Video Game Discussions

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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun May 16, 2010 2:17 am

There are so many bugs in III. It couldn't be anything but fun.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Sun May 16, 2010 2:28 am

best of 1998 in order of release in the US:
Resident Evil 2 -Jan 21
Final Fantasy Tactics -Jan 28
Tekken 3 -Feb 28
Parasite Eve -March 29
StarCraft -March 31
Panzer Dragoon Saga -April 30
Unreal -May 22
Banjo-Kazooie -June 29
Rainbow Six -August 21
Spyro the Dragon -September 10
Fallout 2 -September 30
Pokemon Red/Blue -September 30
Metal Gear Solid -October 21
Grim Fandango -October 30
Half-Life -November 20
Zelda: Ocarina of Time -November 21
Baldur's Gate -November 30
Turok 2: Seeds of evil -December 10

Fucking amazing year. I'm sure there's plenty more to be found. This was all from a timeline in June's issue of Gameinformer i just got recently.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Kryger » Sun May 16, 2010 3:32 am

Baldur's Gate was a great game. Loved playin it.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby nebrose » Sun May 16, 2010 4:51 am

trunks, yes that's probably going to be the case, but hey reach looks epic! anyway i like the shooter genre games, like fallout 3 and halo, but i like fallout 3 more.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Sun May 16, 2010 8:34 am

oookay wall -o- text....this is off of my Favorites list on Steam alphabetically
CS 1.6 & CS: S
Deus Ex: GotY
DA: O - 363 hours played (split between me and my cousin on my computer )
Fear 1 & 2
Killing Floor
L4D 1 & 2 - 1 on i have just over 100 hours and on 2 i have 175 hours
Max Payne & Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Natural Selection
Overlord: Raising Hell
Overlord 2
Stalker: SoC
Stalker: CS
Starwars BF 1 & 2
TF 2
Torchlight - 136 hours
UT 3: Black Edition
All the Dawn of War games
and Zombie Panic & ZP: Source

plus all the games i didnt add to steam like Fallout 3 (and the addons), the CnC series, CoD 1 - 4 and my crowning video game achievement for playing WoW for 4 straight years ( i quit it lol )

But i also have about 20 360 games, 5 PS 3 games, and tons of older games i have shelved ( N64, SNES, PS 2, xbox, ect ect )...and on a similar note i have a shirt that says "Video games have destroyed my life...good thing i have two extra lives left" showing two of five skulls...funny thing about it is that a family member seen it while i wasn't there and thought of me xD
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun May 16, 2010 8:26 pm

Hm. Battlefront was not bad, but well. Star Wars.

I remember good ole Team Fortress One. In my opinion, the most annoying weapons were:
Hallucination Grenade (No. Fucking. Comment.)
Nail grenade (I hate that thing, dodging is a matter of luck - more or less)
Third is up to you.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Kryger » Sun May 16, 2010 8:52 pm

Got pretty much bored with WoW after I hit 80. Nothing really to do. Went back to WC3 and started making maps for a hobby. I must say I'm glad I did. Still, Worgens are gonna be pretty badass.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Sun May 16, 2010 9:01 pm

Kryger Wrote:Got pretty much bored with WoW after I hit 80. Nothing really to do. Went back to WC3 and started making maps for a hobby. I must say I'm glad I did. Still, Worgens are gonna be pretty badass.

I've been playing the Alpha of Cataclysm. I can confirm that worgens ARE badass. lol... They can change between human/worg at the push of a button. racial skill. i don't know if that is actually going to change anything else (like moveset) or if it has any significance other then getting to show off the awesome transformation animation... but... um... yeah...

goblins are goblins...

deepholm looks AMAZINGLY COOL. There is one area in the Twilight Highlands which pretty much has a beam of energy, and it's causing what looks like a tornado. (Litterally, trees and giant chunks of terrain are flying around it).

Hyjal is pretty sweet. I saw Barron Geddon in one area... lol... (BTW: Most MC bosses are now world bosses. Ragnaros himself is a world raid boss near Hyjal.)

Goblin females have no underwear... almost wanted to vomit the moment i spawned. @_@
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Renara » Sun May 16, 2010 9:08 pm

Kryger Wrote:Got pretty much bored with WoW after I hit 80.

I never even made it that far with WoW, I got a free month's membership from somewhere, spent most of that time trying to get a decent set of clothing that went together, that was about the highlight before I finished as I got really bored of the quests really quickly :(
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Kryger » Sun May 16, 2010 9:11 pm

Yea that's the problem though. Unless you're a really hardcore gamer, WoW isn't really fun until at least level 60. That's because of the raids. But you want to shoot yourself because of how many quests you have to do to even level up.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun May 16, 2010 9:18 pm

Eh, Renara? You linked to a Fallout 3 Krys mod earlier, I believe. The link is banned...are there other sources for it? (Also, the pron mod...would you please tell me where it is?)
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Renara » Sun May 16, 2010 9:29 pm

DemonFiren Wrote:Eh, Renara? You linked to a Fallout 3 Krys mod earlier, I believe. The link is banned...are there other sources for it? (Also, the pron mod...would you please tell me where it is?)

