Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 29/16)

Postby n1ckname » Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:07 pm

Missing text when translated into Cyrillic.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 29/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:36 pm

WARNING: WALL of TEXT (but interesting as it's rich of answers) :oops: :mrgreen:

Silverdragon Wrote:I understand that you need time to add the feature so whenever you want to do it and if you want to do it:
-I like the idea for the back tattooo. The normal places would be the back (full, right-top,left top, center top, same for bottom), the belly(bottom :center,left and right,arund the navel) arms, shoulder:left and right, thigh:inner, outer , leg, face: right cheek, left cheek, forehead).

If I add it, it will be in some areas only, like 'lower back' (above the butt), in the right (or left butt) and in her right or left arm. If it works and the game isnt punished in CPU cycles (due to the increased complexity to redraw the tatoo at each frame), and depending on the outcomes (if people really loved them), then I can add more areas. Its better something than nothing, so I'll be putting this in my TODO list, but my priority is still bug fixes, features and the rest of world8 levels.

Silverdragon Wrote:Choice of tattoos could depend on her innocent/nymph characteristic or the ammount of ennemies she laid or killed (like for innocent route unlocking an angel halo(ring with wings under it) on the back at 200 kills or more and for nymph unlocking a dick halo (ring with four dicks sticking in different directions and a devil tale and wings under it(lel what am I thinking off) for 200 lays or more)

Interesting ideas. How could those pictures should be drawn? I dont have examples here. As for tail (if I understand, you mentioned tail, not tale), I also need an example (drawing).

Silverdragon Wrote:- also the tattoos could be just an outline (can chose the colour of the outline) or a colored picture (player can choose) colored cost more of course.

Yes, its possible. But I think the colored ones are better because I can then put mushrooms, stars, buttlerflies and other Mario-like drawings. I can quickly reuse objects too, as there are many of them already in the game (in its 'big' original form). Colored ones can be put in areas like her butt and left/right arm. For now, at least (that is, if I implement it, I prefer to start making those colored ones first).

Silverdragon Wrote:-normal tattoos(accessible right away in the tattoo shop):mushroom, leaf, shell, star (shoulder only).
- innocent route ideas:tears(face), stars(everywhere different patterns), crown(forehead), butterflies(everywhere),killed enemies, peace sign, no pass signs for her lower back and belly, roses,diamonds, "Pure to the bone" "Angel" text or soomething like that, the angel halo etc.
-lewd route ideas: cum(different patterns and colours: everywhere), chains, vines, life erected ennemies, blood drops(anywhere), dicks, dildos, internal outline with a dick in it,devils tale, "Fuck me" "Free ass" in text and their variants and similar expressions, dick halo etc (I could draw what I mean by those on screenshots if you want too (I am no extraordinary artist but I can draw a bit)

All interesting ideas. : ) It seems you love the angel halos hehe.
I appreciate the drawing, just dont expect me to do those , say, in the next week.
As for the tatoo shop, it could be in Toad Forest, so, easily accessible during her quest along the worlds, as she has to return to her castle area at the end of each world.

Silverdragon Wrote:Okay just writing this , I realize how much work it would take

Not 'daaaaaaaaaat' work, but for sure its not something too easy to make because, for example, I reuse some parts (like her thighs, so I will need to do some tricks for the thigh used in 'side, backside or 3/4 view' not show the same 'in front of it' tatoo. I can surely create a 3d illusion of perpective (so I dont need to make two different poses for the same tatoo), but I will need to 'put' the correct pespective one in the correct thigh, and thinks like that for arm poses too.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Hi everybody! Hope you had a great Christman time (if you celebrate it)!

So, so... at least we are healthy (or kind of), and many people here made a pause to think about life, family, hope and expectations, so yes, we had something ;)

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:I once again reseted the game to give ne newest versin a try. Here is my report Great new achievement! And I like the time limit option,too!!

Glad you liked ;)

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:- After the scene with birdo, when the gallery (and achievement) unlocks, peach disappears / the same happens after fucking the ninja in Toad town to unlock the "other friends" gallery


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:- Giving Mario the royal pussy for the first time makes Peach disappear

CANT REPRODUCE! Where did you test it? Could you please give me a screenshot of your Options Screen?

