Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

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Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Gorbaz » Fri Jan 06, 2017 5:25 pm

It is the closing years of the 41st Millennium, and the Imperium of Man is beset on all sides by those who would see it brought low. To the galactic east, the Tau Empire expands further and further into Imperial lands, subverting or defeating planetary rulers within their spheres of expansion. Toward the south-east, the old Necron dynasties slowly return, scouring life from worlds they used to own in an attempt to rebuild their previous glory. Tyranid hive fleets strike from below the galactic plane, striking up into the heartlands of the Imperium, while Ork empires rise and fall, dragging entire solar systems with them. Dark Eldar slip from the webway to raid and capture settlements, while those of the Craftworlds follow their own plans to prolong their existence. And, with all these threats, one of the most visible are the traitors, heretics and mutants who strike out from hidden bases or warp storms, bringing death through gun, sword, and warp entity. The Emperor's Tarot says that these are the End of Days, and the downfall of man is at hand.

But nobody gives a shit about that on Necromunda. That's stuff for the Imperiam armies to deal with, and in the underhive, it can be hard enough just staying alive sometimes. The Arbiters very rarely venture into the underhive anymore, and the power of the guilders has grown to become the only law anyone recognises. The minor houses of the underhive own gangs, and gangs own land. But, every now and then, gangs come together under their own identity in order to take what they can and hold it for as long as they can. Alien empires and traitor armies mean nothing to people who need to worry about where the next meal is coming from.


This RP will be about one of these unaffiliated gangs, gaining territory and fighting their way to the top, eventually breaking through one of the checkpoints into the upper hive to beat down the Spyrers, and who knows what from there! That is, if the gangers don't end up with all their limbs blown off, blinded, or sold into slavery!

Next post will hold the relevant game mechanic details and such.
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Gorbaz » Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:21 am

Right. Plan is for everyone to be part of the same gang. If people would prefer to be the boss of a gang of their own, then I guess that can be done..?

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I am going to stretch the rules a bit, and say that you can be from a minor house, or an outlander, within this gang. The minor houses are:

House Delaque
"House Delaque benefits from a special understanding with the Imperial House of Helmawr, providing not just materials but also information to the rulers of Necromunda. Delaque spies are said to operate throughout the hive, observing the activities of the other Houses. It is rumoured that some of the ruling family members of the Houses, and even some Noble Houses, are in the pay of the Delaque."

House Goliath
"The domain of House Goliath is situated unfavourably within Hive City and occupies some of the deepest and harshest areas. By way of compensation the Goliaths are tough and persistent by inclination. They consider the hivers of other Houses to be soft and slack. In truth all hivers are naturally robust, being inured to the toxins and deprivations which they accept unquestioningly as part of normal life. The Goliaths, however, take a stubborn pride in their ability to endure hardship."

House Van Saar
"House Van Saar is renowned for the quality of its technical products. Its technology is no more advanced than that of anyone else, progress being almost non-existent throughout the Imperium, but the House’s manufacturing processes are precise and its finished materials are of the highest quality. The Noble Houses pay a premium for Van Saar goods, and as a result the House is probably the most wealthy in Hive City."

House Escher
"House Escher is perhaps the most strikingly different of all the Houses of Necromunda. Like all the Houses it is controlled by a ruling family, and its political life and institutions are dominated by close relatives or families in service. However, unlike the other Houses which have reasonably balanced populations, that of the Escher is made up almost entirely of women. The few males are shrivelled and imbecilic, perhaps as the result of a genetic flaw within the House bloodline. Whatever the reason, they play no part in the normal affairs of the Escher."

House Orlock
"House Orlock is known as the House of Iron because its foundations lie upon deep ferrous slag pits. The hivers mine these pits for the debris of ancient times and extract enough pure metal from the refuse to serve their industries. Over the centuries extensive mining of the slag has caused some lower domes to collapse. In the past this led to hivequakes and the destruction of several overlying domes."

