.: Singularity :. (IC)

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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Yana » Wed Dec 14, 2016 4:35 am

"How you doing back there?" Annaliese called over the wind. Not much of a response.

While hustling down the dirt path to Passerna, her spent shotgun shell was on the top of her mind. In her haste, she'd totally forgotten to grab it. That was terrifically annoying, since it was impossible to find cheap shells these days and Dad had just fixed up his ammo press the other week. Tinkering with his collection was something they liked to bond over. The girl sighed. That was the fourth thing to eat at her this morning, the first being that she'd cracked her PDA getting dressed and the second and third being the dude on her dog's back and that she wasn't getting her allowance until Thursday.

Mom's well-meaning bromides always come to mind around this time: Count your blessings, look forward to the good things today, and save tomorrow's problems for tomorrow's you! And it was true - current obstacles factored in, today was set to be easy as far as Mondays went: Make her delivery, arrive late to class and scoot off to Dad's to watch the big game this afternoon. Actually, Aunt Elen said to stick around... shit. Annaliese couldn't always tell if auntie really needed her or if that was just her way of keeping her niece leashed when she had something fun planned. The girl clapped her heels against Grim's flanks - this bleeding dude was already trouble and she wanted to get it over with.

"All right buddy, you know what to do?" she said. Grim snorted in the affirmative. Reaching back, Annaliese pawed at the soldier's gory body, soaking up as much blood on her fingers as she comfortably could, and set to work dirtying herself with it as the winding trail merged onto the last stretch of road to Passerna. The dry wind already had her tear ducts working, so she squinted hard to help drown out the glint of indifference that kept her from truly looking like a histrionic teenager. This would've been so much easier - and cleaner - if this dingus hadn't turned up a military ID in his kit, but Passerna's grand marble archway gleamed in the morning sun ahead.

"I'll let you off this time, so do us a favour and play along, all right?" Annaliese muttered.

She'd been through the checkpoint a few times, all uneventfully. The grunts in charge never knew Aunt Elen as far as the girl could tell, but it was exactly because that was the case it was so easy to slip anything through. Today, the booth looked a touch busy - a crunch of cars were lined up at the entrance, waiting to be waved through, and an aisle of other travellers milled about, identification in hand. Annaliese hacked a preparatory cough.

"Hey! Help! Please, someone!" she shouted, waving frenetically. Tendrils of imaginary emotion worked their way into her voice as Grim slid to a rough halt near the foot of the ramp. It took only a heartbeat for all the eyes gathered at the checkpoint to shift to her. Annaliese even caught a few curious drivers poking their heads out to get a better look at the sudden drama.

"Someone, call a doctor! Get a Life Sigil! Please!" she continued, eradicating whatever small talk remained around the archway. It was coming to a stop that Anna noticed there were only two soldiers around right now, the first of whom had rushed ahead to meet her before she'd even called out.

First-name basis. That was trouble. She didn't know these guys, either.

She could feel Grim tense beneath her. The wolf didn't like strangers, much less strangers that yelled, smelled foreign and stared him down with a weapon on their hip, but a good pinch from Annaliese kept him from growling as she slid off his shoulders. The two met eyes, and the dog immediately folded to his belly. The girl grabbed hold of the wounded soldier, pulling him from the wolf's back, and dropped her basket on the ground.

"He's been shot really bad! Please, help!" she cried, cradling his upper body. Truth. The girl's eyes were awash with tears by that point, and she peered up with a manic frown to the taser-wielding guardsman.

"I-I was just wa-walking into town to deliver my apples, and-" Truth.

"-there was a really loud g-gunshot, and all the birds flew away-" Equivocation.

"-a-and then I saw him on the ground, and I thought he was gonna die!-" Partial truth.

"-so I got my dog to help me carry him here and- Please, please help!" Truth. The hooded girl wailed, subtly stretching out a foot to nudge Grim in the ankle. The giant wolf's ears tucked in, and he let out a low, unhappy whine, sniffing at the wounded man with sad yellow eyes.

A momentary flash of clear hatred rushed through Grim's pupils, almost too fast to see, and he redoubled his whining, licking Annaliese's victim across the cheek to not-so-accidentally give him a good view of the razor sharp fangs outfitting the wolf's enormous jaws.

Annaliese sniffled expectantly, tightening her not-so-nervous grip on the bleeding soldier's neck to further discourage him from talking over her.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby lilbooth » Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:59 pm

"Please don't get too excited to see me, Byron, we live together if you have forgotten." Said Echo as she carefully made her way around the sleeping bodies that dotted the floor. Normally stepping on some drunken fool wouldn't bother her much but the fact that was six of them discouraged her from the usual bitchiness. Her job was likely to go a lot smoother if none of them woke up, or found some reason to be angry. "You can help me by giving me your phone. And all of their phones for that matter." Said Echo as she arrived next to Bryon and placed her hand on his shoulder, leaned slightly on him, and cocked her head to the side, watching the performance from that was taking place down below.

"She really make it all the way through the night? It is morning now, by the way, your highness." Said Echo as she moved to stand directly behind Byron. She gave him an awkward hug and ruffled his hair some before pulling out her Cerebral jack. "I certainly wouldn't mind a drink, but what I take doesn't come in a bottle. Tell me, which of them tastes the best?" Said Echo as she glanced about at the six "friends" that were scattered around the room.

"Work comes first though. Phones, tablets, laptops, any other bullshit these kids brought inside. It should only take me a few minutes." She said as she broke the hug and stood back up. The estate had pretty good security measures to prevent against information leaks, but the guards at the front gate don't really get to tell the "Prince" who he can bring inside. Half these kids could be journalists. It was unlikely but a few have slipped in every now and then. Bryon's electronics were always Echo's first stop. She usually had to search for them but she already knew all his passwords and where he was likely to hide the good stuff. Echo's purpose here was dual fold. First, she had to delete messages, pictures, contacts, anything linking Byron to his visitors, and then she could do a bit of data mining. Byron didn't really have any information worth stealing unless it was a good gift idea for his birthday. All his visitors, though, they were all likely to have some juicy bits of data that Echo could collect. Their phones and such did get the same treatment as Byron's. No trace of their visit, or contact with the Dawns. Unless they were packing some high-grade satellite dishes or their own custom transmitters, anything they tried to send out would have been stopped. No messaged got out of the estate without making it past a very strict whitelist. Byron and Echo weren't even on the list. Whatever Byron does out of the mansion is out of Echo's control, but the second he gets past the gate, it is like the night never happened.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Reaver » Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:48 am

"Ah magic!" Razajin said with a chuckle as he sat down on the couch right next to Derek, his shotgun poking out of his jacket as he got comfortable. The boy was certainly charmingly submissive, almost completely docile yet he still wasn't able to pick up on what he was truly after, or maybe he was just being coy, he'd find out soon enough. Razajin's smile widened as he hung his head back, looking at the ceiling as he continued to talk. "Just my two cents but I don't like the reliance on magic that many of the troops are starting to show. Sure it can do amazing things and surpass our own logic but they don't always work." Reasoning as one of his hands went behind Derek's head and slowly started stroking and scratching the back of his ears, sometimes running his fingers along their edges and other times gently dragging his nails against their fur. "Magic is too fickle to win a war with, Bayrios withstanding of course.... You need more tried and true methods for getting an upper-hand." Craning his head towards Derek as his other hand came to rest on top of the wolf-boy's crotch, slowly rubbing his length through the clothes. Razajin wasn't one for providing free pleasure, feeling it was more important for ones he chose to learn and earn it through serving whatever need he required, but he made exceptions once in a while if he believed it'd pay off later and would be moderately amusing.

His hand that had been scratching the ears brought his head closer to his own so he wouldn't have to speak at a normal level, feeling this was a moment to be whispering. "Are you truly going to tell me to stop now?" Staring Derek right in the eyes, daring him to prove him wrong as his hand attempted to slip into his pants and stroke his length. "Because you haven't yet because I think you know better and also want this. Look at our lovely pale messenger over there, about to be jumped on by the guard. You can just tell by the body language; the dominant pose, the stretching of fabric around the crotch, the hungry eyes and the quivering of anticipation. Yes, I think that messenger is about to get something similar to you." Almost growling in Derek's ear by this point as he made him take the scene in while vividly describing what Razajin assumed would come next. "I expect the guard will take her right here in front of us, plunder one of her holes with wild abandon as this euphoric atmosphere fills her with more lusty energy than she knows what to do with. I wonder if our stoic messenger will break into moans, slobbering over her knob like a slut or take it without a single peep. What do you think?" By now, having his fist completely around Derek's cock and slowly pumping it inside of his pants. The time would come for him to repay what Razajin was doing for him tenfold and he'd enjoy every second of him submitting to his desires. For now the scene that was about to play out and toying with the lupine boy would do. The fantasies and wants would become reality in due time..
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:22 pm

Evelynn let out a soft moan of relief as she stretched herself out on the plush interior of the taxi's seats. Finally a quiet moment to take a break.
The previous night had been a rather horrible experience. Being unfamiliar with Passerna, she had actually tried to get a room in some love hotel in the infamous red-light districts of Passerna. No wonder the clerk had looked at her funny when she had requested a room for one. To her eternal embarrassment, the clerk slowly and kindly explained to her where she was and that they didn't offer single rooms in their establishment.
Of course, this was while surrounded with other customers queuing up to book a room. The various gazes of pity directed towards her was enough for her to flush beet-red with embarrassment, quickly uttering an apology before bolting for the door. She had somehow unwittingly ended up deep within the red-light district and now, she had to make the agonizing trek back to normal civilization, if you could still call it that.
She had dressed rather formally for her meeting with Aunt Eleanor and family, but her attire did little to nothing to dissuade the numerous men who approached her looking for a quick fuck.

