zum Damenhaus (new public release 3.8.1!) (11/03/19)

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Re: zum Damenhaus (public version 1.8 released!) (11/12/16)

Postby random Crow » Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:30 pm

Still just playing the public version, but wanted to point out I've been noticing a bug where one or more wolves can be lost by exiting and loading the game. Apparently in some circumstances, if you load the game after exiting, you can go from having 2 wolves back to only having 1 (possibly only when they were being used previously). I've had this happen at least twice in my current run through the game.

EDIT: maybe it's because the game can now remember which room the wolf/slave were assigned to (so you don't have to re-assign them every day), but only the slave is sent back to the mansion upon loading the game again?

EDIT 2: also, the game doesn't seem to consider all types of rooms when deciding whether you can assign a slave to a room in the brothel. If you try to assign a slave to the animal show room, in particular, when all the other rooms are full, it won't let you do so unless you empty out one of the other rooms first, too.

Wow, you really helped me out by pointing out those bugs. Never noticed that they exist but it makes sense that they do. They will be very easy to find and to fix, I already have some ideas. Thank you!
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (public version 1.8 released!) (11/12/16)

Postby Justapuppet » Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:47 pm

random Crow Wrote:Never noticed that they exist but it makes sense that they do. They will be very easy to find and to fix, I already have some ideas.

Sounds great! Thanks for keeping an eye out.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (public version 1.8 released!) (11/12/16)

Postby CoyoteLounge » Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:29 am

Hey Crow, I hope you don't mind but I took a screen shot of your game with the two first girls so that I could render them a bit differently. I'm trying to see if my art skills are good enough to market. Let me know what you think.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Damhaus Ex.png
I've started up a new Hentai blog for my artwork and projects. I'm going by Guy Gin everywhere else, I just don't want to create a new profile on here. Check out my stuff here: http://guyginden.blogspot.com/
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Re: zum Damenhaus (public version 1.8 released!) (11/12/16)

Postby random Crow » Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:49 am

CoyoteLounge Wrote:Hey Crow, I hope you don't mind but I took a screen shot of your game with the two first girls so that I could render them a bit differently. I'm trying to see if my art skills are good enough to market. Let me know what you think.

Well, you see, my artstyle is not the prettiest, and I try to make a game with it ;)
If you feel you are ready then go for it! Nobody can decide this for you!
Your style isn't my thing to be honest, but I'm sure there are people out there, who find it awesome!
Trust your guts!
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 2.0!) (12/24/16)

Postby random Crow » Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:58 pm

New version out! Merry Christmas, folks!
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby UNdead63 » Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:36 am

So you've finally made her head normal? awesome because she seemed to be some kind of a mutant her giant head.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby ChancellorPalpatine » Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:27 am

Hey Crow, I must say that this game is awesome. I could type a thousand words praising it's different aspects, but I prefer to get to the point: in the last update (24/12) there's a bug when I continue the game (after leaving) which causes one of my girls to disappear completely. I think it doesn't work to any of the main characters, only to slaves as far as I can tell. It has happened twice already (and I have continued playing after quitting twice aswell), to a normal slave and a plantgirl. Purchase order doesn't seem to affect it, as the normal slave was my first buy and the plantgirl was my 3rd slave. So, if you could fix that, it'd be great.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby random Crow » Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:49 pm

UNdead63 Wrote:So you've finally made her head normal? awesome because she seemed to be some kind of a mutant her giant head.

She finally got the money for a surgery!

ChancellorPalpatine Wrote:Hey Crow, I must say that this game is awesome. I could type a thousand words praising it's different aspects, but I prefer to get to the point: in the last update (24/12) there's a bug when I continue the game (after leaving) which causes one of my girls to disappear completely. I think it doesn't work to any of the main characters, only to slaves as far as I can tell. It has happened twice already (and I have continued playing after quitting twice aswell), to a normal slave and a plantgirl. Purchase order doesn't seem to affect it, as the normal slave was my first buy and the plantgirl was my 3rd slave. So, if you could fix that, it'd be great.

