The Devil strikes: the Year of the Beast (OOC, open!)

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The Devil strikes: the Year of the Beast (OOC, open!)

Postby Randomizer4 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:04 pm

The year is 666 anno domini and the Roman Empire is no more… Not as we know it at least. Emperor Konstans II reigns from Constantinople and not since Justinian has the Empire seen glory. True Romans barely hold on to Roma, the heart of Christendom. And recently, the empire was shocked with the rise of Islam, and the prophet Mohammed conquered many of the southern provinces and wrested control of three of the holy seats of the Patriarchs from the Empire: Alexandria, Antioch and holy Jerusalem. With the Byzantine Empire beset on all fronts and the imperial court weak and powerless, the decline of the Rome seems final.
There are things the great histories do not speak of, however. Stranger things are happening. Plagues which kill in horrible ways, people who succumb to insanity without warning, and two strange red stars in the night sky. The pious whisper of the End of Time, that God has abandoned the Christians for failing to hold the Holy Cities. More sinister people turn away from the cross, choosing to side with darkness over the light, and secretly worship Satan himself. Who will take up divine arms and holy wisdom to defend the empire from the unseen threats?

His Majesty the emperor has summoned you to his court for a secret meeting. Because of your great intellect, wisdom, cunning, or fighting prowess he has chosen you to attend this secret meeting. Officially there is no reason given, but you have a clue. Everyone knows. He seeks to stop the Satanists before it is too late. The Palace in Constantinople glisters with gold and riches and the Royal Guards eye suspiciously at any visitor… The very seat of power of the Empire was always being attacked from forces from within, but it has been calm lately, perhaps because of the Year, perhaps because people finally realise the true threat that is looming…

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I have chosen the Roman (Byzantine) Empire in 666, the year of the Beast, as the setting for this RP. I wanted to do something in a bit of a dark setting, in our own world as it slowly spirals out of control… I found that one of the great things of horror is that people refuse to belief the world is not the way it should be. And that is exactly how the rp will feel… You will be at the forefront of the world turning mad, but not everyone will belief it. The forces of the evil and magic will manifest as we get further into the story, and you might need to harness these powers if you are to defeat evil. But stare too long into the abyss and the abyss will stare back… Perhaps it is wiser to stay pure and hope that the holy light will help you. I’m not Christian myself but I think that harnessing the “lore” our own world has created would be awesome. I hope other people are interested as well! The only thing I will add to the alternate reality is that the Gospel of Mary reached the official Bible, resulting in the emancipation of Man and Woman (You won’t have any more problems playing a girl than you would have in a modern setting).
A little lesson for those who might not know every little part of world history:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Ability scores: Your scores make the core of your character, and will give them a bonus on certain actions. The bonus is not the value of the score itself, but rather the ‘’Abbility bonus”. This bonus is counted like this: A score of 10/11 will give you a +0 bonus, while 12/13 will give a +1, 14/15 a +2, 16/17+3, etc. When you go under ten you will gain maluses: 9/8 a -1, and 7 a -2.
Skills: I will roll a 20 sided die whenever we need to make a skill check. You will usually get a bonus for the skill points you put in that skill, plus the bonus on your ability score for the ability that the skill uses.
Every class will have certain: “Class skills” If they have at least one skill point in this skill, they will gain another + 3 bonus on this skill.
Combat: Combat happens in 6 second turns, in which you can use an action and move. Attack rolls will be a D20 + the relevant attack bonus (melee or ranged), you will need to beat the opponents armour rating to score a hit. The damage will be determined by the weapon you use to attack. If you roll a 20 on the attack die, you do double damage. If an enemy reaches 0 hit points, it will die. If you reach 0 hit points, you will fall unconscious.
Light/Darkness: Performing certain actions that are considered Christian or Satanic will push you further into said direction. This stat will be secret but will sometimes help or hinder you.
Satanist: If we reach 6 players, one of you will be a satanist mole from the start, and his goal will be to hinder the other characters, or help them in a way that pleases his dark master.

