DGM Wrote:Keep up the good work! Just wanted to let you know the chains scene is stuck on press space.
SeXyBerri09 Wrote:Hey There Just Want To Know There's A FUTA Option When Will Be Implemented.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:But -now I can continue after the 500.000 Point screen. The Button "What if she failed" isn't working. The "end Game" and the "keep playing" buttons work.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-(If Peach dies in 8-1, there is a chance she spawns in the middle of one of the moving tanks)
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:9-1: The strange bug with the locker sound is still there. It appears only after the scene where peach tries to get her cloths back. After that every sex scene leads to the bug. I upload a picture where you can see her at the scene and simultaneously she tries to open a locker. (I'm not a programmer, but maybe there is an unfinished procedure in the background after the locker scene?)
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-The door in TecXXX room wich leads to the spaceship still isn't unlocking.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:I played the level several times to maybe figure out where the bugd come from. I recognized something: After masturbating and entering Tec's room (he analysed the data): If Peach got caught by Sir Grodus before, Tec's room is empty and I can talk to him. If she had non of an enemy contact (in this level) till this point, Sir Grodus is suddenly waiting for Peach in Tec's room. Wich scenario is supposed to be there?
n1ckname Wrote:I am engaged in translation of games into Russian.
n1ckname Wrote:Detected some bugs with Russian characters (Cyrillic). (To the letter "е" (rus), "з" (rus) and "о" (rus) - because of these letters in the game there are gaps in the text)
n1ckname Wrote:- Virtually all dialogues in the game are not readable. (Turns out very clumsy text and is not possible to read what is written)
For some time I upload screenshots with bugs.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Thank you for the effort! Spaciba!
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Like this?
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:But I dont understand. Here is the current updated words already inside the game. Perhaps there are more areas inside UTF8 that misses those letters? I used that area (from È to y)
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Perhaps the words are too dense? I can try to let then thinner! Thanks for the reports!
n1ckname Wrote:Text "Смена языка" (in the game) should not have gaps. The inscription should look like this as specified in the XML editor, ie without unnecessary gaps in the text.
n1ckname Wrote:Not translated all the buttons in this menu. Buttons just disappear.
n1ckname Wrote:Here is a screenshot of the text for comparison. The game / in the XML editor.We see a lot of extra padding between the letters.
Biles Wrote:Sup, came to say hi. Though I do have some bad news for myself though. A couple of weeks ago, my computer got stolen along with the external HD. This means all the workfiles I've ever collected are now gone. :< Currently, I'm borrowing a laptop from a distant friend of mine, but it's a low performance PC laptop, and the Mac desktop I have is very sluggish. So right now, I can't really do much in terms of mass projects I had going on.
salid woppe Wrote:- Everytime the princess touches a Jabbi and gets in a scene, I can't proceed and have to use the panic button and go back to the worldmap.
salid woppe Wrote:- After I finished the game (saved Mario but keep playing) I can't do the pole dancing scene with mario in the castle (in the room under the chains) even if Mario is there.
salid woppe Wrote:- A very strange bug I encountered was that after I got a key and the Phanto caught the princess there was the scene. But after the scene the princess dissapeared. If I then pushed the panic button, and instead of going to the worldmap I pressed "continue level" the princess was there again and I could continue the level.
salid woppe Wrote:- The final bug; In the outfit room I put the nurse, striker and frog outfit on random. But I keep the classic dress and fire dress how they were. Yet still also the classic dress and fire dress go to random, for example when I find the flower power-up the princess gets a random outfit instead of the fire dress.
salid woppe Wrote:But I do still love the developments in the game
he30ra Wrote:12 not working scenes
flurry- 2 scens not work
toads- 2 scens not work
- can delete him mark him on red line thx
EliteMaster512 Wrote:When playing in a Flash Projector, all the button's/options have no response when clicked.
EliteMaster512 Wrote:Just ran in the Debug Flash Projector and got this: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null.
EliteMaster512 Wrote:I don't know what did it, whether it was the XML or the Reset of Saves, but the issue is fixed. Thanks dude!
Anonynn Wrote:Keep up the hard work, Ivan! We appreciate it. You rock!
Fmaster24 Wrote:On world 6-6 you cannot collect the key required to continue through the level, if you attempt to pick it up peach will freeze and the only way to unlock the game is to return to map making it impassible. I have attached the debug output picture, I tried to follow your cache clearing guide but on flash projector I don't see any slider that goes up to 100k as you describe so I have no idea how to reset the cache. Any help would be much appreciated
sy7777 Wrote:how the hell has nobody found this yet
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