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:The bounce clouds in 7-4 haven't worked and sometimes the green bouncing springs in stage 7,too


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Even when the gallery of: Thwomp,Bombs or Piranha Plant is already unlocked, the unlocking message appears after every additional scene with one of those


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:unlocked the gallery and fucked every Toad multiple times, but the achievement 'prices was licked' isn't unlocking, there must be missing something

EDIT: FIXED! Thats because you dont need to get lewd with all 25 or more toads to get it, but 15 or perhaps a bit more of different scenes with them.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:- the dialoge withe osama is not correct


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-sometimes her earrings appear and disappear after a second while changing some animations (eg stand then walk)

CANT REPRODUCE, its a glitch that requires more inspection! Did you reset your saves? Perhaps its a glitch with older saves!

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:The 'bosses' gallery already unlocked after Stage 6 and not stage 7

EDIT: FIXED! Please remember you also need to get lewd (sex scene) with Rawk and Lady Bow too, so you will unlock them all!

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-If Peach gets pregnant from a Blooper, she is ready to deliver as soon as she touches solid ground again. (in the same level and not after some days)


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-In 6-4, when Wario is in one of the toilettes, the coin-scene is triggered even when the door is closed


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:- In the loading screen of 5-4 there is not shown, that there is a blueprint in this level


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:- In 4-4 there is this plant besides the mushroom (seen in picture); without protection blink peach is trapped in an infinite loop of scenes. (btw is there a way to avoid this plant??)

It should not be trapped because she still has a kind of 'quick protection' just to avoid this trap. But I noticed there is no timer with them.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Question:- If Peach is very horny and wants to remove her clothes and I select NO, Is there a disadvantage? There should be?

No disadvantage. She just needs to be more lewd and an exhibitionist, as she doesnt stand anymore. You can refrain her of doing that.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:- At the end of each level there is an orgasm counter. Does this option do anything in the game? Give orgasms any bonuses? (poor Peach! Gets fucked a hundred times, but only 1-2 orgasms...)

I dont have any idea of what to give people, perhaps she can eat a red mushroom right away when 10 orgasms, then eat a poison if 20 orgasms (so she will be naked), then earn an 1up if 50 orgasms, 3up if 100 orgasms, 5up if 200 orgasms. Perhaps we can see her being naked (in the case of the poison) in the background (the Peach that is waving for us with the dancing flowers). If 1ups, we could see many of them 'walking' towards Peach, with the famous 1up sounds.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:ad tattoos: - I like the tattoo Idea, but I dont know if it is the right thing for this game? Is it lore friendly? Can you see them very often (unter clothes or sperm??) Does they reduce the performance??...

Lore friendly? I plan making 'decent' and 'childlish' tatoos, like mushrooms and butterflies said above. We wont be seeing them under vests, skirts or other clothing parts. Only if she is a 'mutant', like raccoon, yoshi and a cat. It MAY reduce some performance, but if this is ever noticed by the players, I can make a way to disable tatoos, so the game will be faster again.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Idea: Even when I'm not keen on this option I want to share it. Maybe someone else is interested. You could add STDs to the game. Fucking hundrets of filthy enemys could be dangerous !? Maybe she gets slower/enemys faster; Her skin or Haircolor changes; her skin gets itchy.... And she has to buy medicine for coins, nurse outfit gives her resistace

Although a good idea, I think this is better done as a 'post-game complete' feature. Things that make the game even more non-linear are great ideas (to enrich the game) but could make us less focused on the main tasks. I'll put it in my TODO list even so : ). Thanks for the ideas, guys!

n1ckname Wrote:Missing text when translated into Cyrillic.

CHECKING immediatelly! It might be those fonts that's not UTF8.

Silverdragon Wrote:Bug when masturbating in the pipe


Silverdragon Wrote:Also, sometimes (more when you go to it from panic mode) the screen decenters(both 16:9 options are on)

CANT REPRODUCE! I need more information, like if you jumped before using the panic mode, or you were swimming/flying. And which level?

