by Yana » Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:34 am
With Grim slavering against the taxi's bumper, Annaliese watched tensely as two figures stirred in debate behind the tinted window - probably drinking in the absurdity of their plight and weighing whether to hit the gas or swerve off the road to escape her ravenous hound. Whatever their conversation, Anna observed it end with a smack from the shape in the backseat and immediate realisation compelled her to yank hard on Grim's scruff. They were too close!
"Stop, stop, stop! Quick!" she shouted. The metallic wail of the taxi's brakes cut her off before the wolf had a chance to process, and the fleeing red car bounded back towards them amidst flying pebbles and the smell of hot rubber. Being too near and clumsy to do anything other than what his instincts commanded, Grim tensed and dug his massive hindpaws into the dirt, whisking the breath out of Anna's lungs as he skidded down the trail on his backside in an effort to lose speed that - just barely - spared them the worst of a collision: The taxi ground to a curt stop some distance ahead, leaving the wolf to sail uncontrollably and unceremoniously into its bumper. Anna braced herself against his back and winced.
Grim's front paws smashed through the trunk with resounding thunder, caving in the metal like paper and rocking the taxi on its axles so wildly that the rear window shattered and the horn squeaked in pain. The impact mercifully soaked up the dog's momentum, and he trailed to a stop with his feet lodged ruinously in the flooring. Anna reluctantly opened her eyes, poking her head up to double check that Grim hadn't set off a fiery explosion that sent them all to the afterlife. The wolf shifted awkwardly as he excised his paws to the squealing protests of the metal, giving the taxi's suspension a good workout. With some struggle Grim freed himself, taking little care to avoid smacking the taxi around as he disembarked.
Surveying the damage, Anna gaped with embarrassment.
"Oh... goodness." she said. The bumper clanked to the ground.
Grim's sheer weight had rendered the back end of the taxi almost fully concave - a crumpled mess of wrinkled metal and fabric literally punctuated by two massive parallel wounds through which the road could be seen. What remained of the rear window sparkled in the morning sun - good thing it was safety glass.
"Grim, what did you do? Cripes!" Anna sighed, hastily sliding off his back. The wolf yipped and snorted in agitation, his excitement only briefly disrupted by the collision and his health no worse for wear; it was rare for a car to take him on and win.
"Sorry about that! You guys okay?" she called out, dropping her basket in the dirt.
"See? Look at the mess you made, you dingus!" she said, scowling and leveling a disappointed finger at the taxi. As if automatically, Grim's ear tips folded in and he whined in apology.
"Hey, don't even try that on me. I'm gonna... blast you with the hose when we get home! Sit down." she said. He whimpered further, but complied. That was actually a mercy, given that Anna had no interest in letting her aunt hear about this. As Anna wiped her face with her kerchief and walked over to lend a hand, the rear door creaked open and out stepped a... dark-haired young woman, minding a cigarette. She had been sitting in the backseat, but was unhurt - obviously sore and dazed, but... hold on. Grim quivered with excitement. The door fell off its hinges and clunked into the dirt.
"Stay there!" Anna commanded. The wolf's tail wagged excitedly - he couldn't take his eyes off the woman: lithe and around her own height, dressed on the formal side. Obviously hiding a weapon.
Anna paused.
Her eyes were a deep and unusual crimson. They glinted with maturity and emotional experience, and yet she didn't look much older than herself; two, three years maybe. She stood steady and upright, too - the kind of collected posture typical of a soldier or a cop. Dad was exactly the same way.
Was this...?
"Oh my goodness, Ev-" Anna was immediately silenced by a loud, happy bark. Grim sprang to his feet, tail whipping sidelong in a dust-kicking frenzy. Anna raised a hand to order him down, but it was too late for the dark-haired woman - the wolf lunged forward, slobbering tongue lolling about with lethal intent.
"Wait, Grim!"
With dizzying speed, the gigantic wolf tackled the young woman head on, if not just startling her so that she tripped onto her back, and wasted no time securing himself above her - smelly, foggy breath and droplets of saliva bearing down on her face - to begin the inevitable assault. Yipping and whining excitedly, Grim slammed his tongue into the dark-haired woman's cheek like a sledgehammer to drywall and licked, glazing her with warm saliva from neck to crown. He lashed her twice and thrice - again and again - blindly pulverising anything he could get his tongue on as he snorted and huffed eagerly.
Seemingly egged on by her sputtering for breath, the wolf moved on to destroying her hairstyle, licking around her ears and the top of her head in a precise, salivating assault that quickly pried loose the hairband on top of her head... setting free two furry black wolf ears. Grim went mad, whinging loudly and folding onto his belly to lie atop her and keep her from moving from the waist down. He nuzzled her messily.
The gaping Annaliese, so fascinated and confused by Grim's reaction that she needed a moment to gawk, blinked to clear her mind.
"Gr-Grim! S-sto-... stop that! What are you d-doing?" Annaliese commanded, barely restraining laughter. While another person might ask why Grim would ever react this way to a stranger, to Anna, this was all the proof she needed - he wouldn't.
This was family.
Watching the young woman twitch and struggle beneath the wolf's furry mass, Anna's cheeks flushed with sympathy and embarrassment.
"All right, all right! That's... that's enough! Off, off. You got her." she laughed, skipping over to help. Anna pinched Grim on the shoulder.
"Away." she said. The enormous wolf snorted and slowly lumbered off his victim, taking a seat adjacent. His tail continued to whack the dirt - the dog looked to be having an internal struggle over obeying his master's commands. Annaliese, finally getting a look at what he'd wrought, tingled with warm excitement.
Two black wolf ears splayed from the top of her head. Just where their genes always put them.
"Oh my stars... Eve!" Annaliese said, her lips spreading into an eager smile. She folded to her knees and immediately shook out her kerchief, heart racing. Saying the young woman was a glazed, ruined mess was putting it generously.
But this young woman was Evelynn Graele. Her cousin. The one she was looking for.
"Evelynn! It's really, really you, oh my stars! Here, one sec, let me clean you off!" she said, setting to work without delay. There was only so much she could hope to with a little kerchief, but keeping clean was a fundamental part of life - much less life with Grim - and with some elbow grease, Annaliese wiped off most of the wolf's slobber from Evelynn's head, even taking extra care to recover her hairband and fix her hair. Anna could barely take her eyes off of Evelynn's ears - it was just so... fascinating to see and feel her bloodline's trademark on someone else's head. This was the real deal - another Graele in the flesh!
"All right, clean-ish. Are you okay? I hope my dog didn't hurt you. Oh, here. Let me help you up." Annaliese said, giggling as she stood up and helped Evelynn likewise pull herself to her feet. Annaliese patted down her sides for dirt.
"His name's Grim. Don't worry, he's friendly - just kinda dumb. I think he smelled you back there and went crazy." she said. Grim barked happily.
The girl pulled down her hood. Her blonde wolf ears twitched.
"I'm... ah..." The girl choked up, a renewed blush flooding her cheeks.
"I'm Annaliese, your cousin." She grinned, bobbing her knees in a little curtsy.
We can live forever if you've got the time.