Soo Cubus (December 3, 2016)

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Re: Soo Cubus (November 4, 2016)

Postby Kionea » Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:00 pm

How do I get the 8th and last ending in the latest build? I just spent 2 hours getting the others and I'm exhausted.
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 4, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:33 am

Ungawa Wrote:And to think... You took out the mugger to save space. XD

Yeeeeah, I really need to put that poor bastard back in...

musical74 Wrote:I see a Final Fantasy 2 (or 4, depending on whether you are talking US/Canada or Japan) reference!

Unintentional or not, you can stack the bonuses - meaning you can start out with both bonuses from the war ending and the lost to the frog-landlord ending. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find out some of these new endings!
I'd been watching FFIV speedruns when I was working on the final battle. The compulsion to link the two was just too much for me to resist.

And yes, bonuses are absolutely meant to stack. It was the best method I could come up with to make subsequent playthroughs quicker while not going with a complete New Game + system.

no-one-special Wrote:First off, Love the game. Great job!

Secondly, I just completed ALL the endings and its pretty rewarding with all these bonuses you get.

Last run had me at 70 Str, 800+ Cha and 1000+ Int on day 80 or something like that since I was up till 3AM playing it.

There is still something I haven't gotten. There's this one key which I can't seem to unlock, The fourth one with what looks like an Eye or something like that. Has this been implemented yet, or did I overlook something?

P.S.: Chrono Trigger - Awesome game! I like how you're doing the whole multiple endings thing with Soo Cubus just like in Chrono Trigger.
Yep, that key exists in the game, and you can absolutely get it. It's probably one of the most asked-about items, and I'm sure it has been mentioned a few times in this thread. The only hint I'll give is that it comes from Sew.

And yes, Chrono Trigger is awesome like that. I doubt I'll ever make a game with only one ending.

Mixbreed18 Wrote:lol and I recently cracked that record with the new build. I always stop at 70 Strength and 100 INT because you don't get anything more for it after that point, bonus wise. Charisma on the other hand, keep raising that shit and you will have swimming in cash like Scrooge McDuck.

4000 Charisma nets $20,000 at the theater and getting the Charisma scene nets you $60,000. Making you $100,000 - $300,000 a day lol
I'm sure some devs would find such game-breaking stats horrifying, but that's just plain amusing to me.

Mixbreed18 Wrote:Aren't you grateful for such a loving community and fanbase? :D :lol: It's just the nature of it man. If you keep the fans happy though, you'll be fine
And everybody knows internet users are by far the easiest people on the planet to appease... /s...

Kionea Wrote:How do I get the 8th and last ending in the latest build? I just spent 2 hours getting the others and I'm exhausted.

The answers are in this thread somewhere.

Comments aside, new build, folks. I'm making the endings harder and harder to find, so... have fun?
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby WilsonAllied » Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:32 pm

I've found some exploits relating to the sewers. When you finish the "sewer level" or whatever, after getting the unique reward, you will get like 9 skillpoints or something. But you can just keep clicking, as many times as you want. Its the same when you fight the monsters, if you spam click "resist" you can skip almost all the levels.

Also can somone explain what the differnt items do? I know the frog lets you skip rent, and you need the anti-tent. spray for the deepest sewer, but what about all the other items?
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:58 pm

WilsonAllied Wrote:I've found some exploits relating to the sewers. When you finish the "sewer level" or whatever, after getting the unique reward, you will get like 9 skillpoints or something. But you can just keep clicking, as many times as you want. Its the same when you fight the monsters, if you spam click "resist" you can skip almost all the levels.

Also can somone explain what the differnt items do? I know the frog lets you skip rent, and you need the anti-tent. spray for the deepest sewer, but what about all the other items?
Just fixed the unique reward exploit, but I wasn't aware of spamming the other buttons. I'll test it out. Thanks. I've taken steps to disable buttons during those moments, but Stencyl just doesn't seem to care.

