted on the Dullahan again.

KissandraKerticana Wrote:I created an account just to give feed back I love this game!


Wow tons of suggestions! Thanks for taking the time. I did have more armor items planned and liked your shield idea, as well as having NPCs of previously broken women and such. I do feel like I need to flesh out the maps with more stuff to find/explore for, as well as secrets and such.

I'm glad you liked the game so much!
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated 11/27]

Postby Elaymidoray » Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:24 am

musical74 Wrote:Personal things: when the slime catches you (or you are chasing it!) have the pose turn to her front so we can see if the slime is enjoying her tits too! Think for the flower-plant trap in addition to enjoying her pussy/ass there should be a flower sucking on her tits too - but then, I like it when tentacles are ravishing all parts of a woman, not just her pussy. Think when the spider-gal embraces the heroine, have her kissing the heroine in addition to fondling her! Take these ideas with a grain of salt since it is preference, I like seeing a woman's tits get abused with tentacles in addition to her pussy/ass, and it is, after all, YOUR game!

I second this, more of this, all of this, RAWR! vicnleak kb.bml;k....

On a more intellectual note, possibly lactation as well? As an idea, you could make it an easily cured debuff, but providing the option to make special milk-based potions, a sort of trade off per say. Either something like it causing incremental damage or increasing damage taken (which would be weird and make no sense, but kinda clever I think), but the potions give ye temporary stat boosts that kick ass/ or maybe something that gives ye odd penalties like stat debuffs, the occasional turn missed, attracting enemies, giving enemies boosts from taking a drink straight out of the tap mid battle through special lewd attacks... Actually, that last one ain't half bad...

Ye could make the bonuses and penalties scale up with increased lactation as well, (increase as in the amount produced and/or the potency going up. Actually, ye could have the amount increase fairly easily, but the potency goes up incrementally as ye maintain it) Ye could also have each bonus have a matching penalty, and anytime a "potion" gets made, or an enemy drinks per say, etc. It's a random effect, as ye develop it though, ye can nurture a specific type or types... At this point, I feel like I'm making an entire skill tree, cause I'm starting to get numbers to produce themselves in me head.... O.O Skill trees...

If ye can do it, skill trees for the lewd abilities would be a nifty idear cause it would both allow us to specialize into the type of porn we want to see more of, and I think it would go well with the system thus far. Furthermore, it would add to replay-ability as the tactics ye would utilize would change up from one skill tree to another, combined with the stances, and suddenly an enemy that was negligible your last run due to your build, is now terrifying you this run. ...As a thought and final note as I hath now (yes now, not 5 hrs ago) begun to ramble (as I am wont to do) ye could have an "innocence" skill tree, where the power comes from avoiding lewd attacks and such as much as possible. Also as a joke, ye could have a broodmother like skill tree where ye just pop out monster chil'len to fight for you, and then they mysteriously vanish after the fight or a couple turns and such, but I'm not to certain just how exactly ye'd do that.

Anywho, I'm done talking for now, hope to see more, post laters...
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated 11/27]

Postby Gidshiri » Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:38 am

So, how the work goes? I checked the blog some time earlier and it had a lot of interesting news about game. I hope, we will see the new version soon! :)
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated 11/27]

Postby mminit » Fri Feb 10, 2017 3:16 pm

Hey guys, I uploaded a new version of the game (version 3).

Full changeling and download can be found at the same place: https://mminit.itch.io/lewdest-labyrinth

For convenience I’ll put the changeling here as well.

