PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Shardoom » Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:36 am

Not at all, I'm just a fan like you. I just think it would be a mistake. :)

Perhaps it is something you could look into doing with your own Pokemon game?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby [Blank] » Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:00 am

Shardoom Wrote:Gotta be better to just make up some excuse as to why Rocket Meowth is Morph-immune.
Ya know, like the reason he can talk and think like a person, is part of the reason why he can't can't change into a pokemorph.

Cos damn, futa or girl Meowth is just wrong...

That would actually work because I believe his speech ability was a birth anomaly so you could tribute his immunity to that. Plus, I also agree that rocket meowth in anything other than his natural form is all sorts of wrong.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:02 am

Shardoom Wrote:Not at all, I'm just a fan like you. I just think it would be a mistake. :)

Perhaps it is something you could look into doing with your own Pokemon game?

I can not draw a line. I use others. I use an ordinary Meowth. I've made a little short thing with Meowth and Alola Meowth.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:06 am

[Blank] Wrote:
Shardoom Wrote:Gotta be better to just make up some excuse as to why Rocket Meowth is Morph-immune.
Ya know, like the reason he can talk and think like a person, is part of the reason why he can't can't change into a pokemorph.

Cos damn, futa or girl Meowth is just wrong...

That would actually work because I believe his speech ability was a birth anomaly so you could tribute his immunity to that. Plus, I also agree that rocket meowth in anything other than his natural form is all sorts of wrong.

Do you think that if Meowth was a James Bond villain, would his name be Dickfinger?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:30 am

Wow, lots to respond to. Going down the list.

Funposter Wrote:
Dapper Gent Wrote:You mean new art of the old morphs in the next game or...?

Oh lord no. That would be a lot of unnecessary work for you guys, unless of course you feel like doing that work over. I was just thinking gen 2 pokemon in addition to the ones we already have.

We plan on doing that, yes. We'll even have a collection of assorted morphs from other games in as well though we'll keep those on the hush hush for now. They won't be acquirable though. Our plan is to eventually morph all 900+...Arceus help us. We do plan on doing a Gen II continuation but will be skipping around 15 years or so for PokeMorph: Revolution. But we're years away from that, sadly.

Meelvek Wrote:
Dead2112man Wrote:if you downloaded version has a line over the the letter "e", then that is your issue

On the name of the folder you mean ? I tried to rename it and replace it with the "e" but it still doesn't work.

I'm leaving all technical issues to Val and Dead. That's their department.

Hunden Wrote:I just discovered two new pictures of Abra in your game.
They look good. Very cute. Stick to them. :D

Yeah. Abra was all White's design. i couldn't get it right myself but he hit it on the head. just waiting for a back art before adding it to the list.

Hunden Wrote:I have three questions. What are your plans with Baby Pokémon and Alola versions? :?: I know there is a good piece of time to it, but what is the plan? I'm curious.
And what's the plan with Meowth, team rockets Meowth, will he become a futa or a girl? :?:

First and second questions: We probably won't be morrphing baby pokemon. In the virus notes we made it to where only pokemon who can reach sexual maturity are affected by the virus. Togepi MIGHT get an exception but the others will likely stay unmorphed or unacquirable. That's still TBD. The Alola versions will likely be in Revolution. We...well..I found it hilarious that Sun and Moon's theme reflected my plans for Revolution. Island country with a tribal setting and no official league.

Third question: TR's Meowth is a male. The only male pokemon that were affected were ones that did not have a female version to reproduce with and had to be morphed in order to sustain the virus. Some exceptions have been made due to personal views of the Gen I games and gender associations. I explained this a couple of posts ago. When playing Blue/Red/Yellow I saw Hitmonlee (male) matched to Hitmonchan (female) and Jynx (female) matched to Mr. Mime (male). The reason why NidoranM and its family was affected is because they are labeled as separate pokemon offshoots and so the males were not matched to females, despite having the NidoranF strain. The only thing that the virus effects in males is it increases their libido and sexual desires.

[Blank] Wrote:
Shardoom Wrote:Gotta be better to just make up some excuse as to why Rocket Meowth is Morph-immune.
Ya know, like the reason he can talk and think like a person, is part of the reason why he can't can't change into a pokemorph.

Cos damn, futa or girl Meowth is just wrong...

That would actually work because I believe his speech ability was a birth anomaly so you could tribute his immunity to that. Plus, I also agree that rocket meowth in anything other than his natural form is all sorts of wrong.

And all the other TR Meowth posts. I explained it in the previous response.

Meowth actually taught himself to read, walk and talk. He wasn't born that way, he simply wanted to impress a female Meowth. Also, I don't think Jessie, James and Meowth will be in the game all that much as Bay is constantly 10 steps behind Ash and will be throughout most of the game.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:26 am

Just personal opinion here but I'd venture to say that in our version, team rocket's Meowth as well as Ash's pikachu will remain nonmorphs. There are technically still nonmorph pokemon who have been infected (male pokemon of breeds with both genders), we just haven't included them all in combat because that would be double the needed pictures. I was practically pulling teeth just to get fronts of pidgey, spearow, and rattata for you guys to battle before the pokecenter incident! And before that, we had just disabled battles altogether until you got the pokedex.