She had tried explaining at first. Nicely.
That had worked to an extent, till one guy decided to grab her ass while she was rejecting another dude. The offender very quickly learnt the meaning of instant regret. And from there on..well, let's just say that blunt force trauma served two purposes very well; one was a very clear deterrent..while the other was a terrific stress reliever.
Man, she was going to have to pick teeth out of her boot soles after this.
The impromptu "dental plan" she had to offer from time to time was hell on her footwear. And by "dental plan", she meant "curbstomping some moron's jaw in on the sidewalk".
She didn't have much trouble from any of the men who still valued either their pearly whites or their dignity after that fiasco, proceeding out of the district without any further harassment. Accommodation of the non-sexual kind was soon easily found and finally, she had a bed to crash on.

Eve snapped out of her impromptu daydream as the cabbie piped up, trying to start a little chat with his customer.
"Yeah, it is. Just visiting a couple of my aunts and a cousin that I've never seen before."
She drawled lazily from her comfortable position on the plush seats, taking another long drag from her cigarette and exhaling..just as the cabbie stomped on the brakes, bringing the taxi to a jarring halt and nearly tossing Eve off her seat.
"Oi..what the hell was that?"
Eve growled as she straightened up, bringing herself up to a sitting position to glare at the driver. A quick glance through the windscreen of the cab revealed that it wasn't his fault at all, there being a massive clusterfuck of a traffic jam just right outside her checkpoint. She glanced at her terminal for a quick time check. Eight forty A.M. She did say that she would be there at around nine..and this certainly was going to ruin her plans.
"I'll be right back, just gonna see what's the fuss."
The young woman grumbled under her breath as she pushed open the door of the taxi, having half-gotten out of the vehicle when she finally saw the cause of the commotion. There was a girl in a red hooded cloak cradling a badly wounded man in her arms. The soldiers in charge of the checkpoint had halted the flow of traffic while they went to check on the man.
Well, all the other unimportant details aside..was that a giant fucking wolf right next to the girl?
Eve blinked once, twice, then rubbed her eyes for good measure. Nope, Giant Fucking Wolf still there in plain sight.
"What have I been smoking? I swear these don't have hallucinatory properties.."
She grimaced as she retrieved the pack of Stiletto cigarettes from her pocket to inspect. Sure enough, her small hope that she had overlooked some warning label was diminished. Which only meant...that the damn giant wolf was real. Composed of flesh, blood and bone. Just like she was.

Evelynn ducked back into the taxi, slamming the door hard behind her. Yep. No giant wolves for her. That was one line she wasn't going to cross, late for appointment or not.
"So, uh. I'm back. Please tell me giant wolves aren't the norm in Patria? Please?"
A note of pleading was in her voice, as if she wanted the driver just to assure her, lie or not.
She'd never had anything good from dealing with dogs..much less wolves. Eve gave a small shudder at the thought as she thought back to that girl in the red hooded cloak. It had just been for a second..but had she spied a pair of blonde animal ears beneath that crimson cloth? Specifically..those of a wolf's?

"...I'm an atheist..but if there is a God out there? Please don't let my cousin have a gigantic wolf for a pet.."
Eve covered her face with a hand, groaning. How many people had those wolf ears as a trait? It was a tad bit uncommon..but if, just if it was on that off-chance..
No, no. Let's not even think about it and jinx it. A giant wolf was absolutely not something to mess with.
The young woman groaned into her palm again at the thought. For now, she was just going to stay in the taxi and hope the situation resolved itself..and hopefully it would. Canines..they were certainly an animal breed she was scared of.
Just why, she didn't know. Possibly some childhood trauma she had forgotten all about, with only her body remembering the fear it had experienced once..
Sleep unbeknownst to I, this one lives in perpetual need of coffee..
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Firehead » Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:39 pm

Derek shifted away as the seat next to him shifted under Jason's weight. He shivered with a gasp when he felt the merc scratch him behind the ears again. The man definitely knew what he was doing with them. He turned away a bit when Jason called his chosen expertise to be too fickle even though he'd personally dealt with mistakes on occasions, but he wasn't quite sure why he felt so bad to hear the overbearing merc talk down about it. He turned back towards Jason when he felt the hand cover the crotch of his pants. He could even feel the warmth through the fabric. Looking towards the merc Derek felt his ears lay back. He wanted to pull away, but something about Jason left him a feeling of oppression that he couldn't escape. Between the firm grip and the atmosphere he could feel his pants grow tight. Jason would surely take note of it.

"Wh-what are you..." Derek felt another shiver run through him as Jason's voice tickled his ear; the merc having pulled him closer to whisper directly to him. It felt like a dare when Jason gave him the chance to make him stop. All he had to do was say it. Just go ahead and say it. "I want...I wa..." It was no use. He just couldn't seem to will himself to tell the man to stop. Jason seemed all too smug about his inability to make him stop before changing the subject over to the messenger. He turned to see what he was talking about.

A short ways away he could see one of the other passengers talking to the messenger. He hadn't talked to her much but had assumed she was another soldier or maybe a merc like Jason. Jason was right though the two seemed too close together for nothing to be happening. He was a little confused by the comment about her getting something similar until he noticed something in the guard's crotch. While it wasn't unusual for someone to be packing something you wouldn't guess, Derek hadn't met enough he'd been aware of to call it necessarily common. He was reminded of his earlier fantasies about the messenger, but now they consisted of watching the two women together.

Derek was dragged out of his fantasies by the realization that Jason's hand was now entirely around his cock. When had he reached into my pants? Derek felt his embarrassment rise when he realized he had started to hump into the merc's fist. It had to be the atmosphere, he told himself. There's no way he'd let something like this happen otherwise. With a whine in his throat he could only get one word out, "Whyyy?"
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Nicoffee » Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:20 am


Cara, Nola and Gaia

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Arya's smile grew ever wider as she heard Gaia's question. "Oi, you kidding? That's the easy part!" She chuckled, putting her cigarette down into a nearby ashtray to take another sip of her drink. "Once the news that an Edict is going to hit the planet are confirmed, a lot of the forces and the spaceships around the planet will have to move out." She clarified, playing with the glass in her hand. "I mean, they're not going to stick around the planet unless they're suicidal. They KNOW that they can't get through our defenses, so they're just gonna hope that the Edict comes in and solves everything for them. Some forces will remain around, sure," She took another swig. "But they're not going to stick around with the possibility that the planet might go to shit. As soon as they ease up on that, we nail them! ...I also...Have a trick up my sleeve, if need be. But I'd rather keep that one a surprise, for now." She stated, shrugging her shoulders.

"Suffice to say, if it comes to that, we'll show Bayrios he isn't the only one who knows how to blow up stuff. I mean, like that reporter herself said, we're all sitting on large reserves of Promethium, remember? Promethium just so happens to be highly radioactive..." She stated, lighting up another cigarette. "...I'd rather it not come to that. But we'll see."


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Aermis Resolve 86! Resolve LvUp!
Squiddles Resolve 55! Resolve LvUp!

With surprising resolve on your part, as well as Squiddles, both of you managed to suppress the desires that were boiling inside of your body. Squiddles seemed a little reluctant at first, but his obedience over you seemed to have won over his lust, surprisingly. With your focus restored, you proceeded over to meet with the Messenger...Only to find that would be yet another test of your resolve...

Aurora + Aermis + Razajin + Derek
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The messenger shot a weak smile at Aurora's response. "...Perhaps...But I get the feeling that's not the kind of disposable the Overlord was worried about-" She cut herself off as Aurora leaned over her, using the wall for support. The messenger seemed to let out a chuckle, before pressing her finger against the base of the shape of Aurora's shaft, in her clothing. Her index finger pressing tightly against the penile raphe at the bottom, slowly tracing its way up to feel out the glans of Aurora's prick. "Quite excitable, are you? This planet's atmosphere must be really getting to you." She cooed, before nonchalantly undoing whatever covers Aurora's sex still bore. Once the guard's prick had been undone and let out for all to see, she would get to work, she seemed to be about to reach up with her hands to Aurora's cock, but then realized she was still wearing large, heavy, plated gauntlets, so she held herself back. After a moment of thought, instead of removing the gauntlets, she just instead grabbed Aurora by the thighs and pulled her against herself, opening up her mouth to immediately receive the guard's prick right down to her throat.

By the time Aermis walked into the room, she was met with two things, one was the Messenger and Aurora, off to the side, with the Messenger grabbing Aurora by the thighs and repeatedly pulling her against herself, quite literally making the woman give her a quite rowdy face-fuck, with each thrust, loud, wet noises escaped from the edges of her mouth as her cheeks puffed up full of prick, her tongue partially rolling out when it wasn't trying to lick up Aurora's shaft, a thin line of drool beginning to form its way down the Messenger's cheek. Off to the side, Razajin and Derek were off on their fondling while dutifully making a show out of the Messenger and the Guard.

Just then, Gordin, the guy who had been piloting the ship, came in, too, looking down at a small digital pad. "Hey guys, I put the ship on autopilot, so we'll be landing soon, you just need to ho-LY SHIT." He backed off from the room immediately after seeing what he was walking into, closing the door back into the pilot's cabin behind him.


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The soldier seemed to blink several times, before realization hit her. "W-Wait...A clinic in the middle of- Oh! Y-You must be that "Angel" I heard about then!" The soldier seemed to state, her eyes gleaming slightly. Huh, guess the stories about you amidst the soldiers must've gotten a bit over the top as it went from person to person...Well, what are you gonna do? "I barely believed you existed, actually...Though I kind of expected you to be a bit...Taller." She mumbled, looking you up and down, her eyes kind of locking on your lower "assets" for probably a bit longer than they needed to, the fact her cocks twitched a bit as she was looking didn't help much.