Version 3 Change Log:

-New enemies, traps and area added.
-Battle speed increased. your skills will no longer be announced and the time between actions has been reduced.
-Select enemies now have grapple attacks - the chance of this happening is determined by the amount of LP you have and how long a battle has been going on for. When this happens you will receive continuous damage until you break free, breaking free is quick, simply press the movement keys. You will be released even faster when alternating the keys, and since it’s very easy to break free from these they are more of reaction ime thing.
-Clothing loss added, this will happen if you are caught by a trap or grabbed in battle, gameplay will change as such:
--You will be locked into a special stance that increases the damage of LP skills but reduces HP skills.
--Your attacks will no longer fail due to too much LP.
--You and the enemy will both gain LP every turn
--Strength and defense will be reduced.
--Weapons cannot be used. if you have one equipped it will be removed, and attempting to use another will toss it.
--Enemies will be more aggressive and the ones that can grab will do so more often, they won’t try to raise your LP.
--***It is not recommended to stay nude until you’ve learned some LP abilities (should you want to). Nevertheless this makes the game much harder, especially in the starting areas.
-Added new skills and reorganized the level up screen, new abilities will now appear more frequently.
-Changed the existing LP skills so they are more useful. Taunt now also debuffs the enemy strength stat in addition to increasing enemy LP, and Yell now deals low damage and reduces enemy defense even more.
-The wait command now also functions as a mapping tool. Using it will reveal minimap tiles you would be able to travel to on your next move. Any tile that can be stepped on can be mapped, tiles that traps or water sit on do not need to be mapped.
-Heal ability added - It uses 30LP to recover a small amount of HP and repair clothing, you can only use this once after every battle so it’s good to be careful. I’m trying this out by giving it an LP cost first, it’s possible that it may be free in the future
-Consumable items like berries/antidote will no longer be capped at 3 turns and will stack if more than one is used. using a different item will still overwrite it.
-Increased durability of weapons.
-Added a new status ailment “sticky” - this reduces damage done by HP skills.
-The steel panties item now has multiple uses and will also protect you in battle from being grabbed.
-Getting at least 90% completion on a map will now increase the strength and defense stats.
-Power fruit has been split into two different items for strength and defense.
-The menu now has some config options. trap animations can be toggled, encounter rate frequency can be set and the BGM/SFX volume can be adjusted. Adjustments made to the encounter rate take place after the next battle.
-Overall difficulty increased throughout. Also, with the new clothing loss mechanic the starting areas can be pretty unforgiving, prioritize your LP to use heal if you’re having trouble. The first boss is now also more dangerous.

Some new enemies may be too strong or weak, this is something I’ll be tinkering with until the game is done most likely. Your feedback is appreciated and can help.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated 11/27]

Postby Darthjake » Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:50 pm

mminit Wrote:Hey guys, I uploaded a new version of the game (version 3).

Full changeling and download can be found at the same place: https://mminit.itch.io/lewdest-labyrinth

For convenience I’ll put the changeling here as well.

Version 3 Change Log:

-New enemies, traps and area added.
-Battle speed increased. your skills will no longer be announced and the time between actions has been reduced.
-Select enemies now have grapple attacks - the chance of this happening is determined by the amount of LP you have and how long a battle has been going on for. When this happens you will receive continuous damage until you break free, breaking free is quick, simply press the movement keys. You will be released even faster when alternating the keys, and since it’s very easy to break free from these they are more of reaction ime thing.

Alternating keys is critical, especially during later stages, seems like the thrashing of the vines outpaces your healing.

mminit Wrote:-Clothing loss added, this will happen if you are caught by a trap or grabbed in battle, gameplay will change as such:
--You will be locked into a special stance that increases the damage of LP skills but reduces HP skills.

Explain this a bit more please, seems like I am taking more damage while nude.

mminit Wrote:--Your attacks will no longer fail due to too much LP.

Not working as intended, I still have attacks fail, and I lose strength (gained from uppercutting).

mminit Wrote:--You and the enemy will both gain LP every turn
--Strength and defense will be reduced.
--Weapons cannot be used. if you have one equipped it will be removed, and attempting to use another will toss it.

When can weapons not be used? I've been able to equip weapons while not in combat, but when I try to equip one in combat it vanishes and never makes it to my "use" toolbar.

mminit Wrote:--Enemies will be more aggressive and the ones that can grab will do so more often, they won’t try to raise your LP.

No shit they will. :D

mminit Wrote:--***It is not recommended to stay nude until you’ve learned some LP abilities (should you want to). Nevertheless this makes the game much harder, especially in the starting areas.

I had to stay in the initial area until I had all the first tier skills, as the Wurm kept kicking my ass. I must say, once I got counter I used offensive stance, which I hardly ever did in the old games.

