Name: Naomi 'Nao' Belladonna Dawnlight
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Class: Sniper
Level: 1
HP: 8
LP: 13
Sanity: 100/100
Stats (10 points to spend, no stat can be lower than -4 or higher than +4, to start)
Strength: -1
Dexterity: 3
Endurance: -2
Intellect: 2
Wisdom: 3
Charisma: -1
Trait: One Shot Kill
Craft [Devices]
Perception [Environment]
Knowledge [Engineering]
Biography: Naomi was born into a rather wealthy noble family well known for innovations and inventions for a certain country. Her childhood was primarily based on following in her forefather's footsteps, learning about machines and inventions, to gather the past and add whatever she could to the growing mountains of knowledge that was her family's personal library. She did quite well in her lessons, even if a bit flew over her head. Alongside the theory craft of knowledge, she was also taught to create devices for the sake of the kingdom. A more efficient hoe or plow, boots that would wear more slowly, a trap that was rigged with gunpowder to explode when triggered... There was a troubling amount of weapons or devices meant to main and kill, rather than save or help. Perhaps that was how her family found themselves in good graces with the kingdom. It was a fact that scared her quite a bit when she finally was old enough to begin learning about firearms and weapons. Then she came across several accounts of her ancestors, lamenting about how their devices meant for the greater good was abused by greed and hubris. There, she learned that devices were never good or evil, merely the usage and intent were the deciding factors.
With that in mind, she decided to expand her knowledge and understanding on not only the mechanics of the world, but of herself and man. Her parents, harsh but fair people, decided to give Naomi their blessing and allowed her to leave her home if she wished, to embark upon a journey to discover her own truths to the world, and to add it to the family collection once she had before she was to be wed in 5 years time. Naomi, a still inexperienced scholar and engineer now, after growing into her role in the family, gratefully packed and departed. Her first destination, which was an interesting suggestion from her parents' circle of friends was to a mysterious gate.
Personality: A quiet and observant girl, she primarily comes off on first impressions as a detached and cold individual. However, this is only a defense mechanism to deter most from needlessly distracting and irritating her. She's actually quite laid back, but only when she has nothing important to focus on. Coming from a long lineage, she does try her best to appear as noble as her family's background would entail, but definitely fails to do so at times. A philosopher as well a scholar, she believes that the world's destiny moves in flows, that the state of the world is ever moving like a pendulum. The cycle can be broken, but it requires more than just herself and her family to move the world away from the Flow of Destiny. And most importantly, she is aware that everything in this world comes at a price, and that the secrets of the world come as heavy ones.
Description: (click to show/hide):
Equipment: Backpack, Rations (2 days), Bedroll, Dagger, 1 clockwork rifle[clip 5], 1 armor[light], 20 bullets.
Currency: 0 gold.