House Cawdor
"House Cawdor is the stronghold of the Cult of the Redemption whose prophets foretell of universal destruction. Although the cult has its adherents throughout the hive, in House Cawdor it has attained the status of an official religion. For this reason the House is also known as the House of Redemption."

Although broadly the same in physical ability, it is the skills favoured by each house that eventually ends up making them different from each other. For instance, Eschers can all specialise in close combat weaponry, whereas tech skills can be learned by anyone from Van Saar. Mor on that later tho.

The Outlanders, however, operate differently. They are the dregs of society who, for whatever reason, are normally kept far away from what passes for civilisation in the underhive.

"Scavvies are the very dregs of humanity, though they are so devolved and twisted that they can be hardly considered human any more. They are severely deformed and often mutated by the toxic environment they live in. Scavvies dress in rags and are caked in the most indescribable foulness. Their skin is a yellow and disgusting mass of sores, warts, blisters and cracks. Their limbs are often so withered or shriveled that crude hooks and peglegs are a common sight, though any Scavvy too crippled to defend himself is easy prey for his fellows"

The Redemption
"Redemption! Redemption! Through fire and through blood! The cries of the fiery priesthood of the Redemptionist movement resound through the hive in a hot pulse of anger. On street corner sand boulevards Redemptionist preachers ally the masses with their clarion call of intolerance and hatred. In packed meeting halls and temples Redemptionist priests lead the populace in prayers of hatred and xenophobia, calling for the Emperor's divine wrath to descend upon the galaxy. For the Redemptionists the whole of creation is riven with vile corruption that can only be cleansed through fire,blood and faith"

Ratskin Renegades
"Ratskins are normally a shy, peaceful people who are inclined to avoid the noisy, raucous donwhivers and their settlements. They need nothing from the settlers and stay hidden in small communities far from the hivers and their guns. lf hivers start working near the Ratskins' settlements they will pack their gear and quietly slip away deeper into the wastes. Ratskins find the hivers strange and bewildering and would rather not have anything to do with them"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

First off, nothing is really uniform, so you get 200 "creds" to spend throughout creation. If you want something special however, tell me what you plans are, and I'll see if I can work something out. I've attached a cost to everything, so just add it up when you are done.

After deciding if you are going to be a hiver or an outlander, the next is choosing what type of scum you are.


Juve - Fresh out of the home newbie, ready to do whatever it takes to become a full ganger - 25 creds
Ganger - The backbone of all gangs. Not green anymore, but still hungry to loot shit and kill people. - 50 creds
Heavy - Those of above-average strength, usually entrusted to wielding the heaviest gear the gang has - 60 creds


Scavvie - Dirty, filthy, inbred (probably) cannibal, prone to mutations due to where they come from - 25 creds
Scalie - Big, dumb, and what passes for a stable mutation. Also very, vary scary! - 120 creds


Deacon - Faithful guards, priests, and servants who get the best the Crusade has to offer - 60 creds
Bretheren - What they lack in ability, they make up for in eagerness to spread the fires of redemption - 50 creds
Zealot - Nutters who have been sniffing too much petroleum, and like to show how faithful they are, up close and personal-like - 60 creds


Shaman - Medacine man and advisor, they talk to the hive spirits and provide council, while looking after the sacred archaeotech - 120 creds
Ratskins - The body of the tribe, warriors who have proven their ability to survive in the underhive - 60 creds
Braves - The young ones who are coming-of-age, and the most adventurous of the tribes - 35 creds

(Figured this would be important to know)
This will be running on a D6 system, similar to the tabletop. Leadership will, however, be down to the discression of the player, how much morale they have, etc.

