Pokémon Sexlocke CS

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Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby XanderFrost » Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:54 pm

Age: 18+
Hometown: You can find friends and rivals in your hometown
Ability: Pick one
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Wealthy: +$2000 starting money
Caring: +10 when using healing items and +1 max HP when leveling up
Fearsome: +10% Flinch
Lucky: +10% Critical Hit

Stats: 12 points, all start with base of 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: If you don't know this, you're a moron
Str: Strength
Agi: Agility
Luc: Luck
Wil: Will
Int: Intelligence

Bio: Small bios never hurt anyone, but bigger is better.
Last edited by XanderFrost on Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: Not behind you... See? I told you, but you didn't believe me.

Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby cliffracer » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:52 pm

Name: Hunter Sleiper
Age: 22
Region: Sinnoh
Hometown: Canalave City
Ability: Fearsome: +10% Flinch

HP: 3
Str: 3
Agi: 6
Luc: 3
Wil: 2

Common Character: Hunter [x]. If we're in an RP/want to discuss an RP, I have a discord for casual contact. PM me about it.
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Laughing Hyena » Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:03 pm

Name: Ethan Williams
Age: 18+
Region: Kanto Region
Hometown: Viridian City
Ability: Lucky: +10% Critical Hit[/spoiler]


HP: 4
Str: 2
Agi: 3
Luc: 5
Wil: 3
Int: 3

Remaining Points: 3

Physical Appearance
Last edited by Laughing Hyena on Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:22 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Firehead » Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:09 pm

Name: Keneth Danar
Age: 19
Region: Johto
Hometown: Azalea Town
Ability: Caring: +10 when using healing items and +1 max HP when leveling up
HP: 5
Str: 2
Agi: 4
Luc: 1
Wil: 5
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby GoodnightNinja » Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:28 am

Name: Katherine Holly
Age: 18
Region: Johto
Hometown: Cherrygrove City
Ability: Caring (+10 to Healing Items, +1 HP/Level)

HP: 4
Str: 1
Agi: 4
Luc: 5
Wil: 3


Bio: A young woman with a gentle disposition, Katherine doesn't seem the type to go very far as a competitive battler. However, she cares for pokemon a lot, and wants to go on a journey to see all sorts of pokemon. Her natural smarts made her a great candidate for a professor's assistant, and the local pokemon professor gave her an opportunity to explore and research the pokemon of the world. Should she make good progress into her research, she could very well work under a professor's tutelage, and perhaps have her own lab. Or she might just find something she loves more while out on her journey. Either way, a life of adventure and pokemon await!

Snuggle Buddies: Females, Futanari, Male Beasts, Robots, Tentacles... Basically anything that's not a sentient male
Post-Snuggle Activities: Bukkake, Bondage, Humans, Near-Humans (Elves, Dwarves, etc...), Furries, Scalies, Exhibitionism, Sex Toys, Costumes, Lingerie, Pokephilia
Absolutely Not: Sexualized Pain, Scat, Piss, Blood, Non-Consent, Intense Humiliation (a little teasing on occasion is perfectly fine, as long as it's not malicious), Extreme Proportions
Always ready for a fun futanari, tentacle, or lesbian RP!
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby c-war » Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:37 am

Name: Kristi Grant
Age: 18
Region: Hoenn
Hometown: Lavaridge
Ability: Caring

HP: 4
Str: 2
Agl: 5
Luc: 4
Wil: 2


Bio: Kristi grew up in Lavaridge Town, friends with Flannery despite being a few years younger than her. And while she doesn't mind Pokemon Battles, her real passion is for Contests. She travels to the contest halls as often as she can, hoping to one day be able to compete in them as well. And now that she is old enough to begin her own Pokemon journey, that hope can finally become a reality!

Kristi enjoys wearing flattering clothes, but she also enjoys dressing up as Pokemon, and owns several different costumes.
Last edited by c-war on Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
It can be so hard to keep track of dice... http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm

Don't piss off your Healer. They can bash you within an inch of your life, heal you, and do it all over again.
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby CondorBoH » Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:35 pm

Name: Ayane Rufina
Age: 19
Region: Kanto
Hometown: Cerulean City
Ability: Wealthy: +$2000 starting money

HP: 4
Str: 5
Agi: 2
Luc: 3
Wil: 3

Physical Appearance:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: Ayane is the youngest child of a rather rich family. Her siblings had all gone on their pokemon adventures when they turned 18, as was tradition. However Ayane fell to a sickness that left her bedridden for a month and then physically weak for several afterwards. This prevented her from going on her journey at the 'proper' age. When she got to the age of 19, she was prepared. Fully ready for a cross-country journey, both to and from Pallet Town where the pokemon professor was. She couldn't wait to get her own pokemon, and wanted to make them the best in the region. Yeah, she was aiming for the champion!

