PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:16 pm

Alright. when i am able to.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:18 pm

tho i do not know your email mine is [email protected]
also great game so far i really like the difrences between humbird0's maps.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:33 am

But first i have to get about say 8? more post so- i'm not sure when i beable to do so. esply since i don't know your email yet. but i can still work on a few of them and try my bet to help out.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:56 am

So i know this game and humbird0's is focusing on the kanto 150 pokemon but i was wondering if you where thinking of adding all 151... if anything i did a rough drawing of togepi anyways. probly not what you would want but- also sorry for how it might look the camra on my ipad is knda screwy.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Nov 17, 2016 3:48 am

Togepi is technically Gen 2 (Johto). Although we're are planning to add in 25 or so non-Kanto morphs, Togepi is not amongst them. That will be in the next game.

Also, as monumental as it sounds, my plan is to eventually do all pokemon. They'll all be packed into the final game, hopefully.

You won't need my email. Just click the PM button under my name.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 3:50 am

hold on so you plan to do all 150+ up to witch game cuz if it's all up to the new SUN and MOON game that might be quit the amount of art and we might need even more artist to work on it.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 3:52 am

also i'm not able to yet cuz i need to post more. so it'll have to wait.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dead2112man » Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:32 am

Dapper, he just registered, he will need to do a few more posting before he can do any Private Messages to anyone.

Hello HumaDragon2016, how about this seeing how you feel like stepping up to the plate to swing at try to draw like tracy (not bad togepi by the way). So how about this, you give you best shoot at try to draw are Eevee. In what way you might ask, as if she is being shy and trying to hide behind Bay slightly. The reason I say like that is for if you have played the mount moon area of are game, that is the first sketch Reed will every give you no matter what. If you need to see what are Eevee and Bay look like, here are two links below.

I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:35 am

Thanls Dead and i saw them during game play they seem cool.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:14 am

Just becuz i know Eevee wasn't all ways as sexy as she is now i added her when she first met bay.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:42 am

Yep. All pokemom, including Sun and Moon morphs. Will we get there? Probably not, but I'm looking forward to trying. As for getting more artists on the job, we'll see. The artists I look for have to fit a very specific niche.

Speaking of which, you don't have to do Eevee. You can use any morph. You just have have to draw it in a manner similar to Tracey Sketch in the show.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:43 am

oh ok... i did it anyways tho... looks good too.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:45 am

i can do pms now THX DEAD
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:50 am

guess i'll start orking on KANGASHAN since she looks like the hardest for me now. let me know witch you might want next
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:23 am

huh it was easier then i thought.... and i took two down with one stone. also you planing on adding the saffarizone too? cuz this might be a good sceen for you.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby musical74 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:26 am

late to the party, but think I will say what I've noticed, having gotten to the area just past Pewter City...

The encounter rate for wild pokemorphs seems to be extremely high, and it's more *frustrating* than anything else since beyond a certain level fighting them is useless. If Bay is level 4 and he's fighting a level 1 pokemorph, it's useless...but areas that have tall grass seem to be BEYOND swarming. Another issue is *what good is the sword???* While a nod to the original legend of Zelda is nice, far as I can tell there's not a reason to have it, you can't do anything with it (like cut down branches)

While I like that Bay is more aware of things than Ash is (Ash's innocence irritates me on occasion) and catching cosplay Pikachu was fun (woohoo!) think I'm stuck trying to find Brock, given I can't go all that far into the desert and the extreme encounter rate makes me want to say *screw it, either I'm missing something in town (most likely, there's reference to an item that might help) or it's a very careful way around the desert, but with every 4th step being an encounter, I want to ragequit*
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:28 am

Hey Musical. The sword is an item you trade to someone in Viridian who gives an item to trade for in Pewter, etc.

Unfortunately the encounter rate is an issue in the program. Groups of Pokémon are placed in layers with each layer giving a chance to encounter something. That means in 5 steps we can encounter just as many pokemon. We can't change that in the current program but it is one of many issues we'll be correcting in the new one.

Have you done the small encounters with Angelica in Pewter? If so head east out of Pewter then immediately go south into the crater area. There should be footprints in the sand.

And yes Humadragon, we're going to have the Safari Zone. We're planning on visiting most of the places that were in the animals and the games, as well as some that weren't and/or that were created for our game.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:41 pm

Anime* not animals, dapper :P . And yeah, would you believe there's only an 8% chance per movement tile of generating an encounter? I think I knocked that down to 5 or 6 in the latest version, but somehow humbird's engine counts steps multiple times and seems to be stuck on the low numbers in the RNG, which not only gives us far more than an 8% chance, but occasionally forces us through *back-to-back* encounters (one tester told me he experienced no less than 6 battles before he could return to the overland map). I'm very strongly considering restricting movement to tile centers in the next version, and performing the encounter check in the player movement code, just to fix that. Unfortunately I've been running into problems building that engine, so it's still nowhere near ready. I have to somehow make an easy-to-build map that runs off a tile and not sprites, which might involve creating an editor...and I'm no programmer. A scripter, at best. So all I can do is keep trying, or hope that someone with more coding qualifications comes to my aid.

@Humadragon - in that eevee picture, eevee has already morphed.

So, I've been feeling overwhelmed by all the crazy crap that I need to do, both online and off, and at Dapper's suggestion I've been taking a couple weeks off from the games. I'm feeling better now and super psyched to get back to work (just watch; that will last for about two hours of wrestling with humbird's editor to make things work right).
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:44 pm

Yeah, my phone loves auto-correcting my posts on here. I hate it. Stupid phone.

We're super psyched to have you back! We've done a lot while you were away.
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Dapper Gent
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Humadragon2016 » Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:14 pm

@Val yea i know she morphed but just becuz she morphed dosn't mean i can't add her non-morphed form. besides i think both are kinda cute.

also when i play it i'd give it a 10% battle rate it depends on how you get by the grass.
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