Every character will choose a class, which will define his strengths and weaknesses. At some point every character will get a choice: The Light, The Dark Magic or their own abilities (Note that a cleric cannot remain neutral). Using the dark magic doesn’t make you evil, but is not without risk! These new classes will redefine their class’s abilities! The (Light, neutral, dark) progressions are between ().

Warrior (Crusader/Hero/Spellsword):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The main combat class for those who want to focus mainly on the killing parts. Perhaps you are a loyal soldier, or a gladiator in one of the underground fighting competitions, or a Barbarian from far far away. Either way, your martial skill has reached the ears of the Basileus in Constantinople and he has called upon you.
Weapon skills:

Simple weapons (clubs, maces, spears, short bows, etc.)
Martial weapons (Swords, pikes, composite bows, javelins, etc.)
Light Armour (leather and stuff)
Medium Armour (Lamellar mostly)
Heavy Armour (Cataphract style)

Skill points: 2+int bonus. Attack bonus: +3.
CLASS SKILLS: Bluff, Intimidate, Ride, Survival.
Level 1 abilities:
True Strike (instant): Twice per day, the Warrior can use his weapon to deliver an awesome blow, getting a +10 to the next attack roll and doing double damage. (Remember to say when you use this ability!)
Endurance (instant): Once per day, if you would otherwise fall unconscious from lack of hitpoints, stay at 1 hitpoint.
Taunt (action): Once per day, you can taunt all nearby enemies to attack you (how you do this is your description not mine)
Passive: Intimidating gear: Gain a +2 on intimidate checks when you have your weapons out.
Indication of future: Your warrior will focus more and more on his preferred style of combat and will learn to take down enemies with extreme skill.

Inventory picks:
Heavy armour or Medium Armour+ a martial weapon.
A two handed martial weapon or a non-two handed weapon + a shield.
Three daggers or a ranged weapon.
Extra clothes when necessary.
20 Solidi (Gold pieces).
Extra items where needed.

Officer (Paladin/Strategos/Warlock):
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You are a man learned in the ways of war, a soldier who climbed through the ranks or someone of noble birth. Loyal to the emperor or one of the other nobles and generals, your mix between fighting strength, intelligence and charisma make you a natural leader. You might lack the fighting power of the warrior, the intellect of a scholar or the charisma of a cleric, but your all roundness makes you strong.
Level 1 abilities: Rally (instant): Once per day, rally your comrades, giving them (but not you) a +2 bonus on all rolls for 1 minute (10 rounds).
Challenge (instant): Once per day, challenge a foe of your choice, you gain a +3 bonus on all attack rolls and a +2 on your armour rating against this foe.
Tactics: Each day, set the tactics you wish to use. You, your party and any allies will get the bonuses. Volley fire: +1 attack and damage for ranged weapons. Pike Wall: +2 attack and damage versus cavalry. Testudo: -1 damage from enemy ranged weapons Swarm: +1 attack against enemies that are facing two or more allies on their own.
Passive: Officer of the Empire: Gain a +2 on bluff, diplomacy, sense motive and intimidate checks on characters that would be subordinate to you by rank.
Indication of future: The buffs on your officer will become better, as will his ability to lead and fight himself.
Weapon Skills:
Simple weapons (clubs, maces, spears, short bows, etc.)
Martial weapons (Swords, pikes, composite bows, javelins, etc.)
Light Armour (leather and stuff)
Medium Armour (Lamellar mostly)

Skill points: 3+ int bonus. Attack bonus: +2. CLASS SKILLS: Charm, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Knowledge Empire and Nobility, Knowledge Tactics and Strategy.
Inventory picks:
Medium Armour or Light Armour + a martial weapon.
A horse and a lance or a martial weapon + a shield.
A simple weapon or an expensive piece of jewellery.
A book (of your choice) or a holy symbol.
Extra items, clothes.
100 solidi (gold pieces).

