Video Game Discussions

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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Sun May 16, 2010 10:39 pm

They ruined vampires AND werewolves, my two most beloved monsters i might add, into something reminiscent to boiling my eyeballs out with burning hot lava. I know i loath it too man dont get me wrong...the only reason i went was because my cousin and his girlfriend convinced me ( mainly his girlfriend nagging me to go...and i was mislead to believe that there would be real action ) to pay for that atrocious movie (i had to sit through it because they were my ride home >.<). The only thing i could find funny in the entire 3 hours time was listening to the girls shouts, moans, and groans when a guy did something overly dramatic like tear off his shirt in the rain...revealing his ridiculous 10 pack abs :roll:. I went as far as to sit outside for parts of the movie because i was trien to lay flat on the shitty movie seats when my back started to spas up. In the end my cousin dumped her and i learned a new level of hatred (not dislike, hate) so i cant say i blame you for getting Cthulu after me...send one of his cultists it'd be easier than smashing down my house :cry:

Oh and star wars is one of my favorite nerdiest enjoyments and i played the shit out of both the games so....dont like star wars? :o die in a fire i say!...We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn. Burn mother fucker burn...jk though i like the song lol and hard feelings =D
Last edited by Csbears on Sun May 16, 2010 10:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun May 16, 2010 10:47 pm

Hmm...Chtulhu is too busy. How about Hastur? We could send him to Krystal, she'd deserved it for quitting Star Fox and going to o'Donnell.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Sun May 16, 2010 11:06 pm

I'd say Yog-saroth because hes a monster after my own heart...a lurker! :shock: He could lurk up on Krystal and snatch her for his own bidding! like for some well deserved corruption and mind break...she'd get what she deserved!

Plus for those who ran raids on WoW would know he made his debut in Ulduar as a reference as the end boss...which i had the great pleasure of killing (and by great pleasure i mean absotivly giddy), if only a imitation of a old god :D.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby magnusadder » Mon May 17, 2010 1:25 am

my favorite games of all time.

FF1 nostalgia perposes it was the first nes game i ever owned
legacy of kain and the soul reaver series
baulders gate
the THIEF series
and assassens creed (reminds me a little of thief but is much to short)
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Mon May 17, 2010 4:42 pm know the Lizalfos from Ocarina of Time? Always there are two...
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby SallyKins » Mon May 17, 2010 11:27 pm

Kalypso on Easy...I forgot the names of the moves...

Woah! I start off most games on normal with the exception of starting games on hard that I'm familiar with alread. Sorry, but that was kinda a slap to the face. Also, KH and GoW3 aren't hard, but cheap. It seems that many hackand slashers can't be hard anymore with the skills they give you. They just become cheap, like spam moves that are nigh impossible to dodge or deflect. You just have to take it and hope the AI makes a mistake. Harder difficulties to me are just more of trial and error of hoping the AI will mess up. Another thing, how can you forget the names?! Take out the end of the word and add an "aga" XD lamest thing ever!

Side note: Sainuki still hasn't gotten back to me. lol. Just noticed
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Kalypso » Mon May 17, 2010 11:41 pm

SallyKins Wrote:Woah! I start off most games on normal with the exception of starting games on hard that I'm familiar with alread. Sorry, but that was kinda a slap to the face. Also, KH and GoW3 aren't hard, but cheap. It seems that many hackand slashers can't be hard anymore with the skills they give you. They just become cheap, like spam moves that are nigh impossible to dodge or deflect. You just have to take it and hope the AI makes a mistake. Harder difficulties to me are just more of trial and error of hoping the AI will mess up. Another thing, how can you forget the names?! Take out the end of the word and add an "aga" XD lamest thing ever!

Sorry it sounded like a slap in the face, it wasn't. But it becomes a skill--it's something you have to practice at in order to excel at--there are ways to deflect, block and avoid all attacks, but it's time consuming as hell if you don't have the right mindset for it--I analyze all possible movements that someone could make before they make it--and that's why I enjoy HNS's, because unlike turn-based RPGs, I'm fast enough to predict my movements before attacks in real time.
About forgetting... yeah... I haven't played the game in like... 5 years, and I'm not like a huge fanatic about it, I just really enjoyed it, and think it's a mistake that they haven't made a new one for PS3, X360, or at least the Wii, for God's sake.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby UserN4meTak3n » Mon May 17, 2010 11:43 pm

Thank you Magnusadder for mentioning Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver and of course Baldur's Gate. Great games that I always end up replaying every now and then.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Kryger » Tue May 18, 2010 1:20 am

A friend of mine was godly. Beat Ninja Gaiden 2 on the hardest difficulty around four days. No cheats, just serious gaming. He also got ranked 3rd worldwide in Tekken 5 DR, his brother ranked 2nd worldwide, and his brother is now currently the world's best king player in Tekken 6. His brother is ranked 2nd on the east coast with Marth in Brawl. Fucking ridiculous gamers they are.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby SallyKins » Wed May 19, 2010 9:06 pm

