CumInTiana01 Wrote:Name: Naomi Akibara
Origin: Japan
Subject code: NA-2094
Experiment: Mutating Alien Sample
Appearance:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Bio: Naomi was born in a small village in japan, but soon, it was the village was attacked by some crazy mercenaries and kidnapped the young boys and girls, she was stripped away from her family at the age of 14, and spent four years in a cage, soon, she was bought by Hydra to experiment on her with this new Alien sample they got from a meteor, causing a lot of pain on her, some of the researchers even had the courage to rape her, making her grow a deep anger at them, this is the story of her time as a guinea pig.
the lights in your cell flickered on " Good morning NA-2094. it is time for some more tests " the voice of the lead researcher came in through the intercom.
the door opens and a pair of Guards come in to grab you, so the researchers could run they're experiments. the guards approach you, ready to drag you off to whatever lay ahead of you. "NA-2094 come with us," one of the guards tells you " don't cause any trouble and we won't hurt you "