I just released Harem c5m3 to my $5+ Patrons, which completes the main plot of chapter 5. All of your slaves have had their chance to 'argue' for your innocence and the trial will happen! After the trial is finished, you finally get to add Jessica to your harem and deal with a few other results of the trial. If you wish to play the newest content immediately, any pledge of $5 or more will get you instant access to it!
Patreon link:
https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2583450c5m3 content additions:
-Final two slave quests complete, Fiona and Terra. Both are quite lengthy.
-One more visitor at night before the trial!
-Trial sequence finished, find out if your slaves were able to get you freed!
-Jessica is finally added to the Harem. After some paperwork is taken care of...
-Additional scenes for Donna from the Patreon Poll!
-10 new scenes added in base game
-5 new bonus scenes, 2 available to all, 3 only for $25+ Patrons
-327 images added to game
-278 pages of next text to finish up the primary plot of chapter 5!
-16 new flavor NPCs in Corsix
Bug Fixes/Adjustments
-Removed Ethos # from save screen. Blue screen = light. Red screen = dark
-Added weather affects to all coastal areas.
-Fixed an issue where a dead Ralph entering a brothel = game over
-Fixed an issue with the beach quest and collecting 6+ wine casks.
-Terra has no quest guidance in Corsix
-Alice's face and sprite updated. No additional interactions added.
-If you cross into Corsix with Rhea/Alena and your dark/light, they will be removed from your harem. You will have the chance to recapture them later.
-Moved Cecilia's commissioned series into it's own entry in Replay Scenes
With the new version of Harem available to my patrons, the public version gets incremented to the version they were playing. c5m2 brings you up to just before the trial, with only Terra and Fiona's quest unavailable. 6 more slaves get their quests, and 'Ralph' gets 4 more events even while under house arrest.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3KuK ... TIzUTdrQUEc5m2 content additions:
-6 new slave Quests to gain votes in Corsix. Donna, Sarah, Cecilia, Phoebe, Cindy and Fenja now have their quests available.
-All quests will have a solution that doesn't involve your harem f%#^ing other people. But if you enjoy it, every quest does have a solution that involves your harem f@#$ing other people!
-4 additional night events. Even under house arrest, 'Ralph' gets plenty of action!
-Nicole will be captured even if you declined on night 4
-Expanded Eleanor interactions to put a name to the face.
-~300 pages of new text in the game
-316 new images in the game
-13 new in game scenes added, 2 bonus non-canon scenes added
Bug Fixes/Adjustments
-Adjusted Fenja and Sarah's tour stop. Sarah stops at the Sharpsword Inn, Fenja next door (east)
-Various map size fixes
-In Replay Scenes, pressing PgDn will end the current scene