For those that don't know:
WS - skill at arms with hand-to-hand weapons
BS - skill at ranged combat
S - physical strength - directly impacts ability to do damage in combat
T - physical resilience
W - amount of damage that can be sustained before going down
I - speed of action. Faster you are, the faster you act, and the better chances you have of not falling off a walkway
A - how many attacks you can dole out in combat in a single round (read: single post)


Juve - no access to special or heavy weapons, first two after-action skill-ups are doubled
WS-2, BS-2, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1
Ganger - no access to special or heavy weapons, may purchase a skill roll for 25 creds
WS-3, BS-3, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1
Heavy - may purchase a skill roll for 25 creds
WS-3, BS-3, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1


Scavvie - scavvies get a free mutation (I will give you the list)
WS-3, BS-2, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1
Scalie - 5+ armour, cause fear, and regenerate skills as standard.
WS-4, BS-3, S-5, T-4, W-2, I-2, A-2
WS-3, BS-3, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1
Bretheren - no access to special weapons
WS-3, BS-3, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1
Zealot - frenzy rule as standard
WS-3, BS-3, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1
Shaman - blindsnake pouch at +20 creds, 1 spirit lore skill (I will roll), immune to treacherous conditions
WS-3, BS-3, S-3, T-4, W-1, I-4, A-1
Brave - blindsnake pouch at +20 creds, immune to treacherous conditions, no access to special weapons
WS-2, BS-2, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1
Retskin - blindsnake pouch at +20 creds, immune to treacherous conditions
WS-3, BS-3, S-3, T-3, W-1, I-3, A-1

After that, it is on to the gear. Everyone needs to head into the shops to buy their gear, but any cash not spent is not lost. After all, who knows when you'll need to replace that laspistol? Or get that meltagun you've learned to use? And, of course, there's always the never-ending amounts of booze to buy!


WARNING! Heavy and special weapons can only be used by gang heavies. Outlanders have their own shop, coming after.

Item Cost
Sword - 10
Chainsword - 25
Club, Maul or Bludgeon - 10
Chain or Flail - 10
Knife (1st knife is free) - 5
Massive Axe, Sword or Club - 15

Item Cost
Autopistol - 15
Bolt Pistol - 20
Hand Flamer - 20
Laspistol - 15
Plasma Pistol - 25
Stub Gun - 10

Item Cost
Autogun - 20
Boltgun - 35
Lasgun - 25
Shotgun - 20
(solid shot + scatter shells)

Item Cost
Flamer - 40
Grenade Launcher - 130
(Grenades extra)
Meltagun - 95
Plasma Gun - 70

Item Cost
Auto-cannon - 300
Heavy Stubber - 120
Heavy Bolter - 180
Heavy Plasma Gun - 285
Lascannon - 400
Missile Launcher - 185
(Missiles extra)

Item Cost
Frag grenades - 30
Krak grenades - 50

Item Cost
Frag Missiles - 35
Krak Missiles - 115

Item Cost
Man-Stopper Shotgun shell - 5
Hot-Shot Shotgun shell - 5
Bolt Shotgun Shell - 15
Dum-dum Bullets for Stub gun - 5

Item Cost
Clip Harness - 10
Filter Plugs - 10
Lobo-chip - 20
Photo-Contacts - 15
Photo-Visor - 10
Respirator - 10


Autopistol - 10
Blunderbuss - 10
Crossbow - 5
Musket - 6
Stub Gun - 10
Hand Flamer - 20 (Redemption only)

Shotgun - 20
(with solid and scatter shells)
Autogun - 20
Lasgun - 25
Boltgun - 35
Flamer - 40 (Redemption only)
Grenade launcher (grenades extra) - 130
Meltagun - 95 (Redemption only)
Plasma gun - 70 (Redemption only)

Clubs, mauls and bludgeons (first one is free) - 10
Chains and flails - 5
Massive axe, sword or club - 10
Knife - 0
Sword - 15
Chainsword - 25 (Redemption only)
Eviscerator - 30 (Redemption only)
Exterminator cartridge - 15 (Redemption only - one-shot flamer attachement for other weapons)