Silverdragon Wrote:The special house level bug is selective...it happens in world one....but does not in lets say in world 4....tested it multiple times

Selective? This makes my job harder! Do you remember which levels of world1? I tested in level 1-3!

Silverdragon Wrote:It would funny if lets say if she gets the sickness from a goomba she turn brown and her eyes turn into goomba eyes. Or if it is a Ghost she turns white(lowering the opacity of her body) and ghost eyes.

This could happen some seconds after a Boo scene, just to haunt the player too hehe, then she would get normal again. I dont know, I have to check the possibilities.

Silverdragon Wrote:Lore: Tattoos were present in medieval times(Ivan said he wanted to keep it medieval)...I dont think I ever saw a tatoo in a mario world game ...but no dicks either....so seeing the said tattoos: I mean you cannot see under clothes eitherway. Sperm on the other hand : there is already an option to reduce the cum layers and Could an option be added that can change the opacity of cum, not only for tattoos but in general?

As for OPACITY, I can add for cum and for tattoos, but as for cum, if the opacity should act in all cum present in the game (the ground, enemies and princess's skin), this will be a lot of work (but not impossible) because I have to transform the 'cum objects' into a 'clip' object that extends a given class that gets put in a kind of memory area, so when I say: 'hey, guys, I want ALL cum in the memory to have opacity X', they will be quickly changed.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 29/16)

Postby Silverdragon » Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:09 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:It seems you love the angel halos hehe.
Not particularly XD, it just fits the innocent route. The funny thing is that I am not that much into tattoos either. What I am in is customization. I love to personalize pretty much anything. And tattoos seem like a cool feature.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Selective? This makes my job harder! Do you remember which levels of world1? I tested in level 1-3!

I got the bug in 1-3....honestly it is a minor bug...if you go to the house directly....(are you testing with flash 17 or 12....cuz it could be the flash again)
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I appreciate the drawing, just dont expect me to do those , say, in the next week.

Starting it right now....gonna do them only for the areas you mentioned (and the other afterwards)...Not expecting anything...you must have your hands full already.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:As for OPACITY, I can add for cum and for tattoos, but as for cum, if the opacity should act in all cum present in the game (the ground, enemies and princess's skin)
And if it is only the cum on the princess( the environment cum is not covering anything important unless it does...)?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 29/16)

Postby Whoops » Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:36 am

Long time lurker, first-time poster. I love the game.

I like the time limit change option that you added. Would it be possible to add a recurring option? So that if the time limit selected is 100 that she gets punished at 100 and then 200, 300, 400, and so on. If the time limit is 50, then she get punished at increments of 50 and so on.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 29/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Dec 30, 2016 2:24 am

- Please reload an external XML (english or other) to refresh the language of the game! Use the ones in my GITHUB (https://github.com/ivanaedler/MIMPUT/). Or you can just click RESET SAVES in the first screen
MANY FIXES! Thank you to all who helped me tracing those bugs!

Silverdragon Wrote:Not particularly XD, it just fits the innocent route. The funny thing is that I am not that much into tattoos either. What I am in is customization. I love to personalize pretty much anything. And tattoos seem like a cool feature.

It is, surely!

Silverdragon Wrote:I got the bug in 1-3....honestly it is a minor bug...if you go to the house directly....(are you testing with flash 17 or 12....cuz it could be the flash again)

I used 17 once, no bugs. I generally use Flash 12 and Flash 21, but I can test with 17 more.

Silverdragon Wrote:Starting it right now....gonna do them only for the areas you mentioned (and the other afterwards)...Not expecting anything...you must have your hands full already.

I appreciate all the help. I get enthusiastic when people are discussing more about add-ons, and I end up adding it sooner or later ;)

Silverdragon Wrote:And if it is only the cum on the princess( the environment cum is not covering anything important unless it does...)?