I still found the first boss easy compared to the Wurm, or the thrashing vines, the spider woman can be a pain too. Any enemy that thrashes, pummels or mass gropes you can be dangerous, moreso it seems after your clothes are gone.

mminit Wrote:-Added new skills and reorganized the level up screen, new abilities will now appear more frequently.
-Changed the existing LP skills so they are more useful. Taunt now also debuffs the enemy strength stat in addition to increasing enemy LP, and Yell now deals low damage and reduces enemy defense even more.
-The wait command now also functions as a mapping tool. Using it will reveal minimap tiles you would be able to travel to on your next move. Any tile that can be stepped on can be mapped, tiles that traps or water sit on do not need to be mapped.
-Heal ability added - It uses 30LP to recover a small amount of HP and repair clothing, you can only use this once after every battle so it’s good to be careful. I’m trying this out by giving it an LP cost first, it’s possible that it may be free in the future

It seems like this does not work all the time, I've gotten out of battles and been nude and could not heal to repair my clothes, and then have to wait to heal / restore clothes after the next mob.

mminit Wrote:-Consumable items like berries/antidote will no longer be capped at 3 turns and will stack if more than one is used. using a different item will still overwrite it.
-Increased durability of weapons.

Have not really noticed this effect for the berries yet, as the only item I've had multiple of is the healing berries early on in the game, I had like 4 prior to hitting the spider woman area of the map, but it seems after the area with the roaming slimes that strip you I've only seen the items that heal and add def / str / etc, and those not very often. I've died several times in the area with the floating tentacles due to being stripped of clothing and then thrashed by the vines.

mminit Wrote:-Added a new status ailment “sticky” - this reduces damage done by HP skills.

I don't think I've seen that ailment yet.

mminit Wrote:-The steel panties item now has multiple uses and will also protect you in battle from being grabbed.

I approve of this, this is a great help.

-Getting at least 90% completion on a map will now increase the strength and defense stats.
-Power fruit has been split into two different items for strength and defense.
-The menu now has some config options. trap animations can be toggled, encounter rate frequency can be set and the BGM/SFX volume can be adjusted. Adjustments made to the encounter rate take place after the next battle.

mminit Wrote:-Overall difficulty increased throughout. Also, with the new clothing loss mechanic the starting areas can be pretty unforgiving, prioritize your LP to use heal if you’re having trouble.

True statement! You might want to consider a scaling heal as your HP increases, or maybe a skill to improve HP healing if you have not already, I was playing fairly conservative, but losing my def stance while clothes are off really hurts in terms of HP regen, and some of the attacks just seem to outstretch your healing, and I don't dare taunt, because I'm on the edge of dying if I don't heal.

mminit Wrote:The first boss is now also more dangerous.

I can't say I agree with this statement. :D

mminit Wrote:Some new enemies may be too strong or weak, this is something I’ll be tinkering with until the game is done most likely. Your feedback is appreciated and can help.

Monsters are definately stronger, I felt like I needed to take more time going through the maze, not just charging through on def stance owning the mobs like before. I would say offensive stance was fun esp with the counter skill, it might be my imagination, but it seem regen was weaker. I do like the clothes mechanic, but it seemed to me that the MC was being stripped almost every fight, except the ones where I had the steel panties on, and with the healing skill not working 100% of the time it can make it more difficult. It's hard to balance I understand, and I wish I had better suggestions on how to fix it, but overall I think I like the improvements in the game, and I know I'll like it more once everything is running smoothly.

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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby mminit » Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:11 pm

Darthjake Wrote:Explain this a bit more please, seems like I am taking more damage while nude.

It means skills like yell will do more damage. You do take more damage when nude considering your defense goes down.

Darthjake Wrote:Not working as intended, I still have attacks fail, and I lose strength (gained from uppercutting).

To clarify, your skills won't fail due to too much LP only when you're nude. If it’s still happening to you when nude then that is indeed a bug. Those double hyphen changes relate to the clothing loss mechanic.