Scholar (Theurg/Philosopher/Sorcerer):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You are a learned person, perhaps you fled from the enlightened city of Alexandria or have read the great works somewhere else, but you know most, and the changes in the world will most likely not have eluded you. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt though, and your doubt might have you turn to those powers your emperor calls you to fight against.
Level 1 abilities:
Keen memory (instant): Once per day, if you fail an intelligence or wisdom check, you can try again next turn (don’t forget to request this!)
Unnatural deduction (action): Twice per day, if you have no clue on what to do, you can use this ability to make a ridiculous deduction that will help you forward.
Wordplay (instant): Twice per day, use your intelligence instead of your charisma on a charisma check.
Passive: Prediction: Use your INT, instead of your DEX to determine your armour class.
Indication of the future: MAGIC! You will be the most magic heavy class when this comes into play. You might be a bit weak until then, but hang on!
Weapon Skills:
Simple weapons (clubs, maces, spears, short bows, etc.)

Skill points: 4+int bonus. Attack bonus: +0. CLASS SKILLS: Diplomacy, Heal, Linguistics, Sense Motive, ALL knowledge skills.
Inventory picks:
A simple weapon.
A book of your choice.
A book of your choice or a holy symbol of your choice.
Ink, a pen and parchment or a dagger.
Food, extra items, clothes and 30 solidi (GP)

Cleric (Saint/Inquisitor):
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You are a man of the cross, perhaps a monk or a priest, you are knowledgeable about the church and someone of great piousness. Your party will need spiritual guidance and God is the one who will give it to you. Your faith will bring forth miracles if God commands it.
Level 1 abilities: Pray (action): Three times per day, you can pray and roll a straight up WIS check, to see if something might happen. No guarantees on anything, but could be very powerful.
DEUS VULT (instant): Once per day, persuade someone(s) that what you want is the will of the Lord (+10 on diplomacy check).
Passive: Holy Aura: God protects even without you knowing. (You gain a +1 armour rating)
Passive: Man of the Cross: You gain a +2 on diplomacy and bluff checks against Christians, but a -2 against people who are not.
The future: You will most likely gain the favour of the G O single D and gain cool cleric powers and stuff.
Skill points: 2+int bonus. Attack bonus: +1. CLASS SKILLS: Diplomacy, Heal, Sense Motive, Knowledge Christianity, Knowledge History.

Weapon Skills:

Simple weapons (clubs, maces, spears, short bows, etc.)
Light Armour (leather and stuff)
Medium Armour (Lamellar mostly)

Inventory picks:
A simple weapon.
Medium armour or Light armour and another simple weapon.
A holy symbol.
A book (of your choice) or a shield.
A piece of jewellery or a minor relic.
Food, Extra items, clothes and 20 Solidi.

Rogue (Holy Blade/Shadow/Assassin):
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You know of the real world. Perhaps you are a spy, a thief or a prostitute. Somehow your cunning has placed you in the eye of his Majesty and he has either invited or captured you to be part of this mission. You can do combat, but prefer surprise. You can be charismatic, but prefer a lie, and you can be intelligent, but prefer a cunning plan.
Level 1 abilities: Sneak attack (instant): Gain a +5 on attack rolls and double damage when you attack someone who doesn’t see it coming.
Passive: Uncanny dodge: Gain half damage from sneak attacks, traps and other sudden attacks.
Sexpert (action): Once per day, gain a +5 bonus on a charm check.
Passive: Lethal strike: A 20 on an attack roll does quadruple damage (instead of double for others).
Weapon skills:

Simple weapons (clubs, maces, spears, short bows, etc.)
Martial weapons (Swords, pikes, composite bows, javelins, etc.)
Light Armour (leather and stuff)

Skill points: 8+int modifier. Attack bonus: +2. CLASS SKILLS: Acrobatics, Bluff, Charm, Disarm Traps, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth, Survival, Knowledge Occult.
Inventory picks:
Light armour
A short sword and a dagger or two daggers and a ranged weapon.
Thieves tools or a shield.
A martial weapon or a forger’s kit.
Food, extra items, clothes, and 20 Solidi.