Okay, its easier that way. I added it up to my TODO list with a higher priority (but I still cant promise to make it before the other World 8 levels).
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Silverdragon » Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:12 am

Is it ok if I use the art directly from the game as a base for the tatoo?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:41 am

Silverdragon Wrote:Is it ok if I use the art directly from the game as a base for the tatoo?

Yes, no problem. If you want, I have all the models (Peach poses) FLA file. I can send a PM (personal message).

Oh just to remember, I've put her eyebrows back to 'front' in the game lately due to this picture comparison
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Silverdragon » Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:27 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I have all the models (Peach poses) FLA file. I can send a PM (personal message)

Would be great....It is better than me cropping the screenshots XD
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:13 am

Silverdragon Wrote:Would be great....It is better than me cropping the screenshots XD

Yes! Sent!

Silverdragon Wrote:Bug in Toad House

Still cant reproduce but, hmmmmm, just a question...did you test with default Peach (not Peach PS)?
Perhaps its a very annoying bug regarding 'hidden objects' (like a 'pixel' in her eye that got moved too far from her model), so that hidden pixel might be touching the warp zone that brings her back to worldmap!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Peterpeterpeter » Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:23 am

This is what I got from Dec 30 version: (as always loaded the current xml and used flash player 12)
- The Problem with the birdo still exists. Peach disappears when unlocking the gallery
- Peachs disappears when selecting the 4th option with Mario (see Picture)

- to get the glitch with peachs earrings, just select "drop earrings" in the outfitroom. Back in the game, her earrings flicker when the animations change (for example: stand to walk)
- If she gets pregnant from Lakitu, she wants to deliver as soon as she touches the ground
- even when the gallery is unlocked, the unlocking message appears after every scene with: Toad and Lakitus
- even when there are enough Toads, the pizza scene in the castle isn't working
- 'Jolene' in 7-5 just says "null"
- when wearing the frog outfit, you have to push the move button for every hop she makes
- still cannot unlock the gallery for 500.000 Points (this is always the one wich is missing to unlock all)
-Peach cannot clean off the cum at checkpoints

-and I don't know if I'm wrong, but after 10 sex scenes peach uses the wrong text in the text ballons. I added a Picture with chompette (as an example), but in the XML there are other dialoges for her. This bug appears for nearlly every enemy.

the rest I mentioned last time works fine! Well done!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Silverdragon » Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:54 am

The bug with the toad house is with the Peach PS. The decentered screen thing is random( loading a save, going from panic screen to worldmap : any level)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:21 am

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:This is what I got from Dec 30 version: (as always loaded the current xml and used flash player 12): The Problem with the birdo still exists. Peach disappears when unlocking the gallery

RECHECKING. I noticed the bug was a NULL variable, but I fixed it already. Perhaps another thing its checking?

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Peachs disappears when selecting the 4th option with Mario (see Picture)

Still cant reproduce. I'll assume you are using the same OPTIONS screen said in another screen, so I'll RECHECK with those set

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:to get the glitch with peachs earrings, just select "drop earrings" in the outfitroom. Back in the game, her earrings flicker when the animations change (for example: stand to walk)


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:- If she gets pregnant from Lakitu, she wants to deliver as soon as she touches the ground


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:even when the gallery is unlocked, the unlocking message appears after every scene with: Toad and Lakitus


Peterpeterpeter Wrote:even when there are enough Toads, the pizza scene in the castle isn't working

RECHECKING. I remember it used to work before, but I havent changed it directly. Perhaps a given variable changed.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:'Jolene' in 7-5 just says "null"

CANT REPRODUCE! Do you have an older XML file? I know you already said that you loaded the latest one.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:when wearing the frog outfit, you have to push the move button for every hop she makes

I noticed this behavior, but I STILL CANT FIX it yet :/ I dont know whats causing it, but I will try to fix later!

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Still cannot unlock the gallery for 500.000 Points (this is always the one wich is missing to unlock all)

EDIT: Well, it works when you see the bonus scene, but it's not unlocked the gallery itself. We dont have Bowser Castle level yet with the main Bowser scene, but the gallery was still waiting for that Bowser scene, thats why it never got unlocked. I've made the gallery check the score points too, so if its bigger than 500,000 it will get finally unlocked, until having the final Bowser scene.