The other items... I'll let the other folks in this thread deal with that.
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby meisbi » Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:42 pm

great game! Have played it excessively now and found all endings except the new one :)
I like the sewers but still haven't figured out what the beasts are and how to get to them. I saw the StrengthBeast a few times but I beat it everytime and it didn't seem to have any effect on the game. I have a theory on how to get it to appear but am not very sure whether this is true:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

When in strength mode it has a chance to appear on the lowest (hardest) sewer level

Is this true? How to get the other beasts? And what to do with them?

WilsonAllied Wrote:I've found some exploits relating to the sewers. When you finish the "sewer level" or whatever, after getting the unique reward, you will get like 9 skillpoints or something. But you can just keep clicking, as many times as you want.

I found this glitch as well and it helped me compensate for the frog fight stealing all my Charisma! I hope this is a bug and will get fixed because it's the only fight where the Chr-loss is permanent (except for those double fights where you enter the second fight already bruised).

WilsonAllied Wrote:Also can somone explain what the differnt items do? I know the frog lets you skip rent, and you need the anti-tent. spray for the deepest sewer, but what about all the other items?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Each of those items is linked to one lover (I let you figure out the right combinations :p ). It gives you extra scenes with them, can protect them and in one case even decides whether you get another key or another ending...

Anyway, keep up the good work!

PS: Any more hints on the last ending? I'm fighting the sewers through and through but only ever get the already known sewer endings...
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby musical74 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:11 pm

I know the -beast is related to what perk you choose at the beginning of the game. meaning if you get the STR perk you'll get STRbeat, charm gets the charmbeast and INT gets the intbeast. Each one gives you interesting rewards if you successfully resist its charms and sleep at home, the beastie might give you a surprise visit! While I like the int perk (int seems to be the least useful early, so I use it to get int up while I focus on the other ones) others like the str or charm perk, it's all dependent on your own play style!
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby meisbi » Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:30 pm

Sexums Wrote:- Fixed the lover intro scenes, so you get the amount of Stamina you're properly owed.

The dropbox link on your dev site points to version Pre-Alpha 3.6.5. In this version this still doesn't work for me, I always only get 3 stamina after the first sleepover...

Also I have some usability feature requests:
  • The game is arranged in three tabs, I'll just call them Work, Sleepover and Special. But regardless from which tab you start an action or even just enter the status screen, you always return to the Work tab. This can be very cumbersome, e.g. when you are trying to only fight hobos. So it'll be cool if the game remembers which tab I came from. Only exception might be "sleep", since I don't need the Sleepover tab after just waking up...
  • I always forget which perk I chose in the start. Since the perk does influence gameplay quite a bit and therefor should influence your strategy it would be nice, if you could see the choice in the status screen.
  • I like the sewers a lot, but when you traverse them very often the long fade out after successful fights gets annoying. I tried a lot of strategies how to just "click" them away, but it seems you can only wait until the game finally continues.
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby Bartangelus » Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:51 pm

Is there a way to keep your achievement from one build to another ?
Bad english spotted !

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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby olz163 » Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:33 pm

Can anyone help me with uncompleted endings?
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby Ungawa » Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:17 pm

olz163 Wrote:Can anyone help me with uncompleted endings?
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby someonenoone11 » Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:18 pm

How to get the key with the flying boat and what does the robot upgrade kit do?
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby 5000cloud » Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:01 pm

How do I get the 2nd to last ending? I already have all the others.
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby Schlongmeister75 » Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:34 pm

someonenoone11 Wrote:How to get the key with the flying boat and what does the robot upgrade kit do?

Both are from/for the crazy nun lady, keep betting on horse races and losing a few times and you get her.
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby someonenoone11 » Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:52 am

5000cloud Wrote:How do I get the 2nd to last ending? I already have all the others.

Get the frog for the landlord. He'll turn into a frog monster. Lose to him.
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby musical74 » Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:23 pm

someonenoone11 Wrote:
5000cloud Wrote:How do I get the 2nd to last ending? I already have all the others.

Get the frog for the landlord. He'll turn into a frog monster. Lose to him.