Those sneaky, sneaky slaves. Have you took a look at the mansions balcony? Probably one slave is waiting for you there. ;)
But I will throw this feature out in the next version nevertheless.
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby ChancellorPalpatine » Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:17 pm

random Crow Wrote:Those sneaky, sneaky slaves. Have you took a look at the mansions balcony?

Yes, because I remember in older versions (1.4 if I'm not wrong) you could find slaves there, and it was the first place I checked after not finding her in her room. So, the bug persists.
That makes me think though, ever since I started playing my new game I've never seen a slave at the balcony again, always in their room. Probably related to the bug, like, the slaves in the balcony disappear?
Also, I forgot to mention that the first time the bug happened I kept playing a few more days, and the slave still wouldn't appear, and she was discounted from the amount of slaves I own (it went from 6/6 to 5/6)
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby random Crow » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:18 am

ChancellorPalpatine Wrote:
random Crow Wrote:Those sneaky, sneaky slaves. Have you took a look at the mansions balcony?

Yes, because I remember in older versions (1.4 if I'm not wrong) you could find slaves there, and it was the first place I checked after not finding her in her room. So, the bug persists.
That makes me think though, ever since I started playing my new game I've never seen a slave at the balcony again, always in their room. Probably related to the bug, like, the slaves in the balcony disappear?
Also, I forgot to mention that the first time the bug happened I kept playing a few more days, and the slave still wouldn't appear, and she was discounted from the amount of slaves I own (it went from 6/6 to 5/6)

Mmmm, since all girls stay in their room now after a day, they won't get teleported to the mansion, meaning they will never land on the balcony like they did in older versions. Only if you reload a game, they sometimes appear there.
Maybe you sold her by accident?
Sorry, I try to figure out what it could be.
As far as I understand, you got some slaves (no matter if slave or plantgirl), stopped playing, came back again to play the game again, loaded, and one slave was missing. And the staff (slave) counter didn't show the one who is missing, like you had never ever bought her. Am I right this far?
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby ChancellorPalpatine » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:48 am

random Crow Wrote:Maybe you sold her by accident?
Sorry, I try to figure out what it could be.

Nope, didn't sell her. I'm sure of that.

random Crow Wrote:As far as I understand, you got some slaves (no matter if slave or plantgirl), stopped playing, came back again to play the game again, loaded, and one slave was missing. And the staff (slave) counter didn't show the one who is missing, like you had never ever bought her. Am I right this far?

Yes, that's exactly like it happened. Also you mentioned that the slave might reappear if I load the game again (without playing another day), and this did happen. The plantgirl that was once missing showed up again after leaving without saving, and there were no slaves missing (other than the first one, of course).
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby random Crow » Wed Dec 28, 2016 9:15 pm

ChancellorPalpatine Wrote:
random Crow Wrote:As far as I understand, you got some slaves (no matter if slave or plantgirl), stopped playing, came back again to play the game again, loaded, and one slave was missing. And the staff (slave) counter didn't show the one who is missing, like you had never ever bought her. Am I right this far?

Yes, that's exactly like it happened. Also you mentioned that the slave might reappear if I load the game again (without playing another day), and this did happen. The plantgirl that was once missing showed up again after leaving without saving, and there were no slaves missing (other than the first one, of course).

I tried and tried and tried, but for me everything worked :/
I can tell you how the save function works: practically whenever something is changed, which was different before, then the game saves the affected thing. Meaning if you get coins, buy or sell slaves, Amanda getting experience points, pretty much EVERYTHING will be saved. It won't save everything at the same time, only that what was changed, naturally.

Furthermore you can look if and how much data your PC allows to store for the game. When opening the swf file, right-click somewhere on the screen and choose 'settings'. Give the game at least one MB to work with.
If you open the game for example here at the forum, do the same process, but flash now asks if you want to store data at all. And the answer would be 'allow', of course.

The only thing were slaves don't get saved anymore, is when you buy them over the 20th limt; so your 21th and everyone after won't get saved.
But you already told, that it was your first/third slave.