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Peach cannot clean off the cum at checkpoints

Which one? The bath checkpoint, or the FLAG checkpoint?

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:And I don't know if I'm wrong, but after 10 sex scenes peach uses the wrong text in the text ballons. I added a Picture with chompette (as an example), but in the XML there are other dialoges for her. This bug appears for nearlly every enemy.

Not really a bug, but its the way the random words work with scenes. Check the XML:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nDon\'t dare forgetting my hole!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nYes! Yes!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nPlease fuck me! Do it dirty!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nPlease pound me!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nOh God! It\'s so good!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nWow! What a dick!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nWhat a cute little mushroom! ♥</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nIt\'s so addictive! Oooh!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nI may need to repeat this all day!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nSo wonderful!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">I can\'t stand still\n seeing this dick banging along!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">I\'m acting\nlike a dirty slut but it feels so good!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nHow about this in my ass!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nI want this\ninside of me so bad!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nMmm! This is sooo good!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nThis is making me so hot!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nHurry up and give me your cum!</p>
<p i="generalSceneSlut">\nI\'m becoming addicted to this!</p>

The problem is that it works with male AND female scenes. A way to diminish this bad effect is to put a 'female' variable, so the text will check if the current scene if with a female. If so, it will use other XMLs

Peterpeterpeter Wrote:the rest I mentioned last time works fine! Well done!

Thanks for the reports, and I am sorry for those bugs!

Silverdragon Wrote:The bug with the toad house is with the Peach PS. The decentered screen thing is random( loading a save, going from panic screen to worldmap : any level)

Hmmmmm.....Do you use the browser or the standalone Flash Player? If is the browser, did you try to play without maximized mode and the 16:9 mode?
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Silverdragon » Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:59 am

I am only playing on standalone projector 17...It really happens at random though(Cannot reproduce it always)...also it happens more often when I am loading the game from a txt file (which I did a lot because I had the
broken version of level 7-4(btw the pipes exit is reversed and this kills Peach without blink protection)).
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:23 am

Silverdragon Wrote:I am only playing on standalone projector 17...It really happens at random though (Cannot reproduce it always)...also it happens more often when I am loading the game from a txt file (which I did a lot because I had the
broken version of level 7-4(btw the pipes exit is reversed and this kills Peach without blink protection)).

So the pipes have a bug? EDIT: FIXED!

As for loading games from txt files, older saves can really cause those bugs. You should try by using a new game (the most recent saves).
Oh just to be sure. The 500,000 points bonus makes you see the scene, right? What's bugging out is when you go to the gallery and its still locked, right?
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 30/16)

Postby Whoops » Sat Dec 31, 2016 4:28 am

Long time lurker, first-time poster. I love the game.

I like the time limit change option that you added. Would it be possible to add a recurring option? So that if the time limit selected is 100 that she gets punished at 100 and then 200, 300, 400, and so on. If the time limit is 50, then she get punished at increments of 50 and so on.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 31/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:33 am

- Added 'Fire Peach', 'Tanned Peach' and 'Peach PS' (experimental) to the big princess dialogue. Peach PS eyes and mouth dont change yet.
- Glitch Fix: Bowser scenes not getting unlocked in the gallery when you get some variables that get it unlocked (like when finishing the game).

Whoops Wrote:Long time lurker, first-time poster. I love the game.

I like the time limit change option that you added. Would it be possible to add a recurring option? So that if the time limit selected is 100 that she gets punished at 100 and then 200, 300, 400, and so on. If the time limit is 50, then she get punished at increments of 50 and so on.