Darthjake Wrote:When can weapons not be used? I've been able to equip weapons while not in combat, but when I try to equip one in combat it vanishes and never makes it to my "use" toolbar.

It says on the change log right above the double hypen points that it removes weapon when nude. You probably tried to equip something when you were stripped. Again I think you’re reading the changes of the double indented hypens and relating them to what happens in general and not when nude (note the part where it says “gameplay will change as such:”). Please clarify if I’m wrong.

Darthjake Wrote:I had to stay in the initial area until I had all the first tier skills, as the Wurm kept kicking my ass. I must say, once I got counter I used offensive stance, which I hardly ever did in the old games.

I still found the first boss easy compared to the Wurm, or the thrashing vines, the spider woman can be a pain too. Any enemy that thrashes, pummels or mass gropes you can be dangerous, moreso it seems after your clothes are gone.

Yeah enemy balance will need to be adjusted, it’s a constant work in progress.

Darthjake Wrote:It seems like this does not work all the time, I've gotten out of battles and been nude and could not heal to repair my clothes, and then have to wait to heal / restore clothes after the next mob.

Did you have the 30LP needed to do so? If so then that may be a bug.

Darthjake Wrote:Have not really noticed this effect for the berries yet, as the only item I've had multiple of is the healing berries early on in the game, I had like 4 prior to hitting the spider woman area of the map, but it seems after the area with the roaming slimes that strip you I've only seen the items that heal and add def / str / etc, and those not very often. I've died several times in the area with the floating tentacles due to being stripped of clothing and then thrashed by the vines.

The stacking is related to the consumable items as in the items that are equipped and their use in battle, not the one use items like the herbs in your inventory. Sorry for not being clear enough.

Darthjake Wrote:I don't think I've seen that ailment yet.

It’s in the new area later in the game.

Darthjake Wrote:True statement! You might want to consider a scaling heal as your HP increases, or maybe a skill to improve HP healing if you have not already, I was playing fairly conservative, but losing my def stance while clothes are off really hurts in terms of HP regen, and some of the attacks just seem to outstretch your healing, and I don't dare taunt, because I'm on the edge of dying if I don't heal.

First Aid and the healing items do scale as you increase your HP. If you find yourself getting stripped often make it a point to keep your LP low, there’s still the chance that it might happen but you can greatly reduce it by how you play.

I’ll take note on a skill that increases your healing potency though.

Darthjake Wrote:I can't say I agree with this statement.

That means you really understand the battle system! People have had trouble with him.

Thanks so much for playing and for your feedback. I’ll have to look into some of the stuff you mentioned like heal not working, out of all the testing I did that never happened. So long as you have 30LP and come out of a battle you should be able to use it once.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby musical74 » Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:03 am

YAY! New version!

Something I've noticed is that you can't die if a monster is actively sexing you - you'll go down to one hp but you can't die that way. You can, however, die from poison (not sure if you could before) Not sure which of them all have grapple attacks - I KNOW the wurm and the blob do, thinking the eye-goo doesn't.

Biggest problem is the game overall is more difficult - have to slow down a bunch to be able to succeed easier. I definitely like where this is going!
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby Briheas » Sat Feb 11, 2017 4:59 am

Regarding the clothes loss, I think there needs to either be some way to be strategically immune to it or a way to fix it in battle. As it is right now, clothing loss is essentially a permanent, undispellable-in-battle debuff that is randomly used and once you're afflicted, it's game over in 2-3 turns. Usually, games with such a devastating debuff will either give you a 100% way to avoid it (something like making the monster not use it if you're under 30 LP, for example), or allow you to dispel it and continue to fight it normally. But since we have neither option, we can only pray to the RNG gods and hope we can kill it before it kills us. (This also makes offensive stance the only real choice, since shortening battles is the only real protection we have against inevitable clothing loss.)

If you want the steel panties to be our protection against clothing loss, then we need some way to be able to buy them. Otherwise, we're at the mercy of the RNG gods giving us one.