I really hope I can help with your problem.
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby ChancellorPalpatine » Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:25 pm

I thought I'd come around and mention that I kept on playing and I continued the game (you know what I mean) about 4 or 5 times, and it hasn't happened again.
Probably it was an isolated bug or some problem with LoK's servers, to be honest I have no idea. I've kept the third slave, but the 1st one never showed up again.

Also I would like to point out another few bugs (nothing as serious as the lost slave thing though)
1: There was one time when I wanted to assign Madeline and I couldn't, I would click on her but no option would appear, and zooming didn't work either. This was after contiuing a game. Reloading didn't fix it, but when I came back a few hours later it was fixed. I think it's important to point out that some sort of invisible box would appear, only identified by a line one-pixel wide on the top. This box was static in one certain place of the screen, and when I moved the camera the box remained in the same spot (on the screen, not the game, like a HUD box)
2: In the bar, one time my waitress glitched, kept on giving handjobs to a floating dick and the chair supposed to be there was missing. Later I assigned her to a room (to fix the problem) and her size was reduced by half (she was a tiny model). I reassigned her to the bar, she went invisible and a table disappeared. Reloading the game fixed it.
3: Sometimes clients keep on walking but not moving (walking animation is on, movement off) when waiting to be assigned to a girl. Nothing serious though, just the animation keeps stuck.

I just wanted to let you know of these bugs as a way to support the development of this great game. I must admit that your coding is superb, all the animations are great and I love how you pay attention to everything, specially the girl's expressions. Good luck in the future, and happy new year!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that wolves used in private shows don't save.
When you continue the game, everyone goes back to their respective chambers, and so should the wolves. However, only the wolf used in the animal show returns to the kennel, and the ones in private show rooms go missing.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby random Crow » Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:34 pm

ChancellorPalpatine Wrote:Also I would like to point out another few bugs (nothing as serious as the lost slave thing though)
1: There was one time when I wanted to assign Madeline and I couldn't, I would click on her but no option would appear, and zooming didn't work either. This was after contiuing a game. Reloading didn't fix it, but when I came back a few hours later it was fixed. I think it's important to point out that some sort of invisible box would appear, only identified by a line one-pixel wide on the top. This box was static in one certain place of the screen, and when I moved the camera the box remained in the same spot (on the screen, not the game, like a HUD box)
2: In the bar, one time my waitress glitched, kept on giving handjobs to a floating dick and the chair supposed to be there was missing. Later I assigned her to a room (to fix the problem) and her size was reduced by half (she was a tiny model). I reassigned her to the bar, she went invisible and a table disappeared. Reloading the game fixed it.
3: Sometimes clients keep on walking but not moving (walking animation is on, movement off) when waiting to be assigned to a girl. Nothing serious though, just the animation keeps stuck.

I just wanted to let you know of these bugs as a way to support the development of this great game. I must admit that your coding is superb, all the animations are great and I love how you pay attention to everything, specially the girl's expressions. Good luck in the future, and happy new year!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that wolves used in private shows don't save.
When you continue the game, everyone goes back to their respective chambers, and so should the wolves. However, only the wolf used in the animal show returns to the kennel, and the ones in private show rooms go missing.

Mmm, may I ask you on which platforms you play this game? Since everything you mentioned actually works reliable :/
Only number 2 was a bug in a early patron version, which got fixed very quick.
I even just tested the wolf issue you pointed out. I still think your programm doesn't allow flash to store enough data, considering some of your issues.

It would help if anyone else who reads this, also had issues with the bugs ChancellorPalpatine mentions and would confirm them.

My last advice is that you can use a different browser, or download the game from my blog to be really safe.

Thanks for your kind words though, and happy new year as well!
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby Justapuppet » Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:18 pm

random Crow Wrote:Mmm, may I ask you on which platforms you play this game? Since everything you mentioned actually works reliable :/
Only number 2 was a bug in a early patron version, which got fixed very quick.
I even just tested the wolf issue you pointed out. I still think your programm doesn't allow flash to store enough data, considering some of your issues.

It would help if anyone else who reads this, also had issues with the bugs ChancellorPalpatine mentions and would confirm them.