It's already like this since the last change yesterday ;) Its in the changelog.
Ahem: - RULE CHANGE: The princess will get a penalty after X seconds of the timeout above (instead of only once in a level). So if you configure as 100 seconds, she will get into a scene when its 100, 200, 300, and so on.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 31/16)

Postby Silverdragon » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:37 am

500 000 pts does not unlock and the scene is not shown at 500 000...
Are you saying that loading the save txt file could cause the special toad level and the decentered screen?
(I use the txt save because the ingame save does not work properly= I was doing a fullly pure run because its harder and because I wanted to (not) find bugs unrelated to scenes living the ero part for later, so I needed to reload if lets say there was a squid that decided to have a bj....the in game save (that was made before the level) keeps the lewd actions number you had in the level as well as the powerup you have when you reload the level (lets say you save with fire peach and become naked in the level, you will be naked if you load your save)....txt file does not follow that rule)

Bug:The Birds that throw you in the air (name?) dont have a unlockable gallery even if it says you unlocked it ( also wondering how their anatomy works XD)

Question: Will you implement battle mode to airship bosses? -> I know the game is centered around sex scenes, but if you decide to go the virgin route...feels boring to throw fireballs at them( they don't even move)

8th world levels are priority as you said numerous times( remember you posted something about finishing the game in 2016....you liar XD=though it is understandable considering the amount of content and those (me) annoying people bothering you with bugs and suggestions all the time

I do not know about the scene bugs...but there should not be gamebreaking bugs anywhere till the end (7-4 was quite the level tho)...

Question: How far are you with the 8th world out of curiosity?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 31/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:49 pm

Silverdragon Wrote:500 000 pts does not unlock and the scene is not shown at 500 000...

It works here (in my tests):

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

500,000-1.jpg (74.96 KiB) Viewed 2843 times

500,000-2.jpg (80.09 KiB) Viewed 2843 times

500,000-3.jpg (54.99 KiB) Viewed 2843 times

500,000-4.jpg (54.28 KiB) Viewed 2843 times

Checking the code, I have this:
Code: Select All Code
      if (Config.score_points<500000)
      else {
         ConfigSettings.BowserGallery = true; //unlock the gallery
There is NO WAY for that NOT to work. Its like saing: 'if I open the door, the door will be opened'. Then you say the door isnt being opened.
This is those kinds of bugs that gets me really mad :/
So its like score_points is not 500,000 or more, but if your HUD shows more than 500,000, score_points IS more than 500,000.

Silverdragon Wrote:Are you saying that loading the save txt file could cause the special toad level and the decentered screen? (I use the txt save because the ingame save does not work properly= I was doing a fullly pure run because its harder and because I wanted to (not) find bugs unrelated to scenes living the ero part for later, so I needed to reload if lets say there was a squid that decided to have a bj....the in game save (that was made before the level) keeps the lewd actions number you had in the level as well as the powerup you have when you reload the level (lets say you save with fire peach and become naked in the level, you will be naked if you load your save)....txt file does not follow that rule)

Hmm, so you say that, when reloading the in game save, the lewd number and powerup is being kept. I just havent analysed it yet (during this year) because of time and certain complexity of the save game system. But generally, they just take/refresh the 'Config', ConfigSettings and ConfigPlayer' classes. I dont have FOR loops or anything 'verbose' that takes line per line like:
savedPlayerLives= playerLives;
savedLewdNumber= lewdNumber;
savedLevel = currentLevel;

No! I just update entire classes.
Saved_CACHE.Config = Config.clone();
Saved_CACHE.ConfigSettings = ConfigSettings.clone().
I DO KNOW those work. Its just the fact I have to check if lewdNumber (inside ConfigPlayer) is populated, or something that makes clone() crash before loading it fully. Or the cache becomes corrupted somehow, making the reading of Saved_CACHE wrong.

But the problem with txt save is that the game is being updated with new variables each week, sometimes each month, so Config can have 10 new parameters, but Saved_CACHE.Config doesnt have them, making the game act strangely. Perhaps its the current problem of score_points here. And other problems.

Silverdragon Wrote:Bug:The Birds that throw you in the air (name?) dont have a unlockable gallery even if it says you unlocked it ( also wondering how their anatomy works XD)

Darn, Cataquacks not working? I'll CHECK!
EDIT: Hmmmm to unlock it (he is considered a FRIEND) you have to unlock all 'friendly' creatures in the game. It's a bit harder, but to ease your work, the princess has to interact with a total of 14 scenes involving:
- Cataquacks, Jinx (the ninja), MIPS the rabbit, Bumpties, Don Pianta (the big Delfino Land guy), Jelly sisters (from Delfino), Poochy the Dog and the mushroom frog.
The problem is the message itself! It should not say it got unlocked earlier: CHECKING!