Also, as a direct result of clothing loss, I find I always have to stay between 30 and 50 LP (30 so we can use heal to cleanse ourselves after a fight, 50 so we don't get cancelled actions). Maybe the range should be a little larger? I think maybe 70 LP as the point where actions get cancelled, since that would be a 40 LP range, equaling the amount I generally gain by lewd stance.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby tontoman » Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:28 am

Yeah going to need some balance, or bigger intro level. Lost instantly once moving from starting area (worm). Ok, did a bit of grinding, got some herbs and LP. And lost almost instantly after leaving start area :lol:

Thing is, without clothing and going those extra rounds (low attack damage). To survive you need to heal with LP, but post battle you now don't have LP to heal and get clothing back.
It's a double wammy as lowers your stats, and requires so much LP to get back. But LP is what you need to stay alive in said battles trying to gain LP.
Might change with later levels/stats but was just doing a quick play.

Nice to see the game's growing though.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby Darthjake » Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:16 pm

Darthjake Wrote:Not working as intended, I still have attacks fail, and I lose strength (gained from uppercutting).

mminit Wrote:To clarify, your skills won't fail due to too much LP only when you're nude. If it’s still happening to you when nude then that is indeed a bug. Those double hyphen changes relate to the clothing loss mechanic.

It seems to be around the 60 LP mark that skills start failing, well strike at least, I can always do first aid it seems, but this is when I'm clothed, not nude, have not done further testing yet when nude, but I will, and I'll post again on it.

I'm 99% positive now that I was not at 30 LP when the repair clothing mechanic did not work. When I'm testing the nude skills I'll see how much of a micro management test it is to keep my LP near 30 towards the end of the battle, perhaps let exhibitionist provide a buff while in the buff. :D
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby redplauge » Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:40 pm

lets see... i did find the new mechanics a little difficult at first. but second go round, i ground out a bit more with the eyes. and while the difficulty is still harder, its not imposibly so.
as for the out of battle heal... 30 seems to be a bit much. unless your tying to grind up ones lp. i would suggest it to be about 20, and maybe if one takes a skill like exhibitionst bump it back up to 30 or so.(if you like taking your clothes off, you dont want to put them back on!)
on a side question; will there be an expantion to the clothing mechanic, not quite whats going on, but being able to change the heroine's clothes? i could see getting something like mage robes that allows the use of lp to cast spells, or some other options. but of course they would need to be unlocked either by finding them or by defeating a boss. i know theres the dagger and steel panties, havent found the middle equip slot items yet(asuuming that it is armor)

otherwise i like where your going with this.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby musical74 » Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:14 am

Something else that might be a good idea (although I don't know how hard it would be to implement) - RUN AWAY! The living vines are just way too hard in their current form, getting two attacks if they aren't trying to grapple you - and while it's relatively easy to escape it puts you at a disadvantage the rest of the battle. Lamias are harder too, maybe it's just they have more attacks to deal with. Something else I've noticed is that when you fall into a trap - tentacles fucking her, the jellyfish, or the slime - and although I have the lp to fix losing the clothes, it won't let me heal until after a battle, which somewhat puts me at a disadvantage.

The instant you lose the clothes, whatever weapon you were equipped with disappear, that makes it almost not worth having them. I know it's preference, but when the slime is grabbing you, turn her around so we can see just how she's being fondled!

The losing clothing dynamic makes this game quite a bit harder because you have to be more aware of traps now (before it wasn't a problem) and some of the monsters seem to have been made quite a bit harder as a result - or maybe the heroine was nerfed a bit, not sure which. I like it, it's still a lot of fun, just a lot harder!
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby mminit » Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:37 am

musical74 Wrote:YAY! New version!

Something I've noticed is that you can't die if a monster is actively sexing you - you'll go down to one hp but you can't die that way. You can, however, die from poison (not sure if you could before) Not sure which of them all have grapple attacks - I KNOW the wurm and the blob do, thinking the eye-goo doesn't.

Biggest problem is the game overall is more difficult - have to slow down a bunch to be able to succeed easier. I definitely like where this is going!

Yeah you can’t die when being grabbed, just down to 1 HP, if you’re poisoned however you will die as soon as you’re let go. Not all the enemies can grab you yet.