SCALY WEAPONS (Scaily only)
Spear gun - 55
Scatter cannon - 80
Throwing axe - 6

Frag grenades - 30
Man-Stopper shells - 5
Hot Shot shells - 5
Bolt shells - 15
Dum dum bullets for stub in - 15

For stats on ranged weapons, look up what they do in the 40K rulebook, or wait until I scribe every single weapons into a huge list! :P

Melee weapons will have specific rules associated with them so they are differentiated from "close combat weapon"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

After each gang fight, or if one is bought at the start, you'll get access to the upgrades list. Gang fight rewards will be rolled, but purchased ones can be chosen to represent skills already gained. Note that purchased skills must be from the list appropriate to your house or tribe.

2 New Skill. - Choose any of the Skill tables and randomly generate a skill from it.
3-4 New Skill. - Select one of the standard Skill tables for your gang and randomly generate a skill from it.
5 Characteristic Increase. - Roll again:1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attacks.
6 Characteristic Increase. - Roll again:1-3 = +1 WS; 4-6 = +1 BS.
7 Characteristic Increase. - Roll again:1-3 = +1 Initiative; 4-6 = +1 Leadership.
8 Characteristic Increase. - Roll again:1-3 = +1 WS; 4-6 = +1 BS.
9 Characteristic Increase. - Roll again:1-3 = +1 Wounds; 4-6 = +1 Toughness.
10-11 New Skill. - Select one of the standard Skill tables for your gang and randomly generate a skill from it.
12 New Skill. - Choose any of the Skill tables and randomly generate a skill from it.

Available skill categories:

Cawdor - Agility, Combat, Ferocity
Escher - Agility, Combat, Stealth
Delaque - Agility, Shooting, Stealth
Golaith - Combat, Ferocity, Muscle
Orlock - Combat, Ferocity, Shooting
Van Saar - Combat, Shooting, Techno
Scavvie - Agility, Ferocity, Stealth
Sclaie - Ferocity, Muscle, Stealth
Deacon - Ferocity, Muscle, Shooting, Techno
Bretheren - Ferocity, Shooting
Zealot - Combat, Ferocity
Brave - Agility, Stealth
Ratskin - Agility, Combat, Stealth
Shaman - Agility, Combat, Ferocity, Stealth.

Heavies can all also learn Techno and Muscle.

-Agility Skills-
Dodge - 6+ special save against all attacks
Jump Back - Initiative test to break out of combat, and not have your opponent stab you in the back

-Combat Skills-
Combat Master - +1 WS per extra combatant in combat
Step Aside - 4+ special save against melee. Can combine with dodge.

-Stealth Skills-
Escape artist - You cannot be kept prisoner if captured, always managing to get away
Sneak - Much more difficult to be spotted when skulking around

-Muscle Skills-
Crushing Blow - +1 S to all attacks in melee
Iron Jaw - +1 T vs melee attacks

-Ferocity Skills-
Killer Rep - You cause fear!
True Grit - More likely to take a flash wound from injuries, and thus stay up

-Shooting Skills-
Gunslinger - You know how to fire with two pistols at once, and not fuck up the shots badly.
Fast Shot - Make a number of shots per round (per post) equal to A on your profile, rather than just the one

-Techno Skills-
Inventor - chance to build extra gear at a workbench
Specialist - You know how to properly handle Special weapons

Spoiler (click to show/hide):



Melee Weapons:
Range Weapons:
Extra gear:



Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Yep. Weapons have rules and stuff. Most of it will be generic 40K, but melee and special items have their own stuff

Massive weapons: S+2, 2-handed
Clubs, mauls and bludgeons: S+1
Chains and flails: S+1, cannot be parried against
Chainsword: S4, AP 6
Sword: Parry (fight defensivly, reducing opponents successful hits)
Power Axe: S5, AP 5 (single hand) / S6, AP4 (two-handed)
Power Fist: S8, AP2
Power Maul: S5, AP4, concussive (non-lethal weapon)

