The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby nobynoby » Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:02 am

definitely excited about the showing he pussy feature coming. :D
Anyone else as excited?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Shardoom » Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:14 am

Marune Wrote:Fixed that bug with Alice's dignity in 1.8b. There shouldn't be such a way for her. So there are more events to lower her dignity then to exact 45. But they will work as optional ways to bring her dignity to 45 (So you can miss police event opportunity and don't care about it)

So happy about this...
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Ungawa » Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:44 pm

judgue Wrote:Someone can said me all Alice's event pls for low her dignity ... alice.html

Add in the Halloween event at 17 days and now this new one and voila.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Shardoom » Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:41 pm

Ungawa Wrote:
judgue Wrote:Someone can said me all Alice's event pls for low her dignity ... alice.html

Add in the Halloween event at 17 days and now this new one and voila.

The Helloween event now only reduces by 5 IF Alice still has a high dignity and won't take her below 45 any more.
It was never meant to. 1.8b has fixed this, the Helloween event is meant to be a backup event in case you fucked up one of Alice's other dignity lowering scene. Not to turn her into a regular fuckslut. Alice is going to be properly fucked in good time, with a proper story event.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby K14M » Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:22 pm

Какие необходимо выполнить условия, чтобы охмурить медсестру и работницу банка?
What conditions need to do to ohmurit nurse and cashier of the bank?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Totsboy » Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:35 pm

Nurses get easier to be seduced with char 10+, the higher it is the easier it gets
About the cashier im not certain, i think you have to repay part of your debt and then the scene unlocks in a early visit to the bank

Looking forward to the updates, unfortunatelly i'm unable to help in the patreon atm but you guys are doing a great job
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby porne » Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:05 am

All correct of Nurses.

Service woman, check the bank, if you can get in but she's not there, check the bathroom.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby theredfear » Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:50 am

Halloween event bugged out for me. Alice told me to go buy costumes but when I went to the shop the shop inventory was empty. Then I returned to the brothel and advanced time to bedtime and nothing happened. Went to bed and that was the end of the Halloween "event".
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Zobo » Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:57 pm

The lack of costumes made the event fail. They should be at the end of the list, so be sure to scroll down.

The event itself should happen when you sleep for the night, providing you have 2 girls (female character is valid) in helloween costumes.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby happytriggz » Sat Dec 17, 2016 6:08 am

The store seems to get buggy after completing Julia's questline. After I buy her dat sexy ass red dress, whenever I go back to the store, all I see is the change room, no buy screen or anything, no back button either, so I have to restart...
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby theredfear » Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:55 am

I am finding the store to be EXTREMELY buggy in this latest build, in numerous ways. Sometimes it's just like the last poster described. Absolutely nothing. Just the background, and nothing else. No way to exit. Have to just close the game and restart from scratch.

Othertimes there's no inventory. The purchase screen opens, but there's no selectable items. No greyed out items. It's like the store just has no merchandise.

And the male outfits are all wrong too. Multiple different items all with the same Sweater/Scarf skin for shirts, and multiple pants that look like the lower half of a Knight's tunic.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Wee » Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:48 pm

I've been following this game for a while now, and find it rather enjoyable.

Some quick thoughts:

Getting Eve to appear in the bathroom is too random, and the percentage chance seems extremely low. I'd suggest maybe having some variable that increases the chance of this event firing off as you continue your repeat visits to the bank, so that you aren't spending 15 plus days visiting the bank every hour (business hours), trying to get her to appear unsuccessfully, only to have her go to the bathroom very early on in your next game. If the "ay off part of your debt options aren't doing this already, paying off your debt should add to this 'chance of appearing in the bathroom' variable.

I've been having the 'shop inventory isn't appearing' error as well. Really the only way I've found to get out of the shop at this point is to quit and restart the game, and load the most recent autosave.


Having an ingame option to restart the game, as opposed to' hit the 'x' in the right corner, then click on the .exe to restart the game', would be helpful.

The spread on Alice's stats at the beginning of the game seems a bit large. While I don't mind some variability, Alice can end up with really good stats or very bland stats, simply by the luck of the draw. To a lesser extent, this applies to Julia as well, although Alice tends to get used more in the first few days - for those that like having Alice helping out as you beat up thugs for money.

The Helloween event is a nice addition. Looking forward to an XMas followup event when the designers get to that point...

The Photoshoots are nice, but during the day my MC is rather busy with other things. As I'm not seeing any reward for these currently (is there one?), I tend to ignore this feature. Hopefully these can be integrated more fully into future builds. At the very least, a Reputation increase would be nice if this isn't already happening, but perhaps this could also help attract 'special customers', be they rich, high level, or whatever.

A fun thing to add to Alice's business suggestions dialogue tree might be to have Alice offer to design a website for you, as one of the 'tiers'. Posting the Photoshoots (above) on said website could add to your reputation. The 'regular patrons' would of course be given access to the 'hidden nekkid pics', as you ARE running a massage parlor, not a brothel (wink wink). Nekkid pics being publicly available on a Massage Parlor website would attract too much Law Enforcemet, of course... Said website might also randomly attract new working ladies, through the 'Employment' tab on your new website (said prospects would appear first thing in the morning, similar to how Julia shows up in the beginning).