Briheas Wrote:Regarding the clothes loss, I think there needs to either be some way to be strategically immune to it or a way to fix it in battle.


I’m looking into this, a way to save your clothing in battle would be beneficial and I have some ideas. I’ve also taken all your suggestions into consideration and will do some testing, thanks.

tontoman Wrote:Yeah going to need some balance, or bigger intro level. Lost instantly once moving from starting area (worm). Ok, did a bit of grinding, got some herbs and LP. And lost almost instantly after leaving start area :lol:


Bigger intro level is a good idea, the player does seem to be thrown into the deep end quickly. while being without clothes makes you weaker, it buffs skills like Yell so you can still deal big damage. Overall though from feedback it does seem too brutal at the start.

redplauge Wrote:lets see... i did find the new mechanics a little difficult at first. but second go round, i ground out a bit more with the eyes. and while the difficulty is still harder, its not imposibly so.


It was actually 20 originally when I first tried it out in testing, I raised the cost so it could act better as an LP dump as well. Different clothes are something that’s been asked about, not certain on it yet. For the middle slot it’s items that provide buffs, they appear a bit later in the game.

musical74 Wrote:Something else that might be a good idea (although I don't know how hard it would be to implement) - RUN AWAY! The living vines are just way too hard in their current form, getting two attacks if they aren't trying to grapple you - and while it's relatively easy to escape it puts you at a disadvantage the rest of the battle.


Running away may appear in some form, but no promises since I haven’t looked into it too much as of yet. Good note on the getting caught by a trap and not being able to get your clothes back, perhaps coming out of a battle is too harsh to be the only way to use heal. Losing your weapon is a penalty to weapons at the moment, some adjusting to grapples may be needed for players that want to go full weapons/HP attack route.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth (working title)

Postby Katarina » Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:15 am

mminit Wrote:Glad you like it. Plot isn't something I've really focused on, since starting this game the majority of my focus is on the art and gameplay. Maybe I'll get someone to help me with some kind of story later down the road of try to come up with something simple myself.

I feel called!

Holy smokes, I just pulled the game up and it's all kinds of fun =) Plenty of kudos!
It took me a little bit to get a handle on the leveling system, and I gotta say I'm glad to see it's not based on Linear class progression or being "level 1" versus being "level 10" I would say I'd like a better idea of what skills lead to what progression though, but I'm not gonna go demanding a Skyrim perk tree. Oh, speaking of which, is Fighter going to be the main focus, or will we be able to branch into magic or rogue-like skills?

Now, I happen to -love- stories, specifically contemplating and coming up with them. Story drives motive and propels players along with their characters through obstacles they wouldn't otherwise go for.
Not that you asked for it, but I wanna throw a few ideas out there for you to cherry-pick or deny entirely so that the story can be narrowed down =) One of the best ways for this is to cherry-pick themes out of other genres, as there's nothing new under the sun, but we can certainly re-mix them into something of its own flavor!
-Lost Survivor:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This is a fun trope where, for some reason or another, the main character gets locked inside a dangerous place and their means of entrance is incapable of returning them to safety; the only way out is in. Whether from dropping through some trapdoor, activating a portal or triggering a swiveling bookcase, you're stuck here and there's only one way to go-forward! This lets you play with your characters interaction with initial surprise and horror becoming dull cynicism as you range from "Oh gods, what's that?" to "Oh gee, ANOTHER monster." This story leaves you with more focused gameplay on the dungeon crawl and dialogue that typically writes itself.

-Soda Dungeon:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

There's plenty of dungeon-crawl games, one of which is Soda Dungeon where you hire adventurers to go fight until they expire in a perhaps infinite dungeon to nab the loot from their bodies and improve your bar. This main character could be anything from a new adventure guilder to a church acolyte trying to prove herself, but with this style you could have a home-base outside of the dungeon that you could improve on, or perhaps pieces from a collection of relics that you're trying to recover? Whatever the case, you do have means to enter and exit via portal or secret passages you uncover in order to make life outside of the labyrinth better because of it for whatever reason.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Everything is a quest according to Warcraft, be it picking up a book right next to the questgiver, delivering paper, or stopping the cataclysmic evil force from destroying/enslaving/pranking the world. Our heroine is here because they are the only available person that can do Something inside this labyrinth, be it save an abductee, deliver the one ring to mount doom or thwart the BBEG. This option gives the comfort of simple re-hashing of classic stories or we can go further and make it something else, like say it's your Job to Beta-test this dungeon before the wizard that created it opens it up to the public for soda-dungeon business. Whatever the case, you were hired or needed, now you're here.