Kalypso Wrote:
SallyKins Wrote:Woah! I start off most games on normal with the exception of starting games on hard that I'm familiar with alread. Sorry, but that was kinda a slap to the face. Also, KH and GoW3 aren't hard, but cheap. It seems that many hackand slashers can't be hard anymore with the skills they give you. They just become cheap, like spam moves that are nigh impossible to dodge or deflect. You just have to take it and hope the AI makes a mistake. Harder difficulties to me are just more of trial and error of hoping the AI will mess up. Another thing, how can you forget the names?! Take out the end of the word and add an "aga" XD lamest thing ever!

Sorry it sounded like a slap in the face, it wasn't. But it becomes a skill--it's something you have to practice at in order to excel at--there are ways to deflect, block and avoid all attacks, but it's time consuming as hell if you don't have the right mindset for it--I analyze all possible movements that someone could make before they make it--and that's why I enjoy HNS's, because unlike turn-based RPGs, I'm fast enough to predict my movements before attacks in real time.
About forgetting... yeah... I haven't played the game in like... 5 years, and I'm not like a huge fanatic about it, I just really enjoyed it, and think it's a mistake that they haven't made a new one for PS3, X360, or at least the Wii, for God's sake.

Eh, HNS's never were to great to me. The ONE skill I keep in any melee oriented game (2d fighters, HNS's, arena style fighters like WWE) is parrying, blocking, and countering. I am a defensive player. On Soul Caliber IV my friends hate fighting me because I effortlessly perform a Just Impact on their flaming moves (which isn't suppose to be possible according to some descriptions) and batter them with my weakest fast moves. I still lose 'cause I suck at offense, but I annoy them so much with my parrying. Thats why HNS's never were fun for me because most AI in them are easy to predict so it becomes counter galore. I respect them though, to a point. I will say that the DMC series will always be in my heart.

Also, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 comes out in Spring 2011. Maybe LoK could have a tournament or something. Hopefully most everyone here would be getting it for the 360.

About Twilight. I think the premise is actually great, and the new take on the vampires and werewolves is interesting, I just wish it wasn't based around a socially retarded clutz that there is no point to fight over!
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Wed May 19, 2010 10:12 pm

Wii is - no offense - a women's console. And if females buy a console, then it sells like hell.
xBox 360 is a typical Microspooge product. No further comment.
PlayStation 3 is, well, the best of the three, although being the best of them isn't quite that hard...
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby magnusadder » Wed May 19, 2010 10:15 pm

Twilight has to be the gayest vampire book or movie in existence... vampy's that Sparkle in sun light come and lets not for get the 2 dimensional female lead err what was her name again? boobs no, pants well any one could wear her...

come on "SPARKLY" might as well dress them up in pastels and have em tell every guy they meet the want to suck... Err yeah, flame on vamp boi.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Wed May 19, 2010 10:42 pm

Kryger Wrote:A friend of mine was godly. Beat Ninja Gaiden 2 on the hardest difficulty around four days. No cheats, just serious gaming. He also got ranked 3rd worldwide in Tekken 5 DR, his brother ranked 2nd worldwide, and his brother is now currently the world's best king player in Tekken 6. His brother is ranked 2nd on the east coast with Marth in Brawl. Fucking ridiculous gamers they are.

I wish i could do stuff like that. Sadly, i'm too much of a well rounded gamer to specify my time to perfecting a single game. :(
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby ChaoticPiñata » Thu May 20, 2010 1:03 am

I was too, a huge Mega Man/Rockman(in Japan) fan. I had all the games from X-X8( I even liked X7, unlike the rest of the world). I got all the Mega Man Legends games, got most of the originals, and of course I played the original. To be honest, even with my FallOut3,Fallout 2, Oblivion: Elder scrolls(So MANY choices, ahhhh *head explodes*),all the Burnout games, the entire COD franchise(except for 2: Big Red one :C) , LOTR, Bad Company,Halo 1 2 and 3,Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2(EPIC!!), Mercs 1/2, Doom 3, Dead Space, Battlefront 1 and 2 (On my good old PS2, for which I have 102 games) . Despite Mega Man and Mass Effect are the only two franchises that I can say I LOVED! As far as RPG goes I would say Oblivion(ME2 doesn't count as RPG IMO)

Sainku, did you play X7 and hate it? Am I alone in this world?
I use Xbox, it's more organized, has better games in general, but I will agree that PSN is better*

* Cept for you suckers who got hit by the Hard Rain update, and lost ALL your trophies :P.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Thu May 20, 2010 10:28 pm

