Hi Guys,
coder and writer for the project here (in that order, so bear with me as I improve my writing skills
We envision the project slightly different from the initial release ... ducks for cover and waits for the booing to stop.
Now gentlemen and ladies, if you would put your pitchforks and torches down, I'll explain
We still envision Krystal getting into sexy situations and the first world is still going to be the Sharpclaw village.
But we wanted to have (A) a better overarching story and (B) slightly more involved game mechanic then just walking from animation to animation.
To this end I crafted a story where Krystal actually has a reason to travel from planet to planet (yes, this thing will be huge) as part of a galactic law enforcement agency.
She will be hunting a series of specialist criminals that have an impact on every world she visited.
Fe. is the sharpclaw village she is hunting a lust demon that uses her pheromones to induce higher lust levels in the warriors so that they are more interested in having sex then stopping her, so that she is free to get to her target.
Obviously when Krystal lands at the outskirts of the village she finds an entire village filled with horny lizards between her and her target. Needless to say, sexy times follow.
To make the game experience more involved we have made improvements to the art (Kuja) and animations (Abelius). I have tried to write some funny branching dialog, so you can have a laugh before sexy stuff inevitably happens.
I can only hope to one day match the mastery presented by my other team companions, story wise that is. The engine I build is pretty robust
Where are we at in relation to demo release time frame. Well I wont give any hard dates, as they are notoriously difficult to predict. Remember we are a small team that is doing this pro bono for now.
Story: I have the entire story for the first level mapped out and have informed the others and they agree on it. So I just need to write out a couple of dialogues and we are good to go
Engine: I need to implement the final NPC boss fight mechanic. This is rather simple, so shouldn't present me with to much trouble.
Art: Kuja needs to draw the Lust demon, the cave and there are some props still needed for the level. Think BG items, clothing items, tattoos, scars. Fortunately Kuja is an excellent combination of talent and speed, so it won't take forever.
Animation: Abelius is mostly done animating Krystal and the warriors. He is now in the process of animating the Female lizards so we can have some hornyness going on in the BG/FG. Then the demon will need to be boned, meshed and animated. It is all sorts of dark magic to me, but he creates some amazing stuff for me to play around with.
tldr; it is going to be epic, but it wont be next month. soonish(TM) though