Lemme know what you think, if you like one of the ideas or if you want a more specific one =) Hope I'm not butting too far into your project, do keep it up!
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby Briheas » Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:53 am

I got to the end of this build, and I have 2 things to say:

1) LP generation needs to be more consistent throughout the game. Right now, as we progress through the game, we get more and more LP from getting hit by lust attacks. But since LP is on a strict 0-100 scale, we shouldn't need more LP as the game progresses - we should need the exact same amount of LP as we did at the start. The only thing this LP ramp up does is make it really hard at the beginning (since we don't generate enough LP to consistently use skills) and really easy at the end. (We would also need an early game LP dump like taunt. Possibly a version that doesn't reduce enemy damage, and change the current taunt into taunt+ that has the damage reduction.)

2) In the mid-game, you get 2 things that make clothing loss be non-fatal: Taunt (which reduces enemy damage output enough to survive it) and enhanced LP generation (namely that you start gaining 12 LP per turn, so you can first aid yourself on demand) I kind of feel that taunt is OP when you first get it, but it seems to be less OP later on.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth (working title)

Postby mminit » Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:26 pm

Katarina Wrote:I feel called!

Holy smokes, I just pulled the game up and it's all kinds of fun =) Plenty of kudos!


Thanks! She’s likely just going to be a fighter of sorts, if magic is going to be in the game it would be in the form of a weapon through a grimoire/tome.

Lost Survivor is probably my favourite. While it would be ideal to add a story to the game I’m so swamped with all of the other work I need to do, and on top of it not being something I’m good at it kind of fell off to the side. I’d like to go the route of NPCs and flavour text to give the player some indication of a world in the game.

Briheas Wrote:I got to the end of this build, and I have 2 things to say:


Thanks for the helpful feedback, I agree that LP progression needs some tuning, I plan to go back and re-evaluate it.

The clothing loss was supposed to give the player a disadvantage but the idea was that it could be a viable play style if someone wanted it, so I don’t think it needs to be lethal. However it shouldn’t be too easy, so I’ll take your comment into consideration try adjusting things.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth (working title)

Postby chrisx » Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:27 am

-Lost Survivor:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This is a fun trope where, for some reason or another, the main character gets locked inside a dangerous place and their means of entrance is incapable of returning them to safety; the only way out is in. Whether from dropping through some trapdoor, activating a portal or triggering a swiveling bookcase, you're stuck here and there's only one way to go-forward! This lets you play with your characters interaction with initial surprise and horror becoming dull cynicism as you range from "Oh gods, what's that?" to "Oh gee, ANOTHER monster." This story leaves you with more focused gameplay on the dungeon crawl and dialogue that typically writes itself.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Everything is a quest according to Warcraft, be it picking up a book right next to the questgiver, delivering paper, or stopping the cataclysmic evil force from destroying/enslaving/pranking the world. Our heroine is here because they are the only available person that can do Something inside this labyrinth, be it save an abductee, deliver the one ring to mount doom or thwart the BBEG. This option gives the comfort of simple re-hashing of classic stories or we can go further and make it something else, like say it's your Job to Beta-test this dungeon before the wizard that created it opens it up to the public for soda-dungeon business. Whatever the case, you were hired or needed, now you're here.

i feel a lil silly asking this :P but:
i recognized soda dungeons name (played it on my phone for a while :) ) and was wondering if lone survivor was more than a concept and an actual game with that scenario and stuff :)
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth [Updated Feb 10]

Postby Locomotor79 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 4:01 pm

i wonder when is there a new version comming out Mminit
Joined: Sun May 03, 2015 7:37 pm


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