ChaoticPiñata Wrote:I was too, a huge Mega Man/Rockman(in Japan) fan. I had all the games from X-X8( I even liked X7, unlike the rest of the world). I got all the Mega Man Legends games, got most of the originals, and of course I played the original. To be honest, even with my FallOut3,Fallout 2, Oblivion: Elder scrolls(So MANY choices, ahhhh *head explodes*),all the Burnout games, the entire COD franchise(except for 2: Big Red one :C) , LOTR, Bad Company,Halo 1 2 and 3,Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2(EPIC!!), Mercs 1/2, Doom 3, Dead Space, Battlefront 1 and 2 (On my good old PS2, for which I have 102 games) . Despite Mega Man and Mass Effect are the only two franchises that I can say I LOVED! As far as RPG goes I would say Oblivion(ME2 doesn't count as RPG IMO)

Sainku, did you play X7 and hate it? Am I alone in this world?
I use Xbox, it's more organized, has better games in general, but I will agree that PSN is better*

* Cept for you suckers who got hit by the Hard Rain update, and lost ALL your trophies :P.

I think you mean Heavy Rain.

Also, do you mean the X7 where you have to UNLOCK the main character and once you did he was horribly underpowered because you were already so far through the game and instead are given a character who's main catch is that he can transform into other reploids 'at will', but the honest truth was that it was incredibly gimicky and instead of just grabbing a flying reploid and flying to the end of the stage, you have to use your transformation powers in specific places for specific reasons because the game designers couldn't come up with a better idea, but then came out with a better idea on how to use axel's powers in Megaman ZX Advent?...

Because if you are, then i'll let you know right now... that game was shit.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Thu May 20, 2010 10:47 pm

Well, Heavy Rain was kinda fun for me.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Thu May 20, 2010 10:56 pm

damn you chaotic... now i have the urge to play through the entire X series again... (including 7)
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby SallyKins » Thu May 20, 2010 11:01 pm

Heavy rain was good Demon.

Why is everyone doggin' consoles? Shit isn't cool. Every console is good in its own respect.

Wii is great for playing fun games with your bros when you're right next to each other without requiring everyone to bring their own shit for a lot. It's a quick easy gaming fix that everyone can enjoy.
Xbox 360 is ruler of multiplayer, maybe not the best storyteller, best for low budget people, or best for balance in online, but the connection is solid and it's easy to meet some cool people if you talk online (yes assholes are online, but where aren't they?)
PS3 is in my honest opinion the best singleplayer platform. They get some of the greatest offline games that give hours of enjoyment just for one to play by themselves. It should theoretically be the best because of the hardware, but statistics show otherwise.

And Ebonizza, how dare you insult the 360 controller. It's very responsive to me, and if you don't like the layout then buy a different version. There are many 3rd party controllers for 360 that are meant for different games. Also, a fighting game with no fight stick is the ultimate no no. AND the Wii controller (all 345767284589489 of them) has to be the worst for fighting games as they really weren't made for comfort for hours of gameplay (atleast in my opinion). And the PS3 L2 & R2 are the worst trigger buttons I've ever seen. The layout for the 360 aren't the best, but they hold up pretty decently for any game genre, though they could be laid out a bit better.

And the idea for the tourny, it was just an Idea for us to be able to communicate outside of the forum. I was hoping that if it went well then other people would think of holding some sort of forum event, no necessarily associated with games.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby ChaoticPiñata » Fri May 21, 2010 4:05 am

Sainiku Wrote:Also, do you mean the X7 where you have to UNLOCK the main character and once you did he was horribly underpowered because you were already so far through the game and instead are given a character who's main catch is that he can transform into other reploids 'at will', but the honest truth was that it was incredibly gimicky and instead of just grabbing a flying reploid and flying to the end of the stage, you have to use your transformation powers in specific places for specific reasons because the game designers couldn't come up with a better idea, but then came out with a better idea on how to use axel's powers in Megaman ZX Advent?...

Because if you are, then i'll let you know right now... that game was shit.

Yeah, X was absolute shit in that game, I have to agree, Axl... Do I need to say? The fact that the angle that you played the game was different was the part that made me like the game, it added new ways to fight, yet looking back,I usually ended up just slugging the bosses with Zero, because the "lock on" system pissed me off. I think I liked X7 because I had finished X-X6 in about a month, and I had played the same kind of game nonstop. I think it was what was different that made X7 fun for me.
Damn, I miss my PS2.
Oh yea, and I mixed up the Heavy Rain game and Hard Rain campaign from L4d2, my mistake.

Also, don't forget the Piñata part of my name. The ñ needs some attention too :D.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:36 am

That ~ over the n is so incredibly hard to write.

Something different: I've got the Krystal mod for FallOut III and you can imagine what we all want to do with Krys. there any porn mod for the game?
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