He won't turn into a frog monster unless you pay rent with your body at least once though. If you always pay rent with money and never pay rent with sex, when you give him the frog, he'll just become like a frog and there's no fight at all. You HAVE to have had sex once with the landlord for the frog-monster to show up
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:29 pm

meisbi Wrote:
Sexums Wrote:- Fixed the lover intro scenes, so you get the amount of Stamina you're properly owed.

The dropbox link on your dev site points to version Pre-Alpha 3.6.5. In this version this still doesn't work for me, I always only get 3 stamina after the first sleepover...

Also I have some usability feature requests:
  • The game is arranged in three tabs, I'll just call them Work, Sleepover and Special. But regardless from which tab you start an action or even just enter the status screen, you always return to the Work tab. This can be very cumbersome, e.g. when you are trying to only fight hobos. So it'll be cool if the game remembers which tab I came from. Only exception might be "sleep", since I don't need the Sleepover tab after just waking up...
  • I always forget which perk I chose in the start. Since the perk does influence gameplay quite a bit and therefor should influence your strategy it would be nice, if you could see the choice in the status screen.
  • I like the sewers a lot, but when you traverse them very often the long fade out after successful fights gets annoying. I tried a lot of strategies how to just "click" them away, but it seems you can only wait until the game finally continues.

- Fixed. Blogger has been touchy about not updating edits correctly of late, I've found.

- The game jumps back to the Work screen every time because all of the trigger conditions for the cut scenes are located in that section of Stencyl, along with other bits of code that sort of 'reset' what's going. I might undertake exporting all that stuff to the other screens in the future, but it would be a long time before I do, since the potential for things going wrong is pretty high. I'm endeavouring to make the sequel game less laborious in this regard, and all the important stuff should be available from a single screen.

- Good point. I can add that to the status screen when I revamp it, as I want it to look more stylish and less cluttered.

- Sure, I can get rid of the lag time in sewer combat.

Bartangelus Wrote:Is there a way to keep your achievement from one build to another ?

As long as you don't choose New Game your achievements should carry over from one build to the next. If they aren't then I assume the save file is located somewhere else on your computer, which I find happens if you play one session of the game in your internet browser and another from, say, your desktop. Don't think there's much I can do about changing that.

musical74 Wrote:
someonenoone11 Wrote:
5000cloud Wrote:How do I get the 2nd to last ending? I already have all the others.

Get the frog for the landlord. He'll turn into a frog monster. Lose to him.

He won't turn into a frog monster unless you pay rent with your body at least once though. If you always pay rent with money and never pay rent with sex, when you give him the frog, he'll just become like a frog and there's no fight at all. You HAVE to have had sex once with the landlord for the frog-monster to show up

Not quite. The FrogLord bit triggers only after your first play-through. Wanted it to be a bit of a surprise for players who rely on the frog to kill off the rent, but at the same time I didn't want to punish players who are just starting out.
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby someonenoone11 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:20 am

Sexums Wrote:Not quite. The FrogLord bit triggers only after your first play-through. Wanted it to be a bit of a surprise for players who rely on the frog to kill off the rent, but at the same time I didn't want to punish players who are just starting out.

Killing rent is too easy with Jail or Amelia. Gameover doesn't trigger for sleeping with the landlord in prison, and amelia is really easy to rush. Hope you add an amelia animation (or several) for every job. Also would be nice to remove the cutscene textbox at will. Some character sprites are always blocked by the box. Shame your art is unaccessible :(
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby Segrael » Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:53 pm

I have 7 keys, and when i go to the golden tower, becuase i already done the 4 keys's ending, i see the 6 keyholes. But when i lick in the "proceed" button, its trigger the 4 key's dialogue. Why?

PS: Sorry for the bad english
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby bd17032 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:56 pm

Anyone have the bug issue with the dates. At the end it wont let me select any option.
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Re: Soo Cubus (November 11, 2016)

Postby CaptchasAreHard » Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:52 am

Anyone figure out the last key? I've tried a lot of stuff and can't figure it out

some bugs:
The dates at the restaurant seem to be using up a ton of CPU power.
the +1 to all skills seems to balance out your str and int. whent he chrbeast scene played i had str go down to where my int was but when i got a +1 in all skills in the sewer int went up to the level of my strength.
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