Regarding baby pokemon, we've been shying away from the issue. Turning them into naked baby girls would not be a good thing, and might very well get us landed in jail, so most likely we'll say something to the effect that the pokemon are too young to be morphed, and exclude them from the game in some fashion. We do plan to do a second gen game following this, assuming we get all the way through this one and don't lose all our steam.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:41 pm

ValturNaa Wrote:Just personal opinion here but I'd venture to say that in our version, team rocket's Meowth as well as Ash's pikachu will remain nonmorphs. There are technically still nonmorph pokemon who have been infected (male pokemon of breeds with both genders), we just haven't included them all in combat because that would be double the needed pictures. I was practically pulling teeth just to get fronts of pidgey, spearow, and rattata for you guys to battle before the pokecenter incident! And before that, we had just disabled battles altogether until you got the pokedex.

Regarding baby pokemon, we've been shying away from the issue. Turning them into naked baby girls would not be a good thing, and might very well get us landed in jail, so most likely we'll say something to the effect that the pokemon are too young to be morphed, and exclude them from the game in some fashion. We do plan to do a second gen game following this, assuming we get all the way through this one and don't lose all our steam.

I could offer you my nonmorph Pokemons, but it's a little difficult. I have not really asked if I may use them because it's hard to find out who actually made them, and yet difficult to get in touch with them.

According to my country's laws, may I use them without asking if it put out in the open and is non profit, I think. Is it only in Denmark that you almost need a law degree to understand two lines of the law? I'm still unsure about whether it is right.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:27 pm

About the baby pokemons. You know Tyrogue and Riolu also is baby pokemons? And Riolu is in my game. Shall I so in jail? :?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:58 pm

Here in the US the only time we can use something without permission is if it's educational. Even then it has to be referenced to show where/who it came from. Otherwise it can potentially become a big legal headache if the party taken from disapproves the usage of their content.

Technically all stage 1 pokemon with no evolutions can be considered baby pokemon even though some are categorized as such. Which is why I was trying the...what's it called...neko?...and/or chibi approaches for NidoranF/M, Oddish and some of the others. It's the ones that are labeled as baby pokemon that we want to shy away from. There is actually no legal precedence as to why we would do that, only moral ones, as the characters are fictional and non-human so they aren't categorized as children.

As I mentioned not too long ago, the virus only affects those who have reached sexual maturity to exclude such pokemon. So that rules out any chance of the baby pokemon being morphed.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:00 pm

Dapper Gent Wrote:Here in the US the only time we can use something without permission is if it's educational. Even then it has to be referenced to show where/who it came from. Otherwise it can potentially become a big legal headache if the party taken from disapproves the usage of their content.

Technically all stage 1 pokemon with no evolutions can be considered baby pokemon even though some are categorized as such. Which is why I was trying the...what's it called...neko?...and/or chibi approaches for NidoranF/M, Oddish and some of the others. It's the ones that are labeled as baby pokemon that we want to shy away from. There is actually no legal precedence as to why we would do that, only moral ones, as the characters are fictional and non-human so they aren't categorized as children.

As I mentioned not too long ago, the virus only affects those who have reached sexual maturity to exclude such pokemon. So that rules out any chance of the baby pokemon being morphed.

Yes Denmark is a very confusing country concerning the laws. I hope it will go well with your and Donald Duck. Is there not something about that he has already removed the hospitals from the poor?

I can understand that. I think I'll try to keep a distance from them too. Although I want keep it more open minded.
What about Tyrogue and Riolu? They are defined as baby types, but they look more mature than Nidoran and Cubone. Wil you them as baby Pokémon and keep them out? Will you call them baby Pokémon and keep them out? They are both larger and heavier than a Charmander.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:21 pm

Hunden Wrote:Yes Denmark is a very confusing country concerning the laws. I hope it will go well with your and Donald Duck. Is there not something about that he has already removed the hospitals from the poor?

I can understand that. I think I'll try to keep a distance from them too. Although I want keep it more open minded.
What about Tyrogue and Riolu? They are defined as baby types, but they look more mature than Nidoran and Cubone. Wil you them as baby Pokémon and keep them out? Will you call them baby Pokémon and keep them out? They are both larger and heavier than a Charmander.

That is President Trump sir, and I have no Idea what bullshit you have been spewed but in under one week he has done more good (politcally speaking) over all than are last president did his first term.

But politics is not a thing to talk here and further talks I will ask LoK moderators to delete them.

As for Tyrogue and Riolu, yes they are older, but look at them as if they are 10-12, that is still very to young.

As for other pokemon, sometimes pokemon don't evolve making age questionable for stage 1 pokemon.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:44 pm

Usuually I don't allow myself to get baited into discussions that don't belong in the gaming threads but not this time. He didn't remove access to hospitals for the poor. There are thousands of free clinics all across the US that alleviate that and provide services for the need. There are also other programs out there that can help. Obamacare was a blight on the healthcare system and heavily taxed the old and military whose premiums shot up from anywhere between 50-1000% for basic care packages. The elderly and military were the most heavily affected by it as a friend of mine, US Army, had his coverage go from $72 a month for a family of 3 to $312 for the same package. Him repelling Obamacare was a great thing for the US and will allow us to put money back into other programs Obamacare was stealing from.

We're still working with the game mechanisms. We're trying not to veer too far off from the norm and constantly research the games and anime to try to be as accurate as we can. So all baby pokemon will still be labeled as such as they are unable to breed in the games, thus they are unable to be bred. Charmander, Nidoran and Cubone can be bred to make more of them.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:50 pm

Dapper Gent Wrote:Usuually I don't allow myself to get baited into discussions that don't belong in the gaming threads but not this time. He didn't remove access to hospitals for the poor. There are thousands of free clinics all across the US that alleviate that and provide services for the need. There are also other programs out there that can help. Obamacare was a blight on the healthcare system and heavily taxed the old and military whose premiums shot up from anywhere between 50-1000% for basic care packages. The elderly and military were the most heavily affected by it as a friend of mine, US Army, had his coverage go from $72 a month for a family of 3 to $312 for the same package. Him repelling Obamacare was a great thing for the US and will allow us to put money back into other programs Obamacare was stealing from.

We're still working with the game mechanisms. We're trying not to veer too far off from the norm and constantly research the games and anime to try to be as accurate as we can. So all baby pokemon will still be labeled as such as they are unable to breed in the games, thus they are unable to be bred. Charmander, Nidoran and Cubone can be bred to make more of them.

Okay sorry. It was just some rumors I've heard. Sorry. I think I'm just jealous that you have a strong and good ruler, while we only have 179 corrupt.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:35 pm

Haha it's okay. It's easy to misunderstand the intentions of political parties, in OR out of your own country. I know popular media misquotes ours to us all the time. Mostly favoring the left but sometimes leaning too far right, but always throwing down one side even if they tell you what the other side wants. I think popular media likes to be divisive. But basically as I understand it, Obama's health care bill only serves to increase taxes on anyone not paying for medical insurance (as for influencing the price of them, I have no idea...my family considers good food a better alternative to medical care). Getting rid of it is, as Dapper said, a good thing. I can think of a few other laws (like maybe a few hundred) that I wish Trump was strong and wise enough to strike off the books, but I won't be holding my breath.

Regarding the baby pokemon issue, I won't say there aren't ways to make them appropriate to porn. Obviously, there are ways. But we are trying to stick to the spirit of original pokemon as much as we can, which would make baby pokemon fall under the child porn category (and hence, internationally jail-worthy). That's not a risk we're willing to take. And while technically pokemon aren't human and therefore wouldn't fall under the same category, if we morphed them, they would be based on underage humans, which is not okay. But whether we leave baby mon unmorphed or remove them from the game entirely will be something we deal with if/when we reach the second gen. Until then, I've got plenty of other things to worry about with writing the story, coding events in the current engine, studying for the new engine, reformatting all the art to fit the system, and all the other little tasks involved in making this game into more than a slide-show of art.

@Dapper I think the word you're looking for is Loli, a skinny model who looks underage even if they aren't. But chibi works I suppose, though their heads aren't nearly big enough after shining.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Dapper Gent » Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:46 pm

I was referring to the slang for the medical condition where maturing stops at puberty. I forgot what it is. Loli works though.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Arachnid » Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:42 pm

Just a little question here . . . Do you plan to pur MissingNo. in the game ? :3
Yeah i'm not really sane to ask that . . .
Will there be Pokemon pregnancy/egg laying in this game (Or the next, please, more games is better :) ?
Oh and do you have an idea of the date of the next update ? i'll wait as much as needed but kinda inpatient tooo !!!!
Keep up the good work guys !
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby ValturNaa » Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:48 pm

Don't want to spoil anything but we have something ... *special* planned for missingno. But no, I don't think we'll be doing pokemon breeding until the second gen. The place where it would have taken place is going to be something different. The update won't be in the next few days, but beyond that I couldn't say. We won't be releasing it until the scene arts are all finished and in place, which means the art team needs to get off extra work, repair equipment, and get on it before we can proceed. Unfortunately we aren't making enough from this to pay salaries, so everyone has to earn their way elsewhere.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Hunden » Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:45 pm

ValturNaa Wrote:Don't want to spoil anything but we have something ... *special* planned for missingno. But no, I don't think we'll be doing pokemon breeding until the second gen. The place where it would have taken place is going to be something different. The update won't be in the next few days, but beyond that I couldn't say. We won't be releasing it until the scene arts are all finished and in place, which means the art team needs to get off extra work, repair equipment, and get on it before we can proceed. Unfortunately we aren't making enough from this to pay salaries, so everyone has to earn their way elsewhere.

Something special for missingno? It's something about missingno in the first game, corrupt the whole game and change both the data and the look of Pokémon, so that is behind the whole morph virus?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby ValturNaa » Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:31 pm

Wait and see :P I don't think you'll be disappointed when we get there.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update Coming Soon!)

Postby Arachnid » Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:52 pm

Thanks for the answer and stay strong ! I'm with you on this ship !
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