I didn't link to either of those, I've only ever played Fallout 3 on my XBox 360 (really enjoyed it though!), also Oblivion is awesome, been replaying that recently, again on my console but I have the PC version as well, have to run it under WINE on my Mac so I just need to take the time to actually set it up.

Kryger Wrote:Yea that's the problem though. Unless you're a really hardcore gamer, WoW isn't really fun until at least level 60. That's because of the raids. But you want to shoot yourself because of how many quests you have to do to even level up.

Not sure what you qualify a hardcore gamer, while I'm mostly a casual gamer I do really get into most good games that I get. I just never managed that with WoW when I could just play a solo RPG instead and have more fun right away (and only pay for it once!), Oblivion being the perfect example as my current character has over 140 hours on the clock. I suppose that's where Blizzard get you though if you keep up the subscriptions long enough while striving to reach the higher levels.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun May 16, 2010 9:35 pm

Oops, scrolled too far, 'twas Sainiku:
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Sun May 16, 2010 9:36 pm

I fear that the worgen race, just like the Belfs were overrun with little kids who thought they looked "COOL!", will be overrun with Twilight fans (the mostly emo girls) but i hope i am dead wrong. As far as why i stayed in game i had alot of friends who i liked to talk to from my school (and most of my classes) and i lvled, besides my (at the time) well geared Warrior tank, a prot paladin and a combat rogue to keep me occupied and they all had different professions so i could basically do almost everything by my damn self lol. When they released WotLK i got out of it a few months for a breather and got back into it with a vengeance to make up for missing out. I was also a achievement whore and liked to be unique because i detested the people who sat in cities all day doing almost nothing. I fell away from WoW when they basically killed Lore (a big part of the game for me) and for dumbing down the classes, for which i can never forgive them. :evil:

My pick for the shitty TF weapwns is the pathetically weak engie pea shooter the Rail out of shells in ur SG (for whatever reason you had to blow out ur ammo on ur super sg..) ? here's to hopes and dreams ur enemy's are deaf dumb and blind to whatever your doing *thumbs up* :mrgreen:
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun May 16, 2010 9:38 pm

Forgot...the railie. What about the tranquilizer?
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Sun May 16, 2010 10:05 pm

Csbears Wrote:I fear that the worgen race, just like the Belfs were overrun with little kids who thought they looked "COOL!", will be overrun with Twilight fans (the mostly emo girls) but i hope i am dead wrong. As far as why i stayed in game i had alot of friends who i liked to talk to from my school (and most of my classes) and i lvled, besides my (at the time) well geared Warrior tank, a prot paladin and a combat rogue to keep me occupied and they all had different professions so i could basically do almost everything by my damn self lol. When they released WotLK i got out of it a few months for a breather and got back into it with a vengeance to make up for missing out. I was also a achievement whore and liked to be unique because i detested the people who sat in cities all day doing almost nothing. I fell away from WoW when they basically killed Lore (a big part of the game for me) and for dumbing down the classes, for which i can never forgive them. :evil:

My pick for the shitty TF weapwns is the pathetically weak engie pea shooter the Rail out of shells in ur SG (for whatever reason you had to blow out ur ammo on ur super sg..) ? here's to hopes and dreams ur enemy's are deaf dumb and blind to whatever your doing *thumbs up* :mrgreen:

Twilight fans aren't smart enough to use computers...
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Sun May 16, 2010 10:08 pm

DemonFiren Wrote:Eh, Renara? You linked to a Fallout 3 Krys mod earlier, I believe. The link is banned...are there other sources for it? (Also, the pron mod...would you please tell me where it is?)

Link works fine. If you mean the adult content warning on fallout nexus... you have to make an account and allow it to access adult material (kinda like FA). Then try folowing the link again.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun May 16, 2010 10:09 pm


Deaf, dumb and blind? Twilight fans? Yeah, you SO get the point. Write the word with T another time and I'll call Ctulhu upon you.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Sun May 16, 2010 10:11 pm

DemonFiren Wrote:Thanks.

Deaf, dumb and blind? Twilight fans? Yeah, you SO get the point. Write the word with T another time and I'll call Ctulhu upon you.

maybe once you start spelling cthulhu right. ^^
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun May 16, 2010 10:14 pm

Well, the translation I use is a different one.
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