Character Sheet:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: [Your name +Surname if you want to]
Age: [Your age, 18+ would be preferred cause reasons]
Gender: [M/F]
Place of Birth: [However specific you want to get]
Class: [Your class]
Background: [Your background, up to the point that you got your invitation for the secret meeting]
Appearance: [picture or description!]
Level: [1]

Ability Scores:

(You will start with 10 in each score, and get 14 points extra. You can also decrease scores to get extra points, but no score can be below 7)
Strength (STR): 10
Dexterity (DEX): 10
Constitution (CON): 10
Intelligence (INT): 10
Wisdom (WIS): 10
Charisma (CHA): 10

HP: (3+Constitution score)
Armour Rating: 10+ (Dex bonus + Armour rating+ Shield rating)
Attack bonus melee: (class bonus + Strength bonus)
Attack bonus ranged: (class bonus+ Dexterity Bonus)
Armour penalty: Adding up these stats from your armour and shields will determine this score, which will be a malus to all dexterity checks)

Skills: (Each skill point you invest in a skill will give you a plus one bonus on that check, you cannot invest more than double your level into a skill. (So 2 points for now (level 1))
Acrobatics (dex): Will be used when you need to do something acrobatic.
Bluff (cha): Will be used when you need to lie.
Charm (cha): Will be used to use your attractiveness or sexiness to persuade people.
Diplomacy (cha): Will be used when you need to persuade someone.
Disarm Traps (Int): Will be used to… disarm traps.
Heal (Wis): Will be used to apply first aid or determine someone’s injuries, etc.
Intimidate (Cha): Will be used to scare people into doing what you want.
Linguistics (Int): Will be used to decipher codes and determines your knowledge of language.
Perception (Wis): Will be used to spot, hear, smell, feel etc.
Ride (Dex): Will be determined to see how good you can ride on horseback.
Sense Motive (Wis): Will be used to see if another person is telling the truth or is suspicious.
Stealth (Dex): Will be used to be sneaky.
Survival (Wis): Will be used to survive in the wilderness.

Knowledge Christianity (Int+Wis/2): Your knowledge of the Bible, Church history and hierarchy etc.
Knowledge Empire and Nobility (Int): Your knowledge of the current state, hierarchy, cities and what not in the empire.
Knowledge Occult (Int): Your knowledge of the dark side of the church.
Knowledge History (Int): Your knowledge of world history.
Knowledge Tactics & Strategy (Int + Wis/2): Your knowledge on how to lead troops or an army.
Knowledge Islam (Int): Your knowledge of the new faith.

Class abilities: [Copy paste for now]


Weapons and armour:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(If you want to request another weapon, just put it on your sheet with a little “!” so I can examine it and the stats)
Simple weapons:
Spear: DMG: 1d6+STR. (Piercing)
Club: DMG: 1d6+STR. (Bludgeoning, can be used as a main hand weapon when dual wielding)
Mace: DMG: 1d8+STR. (Bludgeoning, can be used as a main hand weapon when dual wielding)
Dagger: DMG: 1d4+STR or DEX. (Slashing, Can be thrown and can be dual wielded)
Shortbow: DMG: 1d6+DEX (Piercing)
Axe: 1d6+1.5x STR (Slashing)

Martial weapons:
Lance: DMG: 1d8+STR (Piercing, does double damage on horseback, two handed)
Pike: DMG: 1d8+STR (Two-handed, this weapon can be used to keep enemies at a distance)
Battle axe: DMG: 1d8+STRx1.5 (Slashing, can be used as a main hand weapon when dual wielding)
Short sword: DMG: 1d6+STR or Dex (Piercing or Slashing, Also does critical damage on a 19, can be used as a main hand weapon when dual wielding)
Long sword: DMG: 1d8+STR (Slashing, Also does critical damage on a 19)
Great sword: DMG: 2d6+STR (Slashing, two handed)
Great axe: DMG: 1d12+STRx1.5) (Slashing, two handed)
Composite/Recurve bow: DMG: 1d8+Dex (Piercing, does triple instead of double crit damage)

Light Armour:
Leather: Armour rating +2, Armour penalty: -1
Studded Leather: Armour rating +3, Armour penalty: -2
Chain Shirt: Armour rating +4, Armour penalty: -3

Medium Armour:
Lamellar: Armour rating +5, Armour penalty: -3
Reinforced Lamellar: Armour rating +6, Armour penalty: -4

Heavy Armour:
Mail Armour: Armour rating +6, armour penalty -6
Plated Metal: Armour rating +7, armour penalty -7
Cathapractoi Armour: Armour rating +9, armour penalty -10

Light Shield: Armour rating +1.
Heavy Shield: Armour rating +2, armour penalty -1.