Another idea might be to add a bar to your "Massage Parlor/Brothel" as one of Alice's suggestions (taking up one 'slot' on the first floor once you are given the option to build it). This would add to your reputation/attract more regulars. After the bar is online, this could open up a dialogue tree that allows you to 'Lure' the barkeep from the bar so that she can work for you...

Of course, the downside to regulars (if a 'regular patron' system was incorporated) is that a gal might become attached to a particular regular, and move on...

Private/Specialty suites/Bungalow rooms have been suggested before. Definitely a good idea IMHO (Brothels usually have 'deluxe rooms' available at a higher rate). These would help make the recently added upper floor more useful. Unoccupied suites would be available if a customer requests them, as they aren't usually 'occupied' by the ladies - they are shared by all ladies in the house on an 'as needed' basis. Examples of these would be "Hot Tub Room", "Playland Room" "Sci Fi Themed Room" etc.

The time frame of the game is rather grindy at the moment. I'd suggest maybe contracting the time frame of the game a bit (lowering the total amount needed to pay off the debt accordingly), perhaps as an additional 'at beginning of game' option, say earn $100,000 over a shorter time period to win. 120 days (or whatever the current time frame is) seems excessive to me, and adds to the 'getting bored out of your skull' factor. I tend to not play this game all the way through these days as it takes too long to finish...

Those are my thoughts for now - Keep up the good work, SimBro Team!
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby theredfear » Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:38 am

Despite the recent issues I still dig this game and remain a happy patreon
Last edited by theredfear on Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby acerola » Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:18 am

Shardoom Wrote:
Ungawa Wrote:
judgue Wrote:Someone can said me all Alice's event pls for low her dignity ... alice.html

Add in the Halloween event at 17 days and now this new one and voila.

The Helloween event now only reduces by 5 IF Alice still has a high dignity and won't take her below 45 any more.
It was never meant to. 1.8b has fixed this, the Helloween event is meant to be a backup event in case you fucked up one of Alice's other dignity lowering scene. Not to turn her into a regular fuckslut. Alice is going to be properly fucked in good time, with a proper story event.

It seems to be more a result of the dignity drop when interviewing Julia no longer actually drops the 5 points. Even with the Helloween event at 5 points, there are enough events at 5 points to get it down to 40 if that dignity drop returns.
Last edited by acerola on Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby stmt » Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:46 am

I started with female character and julia doesnt appear . Can you tell me why or what can i do?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby acerola » Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:29 pm

stmt Wrote:I started with female character and julia doesnt appear . Can you tell me why or what can i do?

Julia doesn't show up in the FeMC story. At least not yet. Maybe this changed in 1.8b and I haven't checked but you also can't pick up the nurses at the Hospital or Eva at the Bank as the FeMC yet.

You do get to hang out with the Bartender and recruit a stronger dude at the Bar (I forget his name, it might be James), you can fuck the Manager at the Bank to keep the loan sharks from coming for a few days, fuck the loan sharks as an alternative to fighting, and they have talked about having the FeMC being able to do private escort missions at some point but not sure when they'll be putting that in.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Donat0san » Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:48 pm

Id like this game, didnt play non-stop in game. since last version of Krystal. 17 hours in a row, il just cant stop myself. :mrgreen:
Alice, a little bitch. She make me waste life to get a fuck her :D In the story she wont get a fuck! so il find the alternative ways: 1she was fucked in the shop, after buy a clothes. 2 When she in gloryhole, she make bj to guest, il take her from the back. 3 she also can be fucked in the bank by manager, works like others whores in bedroom and can be a escort girl. BUT !!! My best part is: 4 Mine fighter, whant a sex wtih Alice! Il call her, and ask about it/ and her answer SURE (il laugh on this part)
Was very like to whatch a dream event of Alice, when she do bj with Julia together. Sadness il saw this only once. Not sure il choose right options.
And short about Eva, after il hug her to my crew, il cant more to pay bank. Still surprise for me what will be happen if il pay debt.
Thank you very much, for nonbuged game id liked spend every min of that game. ... 405c349890 image of my crew.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby theredfear » Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:30 am

I don't know if the game is bugged, or something has changed since the last Build I played.

I have gone on repeated dates with Alice but can not get the consensual blowjob scene to trigger. Dignity is down to 45. Which is the lowest it can go as far as I am ware. Affinity 10.

Is there some step I am missing?

Also, Korra has a witch hat permanently stuck on her head that I bought her on Helloween, but can't be removed because it no longer appears in inventory.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby LMJD » Sun Dec 25, 2016 10:38 am

I know this is a touchy subject to many people, but I have a suggestion, oh well a question to ask. When I made a female character and played the game, when ever she would lose in a fight she would get raped. How ever, as a male character that gets in a fight with lets say 2 body guards and a woman, and you win the fight, you don't get the option to rape her. I love the cage cells and the capturing of her, how ever, after a difficult fight and I don't have a cage to capture and put her in, I would like to see this option. So my question is, can you add that to the game please? (Sorry if this has been talked about before)
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby RyuKizoku » Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:52 am

I just downloaded the game after an update, and I'm sad to say that it's caught in a loop flashing between the main menu and the loading screen, the latter remaining at zero, of course. And the thing is, I've played it before without this occurring, so I'm highly confused as to the reason. This is a really good game, I just wish it was possible to beat (first playthrough as Male, I'd reached a point where the lady at the bank simply wouldn't allow me to pay off the debt further, and that was before I downloaded the new version...).
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