A harem parody of Star Fox, meaning all characters except the lead have been turned into females, and everyone is fucked.
Use the mouse to move. Shooting is automatic. Move the mouse really far to do a barrel roll. You can't shoot while barrel rolling but you are immune to damage. Click the mouse to charge up shots. Press WASD to summon girls (currently just S or D). Sometimes the game will lose focus when you start up a level, making the keys useless. Just click on the game to game focus again and the keys will come back.
Jan 25: Various minor balancing tweaks. 3D graphics for the girls' ships, new graphics for player shots. Preloader, AceSV spash screen, porn warning, fadeouts. Made changes to the annoying jungle background. Changed most of the BGMs. Girl ships will follow you around if you hold down their summon button. You can pause with P or Shift. Animations won't pause, and the game as is doesn't have a "just pressed" checker, so it might toggle pause/unpause rapidly. All of these are things I could fix, but really don't want to, the obvious solution would be to just not let you pause it ever, except during blit games. (which this is not)
Previous Updates:
Due to technical problems, I am unable to complete this game in Flash. This project will be replaced with a non-parody rewrite in Unity. Read from here to know why.
Here is a link to the 3D reward CG I made for Astro Vulpus (which is what crashes Flash), since that is quickly getting buried: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=7484&start=60#p618978
Hey! Listen!
I've got a few different ideas of things I could do next. Vote for your favorite: