Kryger Wrote:Got pretty much bored with WoW after I hit 80. Nothing really to do. Went back to WC3 and started making maps for a hobby. I must say I'm glad I did. Still, Worgens are gonna be pretty badass.
Kryger Wrote:Got pretty much bored with WoW after I hit 80.
DemonFiren Wrote:Eh, Renara? You linked to a Fallout 3 Krys mod earlier, I believe. The link is banned...are there other sources for it? (Also, the pron mod...would you please tell me where it is?)
Kryger Wrote:Yea that's the problem though. Unless you're a really hardcore gamer, WoW isn't really fun until at least level 60. That's because of the raids. But you want to shoot yourself because of how many quests you have to do to even level up.
Csbears Wrote:I fear that the worgen race, just like the Belfs were overrun with little kids who thought they looked "COOL!", will be overrun with Twilight fans (the mostly emo girls) but i hope i am dead wrong. As far as why i stayed in game i had alot of friends who i liked to talk to from my school (and most of my classes) and i lvled, besides my (at the time) well geared Warrior tank, a prot paladin and a combat rogue to keep me occupied and they all had different professions so i could basically do almost everything by my damn self lol. When they released WotLK i got out of it a few months for a breather and got back into it with a vengeance to make up for missing out. I was also a achievement whore and liked to be unique because i detested the people who sat in cities all day doing almost nothing. I fell away from WoW when they basically killed Lore (a big part of the game for me) and for dumbing down the classes, for which i can never forgive them.![]()
My pick for the shitty TF weapwns is the pathetically weak engie pea shooter the Rail out of shells in ur SG (for whatever reason you had to blow out ur ammo on ur super sg..) ? here's to hopes and dreams ur enemy's are deaf dumb and blind to whatever your doing *thumbs up*
DemonFiren Wrote:Eh, Renara? You linked to a Fallout 3 Krys mod earlier, I believe. The link is banned...are there other sources for it? (Also, the pron mod...would you please tell me where it is?)
DemonFiren Wrote:Thanks.
Deaf, dumb and blind? Twilight fans? Yeah, you SO get the point. Write the word with T another time and I'll call Ctulhu upon you.
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