In the terms of personality, Ayane is cheerful and energetic, oftentimes flighty. She's a bit of a sore loser, but will take it like she's meant to after a small complaint.
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby dndman997 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:59 pm

Name: Keyanna Nailo
Age: 18
Hometown: Akala Island [alola] however she is currently on kanto.
Ability: lucky
HP: 7
Str: 3
Agi: 5
Luc: 4
Wil: 3

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: Keyanna was orginally born to a wealthy family in Alola, one day though, when she was real little, on her way to another island a huge storm came and swept the boat she was on away out to sea and it sank, she ended up washing up on the shores of kanto alone. She's done her best to live on her own.
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Badger324 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:03 am

Name: Creed Alectra
Age: 21
Region: Sinnoh
Hometown: Floaroma Town
Ability: Lucky +10% critical hit

In the file

Growing up in Floaroma city wasn't always easy for Creed. He understood the history there, and even understood some of the reverance of flowers, after all, Shaymin was pretty cool, but to the point where that's the only thing the town's known for?! Nobody ever hears anything other than, "Have you smelled the flower's there?" It frustrated him so much! After all, who in their right mind stops for a town filled with flowers that are available to smell everywhere else?! His town was forgettable, a little spot of ground that nobody payed any mind to. That was going to change. Creed was going to win the Pokemon League, and at last bring something to the small town, other than ignorance. So he made his way to Professor Rowan's lab to get his favorite of the starters, Turtwig.
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Badger324 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:18 am

And because i completely forgot the stats, i present... just that

HP: 3
STR: 3
AGI: 3
LUC: 5
WIL: 3
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:36 pm

Name: Anna Lauren
Age: 18
Region: Hoenn
Hometown: Mauville City
Ability: Caring: +10 when using healing items and +1 max HP when leveling up


HP: 2
Str: 2
Agi: 3
Luc: 5
Wil: 3
Int: 3

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Anna grew up living most of her life in Fortree City, but moved with her family to Mauville City at the age of 12. During her time in Fortree city, she connected a lot with nature and gained an interest in different forms of art, mostly music. Taking notice of this, her parents got a private teacher who began teaching her how to use a few instruments. She learned to play piano, flute, saxophone, guitar, drums and bass. And while she can play any of them, she prefers the guitar. She began writing an composing music on her own, all while still taking classes. Once reaching her teenage years and moving to Mauville City, she had to stop taking classes due to the distance she'd have to travel, and she didn't feel like taking classes anywhere else. Since she had usually borrowed her teacher's instruments, it meant she was now left without any to use. She began working small time jobs and do favors for people to save up money to buy a guitar of her own. It didn't take long until she did. And while she adored music, her parents were both proud and supportive of her as long as her grades didn't suffer. And while they weren't something to brag about, they were still above average due to the effort she would put into her studies, if only to get back to her music. Having recently turned 18, Anna considered what she should do with her life and decided to become a Pokémon Contestor, focusing on music with Pokémon. Having come up with the idea, she plans to travel and catch musical Pokémon to compete in Pokémon contests.

Anna's interests involve music, painting, sculpting, dancing, cooking and nature.
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:07 pm

Badger324 Wrote:And because i completely forgot the stats, i present... just that

HP: 3
STR: 3
AGI: 3
LUC: 5
WIL: 3

Isn't there a stat missing here? INT?
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:13 pm

Also the character named Keyanna Nailo by dndman997 has a little much points put into different stats... I'm pretty sure the total for a beginner character is 18 his character has 22 and is also missing the INT stat.

Edit: Why is everyone beside LaughingHyena missing the INT stat?
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Firehead » Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:25 pm

I think I remember the Int stat not being part of the original CS. Xander added it after the RP started and assigned it randomly to the already active players.
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Re: Pokémon Sexlocke CS

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:02 pm

Firehead Wrote:I think I remember the Int stat not being part of the original CS. Xander added it after the RP started and assigned it randomly to the already active players.

Oh, I see... Wait, doesn't that give me a disadvantage since I have to divide my points even more?
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