Stub Gun: S3, AP- (just a revolver)
Heavy Stubber: S4, AP-, Heavy 3
Autopistol: S3, AP-
Autogun: S3, AP-, Rapid Fire
Autocannon: S7, AP4, Heavy 2
Bolt Pistol: S4, AP5
Boltgun: S4, AP5, Rapid Fire
Heavy Bolter: S5, AP4, Heavy 3
Hand Flamer: S3, AP6, Ignores Cover
Flamer: S4, AP5, Ignores Cover
Meltagun: S8, AP1
Plasma pistol (low power): S4, AP6
Plasma pistol (high power): S7, AP2, Gets Hot
Plasma gun (low power): S5, AP6
Plasma gun (high power): S7, AP2, Gets Hot
Heavy Plasma gun (low power): S7, AP5, Blast, Heavy
Heavy Plasma gun (high power): S10, AP1, Gets Hot, Blast, Heavy
Laspistol: S3, AP-
Lasgun: S3, AP-, Rapid fire
Lascannon: S9, AP1, Heavy 1
Meltagun: S8, AP1
Shotgun (solid): S4, AP-
Shotgun (scatter): S3, AP-, Blast

Others will be written in as required

Flak armour: 6+ save, 5+ vs explosive weapons
Mesh armour: 5+ save
Carapace armour: 4+ save

Hotshot powerpack: increaser laser weapon S by 1
Infra-red sight: ignore opponent's cover
Monocle sight: BS+1 with linked gun
Red-Dot sight: BS+1 with linked gun, chance to spot the dot
Telescopic sight: BS+2 with linked gun

Bionic eye: save against blinding, see through smoke
Bionic leg: Special kick attack (S+2, extra wounds caused)
Bionic arm: S+1, I+1 in melee

Bio-booster: Chance to ignore wounds
Bio-scanner: can detect nearby people and things!
Blindsnake pouch: 4+ dodge vs shooting
Clip Harness: Absailing without falling!
Concealed blade: Hidden knife, useful for getting away with if you are captured
Filter plugs: Reroll to avoid breathing in toxic fumes. You have nose plugs.
Grav Chute: Absailing without ropes!
Infra-Red goggles: Able to spot people hiding
Isotropic fuel rod: Main power source for settlements. Build it and they will come.
Lobo-Chip: "fixes" unwanted mental conditions
Mung Vase: Could be worth a lot, could be a replica
Medi-pack: can patch up your allies in a fight
Photo-contacts: second chance to avoid flash-blindness. Come in many colours, ooooooo!
Photo-visor: Same as photo-contacts, but a visor.
Silencer: Dampens the sounds of ballistic weapons
Ratskin map: Might be a treasure map, might be a fake
Respirator: Like filter plugs, only cooler

Last edited by Gorbaz on Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:24 pm

Last edited by MelissaB on Sun Jul 02, 2017 5:50 am, edited 4 times in total.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Phoenixcz » Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:13 pm

Name: Aloris
Age: 19 (Juve)
Gender: F
House: Van Saar
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WS: 2
BS: 2
S: 3
T: 3
W: 1
I: 3
A: 1

Melee Weapons: Knife (free), Sword, Sword
Ranged Weapons: Las Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Pipebombs (Frag Grenades)
Extra gear: Clip Harness, Photo-Visor, Respirator

Creds: 55
Last edited by Phoenixcz on Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:29 pm

two things... more than two close combat weapons is pointless you gain literally nothing...

secondly we're not meant to be of the same house. that part is up you where you're from it doesn't limit anyone else we're meant to be banding together as an independant group away from the houses after setting out to make our own way.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:32 pm

Name: Lyz Brickley
Age: 22
Gender: F
House: Delaque
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db8760b55a5df93e3e684009713bd34a.jpg (15.08 KiB) Viewed 1991 times

Rank: heavy (60?)


