Adobe animate/ Stencyl

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Adobe animate/ Stencyl

Postby Totsboy » Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:11 pm

hey guys, i'm new to almost everything involving gamemaking and I've foolish decided to make my own i need some help

first question is about adobe animate, I couldn't find any other program to do it, is it good for game making? Can i use the same tutorials for flash and it?

Seocnd is Stencyl, after seeing soo-cubus i saw it was another option which seemed to fit my inexperience in almost everything, where can i find tutorials for the basics? Is it worth learinng?

those are my questions for the moment ^^
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Re: Adobe animate/ Stencyl

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:07 am

Flash (Adobe Animate CC and etc.) - is good for creating simple games with out a lot of moving objects. Like an example the games you already see on flash.
Games with a lot of moving movieclips start lug on it so you will need to use Stage 3d that is hard or use another program for game making - for example unity.

With both flash and unity it is possible to make games like 2d or 3d - but 3d games is much more easy make on unity. The same for big games - becouse of if there will be to much of objects on the screen flash start lug.

Flash is a good tool for animation. So for simple games itis more easy to make it on flash - becouse you get good animation program and the way to make a simple game from it.

May be i am wrong in some thing but for now it looks like that to me :mrgreen:

Good tutorials is documentation + youtube videos + books - you can always ask on forum ;)
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Re: Adobe animate/ Stencyl

Postby Totsboy » Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:41 pm

I was thinking about unity too, but i have no idea on how to develop a game and i may be starting the wrong way, does unity have any art editor to help?
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Re: Adobe animate/ Stencyl

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:26 am

Do not know about art editor - it is gimp / online editors and etc i always edit imag there even do not try to make it in unity.

I think that it is no wrong way - you always new some thing new and can remake thingth where you make mistakes.

What kind of game you want to make by the way ? :mrgreen:
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Re: Adobe animate/ Stencyl

Postby Totsboy » Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:56 pm

Its a dating sim/resources management game based on incest and building a harem out of relatives, i'll post it on discussions again later with some alterations, since i'm no artist/programmer i made it open so anyone qho gets interest in it can develop ;) so far i have nothing done yet and i have some new ideas for the gameplay that may be easy to input/
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