"...The physical descriptions fit what I heard though." She mumbled, rubbing her chin, before realization hit her, also her own palm, against her face. "O-Oh, right! U-uhm, thank you so much for your help, Angel- I mean, Lyalah, I mean, Miss Lyalah." She mumbled, joining her hands in front of her in a apologetical gesture. "I'm Rol. I am a pilot, for the O-Overlord's forces and..." Despite the fact she had been talking to you all this time, her hands seemed to slowly wander off to grab her own dual pricks as she talked and she was absent mindedly stroking both of them right now, one in each hand. When she caught herself doing so, she stopped and slapped both of her hands on the sides of the bed. "F-Fucking hell...S-Sorry about that. This planet's atmosphere has been really getting me a bit too hard...I mean, hitting me too hard." She stated, shaking her head some. "...U-Uhm, is there any way I can...Repay you?" She seemed to question, a curious glint in her eyes telling you she had heard about how you handled some of your patients.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Byron shrugged his shoulders some in response. "One step ahead of you this time, I had them drop their phones over there when the fun stuff started." He stated, nodding over to a small table off to the side were a bunch of cellphones were piled up together. He yawned, stretching his arms up together as the girl below continued to do her things, just now getting a mouthful from Byron himself as the stretch he just did seemed to have been more than just for relaxation. "Her name's Cindy, I just met her today at the party, she's an AMAZING gal, isn't that right, Cindy?" The girl didn't respond, seeming to instead be heading over to grab her clothes. As she heard you questioning about the taste thing, he grinned widely. "What we talking about, which of THEM tastes better or which of the drinks tastes better?" He teased, sticking a tongue out.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vh6_f-D_pjU/U-KnR32IoNI/AAAAAAAAKJ4/TkmDt1eJrPw/s1600/sexy+sci+fi+babe+female+poster+drawing+curves+curvy+futuristic+busty+boobs+breasts+thick+new+mass+effect+commander+shepherd+concept+art+2099_by_chuck_pires+art.jpg%20 - "Cindy"

Regardless, you went over to check the phones and what not of all the other guests. One of the guys was actually a journalist, oh, it was that one guy passed out by the door. You cleaned up what you needed for him in a second, apparently he began drinking before even the good stuff started and got himself wasted. That's dedication to the job for you. The others went quite smoothly, too, quick clean-ups, done in a few seconds, their devices barely protected at all. Until you got to this Cindy's phone. When you went to try and unlock it, you found it wasn't just locked, it was encrypted, high-security stuff, this isn't the kind of stuff that-

"Drop the phone and kick it over to me." She heard a voice behind her, as Echo turned around, she found that Cindy had pulled out a hold-out pistol from her clothing and was currently with the thing right next to Byron's head, who was sweating nervously. "H-Hey now, Cindy, no need for this, we were having such a great time-"

"Shut up." She demanded, nearly sinking the pistol's muzzle into Byron's skull, her eyes shifted back to you. "...The phone, now. I'm not asking again." She warned, squinting her eyes at you. Well, today just got complicated. You had your weapons on you, but if you were to try anything...You'd have to be quick and precise. Alternatively, you could try to defuse this with talking...

Annaliese + Evelynn

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Annaliese Finesse 52! Finesse LvUp!

The guard seemed to ease up, his hand drifting off his taser as he instead nodded at what you said, as if agreeing. "Uh...Yeah, you're right!" He replied, nodding towards before he assisted in getting Ulrich off of Grimm and onto his own shoulders. "Hey! Get a doctor over here, right now!" He shouted, over at the soldier by the checkpoint, who nodded in response and pulled out his phone, seemingly beginning to dial up for help. On his way over, her walked by a small cabin close to the checkpoint and gave a kick on the door. "SHANE! QUIT JACKING OFF IN THERE AND GET TO WORK." He shouted, the entire cabin shaking slightly after the kick, before the man with the pistol began to actually talk to someone on his side of the phone, calling for medical assistance, no doubt. The third guard, who had been missing, slowly came out of the cabin, fixing up his pants slightly with an angry grumble as he made his way to the checkpoint.

Meanwhile, the cab driver watched Evelynn with a confused glance, looking at the wolf, then back at her. "Well, depends on the region, really. Patria's full of a bunch of different stuff, being a single-continent planet and all, our wildlife tends to be pretty varied, though generally common along the entire planet- Oh, here he comes. Just tell him what you told me and show your ID, these soldiers scare the shit out of me."

As the guard took up the position of the one who had been previously at the checkpoint, he got to promptly speaking up to the first person in line, that was Evelynn in her cab. He glanced over the driver, who had almost immediately just slapped his credentials onto the window the moment the guard had gotten close. The soldier seemed to scan over it quickly with his eyes before he walked over to the passenger's seat, knocking on the window a few times and quickly getting the cab's driver to lower the windows for you. The soldier glanced inside, glaring directly at Evelynn. The standard helm of Bayrios's soldiers was basically a jet black reinforced visor, staring down at it awarded nothing but one's own reflection, most of the time. Every now and then, some soldiers customized their helmets, added paintings or decorations on top of the visor, though such "fashion" was usually frowned upon by superiors.

At any rate, Evelynn was now faced with a clean reflection of her own face as the soldier stuck his head inside the cab to glare at her. "...What are you heading out for? This spot is usually quiet, only the farmers and country folk come in and out...And you don't look like either." He stated, laying his arms against the frame of the car. "...I'm gonna want you to-"

He was cut off as the other guard, the one who had been on the phone, came yelling. "For FUCK'S sake Shane! I was on the phone this whole time and you still didn't get a single car through? Do you think we got the entire god damn morning? I want to see the Edict being declared, you shit, get on with it!" The guard grumbled, annoyed before he just backed off from the cab. "...Fine, whatever, get moving." He stated, waving his hand off to your driver, who quickly took the cue to just drive off past the checkpoint and towards your destination.

"So, I can't exactly take you the whole way." He began. "There's a big forest further into that region and...Well, wheels aren't exactly made for dirt, yeah? But I can drop you off at the closest road, if that works for you." He explained, the car trudging along the road, now outside Passerna's limits. The cab drove by Annaliese and her wolf as it went by, and, practically second after it crossed them, Annaliese was received with a loud 'beep', announcing she had received a text message on her phone.

"Your cousin is on Patria. Be a dear and pick her up before she gets lost, will you? She should be by the forest's entrance. ~Auntie."
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby CondorBoH » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:42 am

The guard had a cocky smile as her length was felt up, it hardening just a bit more underneath the touch. This atmosphere... she could get used to it. Then again, best to keep in mind every other planet isn't like this. Getting used to the atmosphere's effects would mean having to adapt when it was gone.
Once her pants were popped, Aurora's penis flopped free. It was the same shade as the rest of her body, with a subtle blue tinge that matched her excuse for blood. Not quite a standard dick when it came to colour, but normal human when it came to shape.
"We should probably pause to get you out of tho- Oooh! That'll... That'll do."
Any reservations Aurora had towards the Messenger went out the window as soon as her dick touched the pale woman's lips. She had expected something more... reserved. Not the intense force she felt from the Messenger pushing her thighs. Damn... once this whole mess was done with, Aurora would have to get the girl's number.
The guard put out one arm to steady herself on the wall, the other going to Miss Messenger's head to give her some... help in the face fucking. Once she got a rhythm down, Aurora would start to thrust her hips back and forth, let the pale woman have the rough time she wanted.

If anything, the sudden appearance of Gordin and the realization that they were putting on a show made Aurora just the mite bit stiffer. Miss Messenger would probably notice the twitch considering the amount of cock in her throat. With a lack of grace, Aurora would try to bring her steadying hand off of the wall to touch the device in her ear. The joys of being a cyborg...
If she focused... or well, could focus considering what was going on down below, she could open a com-link to their pilot.
"Sorry, Captain just... just give us the details. Landing soon. We just need to... ah... hm, we just need to what now?"
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby cliffracer » Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:24 pm

Lyalah couldn't help but flash her teeth as she grins, very pleased with how easily recognizable she was given the right information. She was proud of herself, to her it was one of the unintentional thank-yous people gave her. Not too well-known, but even more important than a movie star... The quick scan of her body resulting in a good lower look didn't go unappreciated either, even getting a little chuckle out of Lyalah at her comment about the 'physical descriptions'. She stands up straight as Rol introduces herself properly, understandably getting a smug expression as the pilot can't help herself from masturbating for a short moment.

"Just 'Lyalah' is fine, Rol. If you'd like to start repaying me, I think I have a couple ideas." She steps closer, resting her hand on Rol's thigh, perhaps a little close to her two cocks. "You can start by admitting you'll need a little help with relieving yourself. And when you do..." She traces a finger along the bottom of one of the cocks before taking a step back. She rolls up her skirt to put her ass on full display, barely made modest by lacy black panties, and leans back over the hospital bed. "...I'd be more than happy to assist with that. I've always liked this way more than just jumping on my patients."
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Yana » Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:23 am

"Thank you!" Annaliese sniffled. She was already getting tired of this.

The girl handed her victim off to the puzzled soldier, keeping a token grip on his bloody buddy to maintain her deception. It was important to swerve around the cops, but not enough so to lug around a grabby twit in heavy armour bleeding all over her favourite waistcoat. She plugged up the waterworks as soon as the guard turned around, affecting some weak sobs to and fro while she scoped around the checkpoint. The other guy got busy with his phone and the third musketeer stumbled out of a cabin to fill in for his friend while the bystanders buzzed with concern and confusion. Annaliese bit her cheek - things were gonna get uncomfortable if she stuck around, because these guys were gonna have questions her plan couldn't survive. She peeked over her shoulder to Grim; the wolf's ears twitched inquisitively and Anna shrugged with her eyebrows.

Oh yeah, she could book it. But these guys would be trouble if she ever met them again, and that was counting on the average grunt being too lazy to pass this up the chain of command. Equally as possible was this guy squawking and all of a sudden she'd have gunships and patrols in her front yard out to deliver a spanking to a missy with a red cloak and a shotgun who had been going around shooting brave, celibate servants of Bayrios. That wouldn't make Aunt Elen happy - trivial as it would be for her to snuff it out, she didn't like cleaning up her niece's messes and she certainly never skimped on her punishments for being irresponsible. Deep in her chest, Annaliese felt a small pang of empathy for her victim: having your body turned inside out was a good analogy for the misery of having your mouth washed out with a Patrian oni pepper for swearing in front of your aunt.

As she mulled the incoming dilemma, Grim took an unforeseen interest in the city air. The wolf perked up, his eyes and ears swiveling as he scoped out the checkpoint like he'd caught the scent of a rabbit. He was agitated enough trying to stay in place while his master walked off, and whatever he'd tasted in the wind had him practically shaking with interest. He eventually settled on a red car - a lone Passernan taxi - stuck in the queue while the soldiers tied themselves up dealing with the trouble Anna had dunked them in. His yellow eyes bored through the tinted glass of the vehicle, his tongue dripping with warm saliva as the attendant soldier waved it through after some angry shouting. The wolf's look seemed to glaze over and drift away.

The moment the red car rumbled past, Grim's head snapped to the side with alarming speed, his void-like pupils narrowed on the backseat window. A puff of his hot breath fogged the glass, and he watched it roll away with unceasing focus. He stood up.

Anna's nose wiggled. A sweet, acrid scent had whisked through the air - cig smoke. Smelled like Stilettos, actually. Who the heck could afford those with Patria's imports blockaded? Her phone buzzed, and in checking her texts she frowned over its cracked screen.


"Eve?!" Annaliese gasped. The girl had no idea her auntie even owned a phone, but Eve! Her older cousin was on Patria. A lightning bolt of alarm and excitement leapt through Anna's heart.

Annaliese had never met Evelynn (much less spoken to her) but every year during the holidays Mom would gather them all up to take pictures to send off to her Uncle Matthias and Aunt Sofia, who lived in another system on Ainheim IV. If Anna was lucky, they'd even get one back of her cousin Eve - pretty and tough looking, with enviable black hair and determined red eyes that faintly reminded Anna of Aunt Elen. In the last four or five years that hadn't happened, but apparently she'd been terrifically busy with school; her cousin was something of a genius, Anna understood, and was aiming for a career with the police or the military. A few times a year they'd sling a few messages back and forth on the Extranet, and while they were brief, Annaliese was always gleeful to share herself with her sole cousin. If she had one frustration about her life on Patria, it was that she never had a brother or sister to grow up with.

She'd planned to save up for a trip to Ainheim sometime in the next few years, life permitting. Mom was the best, Dad was awesome, Grim was Grim and she knew Aunt Elen really cared for her, but...

Oh, heck. I gotta go now. Annaliese decided immediately. If Evelynn was trying to find their house from Passerna, she could be here right now! The hooded girl stuffed her phone away and cocked her head up to get in her victim's ear.

"Listen... I gotta run. I know you're gonna wanna take me down, but..." Annaliese whispered, pausing to double check on the other soldiers.

"...You don't wanna do that, right? 'Cause I think we both know abandoning your post to wander off for a quickie is a capital offence in the Overlord's army, 'specially when Venus is cracking down on disobedience and it made you get your ass beat by a little girl. But you knoooooow..." Annaliese cocked an eyebrow, a suggestive grin slipping onto her face.

"Getting shot fighting off a Homeland ambush would make anyone look badass. They might get a medal... maybe a promotion. And all they'd have to is sit back on medical leave and soak up some cute nurses in the hospital!" she said.

With one swift movement, Annaliese leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, flicking his nose playfully - if not condescendingly.

"Not a bad deal, right? Later, babe." she grinned, and gracefully ducked out - quickly and quietly enough, she hoped, that none of the soldiers would notice. To her surprise, Grim was already tense and at the ready, having stood up to monitor a solitary red car that'd taken off down the road. Passernan taxi?

Annaliese swiftly jumped onto his back, avoiding the splotch of blood.

"All right bub, change of plans. We're gonna go look for- whoa!"

With staggering suddenness Grim lunged down the road, nearly sending the girl flying off his back. She yelped in surprise, throwing her hand forward to seize his enormous bright green collar. Droplets of saliva sailed past on either side as the gigantic wolf rocketed down the road, leaving the checkpoint in the dust within a heartbeat.

"Griiiiiiiiiiim! W-T-F! Someone could see up my skirt!" she yelled over the wind, struggling to haul herself back onto his shoulders. No dice - the dog charged forward. She was darned lucky her basket was safely around the crook of her arm.

Finally seating herself, Anna squinted to filter out the stinging wind.

"What's the big deal?!" she demanded, fastening her cloak. This road out of Passerna was always tame, but just ahead, a red shape was pulling into view - that Passernan taxi from just before? Anna remained confused until Grim suddenly gunned forward, closing in on the small red car second by second. That made her twice as confused. Grim grew out of chasing cars years ago, when he turned to chasing tanks and transport trucks.

He barked excitedly.

"What's up with that car? Is something wrong with it?" she asked. Grim barked again.

Even with the speed limit being lax on these country roads the taxi lost all its ground to the giant wolf in less than a minute, the enormous wake of dust probably occupying the driver's mirrors by now. He snorted, obviously annoyed by the smelly exhaust. His tongue lolled freely out of his mouth, saliva flying in the wind. Anna dodged a few globules.

"I don't understand! We need to look for-" Annaliese's efforts to reason with the dumb dog were cut short by the bear trap-esque snapping of his jaws. The small ornament on the trunk of the taxi was suddenly sheared off, with Grim now being nose to bumper with his target.

"Whoa, whoa! All right! I dunno what your deal is, but I'll get him to stop, so just... stop that!" she said. Grim barked in the affirmative and Annaliese leaned off his side, keeping one hand securely dug into his fur while she waved frantically at the driver's side of the car.

"Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy! Please stop! Before my dog destroys your car! I'm really sorry!" she shouted.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Reaver » Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:40 am

"Because the betas will always serve the alphas." Razajin said calmly in response to Derek's cry for reason even as the wolf-boy thrusted into his tight fist every few seconds. His face however betrayed any sense of normalcy his voice could have conveyed as a wicked grin was stretched across and his eyes were wide with excitement and want. He had no doubts that without the atmosphere it would have been unlikely that the soldier would have capitulated as easily, if at all but the potential had definitely always been there. The perfect mix of timidness, fear, submissiveness and probable sexual inexperience that allowed a man like Razajin to utterly dominate him on the first encounter when a potent exposure to lust was added. "It's okay to submit.... It's okay to give into your lust...." He told him in a low voice as his thumb slowly traced the head of Derek's cock before dragging down the underside of his shaft. "Most importantly, it's okay to serve those above you. It's the natural order of things after all." Knowing the double-meaning of being more dominant and outranking him would be lost on him for now. He continued to slowly pet him on the head as he expertly stroked him off, using the same technique he had taught many of his former victims and pets. It was meant to get them off as quickly as possible but not be as fulfilling of a climax, leaving them yearning for something more which would allow Razajin to dictate the terms of a full release.

"I could tell the instant I walked into the room that I could get you into this position and this isn't even going to be the most lewd thing that I do to you by a long-shot." He told Derek with amusement clear in his voice. "In fact I think its time you repay me for providing you with this kindness and match your lovely messenger in enthusiasm." Enthusiasm was probably the wrong word as she still seemed to be as emotionless as before. Maybe professionalism was closer since from the sound and looks of things she was giving an A1 blowjob. It seemed she had opted to use no hands and plenty of spit and drool, something Razajin greatly approved of since she wasn't gagging and was still remembering to use her tongue. "I doubt you'll be able to match her in technique so try to make up for it in youthful energy and eagerness." Giving Derek a few words of advice as he unbuckled his pants, unzipped them and pulled his cock out. It was already quite hard, a little past eight inches with some room to keep going, something he made sure Derek could see by holding him by the back of the head and forcing him close to it until his thick shaft was pressing up against his nose. "I'd suggest starting now, you wouldn't want anyone else to see you sucking my cock, especially once we land because if you aren't done by then, then you'll just have to get me off outside of the ship." Setting an ultimatum with a cruel twinkle in his eye. He even slowed down the tempo he was using on the lupine soldier to ensure he wouldn't be getting off before he actually got down to business.

The wolf-boy was probably already mortified that the pilot had saw him squirming under his grasp, so the threat of possibly having to finish him off outside of the ship where more might see would more than likely be strong motivator for him to appease here and now. Although that wouldn't stop Razajin from constantly pushing his boundaries later on and using him for whatever he wanted. Which right now was giving head while he tried talking to the other woman who had just walked into the room, the purple-haired waif. He still didn't want to learn everything about her by talking directly to her but some small talk wouldn't hurt if she wasn't in a mood to help his latest pet satisfy his lusts, he was pretty sure her name was Aermis too. "Hi, I'm Jason, a mercenary for hire." Giving her an amused tone and easy-going smile as he introduced himself. "Don't mind the beta in my lap, I'm just teaching him some essentials, the poor thing can barely handle himself in this atmosphere so far." Patting Derek on the head rather condescendingly before patting an empty spot on the couch next to him. "I doubt you'll get much conversation out of the two over there." Gesturing towards the Messenger and the guard. "But I'd be willing to talk for a bit if your mind isn't focused on other things yet....." Giving her an obvious look-over of her entire body before winking her way.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby lilbooth » Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:52 am

"OK?" Said Echo in a confused tone as she gently placed the phone on the ground and tried to kick it across the floor to her. "What is this all about Cindy?" Asked Echo as she stared down the girl. "I know my cousin can be a dick but killing him? For what? Revenge or some shit. Whatever it is you want we can work it out alright? " She continued gesturing between herself and the gun wielding young women. Echo was eager to know her end game. There was only one way off the estate, and she would certainly be killed if she shot either Byron or Echo. It was unlikely she could make it out at all with her possessions. Echo was skeptical but interested, she had a cute grin on her face that she attempted to hide as quickly as it came about.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Meep Meepersons » Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:39 am

Nola sips her drink, holding the glass gingerly with her armored fingers. "Sounds to me like the edicts have a lot of loopholes if it's as easy as you say to duck them..." She says, muttering the last bit as she extends her lips to sip from the edge of her glass. She remained silent after her comment, listening to everyone talk over this so-called plan her leader had concocted. However when she mentioned the explodable radioactive substance she'd spent the larger portion of her adult life mining, she turned on her stool and looked more directly at the groups leader. "I really hope so Arya, messing around with that stuff is no joke, just ask my buddy from mine #23, he started growing some extra parts, and not the fun kind either...." She says, once again quieting and muttering the last bit to take a sip from her glass, the fruity beverage obviously more important to her then her own words at the current moment in time. She only paused her tentative sips for a moment to look over once again at the two fucking off to the side. Unlike the rest of the group in the bar, she wasn't all that heavily effected by the scene considering she grew up around it. The mine she worked in was called the Moaning Mines, not because it was haunted or anything, but because there was always echoes of someone fucking somewhere within them. The moans from co-workers fucking would echo throughout it, all the way out the entrance even on particularly randy nights. "Hopefully the edict wont call for us handing you over by name Arya, that'd be pretty hard to weasel out of...." Another muttering sip.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Firehead » Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:19 am

Derek felt himself shiver at the firm way Jason said those words. They brokered no argument for the young man as he continued to be manhandled by the mercenary. Looking to Jason's face for any sign of mercy gave him nothing. The predatory gaze of the older man instead seemed to make him even less able to resist what was going on even as his body trembled. He had no choice but to listen as started telling him it was okay to submit to serve his better. A sharp gasp escaped Derek's throat as his cock was played with further. A trembling hand rested on the merc's chest though it was hard to tell if he was trying to push the man away or simply hold onto him as his body was toyed with further. It was clear he wasn't the first person Jason had done this to with the expert way he made Derek fell less like a man and more like a weak and helpless boy with no hope of defending himself.

Derek found himself wondering just how far the merc was planning to take this when he spoke of more lewd things to come. He could probably guess at a few of the things that could happen, but he just didn't want to admit it to himself. He was reminded of the messenger and the guard getting started on some fun of their own as he was told he would be doing the same. His gaze drawn to the messenger slobbering on the Guard's cock kept him distracted until Jason whipped out his cock. His ears laid back and his tail tucked behind him as the member came out into view. He barely managed to bite his lip to suppress the shout of surprise when his nose was soon being forcefully pressed against the sizeable member. He stared in terror of the dick held up to his face, but even worse was what would happen if he failed to please Jason. Derek didn't know him well, but he didn't think the man was into idle threats. A whine was drawn from his throat when the stroking of his own smaller cock was slowed to a crawl making it clear he wouldn't be having his own completion until Jason was good and ready.

Realizing there wasn't any way out of this he had no choice but to submit to the man's demands. He barely even noticed the pilot come and go only hearing the door to the cockpit slam shut. Deciding he would face a lot worse if he didn't do this he hesitantly stuck out his tongue touching it against the dick standing proudly before him. Screwing his face up at the taste he realized this wasn't going to be easy. He was just going to have to get it over with like pulling off a band-aid, and so Derek screwed his eyes shut before opening his mouth and just taking the head of Jason's dick into his mouth as quick as he could. Holding it there Derek found himself hesitating as if he expected something to happen on its own now, but that wasn't the case, and they were getting ever closer to the dreaded landing. Pulling himself back he began to bob his head along the dick while trying to touch it as little as possible with his tongue. His cheeks turned absolutely crimson when Jason began starting a conversation with his cock in Derek's mouth. He couldn't believe what he was being put through, and yet due to the atmosphere his cock was still hard under the merc's grip. As he pushed himself down another time he felt the pat to his head catching him off guard he lowered himself more than he intended to and soon found himself gagging on Jason's dick. In shock he tried to pull himself off of Jason while he tried to get control of his gagging.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:51 pm

Evelynn sighed audibly, returning her attention back to the situation at hand. Fortunately, the situation at the checkpoint seemed to be solving itself without much of a hubbub. The girl gave her mobile a lazy glance for the time. 8.50. Well, it didn't seem likely that she was going to make it there by nine. Pity. She would've liked to be punctual, especially on such an important first meeting.
Well, nothing much she could do about it. Hopefully Aunt Eleanor wasn't a diehard stickler for punctuality. Looking up to the taxi driver as he launched into an explanation about Patrian wildlife, Eve nearly sighed out loud again. So giant wolves WERE the norm. Good gracious..
"So we're in Big Bad Wolf central? Loving this planet already.."
She shook her head at the driver's words, moving a hand over to her mobile to bring up her personal credentials for the approaching guard to inspect. And yes, she could hear the other guard's annoyed yell even from inside the car. Don't jerk off too much now, Shane..

She held up her mobile to the window just as the driver had done, letting Soldier Shane inspect her credentials openly. Hopefully it would just be done with th- Great, now what? Shane was tapping on the glass, gesturing for the driver to lower the windows for him.
"Can I help you, officer?"
Evelynn inquired, forcing as pleasant of a smile as she could. This day was going just great, wasn't it? What did this mouthbreather want?
"Well, said country folk or farmers may have relatives visiting them from time to time, right? I just happen to be one of those relatives."
Her explanation was promptly ignored by the soldier.
Eve closed her eyes, exhaling deeply. Patience, Eve. Patience. Not much use in making enemies out of the soldiers right now by giving Shane an impromptu dental treatment. Plus digging teeth out of her boots was frankly, utterly disgusting. You would think people in this day and age would brush their teeth often..
Thankfully, another annoyed yell stopped the soldier right in the middle of ordering her out of the taxi for a more thorough inspection.

Finally done and over with, good gracious..

"Is that typical of these guards? Just leaving the city needs gets you searched and inspected thorough, whatever they do?"
The girl's brow furrowed into a frown as she pondered out loud. The soldier's reason had been that she didn't look like either a farmer or someone from the country. That wasn't really a good reason to stop traffic to haul her aside for an inspection..were they on the lookout for rebel sympathizers, possibly the rebels themselves if they were THAT stupid enough to take a taxi through a checkpoint? She shook her head with a short sigh, wiping the frown from her expression. Not too much use in thinking too deeply about this.
She would cooperate with the soldiers if they wanted anything just to keep life simple, but there was obviously no need to go out of her way to assist them. Who knew? Perhaps there were rebels in the forests surrounding Passerna?
The taxi sped past both giant wolf and checkpoint in a jiffy, both driver and passenger obviously not wanting to spend a second longer with the guards and wolf respectively. Cabbie piped up as they drove, informing her that he wasn't able to take her for the entire distance. Something about the tires not doing so well on dirt roads..
"Walk...? Ugh..I can pay you extra if you go the whole way. C'mon, mister. I don't wanna get lost in the forest and possibly devoured by giant wolves. My blood'll be on your hands! Indirectly."
Eve broke into a rare smile as she teased the driver. It would've been great if he could've taken her the whole way..but judging from how the vehicle lurched and rattled everytime they hit a stone on this road..well, she didn't much fancy the journey on a dirt road with this vehicle. That would suck..
"Just joking. Drop me off as nearby as you can, kay?"
She shrugged, lifting a hand to her pocket to rummage for her cigarette case. She drew out a slim, black leather case with the initials E.G embossed in silver upon it. A gift from Mom..slightly ironic, given how much she hated her smoking habits. Selecting another Stiletto from the various brands held within the leather case, she lit it with the built-in lighter on the side of the case, a handy little gadget. No more losing lighters and agonizing over not having a light..

Eve took a long, calming drag of the Stiletto, angling her face to glance out the window as she exhaled the smoke out of the vehicle. And that's when she saw the giant wolf, the very same goddamned beast. It even had that girl riding atop it..or hanging on for dear life, rather.
She blinked once, twice, then repeated the routine of rubbing her eyes and remembering that the Stilettos didn't have hallucinogenic properties. Deja Vu.
"..Cabbie, are giant wolves in the habit of chasing red cars?"
Evelynn smiled sweetly at the man, as if a giant wall of toothy death wasn't kicking up a furious storm of dust on it's way towards them. She glanced back at the gigantic wolf and then back to the driver. Somehow the wolf was much, much closer than it had been just five seconds ago.
She puffed away at the Stiletto furiously. If this was going to be her last cigarette, she was damn well going to finish it. As if on cue, the loud grating sound of enamel upon metal forced Eve to glare back out the rear window.
Rest in peace, trunk ornament. You were in bad taste, anyway. Much more important though, Giant Wolf was now in eating range of the taxi.
"Stop the taxi before it gets eaten! Do the wolves here eat cars?! Good gracious!"
She yelled at the driver, banging on the back of his seat with a hand till she had him bring the taxi to a screeching halt.

Thanking whatever higher authority that the wolf had temporarily stopped eating the taxi long enough for it to stop, Eve took the as long a pull from the cigarette as humanly possible, trying to steel her nerves for this meeting. She was about to get in very close proximity with a wolf the size of a minivan. It could figuratively and very literally, "wolf" her down. Ah, let's not think about worst case scenarios just yet.
Despite being on the brink of panic-induced decision making, she did still have the presence of mind to consider one option..

That the girl riding atop the beast was Annaliese Graele. Daughter of Charlotte Graele, niece to Eleanor Graele..and of course, her cousin.
Evelynn glared at her shaking hands and knees, willing them to stop trembling. Time to go.
The sound of tugging at the car's door handle almost sounded like the executioner's axe as she pushed the door open, stepping out before both girl and wolf.
Gods, the wolf seemed so much more massive from this close..
She gave the remaining half of the Stiletto a meaningful glance, then back to the red-hooded girl and the wolf.

"..Can I at least finish smoking my last cigarette before your wolf eats both me, the driver and the taxi?"
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Nobudi » Wed Dec 28, 2016 9:51 pm

Aermis almost audibly sighed in relief as the atmosphere stopped making her horny. Looks like Squiddles fell into line as well. Good, good. There was a better chance that she wouldn't be distracted by the atmosphere if push came to shove. She had to move slowly, to acclimate to her new surroundings. Having Squiddles follow her, she went in search of the messenger. Only to find the messenger with a large cock in her throat. Which belonged to the security of the ship. And the other soldier was apparently being forced to a rather cheery Jason. He was a bit too casual for such an atmosphere, wasn't he? Gordon, the pilot, was gaping at such a scene as she entered in. When a few of Squiddles' tentacles landed on her shoulders, it seem that this was the straw that broke the camel's back, causing him to flee back into the cockpit.

Her hand met her forehead in a meaty smack, and she grumbled under her breath, ignoring the signing from Jason to sit next to him in this madness.
"C'mon Squiddles," she growled, turning around to the tentacle beast. "We're headed to the pantry. Let's go get you fed." There, she was planning on using the comms to contact her superiors for further instruction, if only to clarify the nature of her mission being here, of all places.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Yana » Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:34 am

With Grim slavering against the taxi's bumper, Annaliese watched tensely as two figures stirred in debate behind the tinted window - probably drinking in the absurdity of their plight and weighing whether to hit the gas or swerve off the road to escape her ravenous hound. Whatever their conversation, Anna observed it end with a smack from the shape in the backseat and immediate realisation compelled her to yank hard on Grim's scruff. They were too close!

"Stop, stop, stop! Quick!" she shouted. The metallic wail of the taxi's brakes cut her off before the wolf had a chance to process, and the fleeing red car bounded back towards them amidst flying pebbles and the smell of hot rubber. Being too near and clumsy to do anything other than what his instincts commanded, Grim tensed and dug his massive hindpaws into the dirt, whisking the breath out of Anna's lungs as he skidded down the trail on his backside in an effort to lose speed that - just barely - spared them the worst of a collision: The taxi ground to a curt stop some distance ahead, leaving the wolf to sail uncontrollably and unceremoniously into its bumper. Anna braced herself against his back and winced.

Grim's front paws smashed through the trunk with resounding thunder, caving in the metal like paper and rocking the taxi on its axles so wildly that the rear window shattered and the horn squeaked in pain. The impact mercifully soaked up the dog's momentum, and he trailed to a stop with his feet lodged ruinously in the flooring. Anna reluctantly opened her eyes, poking her head up to double check that Grim hadn't set off a fiery explosion that sent them all to the afterlife. The wolf shifted awkwardly as he excised his paws to the squealing protests of the metal, giving the taxi's suspension a good workout. With some struggle Grim freed himself, taking little care to avoid smacking the taxi around as he disembarked.

Surveying the damage, Anna gaped with embarrassment.

"Oh... goodness." she said. The bumper clanked to the ground.

Grim's sheer weight had rendered the back end of the taxi almost fully concave - a crumpled mess of wrinkled metal and fabric literally punctuated by two massive parallel wounds through which the road could be seen. What remained of the rear window sparkled in the morning sun - good thing it was safety glass.

"Grim, what did you do? Cripes!" Anna sighed, hastily sliding off his back. The wolf yipped and snorted in agitation, his excitement only briefly disrupted by the collision and his health no worse for wear; it was rare for a car to take him on and win.

"Sorry about that! You guys okay?" she called out, dropping her basket in the dirt.

"See? Look at the mess you made, you dingus!" she said, scowling and leveling a disappointed finger at the taxi. As if automatically, Grim's ear tips folded in and he whined in apology.

"Hey, don't even try that on me. I'm gonna... blast you with the hose when we get home! Sit down." she said. He whimpered further, but complied. That was actually a mercy, given that Anna had no interest in letting her aunt hear about this. As Anna wiped her face with her kerchief and walked over to lend a hand, the rear door creaked open and out stepped a... dark-haired young woman, minding a cigarette. She had been sitting in the backseat, but was unhurt - obviously sore and dazed, but... hold on. Grim quivered with excitement. The door fell off its hinges and clunked into the dirt.

"Stay there!" Anna commanded. The wolf's tail wagged excitedly - he couldn't take his eyes off the woman: lithe and around her own height, dressed on the formal side. Obviously hiding a weapon.

Anna paused.

Her eyes were a deep and unusual crimson. They glinted with maturity and emotional experience, and yet she didn't look much older than herself; two, three years maybe. She stood steady and upright, too - the kind of collected posture typical of a soldier or a cop. Dad was exactly the same way.

Was this...?

"Oh my goodness, Ev-" Anna was immediately silenced by a loud, happy bark. Grim sprang to his feet, tail whipping sidelong in a dust-kicking frenzy. Anna raised a hand to order him down, but it was too late for the dark-haired woman - the wolf lunged forward, slobbering tongue lolling about with lethal intent.

"Wait, Grim!"

With dizzying speed, the gigantic wolf tackled the young woman head on, if not just startling her so that she tripped onto her back, and wasted no time securing himself above her - smelly, foggy breath and droplets of saliva bearing down on her face - to begin the inevitable assault. Yipping and whining excitedly, Grim slammed his tongue into the dark-haired woman's cheek like a sledgehammer to drywall and licked, glazing her with warm saliva from neck to crown. He lashed her twice and thrice - again and again - blindly pulverising anything he could get his tongue on as he snorted and huffed eagerly.

Seemingly egged on by her sputtering for breath, the wolf moved on to destroying her hairstyle, licking around her ears and the top of her head in a precise, salivating assault that quickly pried loose the hairband on top of her head... setting free two furry black wolf ears. Grim went mad, whinging loudly and folding onto his belly to lie atop her and keep her from moving from the waist down. He nuzzled her messily.

The gaping Annaliese, so fascinated and confused by Grim's reaction that she needed a moment to gawk, blinked to clear her mind.

"Gr-Grim! S-sto-... stop that! What are you d-doing?" Annaliese commanded, barely restraining laughter. While another person might ask why Grim would ever react this way to a stranger, to Anna, this was all the proof she needed - he wouldn't.

This was family.

Watching the young woman twitch and struggle beneath the wolf's furry mass, Anna's cheeks flushed with sympathy and embarrassment.

"All right, all right! That's... that's enough! Off, off. You got her." she laughed, skipping over to help. Anna pinched Grim on the shoulder.

"Away." she said. The enormous wolf snorted and slowly lumbered off his victim, taking a seat adjacent. His tail continued to whack the dirt - the dog looked to be having an internal struggle over obeying his master's commands. Annaliese, finally getting a look at what he'd wrought, tingled with warm excitement.

Two black wolf ears splayed from the top of her head. Just where their genes always put them.

"Oh my stars... Eve!" Annaliese said, her lips spreading into an eager smile. She folded to her knees and immediately shook out her kerchief, heart racing. Saying the young woman was a glazed, ruined mess was putting it generously.

But this young woman was Evelynn Graele. Her cousin. The one she was looking for.

"Evelynn! It's really, really you, oh my stars! Here, one sec, let me clean you off!" she said, setting to work without delay. There was only so much she could hope to with a little kerchief, but keeping clean was a fundamental part of life - much less life with Grim - and with some elbow grease, Annaliese wiped off most of the wolf's slobber from Evelynn's head, even taking extra care to recover her hairband and fix her hair. Anna could barely take her eyes off of Evelynn's ears - it was just so... fascinating to see and feel her bloodline's trademark on someone else's head. This was the real deal - another Graele in the flesh!

"All right, clean-ish. Are you okay? I hope my dog didn't hurt you. Oh, here. Let me help you up." Annaliese said, giggling as she stood up and helped Evelynn likewise pull herself to her feet. Annaliese patted down her sides for dirt.

"His name's Grim. Don't worry, he's friendly - just kinda dumb. I think he smelled you back there and went crazy." she said. Grim barked happily.

The girl pulled down her hood. Her blonde wolf ears twitched.

"I'm... ah..." The girl choked up, a renewed blush flooding her cheeks.

"I'm Annaliese, your cousin." She grinned, bobbing her knees in a little curtsy.

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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Reaver » Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:42 pm

"Bye then!" Razajin said, his tone happy as the girl turned to leave with whatever that thing on her back was. He could hear the boy gagging on his cock below but that was a problem that could wait a few more moments before being addressed. His hand resting on the back of Derek's head became rougher with its grip, forcing him further down, slowly and surely. "Learn to breath your nose and relax your throat. You will not be passing out or throwing up." He almost said with a snarl as he began to replay the quick encounter with the girl in his mind. Such rudeness! Such disrespect! Who did she think she was dismissing his presence like he was nothing? Did they not teach manners anymore or did she simply believe herself to be above him and the situation? He had a hard time believing that she would have done that had he made sure everyone on board had known he was a Minister of the Empire, and as satisfying it would be to see her groveling for forgiveness, he wasn't about to squander his element of incognito on putting a single girl back in her place. He'd certainly make time for her later though. Not out of emotion, but because of principle. True power was being capable of dealing with problem regardless of rank, whether he was a regular mercenary, a minister or even a councilmember and Razajin would allow very few to ever get away with slighting him, not matter how small the slight. Besides she seemed like the type of girl that could entertain him for weeks before expiring from his ministrations, to date that darling senior from the Minister academy held the record with a month and two days. Hopefully the people of Patrica were of a hardier build, if not his own comrades.

Lost in such nostalgic and hopeful thoughts, Razajin didn't even notice Derek's increasing desperate motions until he felt a desperate hand smack against his thigh. He glanced down at the boy with amusement and curiosity, evil thoughts dancing around in his head. What was he to do with him now and at a latter date? The now question was far easier, after all Razajin only wanted to humiliate the boy and get a blowjob, something that'd be far easier to get if Derek didn't pass out from choking on his cock. This minuscule taste of rough-play would no doubt teach him to show more fervor in his technique so he wouldn't be subjected to more, or at least he hoped it would since he it was too early to be face-fucking cute boys.

Switching the grip on Derek's head for cupping his chin, Razajin slowly helped him work his way back up to the head of his dick. "Work harder or I'll set the pace, and you won't like my pace." Razajin said with a wide almost kindhearted smile while tapping him gently on the nose. Derek was adorable as well and already quite submissive which really made deciding what to do with him later quite the quandary. Had he been more defiant it would have made killing him eventually that more fun, but Razajin doubted he'd get much fight out of him so murder wasn't on the agenda for now. His submissiveness was very endearing so maybe he'd twist and use it to his own means. The sinister minister doubted the wolf-boy had ever taken a life, let alone one for no reason. If that was true then watching a scene unfold in which he's forced to take an innocent life would be quite the treat. The sacred and beautiful act of taking a life could only oftentimes only be matched by the corrupting of another. Was he capable of being turned into a hardened killer that only did it for the thrill and approval of his own master?

In a way that's how I operate as well. Razajin mused as he relaxed and tilted his head back to look at the ceiling. I kill for myself and Bayrios, indirectly but still for him. This isn't the life I imagined having nor did I have a choice in the beginning but I am a willing participant in the slaughters I create. That was the big difference really between him and the soldier currently sucking him off. Both were here by duty, but only one of them saw the carnage as an opportunity for indulging vices and rising through the ranks. Razajin didn't doubt for a second that the boy would be more than content to wait the war out without ever firing a shot, something he wouldn't allow if his ministerial perks could do anything about that. There was far too much terror to sow alone and the idea of taking on an innocent boy to witness and partake in it was too perverse not to do.

"Tell me, cock-gobbling messenger." Speaking loud enough for her to hear from the other side of the room but not bothering to stop staring at the ceiling. "Did you bring the edict or simply want to fool the rebels into thinking that you are so they do something idiotic?" Razajin was already quite sure the edict wasn't onboard or even on its way planet-side for several reasons. But he'd been wrong before and if there was a higher plan at work, the messenger would be one of his best shot at hearing it before seeing it deployed. That way he could plan accordingly to change his own plans and methods for dealing with Venus and Homeland in coordination with everything else. It was likely Venus would have the same information as him, but part of the trick was making her think he was willingly working for her glory instead of for his own. The zealous worker of Bayrios, here only to serve with no ambitions of his own. That was at least the persona he preferred to give off while he worked on taking someone down and if she knew what he was really after, then the game only got more entertaining.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:22 pm

Evelynn's gaze narrowed into a crimson-eyed glare as she inspectedd both wolf and rider in full. She was taking a massive risk on the long shot that this was her never-met cousin, Annaliese...and some not highway bandit that used giant wolves to accost vehicles..? That..probably sounded too absurd to be true, right? Shaking her head at the very thought, Eve looked back to the wolf's rider, curious to what her cousin actually looked like beyond that red hood of hers.
Probably-Annaliese looked to be quite a petite girl. From Eve's first impression, she seemed to be of around 14 to 16 years old? Dressed in a rustic red linen cloak, a black waistcoat along with a pair of trimmed white stockings, the girl was a picture out of a fairy tale. And undoubtedly, the most prominent feature was that red hood of hers, specially modified with "pockets" to contain a pair of pointed ears..those of a wolf's, no doubt. Eve's trained gaze picked out a holster strapped beneath the girl's cloak. Armed, and sensibly too, then. A good shotgun always helped with issues of personal security..well, not the mental kind, obviously!
And speaking of wolves..yeah. That massive specimen of a wolf that Probably-Annaliese was mounted upon. Now out in the open, face-to-face with the wolf for the first time, Eve was sincerely wishing to be huddled up safe back within the taxi. Graces, the canine was the size of a fucking minivan. And she'd been told that THIS was normal. Good graces..
She cast a glance back to the totaled taxi, surveying the damage visited upon the crumpled trunk of the vehicle by the mutt's pair of giant paws. Yeah. The taxi probably wasn't even close to taxi; not with such a beast outside.
"..Does your vehicular insurance cover "Mauled by a wolf the size of a minivan", Cabbie?"
Eve muttered inaudibly to herself. Actually, how did the two even know that she was in the taxi? By all rights, they had seemed to be in quite the predicament back at the checkpoint..although that was probably a story for later. Right now, it was probably prudent to confirm Probably-Annaliese's identity, though there seemed very little left to confirm by this point.

"Hello there. Please tell me you're my cousin and not a bandit who rides a gigantic wolf to accost civilian vehicles?"
Evelynn tried for a smile despite the rather ridiculous situation, taking a long, final inhale of the Stiletto cigarette and then letting it drop from between her fingers. A practiced shuffle of her boot extinguished any remaining embers. There, now at least if Probably-Annaliese DID turn out to be a bandit, she'd had her final smoke..
The girl had opened her mouth to speak a greeting...which was pretty much lost to the deafening bark that the wolf unleashed. Startled by the noise, Eve tried to cover her ears..leaving her completely open to the wolf's abrupt tackle, taking Eve down with him right on top of her. Oh dear.
"GYAH?! Hey, call your mutt of-"
Her shrieks of protest silenced by a face full of slimy wolf tongue and slobber, the best Eve could do was turn her face away and scream bloody murder...internally, of course. No freakin' way she wanted to even get a taste of dog drool, yuck!

And while apparently eating her wasn't on the cards, but the wolf..or Grim, as her rider had yelled out, was not satisfied by coating her entire face with a warm glaze of slobber, moved on to her hair?!
"Arrgh! Stopstopstopstop! Not the damn hair?!"
Evelynn struggled the best she could, but with both arms and the rest of her limbs immobilized by Grim's weight, there was little she could do to contest the furious onslaught of the wolf's licking upon her hair. Oddly enough, it seemed as if it was targeting the hairband she normally used to press her wolf ears down, keeping them hidden behind the two tails of hair she usually tied her hair up on.
And of course, the hairband gave way to Grim's antics, her jet black wolf ears popping free to stand proudly where they belonged. Grim's obvious objective now achieved, with a side bonus of completely ruining her hair. Damned mutt. As if continuing to try annoy her with his overflowing adoration or whatever, the wolf continued to prod her cheek with his very wet, smelly nose. Urgh. Good graces, was this ever going to stop?
Evelynn turned her head to cast an accusatory glare at Grim's owner. Her plight of nearly being drowned by drool was amusing to her, it seemed.
"Are you ever going to get him to shove off? Or maybe I'll just..continue lying down here, pinned underneath a ton of furry mutt? Oh, don't hurry yourself now. The dirt is actually rather comfortable."
Eve said sarcastically, sighing as the girl simply broke out in laughter before happily skipping over to assist her. In short order, Grim was finally ordered to get off her. Finally.
A massive weight lifted from her as Grim snorted, twin air cannons blasting a bit of drool from her face as the big lout ambled off to sit on the patch of dirt just beside them.

"...How undignified."
Evelynn just lay there.
Frankly, she was actually feeling quite defeated. Her pride had quite literally just been licked to pieces. She could hand several grown men their own asses in a fight at the same time...and then be utterly defeated by a stupid giant dog that more or less sat on her and then nearly drowned her in dog slobber. Quite forgetting about the copious amounts of drool still caking her face, Eve slapped her hand to her face in a facepalm, sighing out loud.
Meeting her cousin was nice and all..but frankly, this had been a terrible day so far.
"..Nice to meet you too, cousin. Does your..friend here greet everyone the same way?"
The girl grumbled as she removed her hand from her face, her expression sharpening as she glared at the strands of wolf slobber dripping from her fingers. Ew.
Anyway, no time to be lying around...even if her pride currently lay in shambles. Eve pushed herself up into a seating position, acknowledging Anna's attempt to try clean her off with a cloth she had whisked up from somewhere.
Evelynn repeated dully after Annaliese, turning a baleful glare on Grim. She gratefully received her hairband back, then swept her ears back in a well-practiced manner. Placing the hairband just so that it flattened both of the wolf ears to her head, Eve began to tie her still rather damp hair up on one side in a tail, showing a mild look of surprise as Anna began to assist with the second tail.

"Hm. Look at us. We'll probably be braiding each other's hair in no time."
Evelynn smiled wryly at Anna. Despite the rather rough first meeting, Eve could feel they would get along just fine. Accepting Anna's helping hand, she sprung back to her feet easily. Grim had just been playing with her, then. Despite the force behind that "play" tackle, she was unharmed..aside from her wounded pride. Now finally on a level where both she and Anna could actually just talk face-to-face, Anna decided to retry their first meeting, formally introducing herself with a small curtsy.
"Evelynn, your cousin."
Eve returned with a small smile.

Perhaps today wasn't going to be so bad, after all?

"..Oh, right. How're we getting to Aunt Eleanor's? Your wolf...or dog, rather. He kinda wrecked my ride."
Eve inquired..then going very quiet as she came to the realization of what was going to be the "alternative" mode of transport.

Oh, graces..
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Yana » Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:26 am

Anna laughed, bashfully tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Nope! Just family. I think we smell the same... our whole family's weird with dogs. Your mom tells you about all the emails my mom sends her, right?" Anna said. Grim panted in the background, dripping saliva onto the dirt. Her mother was a prolific consumer of the extranet, gobbling up every bizarre recipe and cute animal holovid she could and sharing them with just about anyone she met. It had helped her and Aunt Sofia keep a tight bond over the years, and her mother's interest in wolves and the local wildlife figured frequently in their regular back-and-forth. The story of how she and Dad met was a recurring favourite, of course.

And yet truth be told, Annaliese couldn't ever remember dealing with wolves until the night she adopted Grim. They had always been there as far as her mother knew, but even on the quietest nights under a full moon, their baying had never occurred to her. Neither did they come anywhere near the cottage - besides the river acting as a barrier, Aunt Elen had spent years melding strange and intricate Sigils into the rocks and the trees around their home that Anna had never been able to parse. While exact nature remained unclear to her, but what was clear is that no wildlife were willing to come near them, sparing useful insects and - bizarrely enough - Grim. Even the fish and the birds kept to the other side of the river, or far down the trail. That was the first of many weird things about this dumb mutt, honestly.

The most vulnerable she'd ever felt was as a child deep in the woods on a yearly camping trip with her father. She must've been six or so at the time, and the wolves were out teaching their pups how to hunt. Normally that meant they'd be scared to come anywhere near people, but to this very day Anna had a particularly vivid memory of the sound of breathing from behind her bedroll in the moments before she fell asleep. It was when morning came and Dad couldn't find any tracks that Annaliese settled her attention to wolves once and for all.

Grim suddenly sneezed into the dirt, whipping up a heavy plume. The yellow-eyed wolf topped it off with a long yawn.

It actually never occurred to Anna until now, but they don't have wolves on Ainheim, do they?

"Absolutely! Makeup, clothes, hair, personal drama - whole nine." Anna smiled, offering a sarcastic nudge. Conversation didn't get more vapid than that, though she had every intention of picking her long lost cousin's brain for all the little details about her life she'd never gotten to hear about.

"Hey, actually, let's take a picture! Commemorate this momentous occasion."

The hooded girl procured her phone and whirled around to Evelynn's side, whisking a friendly arm around her cousin's shoulder and squeezing her closer before she could object. Tapping on the camera, Annaliese leaned her head against Evelynn's and smiled broadly, trying to ignore the ticklish twitching of their wolf ears against each other as she centered the viewfinder on their contrasting expressions.

"Cheeeeeeeese." she declared. The phone sounded a brief tone and flashed, taking a moment to polish up the photo before displaying it.

"Cool." Anna said, releasing her cousin. Studying the picture, she immediately burst into excited laughter. Contrary to her beaming, blushing smile, Eve bore a thousand-metre stare of deep, hollow trauma. Further to her disservice, the photo highlighted her disheveled hair and messy face in all the worst ways. It was perfect.

"Hey, you look awesome! I'm so gonna print this out and frame it when I have a chance! Mom would love this." she said, typing up a quick caption:

Long lost cousins reunited!

Pleased, she sent it off to her contacts and put away the phone.

"Seriously though, sorry about Grim. He makes anything get really weird, really fast. You can shower at... home... if you want." she said, trailing off into uncomfortable realisation. The last few loose bits of the taxi clanked to the ground unceremoniously. Guilt was starting to worm its ugly way up her spine, urged on by panic. She'd been so enraptured by her sudden discovery of Evelynn that she'd overlooked the carnage her pet had wrought. Between this and the crap at the checkpoint, this cabbie could probably hand them a lot of trouble.

"...Speaking of which, we should get going, huh? Aunt Elen's waiting. My Mom, too." she said, her voice falling into a whisper. Grim, for his part, seemed entirely unconcerned and looked on with eager anticipation.

"This'll have to wait." Anna said, sweeping up her now thrice-dropped basket into the crook of her arm. Habitually, she peeked under the blanket to inspect the impressively shiny red apples for bruises before hurrying them back in.

"I'm really sorry about your car. You're insured, right? Act of Bayrios...?" she said to the cabbie, not so surreptitiously trying to get herself off the hook. Who's to say a Patrian dire wolf from the blue was a civil tort and not a freakish stroke of bad luck from nature itself? It's not like the courts were functioning right now anyway. Annaliese grabbed Evelynn by the hand as she talked, quietly surprised by how rough her cousin's palms were; she had a tense grip, like someone who was used to fighting. Anna jabbed Grim with her foot - the wolf hurriedly laid upright, offering a charming view of the blood staining his lower back.

"Don't worry, he's easy to ride! It's not that far." Annaliese leaned in to whisper, leading her cousin to Grim's side. If her redoubled grip was any guess, Evelynn already knew what was coming. Grim wagged his tail excitedly, but remained still.

"I mean, your signal won't be that good out here but you could probably get a tow truck." she continued, gracefully guiding Evelynn's legs over Grim's flanks for her to sit atop the gigantic wolf. His silvery-grey fur was thick, wonderfully soft and surprisingly clean - he'd made an excellent pillow more than once. His immense form seemed to quiver with excitement, and he wasted no time rising suddenly to his feet when Evelynn was seated.

"So, uh..." Annaliese deftly climbed onto Grim's back.

She clacked her heels against the wolf's ribs.

"..I'll go get my insurance info! Be right back!"

Amid a torrent of dust, trio rocketed off into the woods faster than human comprehension. Homeward bound!

The taxi's front hood ornament snapped in half and clinked into the dirt.
Last edited by Yana on Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: .: Singularity :. (IC)

Postby Firehead » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:08 am

Derek tried to control his gagging, but all attempts to pull free were halted by the steady hand of Jason. Derek only realized the mercenaries full apathy for his plight when the hand forced him even further down the length of the older man's shaft. Derek's ears laid back in submission and he stopped trying to push away once he found pubic hair tickling his nose. Finally getting some control he breathed in through his nose at Jason's direction taking in the musky scent of the man's groin. The strong scent of the dominant male made his head swim and his vision blur. Something seemed to bother Jason as he felt his hair being grabbed uncomfortably even as he wasn't allowed to pull free. Wanting his hair to stop being pulled he quickly set to work lapping at the warm length forced through his mouth and down his throat. It was the only thing he could think of to placate his wrath.

These attempts seemed to go unnoticed, and Derek found himself growing desperate as he tried to get the mercenaries attention. Trying to turn his head to the side he hoped his hair could simply pull loose of the grip it was under, but when he moved to place his hand on Jason's thigh to push against he impacted it with more force than he intended. He could swear he felt the gaze on the back of his head after the mistake and closed his eyes preparing himself for what might come next.

He found himself being lifted by the chin as Derek was forced to meet Jason face to face. Tears still stained his face from his earlier gagging and he only looked at the mercenaries face for a moment before averting from the gaze, but his ears still perked to listen to the words. Despite the kinder tone, the words were clearly a threat should he not perform better. Biting his lip Derek only hesitated a few seconds before responding hardly above a whisper and muffled the by cockhead still between his lips. "S-sowwy" He grew a bit concerned as Jason seemed to get lost in his own thoughts for a while but wasn't certain what to do other than continuing to lap against the head of his cock.

At first, he kept to only the head as Jason started musing to himself about his work but soon realized it probably wasn't going to finish this before they landed. Not wanting to have to continue in front of the crowd he'd seen on the news awaiting their landing he slowly inched his way back down the cock. He found it much easier now which was both encouraging and upsetting at the same time. With the hand no longer pressuring him he found himself drifting into his own thoughts while continuing to work over the shaft on auto pilot.

How had he gotten into this situation? Maybe he should have just waited in his cabin alone instead of waiting out here for their landing. It was all this mercenaries fault pushing and bullying him as if he didn't have enough on his mind already. A small part of him pointed out how he could have pulled away once things started to go too far and returned to his cabin. Instead, he'd just sat there and allowed this to happen. He was reminded of his father telling him he needed to take responsibility for the things happening around him and do something like a man. And here he was now on his knees sucking some stranger's dick because he couldn't just walk away. His father clearly wouldn't call him a man if he saw this. No, it seemed he was still just 'BOY' for now.

He felt his nose press against flesh and found himself again awash in the scent of male musk as pubic hair tickled his nose once again breaking him from his thoughts. He heard Jason mention the edict asking if that was indeed what she was carrying. Derek's eyes widened in surprise at the way he just asked about it so openly.Derek felt a tremble pass through him as he wondered if he even wanted to know. He'd thought of asking a thousand times, but now that he had the opportunity to just sit there and listen to know, he realized he'd never be able to step off this ship if he knew they had it for a fact. He didn't know much about life in Barios' army, but he knew that would be tantamount to desertion, and he couldn't face the consequences for that.

Closing his eyes he attempted to close out the outside world as he just focused on what he was doing. The taste, the smell, the feel of that cock in his mouth began all the sharper as he tried to escape from knowing the truth that could threaten his peace of mind. He found himself learning more and more about the cock in his mouth as he used it as a means to escape reality. Finding himself learning every vein and memorizing every inch of warm flesh.
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