Skills: escape artist (25), zambonie plague (10)
Melee Weapons: knife (free)
Range Weapons: meltagun (95?)
Extra gear: respirator (10)

Backstory: She was born by a cultist group following the god Nurgle. Her mother and father were highly changed by their zombie plague exposure during their time with the cult. However, she came out normal and immune to the advance stages of the disease. Her parents disowned her after her body decided to not show the tell tale signs of the zombie plague taking effect like it would after a certain time with most people. She has been wandering the streets since wandering and listening feeding on whatever scraps she could get her hands on. House Delaque took her in when an infiltrator found her sickly appearance and kept a tab on her since a zombie would be a terrible thing to have roaming around in a city like this. Due to her not changing in conditions over a year, the infiltrator took her in and cared for her. She was adopted officially as a trainee when she was 14 after 4 years of not changing from stage one Zombie Plague. They saw her fit enough to keep her around the others in training and gave her just enough to be able to wield weapons properly. At age 17, she was already taking missions and such of snooping since nobody usually messed with a stage one unless they wanted the plague themselves. After 4 successful missions, she had enough credits to purchase her first weapon, the Meltagun. However, with her approaching adulthood, the order let her go afraid that grandfather Nurgle would take back his wonderful pet. Now, she roams the streets once again making odds and ends meet in order to survive in the uncaring world.
Last edited by berserkerhorn on Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:06 pm

What Mel said. You can have the gear, that is fine, but you won't gain any bonus from it. Sword and pistol is fine for getting the most out of combat.

You can be any house you want - or even an outlander. This is about random ruffians coming together to kick the upp spyre's ass for booze, money, and fine living.

The way I'll be running it is each post counts as a round of combat (free movement is fine, not being restrictive in that sense). So if you got into combat, you could fire a pistol and swing a sword, or swing two swords if you want to keep them
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Phoenixcz » Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:51 pm

All right, I took the "Plan is for everyone to be part of the same gang" as that we should choose a common House. And that extra weapon gives +1 A like in Necromunda rules.

On unrelated note, I've found there's a Let's Read of hilarious Redeemer comic: ... mer.73882/
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:54 pm

it does but only once. you can't for example wield three weapons with only two hands. so having three means you have one redundant.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby RavenLord » Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:16 pm

Name: Roman Kyros
Age: 32
Gender: Male
House: Golaith
Appearance: (Going to draw this myself) Short cropped grey hair on a wide face with sharp features and a strong jaw. Steely eyes. Bulky body, ripped with muscles. Tall.
Rank: Heavy

WS: 3
BS: 3
S: 3
T: 3
W: 2
I: 3
A: 1

Melee Weapons: Knife, Chainsword
Range Weapons: Boltgun
Extra gear: Respirator, Photo-Visor

Creds: 45
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:36 am

Remember - for social interaction, post as much as you want, so long as you leave enough time for everyone involved to respond. Fights are performing attacks up to your A stat per post, but you do need to let me respond each time
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Phoenixcz » Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:48 pm

It seems I underestimated certain RL circumstances. Given that I would be hard pressed to be able to write a post for at least a month, maybe more, I'll have to drop from this RP as to not delay the other players.
If it takes me two weeks or more to respond to a RP without prior notice, send me a PM. It's more likely I've missed the last post, forgot or got distracted and need a little reminder rather than deciding to drop the game without warning.
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Gorbaz » Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:51 pm

That's fine, thanks for saying
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby berserkerhorn » Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:51 pm

WTB experimental test subjects.
Who's on the slave market currently?
I'll find a way to make monies
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Gorbaz » Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:12 pm

5 creds for an untrained slave, 15 creds for a trained one (normally via lobotomisation)
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Re: Necromunda: Spirefall OOC

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:54 pm

I have come to the descision that Necromunda needs to be put in a box, shoved away in a cupboard, and left there to be quietly forgotten about until it comes time for a spring clean, and several inches of dust need to be wiped away before you can identify what it once was.

Too much in my head.

Also writing something else that interests me far more, and cannot run 3 games at once.
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