by Gorbaz » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:24 pm
The Market
The map had a few locations nearby marked on it, one or two of which may well have been water stills, but the labels weren't perfect. It was probably drawn up in a hurry, as the fungal cave isn't even marked where you know it to be. Still, it seemed like the best place to start, as taking on another gang would require bodies to fight with, look after territory, or even just keep around as dumb labour. Every now and then the Guilders ran slave markets, but you don't have enough creds to pay for them, so the cave will have to be stop number one.
Travel back along the main roadways is simple and quick enough, most people ignoring you and those who do get a look at your face deciding that they want to stay away. Keeping on the move, you pass by the bar, Salyandra up ahead interrogating some locals. Darting down one of the alleys and staying out of sight, you make you way into the ruins of the old processing plant, and are greeted immediately by the sight of clumps of fungus all over the place, different sizes, different colours, and more than a few giving off a glow. Not really being that familiar with what fungus is used for what at this point, it would be best to just start picking, and hope for the best.
The Streets
The street scum gives a shrug as his pal scratched a nasty looking scab on the back of his hand. "Beats me" he says, pulling his clothes tighter around him as if to ward off some kind of chill that wasn't there. "Course, word is some local toughs have taken over water production. Would explain why beer is cheaper". It would make sense. If a gang could control water production, they'd have a lot of control over the local area without needing to be numerous enough to physically keep everyone in line.
It shouldn't be too hard to find the nearest water still, just tail the merchants selling water. One of them had to have contact with the controlling gang. Or, of course, interrogate someone. The two scum with you, however, didn't seem to have the knowledge you need
The Home
Perched on the walkway, you sneak closer to the home but not before you catch sight of Lyz darting down the main road at the end of the alleyway. Still, you had your own course of action. Slipping inside, most of the lights are out, the exception being a single lum-globe sitting on a table, giving out a dull orange glow. A lot of what was inside the building looked like junk, or at the very least what passed to living essentials in this town. Finding something to wear wasn't hard, managing to snag some used clothes that fit rather tightly, along with an acid-resistant hooded cloak, and 2 creds in an inside pocket.
One way, or another, I'm going to find you, I'll get you, I'll get you!