PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:17 pm

@ val so say i'm in a feild 10% if i'm in an area with less grass 8% but i don't see it being that bad esplice with how you might beable to catch weak pokemon and let them die so you and level up your pokemon. i do that all the time and it's an effective strat but cost alot with revies.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:14 pm

Huma, you don't have to double post. You can edit your previous post if you need to add something to it, if they're minutes apart.

Val, the scene he worked on with Eevee, I don't think that was when Bay and Eevee first met but when the team officially met Reed and he wanted to draw Eevee. She was morphed then.
Last edited by Dapper Gent on Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:24 pm

right... guessi can redo it
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:13 am

hmmm, I don't think your sketches are improving to the point of what Reed's sketches should be like.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Avian07 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:25 am

Arent we looking for accurate replication of Tracey's artwork?

Im sorry im not trying to bring you down but that is not close enough to be considered not to mention its on paper. We cant use an artwork via camera phone. If i have a digital tablet ill do it myself but im still in the process to fund myself one. lol
Last edited by Avian07 on Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:43 pm

Avian07 Wrote:Arent we looking for accurate replication of Tracey's artwork?

Im sorry im not trying to bring you down but that is not close enough to be considered not to mention its on paper. We cant use an artwork via camera phone. If i had a digital tablet ill do it myself but im still in the process to fund myself one. lol

We can do art via paper Avian, by scanning it in via printer so that it has the highest quality.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Hunden » Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:54 pm

I've looked a little on your pictures of Pokémon, and I sense a theme. :geek: Almost all full evolutions have crazy big breasts. Somewhere Pokemon Silicone seems more correct than Pokemon Pink. :lol:
I do not say this to be mean or offend you, it's alright. ;) It is very ... Japanese.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I am just to small breast. But that is my problem not your.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:55 pm

i got a printer to scan it and gimp but tracey dosn't use digital art. so a copy of what he dose wouldn't work on computer unless your extreamly talented on it.

and as for the picture at least i'm trying i'll get better each time i do it. so there. :p
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:14 pm

@Deadman, as someone who once had to use that method, I would be the first the say we won'the be taking in scans. The quality doesn't come out as good as you think.

@Hunden, well....anime/hentai styles were a big inspiration. :P But, even as the artist, I agree that some are a bit over the top. Though we/will explain why they get curvier with each evolution or why Pokémon who don't evolve have perky breasts too.

@Huma, we've already spoken about what the team is looking for when it comes to the sketches and have shown you examples. We won't be accepting anything less than that. As I said before, the sketch art isn't a must have in the game. We'd like to have them for the players but ultimately they're not needed. So if we don't find the artist for the job our hearts won't be broken over the matter.
Last edited by Dapper Gent on Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:53 pm

@ dapper why not something with both scan it then refine it on the computer?
@ avian you don't need fancy equipment to start trying to get a handle for it. also what kind of work where you thinking of doing with the tablet?
@ dapper i'll try my best to meat your conditions.
Last edited by Humadragon2016 on Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:09 pm

That'll be acceptible if it meets our criteria.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby ValturNaa » Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:08 pm

@huma did not mean to put you down with my last comment, it was a suggestion to correct the picture to match the situation in game where it would be used. Eevee is not and cannot be nonmorph at that point in the game, and therefore a nonmorph version of this picture is useless. I also find her natural form adorable and would happily see her featured in pokemon off-white (which sadly has not been updated in some time) or a similar animation portfolio. So far the only halfway decent eevee sex comic I've seen is oversexed eeveelutions, which featured wanton gender change (not something I'm into, personally) and periodic homosexual acts (also not my cup of tea). And that makes me sad.

As for the scanning and how digital art looks compared to sketches, I just have this to say. We can't provide downloadable paper prints of Tracey's sketches, therefore the sketches must be digital art that we *can* provide in a download. It should, however, be made to *look* like it was drawn on paper, which may mean using one of the many photo filters available to ink-and-paperize the picture once it is done. If this can be done from a scanned sketch, I'm all for it, but I agree with dapper that directly using scanned work does not provide the quality. It would need to be either re-drawn using the scan as a backdrop, or touched up (and frankly, drawing over it would probably be less work). Colors can be tweaked so that black lines are not completely black, which helps with the illusion of hand drawing, and shades if used can be made a simple gradient from the off-white paper to the off-black pencil, or a gradated hatch in the same pencil color.

Also I haven't personally had any trouble at all with the number of encounters in the current settings, which is why I set them the way I did. After testing, it felt right. But everyone's system is different and I've heard a lot of stories about back-to-back encounters. When the new engine comes out and I (or an easily accessible coder) have complete control over the RNG, an 8-10% chance per field is probably about right. For now it just has unpredictable effects.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:32 pm

thanks val. i could probly try something like witching the line colors to show witch colcor would be used if you colored it.
tho i might have to do it when i get back on sunday from thanksgivin. i can work on the drawings tho while i'm gone and i have been trying to replay the game so that when i reach reed i can come up with a better idealed drawing from his perspective and probly add some background and stuff with it.

also have you tried looking at AGNPH gallery? i would say some of the pictures that i saw are close to the idea that you want for the pokemon. i'm not sure but you can check it out and tell me if you think it be good material to use for refrince.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Avian07 » Wed Nov 23, 2016 12:00 pm

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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:02 pm

Where is my 'Like' button? That's really close to the kind of art we want.

Nicely done, Avian.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Avian07 » Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:12 pm

I just set the bar so its either they match or surpass that.

Thats not a very good sketch tbh. Its not clean enough. Took it with camera phone cause im dirt poor and dont have a scanner hahaha lol.

If anyone can edit over it feel free to do so.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby danigam » Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:25 pm

so...it`s not possible to get past Pewter yet? or find Flint?
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:26 pm

Once you trigger the two dialogues with Angelica head east out of Pewter then south. Rt 4 is the end at the moment.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby ValturNaa » Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:35 pm

Avian07 Wrote:I just set the bar so its either they match or surpass that.

Thats not a very good sketch tbh. Its not clean enough. Took it with camera phone cause im dirt poor and dont have a scanner hahaha lol.

If anyone can edit over it feel free to do so.

Cleanliness is overrated in paper art, tbh. The dirtiness of it makes it look authentically drawn. It's exactly the clean-ness of digital art that makes it stand out from hand sketching. Very nice piece. I'm thinking a digital trace over the lines, including the hatching, with a semi-standard paper texture behind it might be perfect.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Avian07 » Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:55 pm

ValturNaa Wrote:
Avian07 Wrote:I just set the bar so its either they match or surpass that.

Thats not a very good sketch tbh. Its not clean enough. Took it with camera phone cause im dirt poor and dont have a scanner hahaha lol.

If anyone can edit over it feel free to do so.

Cleanliness is overrated in paper art, tbh. The dirtiness of it makes it look authentically drawn. It's exactly the clean-ness of digital art that makes it stand out from hand sketching. Very nice piece. I'm thinking a digital trace over the lines, including the hatching, with a semi-standard paper texture behind it might be perfect.

I guess youre right, maybe im just being critical on myself. Never really took pride on my sketches. Tnx guys glad you like that sketch.

If we're gonna use that then that still needs editing nonetheless.
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