Not sure if there is a discrepancy between the public and early patron version for this, but I can confirm I still experience the wolf-related issue as well. It usually stops me from continuing my old saves because I lose a lot of progress, as I tend to have several wolves.

I also have only been downloading from the blog for the past few versions.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby random Crow » Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:36 pm

Justapuppet Wrote:
random Crow Wrote:Mmm, may I ask you on which platforms you play this game? Since everything you mentioned actually works reliable :/
Only number 2 was a bug in a early patron version, which got fixed very quick.
I even just tested the wolf issue you pointed out. I still think your programm doesn't allow flash to store enough data, considering some of your issues.

It would help if anyone else who reads this, also had issues with the bugs ChancellorPalpatine mentions and would confirm them.

Not sure if there is a discrepancy between the public and early patron version for this, but I can confirm I still experience the wolf-related issue as well. It usually stops me from continuing my old saves because I lose a lot of progress, as I tend to have several wolves.

I also have only been downloading from the blog for the past few versions.

Public and patron version are the same in this particular instance.
I have to say, this bug is very strange.
The game manipulates the save data only two times: When you catch a wolf in the forest and when selling one. So if you got 2 wolves for example(both are now saved) and switch them around in your brothel, the game still has these 2 saved, no matter where they are. If you leave and continue the game, your 2 still saved wolves appear in your kennel. The number never changed.
I tried everything and it worked fine for me. But you guys obviously have troubles and I wonder what it can be, since it really doesn't make any sense to me. Sorry :/
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby Justapuppet » Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:21 am

random Crow Wrote:I have to say, this bug is very strange.
The game manipulates the save data only two times: When you catch a wolf in the forest and when selling one. So if you got 2 wolves for example(both are now saved) and switch them around in your brothel, the game still has these 2 saved, no matter where they are. If you leave and continue the game, your 2 still saved wolves appear in your kennel. The number never changed.
I tried everything and it worked fine for me. But you guys obviously have troubles and I wonder what it can be, since it really doesn't make any sense to me. Sorry :/

I found what's causing it.

When you find a new wolf, it's saving the number of wolves in the kennel specifically, not the total number altogether. So, if you have 10 wolves in the brothel, and 2 in the kennel, finding one more will only add the 2 in the kennel + 1 new one and give you 3 if you load again... unless you put all 12 of the current ones back to the kennel before you find the new one, in which case it will add all of them and give you the correct 13. So, I guess a tedious workaround could be to make sure all wolves were in the kennel when the last wolf was found before exiting and loading the game again.

Steps I took to reproduce the bug:
1. Buy a private show room and a kennel
2. Find and recruit/catch a wolf
3. Assign Madeline to the private show room, and add the wolf
4. Send Amanda to the forest again to find and recruit/catch another wolf

You should be able to follow the same steps to see it on your own. Attaching gif starting from the end of a game day before a wolf was found to demonstrate, too (it might be confusing unless you download it to see the whole thing).
Wolf Bug - Exhibit A.gif
Wolf Bug - Exhibit A.gif (3.68 MiB) Viewed 2769 times
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby random Crow » Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:51 am

Justapuppet Wrote:When you find a new wolf, it's saving the number of wolves in the kennel specifically, not the total number altogether.

O...M...G... That was SO helpful! Thanks a lot! This was EXACTLY the problem! You figuered it out without the code in front of your eyes! I'm kind of embarrassed though...
Well, I fixed it already, which took me literally 5 minutes; testing included. I guess ChancellorPalpatine will be happy to hear it, too.

When 2.0 goes public, the bug will be fixed.

Thanks again.

random Crow
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random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby Justapuppet » Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:52 am

random Crow Wrote:Well, I fixed it already, which took me literally 5 minutes; testing included.

Oh. Sweet. Thanks for the super quick response.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (new public release 1.9!) (12/24/16)

Postby Thomas » Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:46 pm

Definitely one of my favourite projects out here. Do you consider implementing some kind of gallery? It's pretty hard to focus on animations with multiple clients to serve.
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