Final notes: Join if you want to! Don't be shy :3 I probably forgot some stuff which you'll point me to.
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

Am back here as of february, so do get back in touch if you missed me or if you wanna chat or rp!
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Re: The Devil strikes: the Year of the Beast (OOC, open!)

Postby Randomizer4 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:35 pm


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Emperor Konstans
Age: 36
Gender: M
Place of Birth: Konstantinopoulos (Constantinople)
Class: Officer
Background: A pious and popular emperor who got on the throne due to pressure from the people. His reign saw the advance of the Arab muslims into more Roman territory, but the real threat he fears are the heretics at home…
Tremissis_of_Constans_II_Pogonatus.jpg (27.47 KiB) Viewed 772 times

Level: 1

Ability Scores:

(You will start with 10 in each score, and get 14 points extra. You can also decrease scores to get extra points, but no score can be below 7)
Strength (STR): 14
Dexterity (DEX): 12
Constitution (CON): 8
Intelligence (INT): 12
Wisdom (WIS): 14
Charisma (CHA): 14

HP: (3+8=11)
Armour Rating: 10+ (1 + 6+ 0=17)
Attack bonus melee: (2 + 2=4)
Attack bonus ranged: (2+ 1=3)
Armour penalty: (Adding up these stats from your armour and shields will determine this score, which will be a malus to all dexterity checks): -4

Skills: (Each skill point you invest in a skill will give you a plus one bonus on that check, you cannot invest more than double your level into a skill. (So 2 points for now (level 1)) (3+1 skill points available).
Acrobatics (dex): +1 from dex -4 armour penalty
Bluff (cha): +2 from cha
Charm (cha): +2 from cha
Diplomacy (cha): 1 point (+3 from class skill) +2 from cha =+6
Disarm Traps (Int):. +1 from int
Heal (Wis): 2
Intimidate (Cha): 2
Linguistics (Int): 1
Perception (Wis): 2
Ride (Dex): 1 -4 armour penalty
Sense Motive (Wis): 1 point (+3 from class skill) +1=5
Stealth (Dex): 1 -4 armour penalty
Survival (Wis): 2

Knowledge Christianity (Int+Wis/2): 1 point + (+3/2=1.5=1)=2
Knowledge Empire and Nobility (Int): 1 point (+3 from class skill)+1=5
Knowledge Occult (Int): 1
Knowledge History (Int): 1
Knowledge Tactics & Strategy (Int + Wis/2): 1

Class abilities: Level 1 abilities: Rally (instant): Once per day, rally your comrades, giving them (but not you) a +2 bonus on all rolls for 1 minute (10 rounds).
Challenge (instant): Once per day, challenge a foe of your choice, you gain a +3 bonus on all attack rolls and a +2 on your armour rating against this foe.
Tactics: Each day, set the tactics you wish to use. You, your party and any allies will get the bonuses. Volley fire: +1 attack and damage for ranged weapons. Pike Wall: +2 attack and damage versus cavalry. Testudo: -1 damage from enemy ranged weapons Swarm: +1 attack against enemies that are facing two or more allies on their own.
Passive: Officer of the Empire: Gain a +2 on bluff, diplomacy, sense motive and intimidate checks on characters that would be subordinate to you by rank.

Medium Armour or Light Armour + a martial weapon. Reinforced Lamellar
A horse and a lance or a martial weapon + a shield.
A simple weapon or an expensive piece of jewellery.
A book (of your choice) or a holy symbol.
Extra items, clothes: The emperor’s purple toga, plus some other emperor stuff.
100 solidi (gold pieces). (not actual estimated wealth of emperor)
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

Am back here as of february, so do get back in touch if you missed me or if you wanna chat or rp!
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Joined: Sun May 15, 2016 10:28 pm
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