Silverdragon Wrote:Question: Will you implement battle mode to airship bosses? -> I know the game is centered around sex scenes, but if you decide to go the virgin route...feels boring to throw fireballs at them(they don't even move)

The idea is to make everyone move and attack, like Morton, Iggy (if I am not mistaken) and Wendy. Its just incomplete so far.

Silverdragon Wrote:8th world levels are priority as you said numerous times( remember you posted something about finishing the game in 2016....you liar XD=though it is understandable considering the amount of content and those (me) annoying people bothering you with bugs and suggestions all the time

I've fixed like 200 bugs this year! I also finished up AS3 conversion and since october, we have XML support (i18n). Finally, I made like 10 new scenes, and I've put more than 20 art from TripFlip (Achievement screen). I've made level 7-6, 7-7, worldmap 8 and level 8-1. I know, it should have more levels at this state, but those above got in the way.

Silverdragon Wrote:I do not know about the scene bugs...but there should not be gamebreaking bugs anywhere till the end (7-4 was quite the level tho)...

Are you saying there are still game breaking bugs? Those happens sometimes (and they are ANNOYING, I know) because a given creature or the princess herself asks for a variable in the middle or in the end of the scene that gets corrupted or received a null value inexpectely. Then I analyse the value and I notice it hasnt got a value because in frame 10 of the scene, the function that called it doesnt exist anymore :x :x Sometimes its my fault (the function changed its name) but Flash doesnt help me with that (there is no unit tests, and Flash also doesnt make a kind of 'live check' before compiling the game). So the only way to test those is to play the game throughfully. With more people playing it (testing), the better.

Silverdragon Wrote:Question: How far are you with the 8th world out of curiosity?

I am in 15% of the Bowser Castle level. Many areas will be new, so I am making it from scratch.
It will be based on Super Mario RPG.

8-7 bowser castle level SuperMarioRPGBowsersKeep smaller1.jpg
8-7 bowser castle level SuperMarioRPGBowsersKeep smaller1.jpg (31.51 KiB) Viewed 2843 times

I thank you you understand the situation I am in in those months (as said above) and I am hopeful bugs like those wont get in our way anymore.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 31/16)

Postby Silverdragon » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:31 pm

I meant that you could concentrate on the world 8th levels since there should NOT be any game-breaking bugs left. And about your situation: I would be glad even if you uploaded yearly ( though I like those quick updates so do not get the idea :). You are as engaged in this game as anyone could be. Considering your joggling between the game , your job and your life, I only have admiration for how much time you put in this game.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.25 (Dec 31/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:32 pm

2016 is reaching an end :(
Although we didnt have huge changes like an entirely new world or two, we surely had numerous updates! 35 total version updates (that changes numbers like 3.1 to 3.11) and more than 120 small updates (that retained the same version)!

Below I have joined ALL major or main changes this year!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Levels 7-6, 7-7 (nimbus land), Airship, Worldmap 8 and level 8-1.
- FULL XML support for translations! English and Portuguese 100% completed. Russian, French, German and Spanish in the way. Just go to my GITHUB link (in page 1) to get the latest XMLs.
- New Lady Bow by TripFlip
- New 'general' endings screen (those where the princess appear back in her castle). Those will happen for those custom ending scenes like 'WHORE' (many goombas), 'VIRGIN (many toads), Peach as a 'Queen of Osama', and 'Peach marrying Mario'.
- Princess Frontside Dialogue model by TripFlip
- More than 10 achievement art by TripFlip (hentai art). There are 2 others being finished up, but they will be in the game in 2017.
- The new Krystal Portrait (in the HUD) by Myuu.
- New poses like 'Wendy embrassing' and 'Morton attack'
- New princess lewd pose if she is a nymph while resting (idle)
- Almost 15 new sex scenes like Roy, Mario wedding scene (although not in the game yet), Bowser final scene (not in the game yet), Shadow Queen (not in the game yet), Pirate Mug (stroking scene), princess cake scene, Osama seated scene (with viagra too), Ladybow, Curious Chain, Charlieton 2, Shygirl lap dance, Iggy, Thwomp 4, and E-gadd embarrassing scene that leads to the 'blueprint on her butt'.
- Save/load from external file (clipboard)
- New Characters: Merlee and Bullet Bill.
- You can now use LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN during scenes to move the blue crosshair (it will disappear after 1 second after you release those keys, so it wont be on your way), then press '-' to zoom where it is/was!
- Improvement/revamp of 'grey brick' textures (like in 1-6, 2-4 and 7-6 levels).
- Revamp of 'Mario Keeps' (those brown castles in the beginning/end of certain levels
- 'Reset Saves' button in the Loader Screen, that could be used it the game refuses to go to the intro screen due to older saves/cache.
- The princess could go inside bubbles in 4-4.
- Running Yoshi feature (when the princess or Yoshi is harmed)
- Pregnancy! (although not with Koopalings yet, also not with 'meaty' creatures other than goombas)
- MAX 9999 coins instead of 999
- Toad sack (in the end areas of grey castles for example) will only 'shred' if you knock Birdo (or other half boss nearby) first,
- Ability to click in 'Lives number' near her portrait in the HUD to kill her (in case you dont have DEL key)
- 'RANDOM POWERUP MODE' in the outfit room
- FLIPPABLE FENCES in level 7-6
- Press '0' key when touching a laid enemy scene to change its scene (consecutive), so if you had 13 goomba scenes, you dont have to be stuck between numbers 1 and 9 (you can press 0 many times to access scene 10,11, 12, etc)
- New peach and audience sounds
- The princess will now say special phrases during certain dialogues depending on her current outfit status, horniness, etc. For example, if the princess talks with a Toad, she can say something about her exposed situation if she is naked or using an apron.
- Some new diary entries
- Some pranks, like in the Load Game screen
- Many new options to choose from in the Options Screen
- Many RULE changes like 'when dropping the earrings in the outfit room, you can only get another one if you take an outfit that has them)

- MIM PUT AS3 VERSION (FULLY CONVERTED!) - Official startup version at 20th February 2016.
- Peach STATE pattern (cleaner code, more CPU speed, fewer bugs, much easier to include new poses and abilities)
- Game Error screen (telling people a given fatal error occurred), so they wont keep playing with a bugged game (this screen doesnt appear in all cases though)
- New AS3 camera (more CPU speed)
- Remake of Gallery code (more speed, faster to include new scenes there)
- Blit Background feature (which was disabled due to some bugs)
- Listener counts in the DEBUG info (Page Down key)
- Optimization of main game loop, calling objects directly (instead of each object having a listener)
- HUGE performance improvement in worldmaps
- Improvement (CPU speed) with 'Square' objects (they are now sprites instead of movieclips)
- New PIPE ENGINE (less memory usage, less bugs), whose objects are now sprites instead of movieclips
- 'Console output error' in the HUD (when clicking in a red button over the princess portrait in the HUD), although it works better if you play with Flash DEBUG version.
- Fix of something like 400 (FOUR HUNDRED) bugs!

So we CANT say this was a 'weak' year for MIM PUT!

Silverdragon Wrote:I meant that you could concentrate on the world 8th levels since there should NOT be any game-breaking bugs left. And about your situation: I would be glad even if you uploaded yearly ( though I like those quick updates so do not get the idea :). You are as engaged in this game as anyone could be. Considering your joggling between the game , your job and your life, I only have admiration for how much time you put in this game.

You're right. Well, if I could really quit my job, this game could be already completed and I would be coding another game (I have a plan to make a 'Wonderful Pink'-like ENF game, as well as Jasmine game and Alice Wonderland game). And of course, the Krystal game, based on GoRepeat version ;)

Thanks for the feedback, I hope we can continue even better in 2017!
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